mtmmp0mfrwt4fimm''mrrmm jfriTTT i""'W 6 The Commonest HT li ft & Practical Tariff Talks Ono of the difllcultlcs that confront tho ordi nary investigator of tariff schedules is that there an mtinv riifToront hranr.hnn of manufactures ; that require export knowledge to understand i tho offoct of a chango of duty. The paper sche 1 dulo is ono of theso that havo so many angles ! to confuse. Tho tariff-makers cut tho duty on ; print papor, tho kind used by tho newspapers, j but wero careful not to make the reduction of 1 iufflcient sizo to givo tho paper-buyer any moro of a chance with the print paper trust than be fore All that was dono waB to lessen the mar gin of protection, and nothing to lossen tho prico to the consumer. On the surface-coated papers, of which a tremendous lot is used in this country, there was an actual advance in rates, Under the old schedules' this stuff carried a rate of 3 cents a pound and 20 per cent addi tional. Under tho now law the tariff is 5 cents a pound, with 20 per cent additional. As the averago cost is a little less than 9 cents a pound, it will be seen that this paper carries a very high protection. J Tho protective policy is defended on the ground that it nourishes infant industries. Tho truth is, aa most all know, that no industry evor grows to such a size as to wittingly take itself out from under tho shelter of the tariff. Tho surface-coated paper industry is neither an infant or a new industry. For more than aoventy years it has been a' part of our manu factures. There are, in fact, several factories still in existence that started seventy-two years ago. Surface-coated paper is the familiar kind one sees on shoo boxes, hat boxes and the like. It is a simple manufacturing process, the putting onto white paper stock of a color and then polishing that color until it becomes a glased finish. The materials used are pulp and dry colors, glues, clays, etc., the coating being done by machinery after which the paper Is finished, if the real article, by being glazed "with a flint stone, or if the imitation by being run through a friction machine. The purpose of the increase was to raise,. th,e. price to the consumer. It has uinoe thcjrf'been Increased. The paper manufacturers were able also to slip over something else on the consumer, when It camo to amending the section relating to parch ment papers. Originally parchment meant the skin of a calf, sheep or goat prepared for writing upon, but the term as it now is employed meanB simply papers that approximate that kind in appearance. Most of the grades included In this classification are of tho kind familiar to all patrons of gro cers and butchers, tho grease-proof papers that ahow the contents of tho package but protect tho customers' hands from the grease of its contents. Theso kinds of paper have been on tho market for about sixteen years, and their use is rapidly increasing. The Germans and Swedes had control of the market at first but Americans have been furnishing most of the supply in tho last six or eight years. These -waxed papers are made of sulphite fiber coated with paraffin or made waterproof by another mechanical process, and came In under the Dlngloy tariff at 25 per cent, being in the un classified papers. If one cares to trace back the incorporation of these under Bpecial sche dules that gives a protection of approximately 70 per cent, ho will find that the paragraphs, aubstantially aa they appear in the law, were suggested at the first hearing by the paper manufacturers' committee, another Illuminating instance of how tariffs are really made. The book and papor schedule contains a para graph taxing children's toy books, tho familiar ones that consist of a little text and many illuminated lithographic prints. Formerly these were mported in large quantities, but the McKinley bill, by putting on a tariff of 8 cento a pound, over 50 per cent, drove the Imported article from tho market and gave the Americans a monopoly, which has taxed the children ever since. Several foreign manufacturers started plants here, and found they could make them Just as cheaply in the United States as abroad proof that no protection is actually needed in the business. A strong effort was made to re duce the tax to 5 cents a pound, or about the same duty as is levied upon toys, 35 per cent An inspection of the new tariff law shows that the tariff was reduced to 7 cents, which is far cical, because tho rate is .still prohibitive. C Q. D. . THE TACTICS OF GUILT? Docs Mr. Edward Tilden, president of the National Packing company, realize that tho eyes not only of this community but of tho people of the United States are focused upon him and his desperate struggles to prevent the examination of his books? Do Mr. Tilden's associates and tho men high in the banking and business world who are using their influence against the Helm committee's in vestigation realize this? Do they realize that protestations of inno cence are valueless when canceled by tho tactics which go with guilt? Mr. McCutcheon'B cartoon in the Tribune on the king who was robbed of a crown jewel expressed tho public thought. "Wkat have you to Say for Yourself?" in quired the King of the Accused Man. "I am Innocent," he answered. "I know nothing about the Crown Jewel. But Just the Same, I don't want to be Searched." For some moments the king deliberated. At last he spoke. "I have no wish to be Harsh with you, but if you are innocent, you Hurt your Own Cause by Striving for Concealment. If I allow you to go without being Searched, you will always be suspected of Guilt. Therefore, in your own In terest, I think it Best that you be Searched in order that your Innocence may be open to no Doubt in the Minds of your Neighbors." Of what is Mr. Tilden afraid? Do his books contain evidence embarrassing not only to him but to his associates in the National Packing company? Do these prominent gentlemen consent to be ing placed in the light of needing protection by Mr. Tilden? Are they willing that the public should infer that their transactions are such as will not beaT the light? If Mr. Tilden is content to bear this inference, are they? Is it within the bounds of possibility, is it even probable that the National Packing com pany has acted as a political clearing house? Is it a possibility that the National Packing company is the "little black man" who has done vicious things which big white men would not be known to countenance? Is it possible that the books required by the Helm committee or the books of the National Packing company, or both together, would dis close financial transactions involving other elec tions than Mr. Lorlmer's or other legislative activities? Is it possible that these books would disclose, say, the carrying of stocks for officials police officers, for example of the city of Chicago? These and other grave and unpleasant sug gestions spring up in the mind. They would not have such vigorous growth if it were not for Mr. Tilden's evident determination to prevent an examination of his books at any cost. If ever there were a time for the National Packing company, Mr. Edward Tilden, and his distinguished business associates to come before tho public with outstretched hands, with books ft lyfle,rel.fof. lawful authoritative examina tion, this Is the time. Instead of that there is a scuttling for attor neys and habeas corpus writs, the wires to Springfield aro kept hot with secret appeals to check the investigation at any cost And the American people are drawing their own conclusions. They are not conclusions business men or business concerns of high place would invie without reasons which make it all the more in portant that duly recognized representatives of the public should know the facts so desperately defended. Chicago Tribune. uperaieiy WATCH IT GROW Mr. Bryan has given instructing tw aeneriodSCorfIbfr Sh&11 eIve Tf CommoneTloT a period of two years (which will carrv if ho yond the presidential election of 1912) for t 5EOfOn0 d0llar' a1 Commoner reader is asked to secure at ipRaf ,!. euuer is Many will be able to secure mol bscriber- Everyone, however, may render m! $?? ??' J. it. JenklnB, Missouri Enclospri , order for $10.00 for robaoriSSoM Pilmney cept my welldishes and may suwess crowTv,?0' true endeavors for the good of 'nil n your Edward P. Hughee i wLt v? Pe,ople ?hed fcohirfor S 0 C. McGarvey, Georgia I Km enclosing , check to prepay for twelve imtacSSSS Uto Te .' VOLUME 11, NUMBER, lg Commoner for two years at $1.00 each. I shall do all in my power to increase the circulation of your paper here. W. B. Pendell, Washington Enclosed find money order for $5.60 to pay for eight subscrp tions; six for one year and two for two years. H. C. Clay, Idaho Please find enclosed draft for $6.00 to pay for two-year subscriptions at $1.00 each. I will try to get others and send in as I can get them. I would like to send you a thousand or more names if it were in my power to do so. You will hear from me again as soon as I can do anything more in getting subscribers. W. W. Krldlebaugh, Iowa I am enclosing you herewith the names of five persons to whom I desire you to mail The Commoner as pre scribed in your latest offer. I am enclosing you my draft for $5.00 in payment of the same. I trust that my action -will assure you of the high regaTd in which I hold your valued paper as I consider it one of the truly necessary educators of the times. Following named have sent in five or more subscribers: J. L. Henerey, S. C, 6; A. P. Chambers, O., 6; Albon P. Man, N. Y., 10; e! B. Baldwin, Vt., 7; C. J. Cook, Va., 5; J. R. Tate, Va., 6; F. C. Habern, Va., 7; A. H. Taylor, Tenn., 5; A. C. McKinney, Ark., 5; E. J. Clark, Tex., 7; Geo. Buckingham, Kan., 12; W. Ram sey, Kan., 7; J. A. Martin, Cal., 8; J. C. Rud dock, Cal., 9r W. C. Ingram, Mo., 16; J. J. Culbertson, Wash., 5; C. J. Tucker, 111., 5; H. V. Merritt, Mo., 5; J. W. Schooler, Ind., 8; Wm. Clemens, Idaho, 10; Thos. J. Kelley, Conn. 5; G. W. Friesen, Neb., 5; Chas. G. Barnard' 5; B. R. Curran, Minn., 12; D. Coughlin, Minn., 5; Henry C. Snavely, Pa., 7; Q. L. Haupt, N.lD., 7; Axell Johnson, N. D., 5; D. M. Carlton 111., 6; Jas. Van Matre, 111., 5; J. E. Blattner,'Mo., 5; S. P. McCracken, Mo., 5; L,. A. Ellis, Nev., 7; Wm. H. Green, Ind., 5; Ellsworth Ball, Neb., 5; M. C. Burt, Pa., 7; B. M. Hopper, la., 7; G. W. Odom, Tex., 5; Jas. Simpson, Ky., 5; E.T.Anderson, Mo., 5; Wm. G. Crittenden, Mich., 8; Chas. H. Servls, N. J., 5; Jno. Preston, Mich., 5; H. W. Brockett, O., 5; R. S. Childs, Vt., 10; Dr. Chas. L. Lasjelle, Pa., 6; M. V. Hudson, O., ; TJ- M- Offers, la., 5; John Higley, Ind., 6; J D. Winstead, N. C, 5; Lemar Cobb, Ariz., 5; H. Blackman, Wash., 5; J. M. Vannice, N. p., 5; Jas. M. Jackson, Mo., 10; Peter Seibert, 111., 7; S D Mosteller, S. C, 5; J. C. Copeland, "iH A;,P Turner 0- 7; U. G. Hunter, 111., l ?'a 'cMncher' 5; J- E- Owings, Ind., 6, J. A. Sutton, Cal., 11; N. F. Watts, Tex., 15; t' SmneT.' Ia- 10; J. P. Woodyard, Ark., 5; An ' ??e?8 Ia" 12 Dr. Coats, Mo!, 7; Jos. Allen, 111., 5; T. J. Knisley, W. Va., 6; E. C. Carrington O., 5; Hyatt Roberts, O., 10; Jerome rcghTh N'KMV 8i Pat Kel1 Kan" 6; T. H. Davis, 111 5; J. P. Odell, N. M.,-11; A. H. Phelps la., 10; Dr. A. J. Lang, N. D., 5; B H. Vance, O., 5; A. J. St. John, Mo., 5; W. E. w tl'n51,1 N. McClintock, Kan. 5; T. H. Dinsmore, Colo., 9 ; W. H. Toben la 7 M SSP8WVrI1,-K8;-R- H' Arnold, ra!f 12; biS: Holton, Mo., 5; Jacob Taylor, 111 5- H O lTaffi Ul" U H' A' Car, M ich.;'5; S. T?ch.3iSY '' H Sherman,'N. 5 Geo. lichenor, Ind., 6; J. D. Cox Mo 20- V r Davis, M0., 6; E.'t. Chrisman, Kan.? 8; A B. pGWHaleTew 'v?; Pn M,$Cuugn, Mlnnioi C A ? rnTf'r5i G' W Cowden, Kan., 6; C A 5Sbe-S'KInde" 5' J D Gill Neb. 5 W C E'ft' V I' B- Hutcheson, O. 5 FosSr '?"t6; Hl B- Moran in- ; Jno- T. Lm ' J1!," 6; Jno- A- Johnson, la 6- G A Sni'nfn'' ?A J' M- D18' Colo., 5; J. L. A if tJK di' 10; Jud- Kaufman, Ind, 6; $ SrVS11;, C' H Wlntersteen, Mo., o, H. Snell, Neb., 6; C. L WeiRPd Tn q Hendrix, la., 7; R. J. Wil Hams la 6-' ?' H Pace, Ky., 7; F S Tvrrell tii k'. t t t5- J Mo 25 qn,C11d Mo., 5; J. H. Woodward, Dabbs i vft V McCaulley, la., 5; Dr. D. N. Gerder wi 6L J5Byme' te., 6; Geo. P. Brwn'N' 1 z -Vn More' 0kIa" . G. J b krvnH; W T C' Gorses, Canal Zone, 6; W.VcS T1"- ,5.J I' M person, 111. 8; Mri?n&ry; Wis fi- -r ti -mil ' , u- xo wm' U'tfrien, Ind 6- f Son,' Jr" Mo" 6J Allen K1Ien' W V '. t' a arInBon' IU- 6J S. Bradford, N ' Y 'k.; w S;MAar?ha. N. Y., 5; E. Brozitsky. dlm-SlMw.rx (A Uvkt t -i' " tiP-.kfi :lr-4