14 The Commoner. VOLUME 11, NUMBER 25 vr FARMERS AND THE FREE JjIST Republicans of the Ninth Iowa district in convention adopted this resolution: "Wo opposo tho proposed Cana dian reciprocity treaty as being detri mental to tho farming interests of tho country, and wo pledge the nomi noo of this convention to opposo tho adoption of said reciprocity mcasuro and urge our United States senators to uso their efforts and honorable means to prevent tho passago of said measure Wo denounco tho proposed A IIAY FEVER REMEDY aont by oxuroHB to you on Freo Trl&l. If it euros nond $1; If not, don't. Ulvooxprosnofllco. Write today. VAIIOKAZi CHEMICAL CO., 408 TopUr St., Bidney, Ohio Asthma Tobacco Habit Banished DR. ELDERS' TOBACCO BOON BANIBIIES all formi of Tobnooo Xlnblt In 72 to 120 hours. A post I1t, quick and permanent relief. Ensy to take. No orarlnc 'or Tobacco after tho first doio. One to three boson for nil ordinary casos. Wo curan tee remits In every case or rofnnd money. Send for our froe booklet glvlnc full Information. Xlders' Sanatorium, DopMl St. Josoph, Mo. Don't Wear a Tru STUARTS PIASTRPADS orodittreiii Ifom mo pminiui iruis. uciug iuauo Mir-autatm purpoioiy 10 ooiu ids rapture In place without itrspt, buokles or rprlnc ennnot slip, o eamnot ohnfo or compreu axalnit tho polvlo bone. Tba inojt obstinate caocs enred la tho prl ror of tho home. Thousand bs.ro ncocMfully treated thomselvea without hlndranoo frora work. Soft as tht sy ta kX. i7. I applj Inexpsmlte. rrooessor oure la naiow, ,Ks-ll'J eo no further use fbr trussed. Wo proro what wo IDlllAtf M SAnirybyndlu(ryouTrlalofriaptio C Blink Vaj rlnriw absolutely FUKU. irnw namoon coupon and null TODAY Addreaa PLAPAO LABORATORIES, Block 54, St. Louis, Mo. ss WME.Sak (ST j. .J lau-J-TKx s -jutTO I 'V Starts I Address ... .................... ........ fceiara mail will bring. art trial rispao.,, freo trade of tho democratic house of representatives as a mcasuro In jurious to tho interests of American Industry and dangerous alike to farm and shop." With so much of tho resolution that concerns Canadian reciprocity this newspaper has no quarrel. If republicans choose to denounco tho pet measuro of their administration, that is their affair. If they choose not to stand by their president, that also is their affair. Tho democrats are not of mind to settle the scrap In the neighboring yard. They know that the kingdom of heaven awaits the peacemaker, but they have been so long out of heaven that they' want to approach it by easy stages, avoid ing shocks, and they prefer to pass through the offices enroute. But with so much of tho resolu tion as relates to the farmers' freo list bill, democrats are concerned. They want to know wherein it will be injurious to tho interests of the American farmer to enable him to buy more than 100 articles free listed in a free trade market, with out paying truibuto to sheltered trusts, and without swelling the tariff graft that in a' singlo year amounts to more than all the graft of all tho insurance companies of all time. The obiter dictum of the republicans of the Ninth district is not enough to convince the Iowa farmer that his interests are going to be hurt by enabling him to buy flour, farm machinery sewing ma chines, wire fencing, cotton bagging, salt and scores of other things at a price as low as these articles, Ameri can made, are sold in foreign coun tries in competition with the world. Politiciansv consulting no higher in terest than a purely selfish one may meet and disclaim to their hearts' J content against the farmers free list bill but thero has yet to bo raised against tho democratic measuro a singlo protest by a single Iowa far mer considering tho bill as a farmer and not as a partisan or a politician. Until tho farmers rise in protest against tho freo list bill framed especially to benefit them, it may safely bo assumed that the inspira tion for the protests is in tho offices of tho trusts whom the bill hits and in those republican politicians who recognize the harm to their party in having this measuro of necessary relief originate with the democratic party. Dubuque (Iowa) Telegraph-Herald. ALA1HMING TENDENCY Read what Justice Harlan said in his dissenting opinion on the Stand ard Oil case not dissenting from the declaration that John D.'s trust is illegal and oppressive but sharply criticising the statement of the other Judges that ANY combination in re straint of trade may be "reasonable." Harlan said: "The opinion today means that the courts may, by mere judicial con struction, amend the legislation of tho United States and amend the statutory laws. "In a decision today this court has construed the safety appliance low. It has previously construed the same act; the question at issue being the lives of men. The court was asked to WTite into the law words not there; it has refused and has de clared that the law must stand as enacted until amended by congress. In the case of men's lives, those in terested must go to congress for re lief. In the case of overshadowing combination of vast wealth and power, -which may be a menace to I the general business of the country, a law which has bestowed a whole some rule is to bo interpreted in such a way that it will not bo necessary for those who have appeared here aa defendants to go to congress to have it amended. "If the law as written is to be amended, congress is the only con stitutionally co-ordinate branch of the government with power to amend it. It does not rest with this court by a process of judicial legislation wholly unjustifiable to read into the law words not written there by the legislative branch of the govern ment. "Tho most alarming tendency in my judgment so far as our institu tions are concerned is the tendency of judicial delay. When men of vast interests are concerned and they can not get lawmakers to enact amend ments to the law aa they desire, they spare no effort to get some cases be fore the courts in an effort to have tho court construe the constitution and statute to mean what they want them to mean." Omaha Daily News. The six leading states in the salt industry are Michigan, New York, Ohio, Kansas, Louisiana and Cali fornia. Ex. Subscriber Jfdvertlsittfl Depr. This department is tor tho benefit of Commoner subscribers, and a speci&J rate of six cents a word per insertion tho lowest rate has been made for them. Address all communications to The Commoner, Lincoln. Nebraska. V7ANTED WALNUT AND CHERRY lumber, green or dry. Cash paid. C. J. Prank, Logunsport, Ind. TOR SALE Terms easy, only hotel in 1 town, 15 rooms, for particulars ad dress C. L. Scrlbner, Staplehurst, Neb. BBIMgf WIMAMl1 mivj Go Where Irrigation Makes Crops Certain An Opportunity for Wealth and Independence for All Who Buy a Tract of Irrigated Land in . the Famous Mission, Texas, Project. If you EVER Intend to buy land, to make a change in your condition for the better, to make an investment that is sure to bring big returns, let us advise you by all means to investigate the possibilities of the Famous Mission Irrigated Lands, in the Gulf Coast Country of Texas. But do it THIS YEAR. Hundreds of people are flocking to this valley, establishing small and large farms, going into business, 'or buying income bearing farms for winter homes. There is a chance for YOU to become a member of this thriv ing Mission colony, if you act NOW. But the opportunities to buy in this Mission project are getting less every day. In a very short time all of these valuable lands will be taken up, and then you cannot buy except at prices beyond your reach. The Mission Lands, like all other irrigated projects, aTe sell ing rapidly. Irrigation farming is the ideal farming. At Mission you will find intensive farming at its best. These rich lands are cut up into 10, 20, 40 and 80 acre tracts, dotted with the homes of happy, prosperous people. In the irrigated districts you will find smaller farms, more homes and nearer neighbors, closer markets and more progressive people than you will find in any section of the country. The cost of a round trip to this wonderful valley is less than $30 from almost any important point in the country, but an investigation of this opportunity NOW may mean the dif ference between fortune and failure to you. Why not join one of our excursions to these lands? Daily Sliipping Scene at Mission During Trucking Season Out TklM Oat and Mali To any SEND COUPON FOR FREE INFORMATION MISSION LAND IMPROVEMENT CO., Mission, Texas. Gentlemen: Please send mo full information concerning1 your Mission Irrigated Lands, prices, terms, etc. Names Address No Letter 1m NeceHary Just Send Coupoa Secret of the Big Successes at Mission, Texas ol succoaa-malLtaB condltlona thkyou win na at Mlfston mre t"orbl combination other sections of tho United States The??s bltr mon hsneft Jnd, wooks anead ot The Wasloa Laada aro in the heart of the wAmS?nol ?? " fePj croDS or frult- Gulf Coast Country. The soils are w-onderfullvmorHiftRiGrando Valley of the Texaa Lands is rntdcr lnriKatloa; miking bie SrSS a and laSS adOVOryJCo(tf tho niiU The climate is delightful summer and wiXtnr TvJLyl?1l? a Poetical certainty. S.?l?dld AcJl uuibiuu ruma iwiCQ eacn montn. Invcatlirfttn Wnwfl.-. i ... . voaiur, j-iuw oa- Bona at one. for nitrated oSSSSSSSg? &8S8S!?,ffB2ft - ...mMi vitvos, boruia, cicb MISSION LAND IMPROVEMENT CO., MISSION, TEXAS RlimiWiHiHOTiliirraEMWf aaWaavV TCa w aaa.'jl jji r.'x m jy miaaraami.a.ja aaaaaaaam.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaajaaM bmmwhih -, ,, trja 3