The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 28, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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APRIL 28, 1911
The Commoner.
t" Si
Atlantic county last November re
ported to the house that it found that
there was false registration, illegal
voting and purchase of votes, and
that election officers of the county
failed to do their duty. It is esti
mated by the committee that from
the testimony taken there were ap
proximately .2,000 illegal registra
tions and 1,000 illegal votes."
An Albany, N. Y., dispatch, car
ried by the Associated Press, says:
"The senate ratified the resolution
approving the proposed income tax
amendment vto the federal constitu
tion defeated last year by a single
vote in the assembly. The resolu
tion is expected to be acted upon by
the assembly within a short "time,
and no doubt is expressed of its
adoption. A lively debate preceded
the vote, the republicans generally
opposing the amendment, while the
democrats favored it."
An Associated Press dispatch from
Guadalajara, Mexico, says: "James
A. Cpok, the American conductor,
arrested some time ago as an accom
plice in the robbery of freight cars
on the National railway near here,
has just received a check for $1,5 5 G
as compensation for the time he was
in prison. This is his salary from
the railroad from the time he was
locked up. The order of railway
conductors adjusted the matter.
Cook lives in' Fort Scott, Kan., and
is preparing to return home." -
' Washington News. :-:
faw ai"i i msmmmBmBmmwmmmmmrmmtmmtmmimmMLMxmitmmmmmnmw-tarrmrmtmrrwmvmjJitjB tti.. i n li mill in
Senator Hitchcock who had an
attack of vertigo at the national capi
tol has been examined by physicians
and pronounced to be in good health.
Senator Stone delivered a speech
in the senate endorsing President
Taft for sending troops to the Mexi
can border and expressing the opin
ion that the American armies should
be marched into Mexico in order to
protect American interests.
Senator Works of California, an
insurgent republican, dolivered his
maiden speech in the senate in sup
port of the Arizona constitution.
A resolution introduced in the
senate by Culberson (dem., Tex.) de
clares that interventibn in Mexico
would be contrary to the policy of
this government.
A. V. Fawcett, mayor of Tacoma,
Wash., was recalled and W. W. Sey
mour chosen mayor, in a recall elec
tion, held April 18.
John J. McNamara, secretary of
the International Structural Iron
Workers' Association, James McNa
mara and Ortie McManigal were ar
rested at Indianapolis on the charge
of having had something to do with
the dynamiting of the Los Angeles
Times building October 1, 1910.
Twenty-one lives were lost in that
affair. The men were taken to Los
Angeles by a troop of special detec
tives. McNamara and other union
labor men declare that there is noth
ing to the charge other than a desire
to injure organized labor.
Sweeping investigation of shipping
pools, conferences and combinations
is proposed in a house resolution by
Humphrey (rep., Wash.)
farm products there will bo a saving,
Mr. Kitchen, who arranged this list
for tho ways and menus committee,
thinks, of from $3,000,000 to $4,
000,000. "Free lumber will save western
homo buildor.s not loss than $20,000,
000. Taking the duties from the
products of tho steel trust will save
about $0,000,000. This includes
fencing and baling wires.
"At the present price of flour
there should be a cut of $1.17 a bar
rel. Tho public generally should
save more in proportion from boots
and shoes, salt, leather goods and
harness, Mr. James of Kentucky,
"Mr. Underwood said that tho
northern farmer would profit from
duty-free farm implements and bur
laps and sacks; tho southern farmer
from cotton bagging and ties."
Ex-Speaker Cannon delivered a
hot speech in the house against tho
Canadian reciprocity bill.
Yes, elegant Free Homesteads ad
joining valuablo land, from which
very flue bananas are now being
sold, can still be had In Mexico. You
need not go to Mexico, but must hilvo
five acres of bananas planted within
flvo years. AddrosB Tho Jantha
Plantation Co., Block 079, Pittsburg,
Pa.; they will plant and care for
your bananas on shares, so you
should make a thousand dollars a
year. Bananas begin bearing In
about 15 months, bringing the quick
est returns of any fruit growing. Tho
climate is delightful and the health
conditions good. Should, any reader
deslro to procuro a Homestead, apply
Tobacco Habit Banished
forms of Tobacco Habit In 72 to 120 hour. A pol
tlvo, quick and pormnnont rollof. Enty to take.
No craving for Tobncco nftor tho flrat doio. On
to thrcd boxen for nil ordinary cnaoa. Wo puttrnn
tco rcRtilta in every cano or refund money. Herd
for our frco booklet civlngjfull information.
Eldora' Sanatarium, Dopt. U Bt, Joacpu, Uo
The house has provided means for
investigation of all executive depart
ments of the government.
Tho Canadian reciprocity bill
passed the house April 21; by a vote
of 265 to 88.
He swore that her kiss was the first
he had had;
But his fingers were crossed!
He'd kissed but his mother, when he
was a lad
Yes, his fingers were crossed! j
He vowed that not only he'd ne'er
had a taste.
Of "quivering lips, but that no other
Had ever'been clasped by his arms.
Then in haste
His fingers were crossed!
The sparkler he gave her he'd pur
. chased that day,
But his fingers were crossed!
No previous maiden had worn it
nay, nay!
But his fingers were crossed!
And never, so long as his life should
Would eye, cheek, or lip of another
maid lure
He knew it past every doubt he
was sure
But his fingers were crossed!
' She listened to all of the guff he
had said
While his fingers were crossed!
She laid on his bosom her wise little
While his fingers were crossed!
She answered so low that the famed
"little bird"
Who peddles . sweet secrets could
scarcely have heard
As she breathed, "Oh, my love, I be
, lieve every word!"
' . But her fingers were crossed!
,. . Strickland Gillian, in Puck.
A Washington correspondent for
the Philadelphia North American
sends to his newspaper this more or
less startling dispatch:
"By an order dated October 28 of
las,t year, eleven days before tho last
election, and several months after
tho attempt to turn over the Alaskan
coal fields to the Morgan-Guggenheim
syndicate had been frustrated
through the investigation of former
Secretary of the Interior Ballinger,
President Taft himself gave actual
control of the same coal fields to the
same syndicate.
"This announcement, made now
for the first time, is given added sig
nificance by the fact that at the time
the order was issued President Taft
had publicly announced that hehad
taken into his own hands the matter
of tho claims of the Alaskan coal
fields, with the intention of adminis
tering absolute justice alike to the
coal, claimants and to the public In
terests. He had, led the publicjto be
lieve that its property rights In the
coal lands of Alaska were to be safe
guarded, and that neither evasion,
nor violation of the law would be
permitted to open a way to tlie in
vasion of those rights by monopoliz
ing syndicates or exploiting indi
viduals. "With the public lulled into a
sense of temporary security, both by
the assurances of the president and
the revelations made In the Ballinger
inquiry, which seemed to preclude
the possibility of any action adverse
to the public Interest, until all claims
were adjusted publicly, the president
signed .the order which, so far as the
Morgan - Guggenheim syndicate Is
concerned, was as valuable to that
combination as would have been a
title to the.coal lands themselves.
For tho order issued by President
Taft, and made public now, for the
first time, gave to the syndicate ab
solute control of ihe only possible'
outlet from the mines to tidewater
not ..already in the control of the
A Washington correspondent for
the New York World says: "If the
farmers' free list bill, reported, be
comes a law, the remission in duties
will be more than $8,000,00Q. The
cotton growers of the south, it is
estimated, will save $1,500,000 on a
13,000,000 bale crop. On sacks to
ship peanuts, potatoes and kindred
Mr. Berger, the socialist member,
voted for the reciprocity bill. Sixty
seven republicans voted fpr it and
197 democrats voted for 'it. The
negative vote comprised 10 demo
crats and 78 republicans. The nega
tive vote was:
Republicans Anderson, Minne
sota; Bradley, New York; Burko,
South Dakota; Campbell, Kansas;
Cannon, Illinois; Copley, Illinois;
Currier, New Hampshire; Dalzell,
Pennsylvania; Davis, Minnesota; De
forest, New York; Dodds, Michigan;
Driscoll, New York; D wight, New
York; Esch, Wisconsin; Fairchild;,
New York; Foch, Pennsylvania;
Fordney, Michigan; Foster, Vermont;
French, Idaho; Gardner, Massachu
setts; Gardner, Now Jersey; Good,
Iowa; Guerney, Maine; Hamilton,
Michigan; Hanna, North Dakota;
Hartman, Pennsylvania; Haughen,
Iowa; Hawley, Oregon; Hayes, Cali
fornia; Helgesen, North Dakota;
Hinds, Maine; Howell, Utah; Humph
rey, Washington; Jackson, Kansas;
Kendall, Iowa; Kennedy, Iowa; Kin
kaid, Nebraska; Kopp, Wisconsin ;
Lafean, Pennsylvania; LaFollette,
Washington; Langley, Kentucky;
Lenroot, Wisconsin; Lindbergh, Min
nesota; McGuire, Oklahoma; McKin
ley, Illinois; McLaughlin, Michigan;
McMorran, Michigan; Malby, "New
York; Martin, South Dakota; Mon
dell, Wyoming; Moore, Pennsylva
nia; Morgan, Oklahoma; Mott, New
York; Nelson, Wisconsin; Norris,
Nebraska; Patton, Pennsylvania;
Pickett, Iowa; Plumley, Vermont;
Powers, Kentucky; Pray, Montana;
Prince, Illinois; Prouty, Iowa; Rees,
Kansas; Rodenburg, Illinois; Sim
mons, New York; Sloan, Nebraska;
J. M. Smith, and Samuel W. Smith,
Michigan; Steenerson, Minnesota;
Sterling, Illinois;- Thistlewood,
Illinois; Towner, Iowa; Volstead,
Minnesota; Warburton, Washing
ton Wedemeyer, Michigan; Wil
lis, Ohio; Woods, Iowa and Young
Kansas. Total, 78.
Democrats Rathrick, Ohio; Clay
pool, Ohio; Doughton, North Caro
lina; Fowler, Illinois; Gudger, North
Carolina; Hammond, Minnesota;
Pujo, Louisiana; Rucker, Colorado;
Webb, North Carolina and White
acre, Ohio. Total, 10.
An Associated Press report of tho
house proceedings, says: "Tho
threat of the republicans opposed to
the measure to make the democrats
Seotl Corn Iloolc-lroxKrJty iiiovch onrrutclios
ty h (Mi crops ko wronj,'. Dulld tip your IkiiiIc nccnunt
by ki-owImk tliq lirhttlial KroVH, "I'.oUorW Improved
Hold's Yellow Dent." You hnvo lirnnl oftlilfl liltrli-
yielding prlzo-wlnnor lioforo tlm lilidioM. yielding
.1 ellow corn in tho world's vltvu of HMW, Wrllo toiliiy
lor tho frco corn book. kIvIiik full partlculnra mid
priced of nil tho lending vnrlotloi of corn grown.
K. D. UOltKKTB, Frco St., KISD OAK, Iowa
Cigas at Anti-Trust Prices.
You cnu nvo money mid got tho very best cigars
by ordering tllrpct, from my clean, military factory
(not in triiHl). My cigars nro strictly Imnd-mndo by
M1CN Iroin gcnulno American llnvnnn Tobacco,
Four brnndK. Prices ?1, t.V and 81.C0 for box of 60,
oxprew paid, Kent nnywliero in U. H. on receipt of
amount. Mouoy refunded if not KntlHfled. Special
prlcpn In )ot oftO.1 or 1,001. Address: II1CNKY
DKIIMEL, l&oa Market St., Wheeling, W. Va.
SONG- POmM&ytSgl
That nro miccoM'f ui bring famo nnd ciwh to their
writer. KomliiA yoir mnnuwrlpl.orwrlUi forKIUSK
PAKTff't'LAHH. Publication guaranteed if accep
ted, H. Klrkilk Unzdnle Co., VnU CO, Uiinftun, P. C
"Psisji v No Foj until allowed, Freo Jloo'-ci
1 UHiTilO FUIXEJt It rVllXlU fuhlutUB,U. V.
V t Hf1 t? TV m ST secukki) on Fists
Free leportnn to Patentability. JIIiMtritad (lulct)
Monk, and I Jrl of inventions Wanted, cent free.
V1CTOU J. KVAM.S A: CO., Washington. D.a
i the t ubject dltcuucd in Uullctin
No. 1 of the Sbafcr Pathological
Laboratory. The Bulletin ii tent
freconroiuestand will prove Inter
est! m to everyone in Pain and
Poor Health.
Address: John F. Shafer, M. D.
214 Perm Ave, Pittsburg, Pa.
"Banking Made. Safe."
Tried by a three million dollar fa'l
uro in which tho depositors lost not
one' cent, and sustained by tho supremo
court of the United States, tho Okla
homa stato banks stand unrivalled for
security atnone financial Instltutl-ns.
On tho basis of absoluto safety wc ask
your patronage. Satisfied depositors
in every stato of the Union attest our
ability to handlo your account right.
Interest paid on Timo Deposits and
Savings Accounts.
Muskogee, Oklahoma.
M. G. Haskell, Vfce President.
M.C. Sells, Cashier.
W t flWBlKrta
lk llillftfllm fiim
1 VMkJP tuLA
1 xMlJr
without a cent tltfosit, prepay the freight
ana auow io days ritec triai
IT ONLY COSTS one cent to learn oat
unheard of frUtt and marvelous efferi
ou hlebejt grade xosx mode) bicycle.
a pair of tire from anyone at any price
until you write for curtate Art Catn'ox
aao learn our loonacrucprejvtuum on ant
iro pie recycle k"'Z youTio-nn.
incntr exhibiting ad selling ourWcj-c.cs-
Vw O UOII cwexper uwu any oncr uiiuj
rme naa4aii.lrftte & A t A
rmp, repairs and all tundilet at half usual fricts.
DO ntt Vwaili'nie itany jot r s rjjir.
fMY ,iiiiffrfTf'ir' .kafr&fcjUj&jg.
,,j4(-i-i'w.irev jhmju.1- '