The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 12, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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The Commoner.
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THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nob,
Tho following report of the peace banquet in
Chicago is given in the Chicago Tribune of
April 30th:
America and Europe tho United States and
France by their respective spokesmen for the
occasion clasped hands over a worldwide peace
program In whjch wars should be known only
as tho relics of a disappearing barbarism.
Prospects of strife with Mexico and Japan
were ridiculed and "jingoes" wero scored. Build
ing of new battleships was deprecated as pas
sion inflaming.
Tho occasion was a dinner by tho Chicago
Peace Society in the gold room of the Congress
hotel and the chief guests and speakers were
Baron d'Estournelles de Constant and Col. Wil
liam Jennings Bryan to whom George E.
Roberts, banker and former director of tho mint,
extended a greeting as the society's first presi
dent. Three hundred diners gathered to acclaim the
cause and honor the guests, especial courtesies
being accorded Baron de Constant because of
his prominence in a sister republic, he being a
senator of France, a member of tho first and
second Hague conferences, and a sitting member
of the arbitration court of The Hague. The
toaBtmaster was Leroy. A. Goddard, now head
of the organization. Jenkln Lloyd Jones offered
tho invocation. Kl
Both the baron and Mr. Bryan avoided re
marks that could be construed as political, al
though previous to the banquet the Nebraskan,
thrice nominee of the democratic party for
president, expressed himself optimistically re
garding the outlook for the democrats. He de
clined to discuss candidates for president, but
said th,at when the time is ripe he will give
his views frankly regarding tho qualifications of
those who may bo in the race.
Among those at tho speakers table were Al
fred L. Baker, Miss Sophronisba Breckinridge,
rMiss Jane Addams, Mrs. L. A. Goddard, Cyrus
H. McCormick, Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, Richard
C. Hall, Charles Henrotin, Mrs. W. E. Wilmarth
and Bishop Samuel Fallows.
When Baron de Constant arose to speak, two
carnations lay before him on tho table, one red
and one white. While he spoke his hand in
voluntarily clasped ono of tho flowers. He raised
it to a level with his face and smiled. He had
chosen the white carnation, the symbol of peace
and left tho blood tod flower on tho table. The
audience cheered again and again.
"I take this as a good omen" for tho best
speech I ever made in my life on peace," he said
Tho baron held tho white flower in his hand
throughout his address and often raised it to his
lips. It was his standard, symbolical of tho
The Commoner.
causo for which ho is contending, and he kept
it as a symbol in his plea for peace.
"I havo nearly accomplished now my long
campaign around your great country," said
Baron do Constant, "and now I havo como back
to Chicago, whero I delivered my first address
ten years ago my maiden speech, indeed in
"I will never forget that. I was the guest of
your Union League Club. You gave me my first
encouragement. I said at that time that our
mutual ancestors had discovered -nd created
your country and together obtained your liberty.
But this is not enough. We cannot bo satisfied
by enjoying their legacy we have to do some
thing more. We want to found peaco for the
generations to come.
"Peace is nothing of a dream now. It is a
practical organization. Everybody understands
that. American public opinion has been unani
mous in supporting your government in its
efforts to organize arbitration. All your public
statesmen are strongly in favor of it my friend
Mr. William Jennings Bryan, as well as my
friend Col. Roosevelt. We all admire what
President Taft has done in that way. Look at
the speeches delivered recently by the leaders .
of the British parliament in London to sup
port his proposition.
"Arbitration now is tho necessary coronation
of modern progress. War is not only waste of
blood and money, but paralysis of national work.
War will at once stop all progress and cut your
future in its roc ,s. It is true chiefly of young
countries having to faco universal competition.
You will be handicapped by nations who have
no military expenditures and who can give all
their force to productive work.
"I know what skeptical people object; they
say that you may bo attacked; yesterday it was
by Mexico. I went there and found it was a
bubble. Then, they said it would bo by Japan.
I went to California, to the states which are
supposed to feel the danger. I found nothing
but strong and unanimous encouragement to
protest against this nonsense.
"These wars are indeed dreams, no sensible
man can believe in them. We won't allow tho
governments of the future to declare wars which
coifld havo been averted, as could have been
nearly all the wars of the past as well in America
as in Europe.
"We know now that most of these past wars
have been useless. Victory is not all glory and
profit. The victor himelf has to pay for it; it
leaves behind it suspicion, rancor, hatred; it
obliges all nations to spend their treasures of
time, of money, of young men for preparing a
war which nobody wants; it obliges them to
starve 'education, labor, agriculture, commerce,
life indeed for nothing.
"This ruinous and continual negative activity
arises everywhere today, a general revolt. It
is a direct appeal to revolution, and that is why
I said so often: Militarism is the father of
"Nobody would ever speak of war if the people
would know more of arbitration. They don't
know what The Hague organization is, how The
Hague court has already settled several big
cases like the Dogger-Bank and tho Casablanca
conflicts. We have to teach them, to explain
"Public opinion Is waiting for this new educa
tion of our times. They have to understand
exactly what a treaty of arbitration means
u JSSFZ ST Sal? recenty n London that
it would be bad to make treaties for an opinion
not prepared to execute them. He is right He
wants, as wo do, arbitration with no deception
he wants, as we do, a good education of the
people who have not only to wish arbitration
treaties but to submit to these treaties
The signature of a treaty is a great thin- its
execution is still better. g' W
"Look at the admirable execution for nearlv
a century of your treaty with Great Britain con
cerning tho disarmament of the Canadian fron
tier! It is not the letter only, it is the sririt
! uY ?ations which have faithfully exe
cuted it that wo admire.
"What we have to do now is to finish our
work of education; it is to prepare the people
all over tho world for BelMiwipllne? f?r the
free acceptation of reason and justice for thl
settlement of their quarrels." Q
i",1 m Hlad to Participate in this bannuet
said Col. Bryan, "and join you in doinc : honor
to tho distinguished citizen of Francel-Bn?n
d'Estournelles de Constant. He is the Bon of
a nation whose history has been interwoven
with our own and whose friendship haT come
tdionarydaysaS Cher,8hed hritaBe f rom rZ
'Wo. are indebted to another great French
man for a conception which we are now working
out. It was De Lesseps, who first undertook tho
uniting of tho oceans at Panama.
"A gigantic vision is soon to be realized
through the efforts 6t our country. When wo
congratulate ourselves that we are about to
complete what the groat Frenchman began we
must not forget the credit due to the mind that
was able to demonstrate the possibility of bring
ing the Pacific and Atlantic oceans together.
"Our guest, Baron de Constant, is one of tho
pioneers in an engineering scheme that sur
passes in scope, in importance and in difficulty
the dreams of De Lesseps -the union of na
tions in the bonds of peace, which is a grander
conception than the marriage of tho oceans.
"The Chagres river has been the great terror
of those who have investigated, the route across
the isthmus, but this stream, even when its rag
ing current is at its flood, is tame in compari
son with the angry passions of the human heart
that hurry nations into war.
"Only one excuse can be made for. war that
man has not yet brought the brutal instincts
under control of the reason and the heart.
"To despair of peace would be to despair of
progress among men. Some have hoped to bring
peace by an increase of armament, that the
world might be frightened away from war or
driven into peace by the weight of military
"We are glad to welcome any encouragement
that may come from this source, but it ought
not to require the exhaustion of nation to con
vince us that ruin of all concerned is the logi
cal end of rivalry in the building of battleships.
"I am a believer in an entirely different
theory. I fear the encouragement of the mili
tary spirit. I fear the building )f battleships
will inflame- the paasion for war rather than
frighten us into peace.
"I believe that the road to peace lies rather
in the culture of the spirit of peace and friend
ship. Love begets love. I have more faith in
tho po.wer of good example than in the terror
excited by thlrteen-inch guns."
Resolutions approving the action of tho
federated churches in their stand for the arbi
tration treaty between England and America
were introduced by Bishop Samuel' Fallows and
unanimously passed.
A dinner was recently given Senator O'Gor
man of. New York. Senator Stone of Missouri,
who could not be present, wrote this letter:
The democrats of the country are especially
gratified that the democratic New York senator
is so heartily in sympathy with the best thought
of his party and is so able to uphold his con
victions." Senator O'Gorman, in addressing the ban
queters, said: "My election to represent New
York in -the United States senate came to mo
unsought. The acceptance of the high honor
carried with it important responslbllites which
I shall endeavor to discharge to the b'est of my
capacity and energy.
"Today the people of the United States are
looking hopefully to the democratic party for
redress against economical and political condi
tions which weigh heavily upon them and which
cannot be successfully defended. There is a
growing and widespread public sentiment that
tne American consumer must be relieved from
SEJ 553 unnecessary tribute. New Jersey,
JSn ,0niS' New York and other states havo
united in the general protest."
; Is. Plain that New York made no mistake
W exchanged Chauncey M. Depew for
James A. O'Gorman.
wJl odoJ!L Roosevelt, at Spokane,
Wash.: "There are in this country, in
my party a number of men who call
themselves republicans who really are
not republicans in the American sense at
w ny man who puts Property rights
ff humw righte, any a wo ob
jects to genuine popular rule, any man
who refuses justice because justice will
nS?r? Yith the Property of some great
special interest, any ouch man, I don't
care how much he calls himself a re
Americans n real kinshlp wlttl