12 VOLUME 11, NUMBER 20 The Commoner. ft I T gfc. B ftr 'if doclarod Clayton (dom., Ala.), chair man of tho house committee on the Judiciary. " 'Wo will have to wait to seo how tho courts work undor this now in terpretation of tho law,' said Clayton." Paper can bo manufactured in Canada for $5.35 a ton less than In tho United States, according to tho tariff board's report on tho pulp and print paper Industry, which Presi dent Taft has sent to tho senate. Tho cost per ton In Canada is $27.53, In tho United States, $33.88. This difference in tho cost of production, according to tho report, Is duo in part to out-of-date machinery used by American mills; to tho fact that pulp costs nearly twice as much in this country as in Canada, and to the slightly higher wages paid American workmen. The house committee defeated tho proposition to put wool on tho freo list. Tho existing rate will be cut from 11 cents a pound to 5 or 6 cents a pound. Majority Leader Underwood and Speaker Clark led the fight for protective wool. They contended it was not wise to cut the $21,000,000. in revenue from raw wool. Tho state department has made BARGAIN OFFER Good for Limited Time Two Papers for One Year for the Price of One THE COMMONER and Thrice-a-Week New York World for $1.00 By special arrangements, good only for tho tlmo Indicated on tho attached coupon, wo aro ablo to offer THE , COMMONER AND THIS TIIIUCE-A-WISlillv NEW YORK WORLD, both for one year each at tho remarkable prlco of ONE DOLLAR. The attached coupon, If mailed by that dato, with a remittance of $1,00 will secure this extra offer for you, whether you aro a new or renewing subscriber to either publication. 'No matter what month your date of expiration for either publication occurs, you will recoivo a year's credit on your subscription account for ROTH PAPERS if you send your remittanco now under this off or and uso tho attached coupon. Remember, this offer may bo withdrawn without notice, but tho coupon will secure it for you if you cut it out and mall it boforo tho dato given. Uso tho coupon do not lot It expire. Do Not Wait, Send Today Do not miss this opportunity to socuro two papers for tho price of one. Tho Thrice-a-Woek Now York World, regular prlco $1 por year, is ono of tho great nowspapers of tho country, and is for all practical Burposes as good, as a dally papor. fndor this offer you will recelvo 1BG issues of tho Thrico-a-Woek Now York World and 52 issues of Tho Commoner. 208 papers in all at less than half a cent each. Tho campaign of 1912 is almost here I p. q yuu win wuui tiiiu. uuuu uuui yupmu, s don't miss this offer. Friends of Tho Commoner can aid In tho work of seouring democratic victory by showing this offer to non-subscribers. But, don't, fail to got this offer for yourself. Send TODAY. This Coupon Good Only UntiUune 15, 1911 THE COMMONER. Lincoln. Neb. Enclosed find $1.00 for The Com moner and tho Thrlcc-u-Week New York World, both for One Full Year. Namo The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb public tho proposed arbtration treaty between the United States and Great Britain. Tho draft was sent to both tho British ambassador and the French ambassador, as their governments have signified willingness to nego tiate a' broad arbitration treaty. It win form tho basis of negotiations with any country which signifies its desiro to enter into similar relations with the United States. The general features of the draft are stated as follows: "It expands the scope of our exist ing general arbitration agreement by eliminating the exceptions contained in existing ones of questions of vital interest and national honor. "It Is proposed that all differences that aro internationally justifiable shall be submitted to The Hague tribunal, unless by special agree ment some other tribunal is created or selected. "It provides that differences that either country thinks are not inter nationally justifiable shall be referred to a commission of inquiry, with power to make recommendations for their settlement. This commission to be made up of nationals of the two governments who are members of The Hague court. "Should the commission decide that the difference should be arbi trated, this decision is to be binding. "Arbitrations are to be conducted under terms of submission, subject to the advice and consent of the senate. "Before arbitration is resorted to, even in cases where both countries agree that the difference is one sus ceptible of arbitral decision, the com mission of inquiry shall investigate the difference with a view of recom mending a settlement that will pre clude the necessity of arbitration. The action of this commission is not to have the effect of an arbitral award. The commission at the re quest of either government shall de lay its findings one year, to give op portunity for diplomatic settlement." Other features of the draft deal mainly with the machinery of the commission and other essential details. V :r2r:: m WyjMijrfai "' m fr-iM i pw ya"fyff n III rod G i iicsc men carbon cnloA ,. wire. Easy to stretch over hills and hollows. FREE from factory Rt wholesale nXASOX VJUtCK CO., LKESDUHG.O, PrMe0 res until allowed. Free Boolu JrateniS nju,SR mum, VMhtogtM, i. a Trim HaJbit Banished DR. ELDERS' TOBACCO BOON BANISHES nil forma of Tobacco Habit la 72 to 120 hour. A post tlve, quick and permanent relief. Easy to take. No craving for Tobacco after the first dose. Ono to three boxes for all ordinary cases. We euaran tee results In every case or refund money. Send for our free booklet giving full information. Elders' ganatariam, Dept.41 St. Joaoph, Moj FAULTY METABOLISM AS A COMMM CAUSE OF DISEASE, Is the subject discussed In Bulletin No. 1 of the Sbafer Pathological Laboratory. The Bulletin Is tent free on request and will prove Inter eatlne to everyone In Pain and Poor Health. Address: John F. Shafer, M. D. 2t Pcna Ave, Pltlsburo, Pa. Rider Ag&nfs Wanted jn eacn town to nae an exhibit sample 1911 uky. cle. Write for special offer. Finest Guaranteed afrtf1 0'7 1911 Model V w pM with Coaster-Urakes and Puncture-Proof tir. ,1909 & 1919 Models 7 M fiJtfO all f beat makes.... J Oipg: 1mm Scconm - Hmnd Wheels All makes andmodeto, tfov 0o good as new fhdftOpa Qroat FACTORY CLEAHING SALE thout a and allow TRIA L. TIKES, coaster brake rearwheets, lamps, luiu anu repairs lor an mattes ot Dicycies at l trices. OS NOT BUY until you get our m m nvjiuii sum KftHffi jrvmsjMHil'1 WcShFff on Approval -wit tent deposit. pay the freight, and 'im bay's free rm sundries. half usual catalogues and offer, if rite mn HIS AD CYCLE CO. Dopt. B 1 77 you get CHICAGO Coupon not srood after above date. Papers sent to. different ad dresses If desired. It a subscriber to either paper your present dato of expiration will bo advanced ono year. 1 DEMOCRATIC VICTORY IN 1912 Workers' Club Blank for The Commoner's Special "1912" Educational Campaign Offer Two Years for $1.00. Enclosed find to pay for TWO-YEAR "1912" Special Campaign Subscriptions at $1.00 each. SUBSCRIBER'S NAME P. O. AND STATE ' ! I , I have made a cross (X) before each namo whero T riAaim of discontinue the subscription at date o f expiration without further notica from the -subscriber. Signed . P. O. R. F. D. or St. No State. . . . preferto:doIo.U Y subscriPtions at GOc each where you The house of representatives ap pointed a committee to investigate the sugar trust. The Washington correspondent to the New York World says: "After a fight lasting nearly six hours the resolution, which brought on a battle among democrats, was adopted. Minority Leader Mann tried to amend it to let the speaker name a committee of fifteen to select the investigating committee, Dut tnis failed to pass. 77 to 137. ' "The committee named by the house follows: Messrs. Hardwick of Georgia, Garrett of Tennessee Snl- zer of New York, Jacoway or Ar kansas, Raker of California, Malby of New York, Fordney of Michigan, Madison of Kansas and Hindn nf Maine. "Immediately after the house met Mr. Henry announced that he would assume responsibility for the resolu tion as a representative and not as chairman of the rules committee "Mr. Rainey of Illinois was fero cious in his attack upon the sugar 'The sugar trust directors said he, stole every day from the United States. They kept two sets of books bound differently, to indicate how" much they were getting. The entire country knows this. Men that were onco directors of the great corpora tion are longer such, but millionaire thieves. If this investigation does not bring out the thieves, those who stole daily from the government, I will introduce a resolution that will have teeth. I hope to stay in con gress iong enough to see some of those big thieves in jaiL RHEUMATISM To Get You to Try My Drafts NOW I'll Send Them on Free Trial Just Sign and Mai! My Coupon Don't talc medicine write mo. 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