The Commoner WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR VOL. 11, NO: 16 Lincoln, Nebraska, April 28, 1911 Whole Number 536 The Duty of Corporations (Written for The Commoner by Governor Thomas R. Marshall, of Indiana) Now and then a thoughtful man wonders whether after all, Solomon was not right when he declared that there was nothing new under the sun. When he considers the problems of today and their proposed solutions and acci dently finds in the records of the past, as ho frequently does, problems and solutions similar if not identical, he is apt to wonder whether the inherent difficulty of our civilization consists as much in the problems being presented to it as in the points of view taken by those at tempting to solve them. . One of the vital questions affecting the public weal at the present time is the corporate ques tion. No one is opposed to the corporation per se. Most of us are agreed that the evils in corporate management about whioh we com plain are evils which have arisen not from the law nor from the purposes for which the cor porations were organized, but from the conduct of the men who control the corporations and their assumption that a creator has no control over its own creation. It does not do us any great credit to find that more than one hundred years ago our fore fathers recognized the danger of an uncontrolled corporation and it gives us pause as to our wis dom when we consider the precautions which they took to prevent the cupidity and arrogance of human nature from exercising functions which the state was not willing to grant and from imposing unjust burdens upon the people. Whether we will or "not, questions rolative to the perpetuity of corporations, the formation of monopolies, state control of corporations; cor porate relief from liability on account of con tributory negligence and means to prevent in jury from the insolvency of corporations, are great and vital questions to tho American people. Some' few days since, in a quaint book pub lished in the state of Tennessee, I found that upon the 14th day of November, 1801, the legis lature of Tennessee created the first corpora tion in that state. It was known as tho "Cum berland Turnpike Company," and its charter contained tho following clauses: "J.. The company may make by-laws, rules and regulations not inconsistent with tho laws of tho state. "2. It must measure and mile-mark tho whole road, erect bridges and causeways, dig and level fields, hills and mountains to tho width of fifteen feet, and maintain and keep tho road in good order and repair. "3. The life, of the franchise is limited to a period of ten years. "4. The corporation Is required to execute a bond in the sum of $2,000.00 with an ap proved security for keeping' the road in safe condition and good repair. "5. The governor Is to appoint three com missioners, they or either of them, to review and examine the condition of the road once in each six months and report its condition to . tho governor. "6. The company, on tho completion of tho road, is required' to report to the governor that the road has been completed in accordance with the charter requirements. "7. Thereupon the commissioners are to view and examine the road and if they report to tho governor that the road has been completed in accordance with tho true intent and meaning of tho chartor, tho governor shall issue a licenso to tho company permitting it to orect gates and to collect tolls. "8. Tho tolls to bo demanded and received from- tho various kinds of vehicles, live stock, footmen, etc., aro prescribed by tho chartor. "9. Tho charter provided that if any person should sustain any damago on account of be ing detained by Che keepers of said turnpikes, or on account of tho road being out of re pair, such persons should have an action against tho company for tho damages sustained. "10. Tho charter fixes tho compensation of tho commissioners at $2.00 per day whllo necessarily employed, which compensation should bo paid by tho corporation. "11. It requires the road to bo completed on or before tho first day of September, 1802, in default of which all rights granted by tho charter should bo forfeited." Here, in tho far-off, early days of American history, a legislature upon tho outposts of civi lization, granted a chartor which prevented monopolies, maintained state control, provided against insolvency and granted to persons In jured by tho negligence of tho company, damages. Tho conclusion to bo drawn from such an historical allusion is that the thing needed more than anything else, is a thorough knowledge of the rights of incorporators, the rights of the state and tho duty of corporations toward tho citizens of tho state. I hope that this ancient bit of history may induce all right-thinking men in and out of corporations, to consider principles rather than profits when laying out a line of conduct. WISH FATHER TO THOUGHT The New York Tribune rejoiced over tho rejection of the income tax amendment by the state senate in Arkansas and New Hampshire. But its manifestations of joy were premature, for Arkansas later went into line for tho in come tax. The Tribune exultingly declares that the- amendment is losing ground. The amendment is not losing it is gaining, but why does the Tribune oppose., it? A republican president 'recommended the sub-i mission of the amendment; a republican senate unanimously supported the president's recommendation, and a republican house passed the necessary resolution with only fourteen dis senting votes. The last republican legislature in New York a republican body came within one vote of ratifying it. Why is the Tribune anxious to see tho amendment defeated? What patriotic reason can it give for "desiring to con tinue the present condition in which the nation is unable to collect an Income tax even in .war? If the Tribune will examine the vote by which CONTENTS THE DUTY OF CORPORATIONS BY GOVERNOR-MARSHALL OF INDIANA ' THE FARMERS' FREE LIST AFRAID OF "TALKING" CLUBS TH$ PEOPLE ARE NOT BLIND INCOME TAX KERN MAKES GOOD START GOVERNOR DIX ON INCOME TAX OLLIEJAMES ON "DEMOCRATIC SENATORS" AN INTERESTING DEBATE ON ' PEOPLE'S RULE FRIENDLY AND UNFRIENDLY HOME DEPARTMENT .WHETHER COMMON OR NOT NEWS OF THE WEEK. ' . WASHINGTON NEWS the amendment has been rejected where it has been rejected it will find that as a rule not without exceptions, of course, but as a rule the opposition has come from the predatory in terests, Does the Tribune speak for these in terests in opposing the amendment? THE DELUDED FEW Some of tho senators who voted for Mr. Mar tin did so because they are like him they have no sympathy with " progressive ideas. SSm'e havo aristocratic reasons for holding the ayerage man in contempt; others have pluto cratic reasons for doing so. There is no hope for them they ought to bo retired a3 soon' as' possible. They are a millstone to the party until they are retired. But several of Mr. Martin's supporters were deluded. They were pledged through a mis understanding of the situation. They would have been glad to secure a' release and will take the first opportunity to declare their indepen dence. Watch them as the fight develops. They ought not to have been misled; they can give no valid excuse for voting for Mr. Martin, and they will have ample opportunity to regret it if they do not regret it now. They will spend the next year squaring themselves with their constituents. The? may do even better under the fire of critieism than they would have done had they voted right. Let us hope so. EXAMINE THE RECORD Those who care to know why seventeen pro gressive democrats opposed Mr. Martin and why several who voted for him did so with reluc tance, can "find out by examining tho record. First Let them inquire why he was elevated to the senate? Upon what record was his selection urged? To what influence does he owe his position? Second Let them Inquire what part he took in the attempt to keep Virginia from favoring the election of senators by the people and why. s' Third Let them examine his championship of the three million dollar appropriation to tho railroads for tho Washington depot and com pare his voto with tho vote of tho congressmen from Virginia. Fourth Let them examine his rocord on district legislation affecting the street cars. -Fifth Let them examine his votes with Aid rich and tho tariff taxes for which he voted. Let them examine his record on these and other questions and it will be easy to under stand why seventoen democrats refused to voto for him. It will be hard to understand why any democrat' should support him. THE FARMERS' FREE LIST The democrats in congress do well when they begin tariff revision by putting upon tho 'free list something like one hundred articles largely consumed by farmers. The farmer has been tho chief sufferer from the principle of protection and it is only fair that relief should begin with him. Tho reciprocity treaty is a God-send to him, not so much because it confers great bene fits -upon him but because It leads to greater reductions., Tho opponents of tho reciprocity agreement have tried tqjiide behind tho farmer but the "farmers' free listwjll drive them from under cover and compel themVp voto with tho democrats or quit talking about tho farmer. Look at the list! "Plows, harrows, headers, harvesters, reapers, threshing machines, cotton gins and other agri cultural implements 15 per cent ad valorem. "Cotton bagging, gunny cloth and similar fabrics used as coverings, etc.T-G-10 of a cent per square yard. "Grain, buff and split leather 7 per cent. "Band, bond, belting, rough and solo leather 5 per cent. - "Boots an shoes made of -bovine cattle hides or skins 10 per cent, . "Harness, saddles and saddlery 20 per cent. "Leather cut into shop uppers or vamps, etc. 10 per cent additional duty. "Barbed fence wire- of a cent a pound. "Wire rods, strands or wire rope, woven wire i .iwW.ittftaliriftii a i iVj1 ,14jWuAm iliWU. n AAW&frAA- v-..- "VaJ? inWi4l , l.mmJ&ttiffu' i )uA