The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 26, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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    "jrj" ,Mawnp"i m-sfr,v' wwfw
The Commoner.
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Remarks mado by C. P. J. Mooney,
editor of tho Memphis Commercial
Appeal, introducing Hon. W. J.
Bryan at the Goodwyn Institute to
an audience of 2,500 men.
Gentlemen: My real. purpose here
is not to introduce the distinguished
visitor. Wherever human liberty Is
loved he is known. I am here as
a citizen of Memphis and as an
American citizen on behalf of the
people of Memphis to pay to him a
personal tribute of respect and to
convey to him for them an expres
sion of esteem.
In all tho history of tho world no
other private citizen in times of peace
has so influenced his contemporaries
as has the gentleman who will ad
dress you this afternoon.
He is a lay preacher, appealing for
purity in affairs of state and for
higher ideals in tho business of
government. In his own life he is
an example of personal integrity, and
in his home he is the typical Chris
tian father and husband.
In the flush of his bounding youth,
at the dawn of his political career,
he threatened to leave his political
party if that party strayed from what
hjs conscience dictated to him to be
the right.
From 1896 to 1910 William Jen
nings Bryan has been doing a tre
mendous work in behalf of human
liberty and equal rights for all in
this nation.
Many of those things which he
advocated and which were forces for
his defeat years ago have been
adopted as chief tenets by some of
the triumphant parties. Some
theories that he first enunciated were
received with scorn by a self-constituted
superipr class. These
theories are now part of the living,
breathing laws of this, nation.
It is said of the kings of England
that they reign but do not rule. In
America public opinion may not
Deaf new Cured.
The secret of how to use tho myster
ious and Invisible nature forces for tho
euro of Deafness and Head Noises has
at last been discovered by tho famous
Physician-Scientist, Dr. Guy Clifford
Powell. Deafness and Head Noises
disappear as if my magic under tho
use of this new anc. wonderful dis
covery. He will send all who suffer
from Deafness and Head Noises full in
formation how they can bo cured, abso
lutely free, no matter how long they
have been deaf, or what caused their
deafness. This marvelous Treatment is
so simple, natural and certain that you
will wonder why it was not discovered
before Investigators marvel at tho
quick results. Any deaf person can
have full information how to bo cured
quickly and cured to stay cured at
homo without investing a cent Write
today to Dr. Guy Clifford Powell, 8138
Bank Building, Peoria, 111., and get full
information of this new and wonderful
discovery absolutely free.
Subscribers' Jiflvcriistnfl Dept.
This department ia for the benefit
of Commoner subscribers, and a special
rato of six cents a word per insertion
the lowest rate has been mado for
them. Address all communications to
Tho Commoner, Lincoln. Nebraska.
I,UUU an(i punched, $1.50, post-paid.
500, 75c.
land, O.
Hamilton Printing Co,, Ash-
$3.50 for 11. E. W. Rinswood.
Oxford, Ohio.
W lumber, green or dry. Cash paid.
C. J. Frank, Logansport, Ind.
whirA. for exchange. Send descrip
tion; deal direct.
Graham Bros., Eldo-
Stencils for marking farm imple
ments; catalogue free. Reeso & Co.,
44 Vesoy Street, New York.
reign, but public opinion does rule,
and tho strong men of this country
are those -who shape public opinion.
No other man has so influenced pub
lic opinion In America within tho last
quarter of a' century toward better
living, -better government and in
more equal distribution of the bless
ings of liberty as has your distin
guished visitor. To all tho ends of
tho earth has tho influence of this
man, through his preachments for
human liberty, gone.
A Christian civilization Is tho best
civilization. All others -have failed,
and if we in this country depart from
Christian ideate, wo are lost.
In Christianity and in Christianity
alone will this government, and all
other governments survive, and ripen
Into a system of rule where there
will be equal and exact justice for
all men.
It Is a supreme pleasure for us
then to bo here and to listen to a
leader among our people, who, in
triumph or defeat, in public and pri
vate speech does, not forget God.
Gentlemen Mr. Bryan will now
address you.
Nebraska progressiveness Is sur
passed by that of no other state in
the union, and equaled by but very
few. With the adoption of tho con
stitutional amendments submitted
by the last legislature, Oregon alone
will rank with this state as a com
monwealth dedicated to the elimina
tion of special privilege and to
government by the people and for
the people.
Nebraska already has the direct
primary. It already has the Oregon
plan for the election of senators. It
already has a state railway commis
sion which controls tho rates and
stock alia bond issues of the big pub
lic service corporations, and which is
now engaged in making a physical
valuation of their properties. It
already has a law for the mutual
guaranty of bank deposits. It al
ready has an anti-pass law and a
two-cent fare law. It already has
tho best and soundest liquor laws
of any state. It has advanced laws
forbidding child labor and protect
ing female labor. It has a highly
successful law for the local taxation
of railway terminals. It has a
revenue law which has placed the tax
system of the state in the hands and
under the control of the people
The constitutional amendments
submitted by this year's legislature
will, when adopted, give us tho
initiative and referendum, a non
partisan board of control for tho
state institutions, absolute home rule
for cities, including the right to make
their own charters and adopt tho
commission form of government or
any other they choose, and biennial,
elections only.
In addition to these constitutional
amendments laws enacted last winter
strike body blows at the white slave
traffic, at segregated prostitution, at
the bucket shop evil' and the use of
tobacco by minors. Other laws elimi
nate double taxation, put road mak
ing on a sensible and scientific basis,
purify elections, and work otner im
portant reforms.
But the most Important piece of
progressive legislation enacted by the
late legislature Is for tho direct elec
tion by the members of the various
parties of their delegates to the na
tional conventions and of their na
tional committeemen. It also pro
vides for a primary preference vote
as to candidates for the nomination
for president and vice president.
Oregon alone, we think, has preceded
Nebraska in this far-reaching step
to insure a people's government.
Under this new law the primaries
will be held next April. In those
primaries will be nominated all the
party candidates to bo voted on In
the following November, Including
candidates for senator, congressman,
governor and state officers, and mem
bers of tho legislature. In addition
each party will select sixteen dole
gates to its national convention
four at largo and two from each
congressional district. Each party
will select, at tho primary ballot box,
its national committeeman. Tho
voters of each party will, in tho same
way, instruct their national dele
gates as to their choice for tho nomi
nation for president and vico presi
dent. Gone Is tho party machine. Gono
tho party boss. Gone tho party dic
tator. Gone tho corporation agents
and lobbyists, working to control the
stato convention which is to select
the delegates who will help write
tho national platform and name tho
national standard bearers. No ono
man, no group of men, no matter
how powerful, will any longer bo
permitted to say what and whom tho
delegates to tho democratic conven
tion, or the republican convention,
are to stand for. Tho rank and fllo
will attond to that. Whatover orders
are to bo given, whatover pleas aro
to bo made, must be laid beforo
thom, and in tho sanctity and seclu
sion of tho voting booth they will
render tho decision.
Tho pooplo rulo, and will continue
to rule, in Nebraska. Their own de
termination and tho loyalty of tho
last thrco legislatures have given
them tho rule for tho present. Their
own Intelligence, tho initiative and
roforendum, and tho direct election
of national delegates, insuro them
tho rulo in tho future. Omaha
For a Limited Time, Your Choice of These Six Big Offers with
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