.Wt-tTnif t-vw r; "WWP?FWWlf 'J'fsSiW ' ' 16 The Cfljnmoney. VOLUME 11,.,NUMBER ft Iete Encvclo A New ComD edia I r Direct from the Publishing House at a Price Within the Reach of Every One By a special co-oporatlvo arrangomont with a laTgo .eadtprn publishing houso Commoner readers are offered an opportunity to secure a now, comrjlgte, up-to-date, authentic Encyclo pedia at'iT -prlco within the reach of all. tlorotoforo It was necessary to publish all compjoto and authoritative works In an impos ing aggregation of unwieldy, bulky volumes re quiring a special bookcase, and at a big price. By new mothods of bookmaking and the use of thin Bible paper the publishers of the Practi cal American Encyclopedia have issued this fa mous work in two floxlblo, handy volumes, con taining tho samo number of pages and same sizo of typo as their former editions printed in five massive volumes and sold at a high price. This now 2-volumo edition is a triumph of the bookmaker's art, bound in beautiful flexible leather, and was made to retail at $12 per set. Our special co-operative arrangement enables Commoner readers to socure this handsome 2 volumo set, direct and prepaid, at the publisher's lowest net wholesale price, thus saving all book sellers' profits and agents' commissions. At tho nrico auoted In our special CASH OFFER below every Commoner reader can afford and should have this Encyclopedia. An Encyclopedia for All A rnltahlo EncvcloDodla has long boon a neces sity to ovory business and professional man, in dispensable to tho student and a source of educa tion and intorcst in ovory homo. It enlarges and doflnos impressions already re ceived, widens an appreciation of art and litera ture, and extends a Knowledge or Historical ana sciontlflo progress. As a real help to tho busy men and women of this ago it constitutes tho most complete and all-informing general library that can bo obtained. Fathers and mothers aro frequently importuned by tholr children for explanation concerning sub jects that arise at school. In fact evory family and individual has found the need of a work of this kind, but the price lins been the obstacle. Tho PRACTIOAIi AMERICAN ION CYCLOPEDIA is the result of ten years of painstaking effort, and an expenditure of $35,000.00. Tho work is far reaching In its definitions, con clso in its verbiage, and couched in language that Is easily understood by tno average reader. The Entire Contents of This Massive Five Volume Set mBNvSSfiXS i !2PiT'iL?fliSW?J Vd 5V S'TfVt' "wwBK WfPfaSfcjrft.' w Soft ff3SSHVVSm' rt" Tt$i'i'Tfwtltfc:rfiPjOf'' VT. JBBBB Are Contained in vKescTwd Con venient, Flexible Handy Volume Both Sots have tho SAME NUMBER OP PAGES AND SAMJ3J3IZE OP TYPE, but new methods of bookmaking and tho uso of thin Bible paper lin'vo made tho convenient volumes possible. THE PRACTICAL AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA Contains all the teu nd up-to-date subjects that are constantly coming up as well as all other articles found in other worhm ana" occupies the same relation to the former bulhy 'Encyclopedias that the thin India paper lilble does to the old fashioned, cumbersome Family Jtible, 1 The editorial staff Is guided by Prof. Bornhart Paul Hoist, an educator of wide experience, who has for tho past twelve years devoted his time exclusively to encyclopedic work. Assisting him aro somo sixty well-known educators, principals of universities, state superintendents, coflogo pro fessors, historians, superintendents of schools, judges, army officers, United States and Canadian government officials and teachers in all branches of instruction from nearly all parts of tho United States and Canada selected for their particular ability in relation to subjects required men who thoroughly understand the most approved way of using tho English language in connection with a practical, useful and conclso Encyclopedia that will stand the teat of dally use. In short it has brought together, classified and arranged in concrete form all the facts in every branch of human thought and endeavor, covering completely the largo field ocoupied by all other Encyclopedias and introducing many new feature not found in any othor. A few of tho subjects treated aro Geography, History, Economics, Law, Theology, Medicine, Hygiene, Mythology, tho Fine Arts, Philosophy, Psychology, Languages, Orthography, Religions, Literature, etc.. etc., arranged in indexed alphabeti cal order so that tho reader can readily find tho completo and full information desired on each topic. General subjects are treated fully, while thore aro tuonsand of short article that aro treated in a conclso and Intelligent manner, giv ing tho reader tho full information desired on all essential topics. It includes every phase of discovery, invention, oxperienco and belief, covers all epochs of litera ture, all forms of government, all systems of religion all tho glorious achievements that have mado history luminous and civilization possible. It is reliable and up-to-date, all tho statistics being from official records, including the 1310 UNITED STATES CENSUS. A particular feature has been made of the pro nunciation of word, each word being spelled as it sounds and marked diacritically in parenthesis opposite, thus maiding the pronunciation of even the most obscure words absolutely plain. All cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or over have separate articles devoted to them; also Cuba, Guam, Hawaii, Honduras, Mexico, Nica ragua, Philippines, Porto Rico, etc, which woro written with the most scrupulous care and the data verified from original sources. It consists of 2,600 double column octavo pages sot up from especially cast typo and printed from progress of aviation, the great strides of the automobllo industry, wonderful improvements in harvesting machinery, articles on the world's prominent battles, etc. Tho work is printed upon Imported bible paper, very thin and opaque, thus making each volume contain 1,300 pages of not over one and three eighths inches In thickness. Tho volumes open flat at any page, and remain open. They are so light, strong and flexible that they can be handled with tho greatest ease and comfort. A now feature in tho manufacture of the PRACTIOAIi AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA Is the thumb index on each volume, which Indicates the beginning of each letter of tho alphabet. Bound In Seal Grain American Morocco, indexed and sewn with fine linen thread, colored edges, heavy end shoots, side title and backbone embossed in gold and bound perfectly flexible, so that the volume can bo taken between tho thumb and fingers and covers bent clear back without the r.Is?L (i.Jn-Jury- Each Beb is enclosed in a neat, tight-fitting container (total weight being less than 5 pounds), thus assuring the delivery of the books in absolutely perfect condition. A Special CASH Offer to Commoner Readers For Special Cash Offer THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nob: I accept your special co-operative offer which entitles me to the Practical American Encyclopedia at publishers' net wholesale price. Enclosed And money order for $4.50; $1:00 to pay for one year's subscription (new or renewal) to The Commoner, and $3.50 for the, 2-volume set of tho Practical American Encyclopedia, sent prepaid to my address. TIHB Pit A CTICAJL ASllSIt ICAJf ENCYCLOPEDIA is printed in XiAltGJE TYPE, full index, beautifully bound in American Seat Grain Mo rocco flexible Leather, lUto a Bible, and Is a masterpiece of tho bookmaker's art. Name . P. O. Under our special co-operative arrangement every Commoner subscriber will bo entitled! to secure a set of the Practical American Ency clopedia direct and prepaid from the publishers, at $3.50, the publishers' lowest not cash whole sale price. The only condition necessary to secure this new plates, from -whlek impresslona hnve sever rate la to remit $1 with your order to pay for been previously taken, contains all new, up-to- one year's subscription to Tho Commoner at the z&ssrssg. Brass? n'ss&wsa&i Tsvt!?te- t" u m sa n new of different subjects and 850 Illustrations in tho or newing subscribers or any who may wish text, besides 16 full-page maps in four colors of to advance their present date of exniration for tho United States, foreign countries, Panama, otc, one vear .A together with thirty-three full-page copyrighted j"" photographic reproductions directly applicable to This offer is limited. Simply send $1 for Tho thItT&s STnrn S!8'?,0 fr thG 0kS PrePald t0 1. e., Panama Canal, wireless telegraphy, recipro- you or '45U in all and make the remittance city, political economy, tho Polar expeditions; tho payable to The Commoner, Lincoln Neb. This is the Opportunity for which you have been looking. IMPROVE YOUR KNOWLEDGE, enrich your mind, adorn your home, add to the rich ness of your life, DELIGHT your family with this MAGNIFICENT WORK r