The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 14, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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APRIL 14, 1911
;Murphy, not by grace of Tammany Hall, .not. by
grace of Wall Street, but by grace of the inde
pendent democracy of New York. This indepen
dent democracy alone made his election possible.
-It, compelled tho boss to abandon William F.
Among the comments upon the election of
' "James Aloysius O'Gorman as senator from New
j York, is one by Congressman Martin W. Little-
- ton, a Protestant, a southerner by birth and
heritage, and now a New Yorker:
"The presentation of O'Gorman's name served
.-to set at rest the allegations that the insurgents
(in the New York legislature) were indisposed
to vote for a Roman Catholic and an Irish
American." . . , That Senator O'Gorman was voted for by
X members without regard to his religious affilia
tion, evidences anew that this is a country of
equal opportunity for Catholic, Protestant, Jew,
Unitarian, and unbeliever. How great has been
the gain of the Catholic church in the demo
cratic atmosphere of free America is suggested
by comparison of the election of O'Gorman with
the colonial law of New York, enacted 211 years
ago, which made it a capital offense for a priest
to be found within its jurisdiction. Any citizen
could make the arrest, and it mattered little
whether the priest was in the state by accident
or design. This law remained on the statute
books until the adoption of the federal consti
tution in 1787.
At the present time, and for the second time
since the constitution was adopted a Catholic
is chief justice of the supreme court of the
. United States, by appointment by apresident of
different creed, and his appointment confirmed
. by the "senate overwhelmingly Protestant in
its membership.
There never has been urged against a lay
Catholic in official life that he used the power
of his office to advance the interests of his
church to the prejudice of other interests. In
.deed on the few occasions when questions of
. creed arose in public matters, as in connection
."& with schools on Indian reservations, wnetner
? " the government should pay members of Catholic
orders for instructing tne cnnaren or uatnonc
Indian parents, the strongest speeches in sup
port of such payment were made by Protestants.
The speech of the late Senator Vest in this connection-is
particularly recalled.
The decline of the know-nothing" and the
'A. P. A. sentiment in this country is not to be
marvelled at. Their spirit of narrow bigotry
and hate could not survive where on every, hand
was refutation of their libels in the unselfish
service of Catholics of influence to the state
and nation; in the indisputable evidences that
none are more zealous for the security of
government than they, and none more active
or more loyal in public affairs than Irishmen
and the sons of Irishmen. Dubuque (Iowa)
country. As indicating the progress mado during
the last fifteen years, Colonel Bryan mentioned
the movement for the popular eloction of United
States senators and predicted before the special
session adjourned congress would adopt an
amendment of this kind. Ho also looked for
the ratification of the income tax amendment.
Colonel Bryan paid a tribute to Governor
Wilson and said that his courageous fight last
fall meant that . New Jersey had joined the
great movement for progress.
Governor Wilson sought to define the "in
terests" and declared that although the system
was an evil one, honorable men were behind it.
"We wish to show such men that they are
mistaken, not to treat them as public enemies,"
ho said. "Under the demoralizing influengo of
such policies as are embodied in the high pro
tective tariff, this has become, in fact, the theory
of the republican party. The 'superior' people
of large business and of laTgo experience, must,
in their views determine and be sponsors for
the policy of the country.
"It is against this theory that the great re
action has set in. The first victories for tho
people have been won; victory after victory will
follow these first successes, until wo have again
carried our institutions back to their first in
spiration and founded them upon a more abso
lute confidence of the people as their own
masters and arbiters."
A special dispatch to the New York World:
Washington, April 3. The assertion is made
here that Memphis is willing to put up a mil
lion dollars to induce William Jennings Bryan
to take up his abode and publish The Commoner
A year ago a movement for a greater Memphis
was started and today a -delegation of leading
citizens came to Washington to extend an invi
tation to the thrice defeated candidate for presi
dent to move to their city and make it his future
home. , AJ , .
Mr. Bryan said he had no intention of leav
ing Lincoln, Neb., except for his farm in Texas,
but the Tennesseans insist that they are going
to get him, and on Thursday will entertain him
m at a luncheon and tender him their formal invi-
Associated Press dispatch: Burlington, N. J.,
April 5. The Burlington auditorium was packed
for tho celebration of the democratic club of
Burlington county of tho birthday of Thomas
Jefferson, .-William J. Bryan, Governor Wilson
United States Senator James E. Martine and
Frank S. Katzenbach, jr., were among the
- speakers. Speaker Champ Clark was un
able to be present. The meeting was preceded
by a dinner and a reception. Colonel Bryan was
the first. speaker and received an ovation. his
subject was, "Watchman, What of the Night?
He declared that the world is moving for-
ward; that .this country led tlie . woj-ia in, pro
eress and that the democratic party led the
Indianapolis New Era: William Jennings
Bryan gave evidenco in his recent Boston speech
that he still has left his sense of humor. In
discussing the ideas that he had promulgated
and which had later been adopted he humorously
remarked: "If I ever did think of running
again for the presidency and I do not with
these two men (Roosevelt and Taft) carrying
out so many things I have advocated, I am
afraid some republican would raise the third
term cry on me, and say I had already two
terms 'of my policies.' "
Associated Press dispatch: "Washington,
April 7. President Taft and William Jennings
Bryan talked about peace. Other things may
have come in the hour's discussion the. presi
dent and the Nebraskan had at tho whito house,
but international peace predominated. Mr.
Bryan was particularly interested in a proposi
tion submitted by him to President Taft more
than a year ago, which he thought might do
much to prevent war a commission to which
disputes between nations might be submitted.
Tho commission's findings would not bind tho
countries involved but they would be published
to the world. Mr. Bryan, before ho left, met
practically every member of the cabinet."
Associated Press dispatch: Washington,
April 6. William Jennings Bryan called , on
William R. Hearst here. Tho two as "pro
gressive members of the party," as Mr. Hearst
phrased it, discussed various democratic poli
cies. It was said they "agreed on some points,
but disagreed on others." Both, however, ex
pressed satisfaction in the party's prospects.
Columbia (South Carolina) State: "Mr.
Bryan is in Washington enjoying the situation.
No man, no ten men, have worked as hard for
democratic success as Mr. Bryan and ho has
a right to rejoice."
Associated Press dispatch: Washington,
April G. William J. Bryan told the committeo
' sent here by the citizens of Memphis to. invite
him to make his home in that city that he would
not accept. The invitation was extended at a
luncheon given Mr. Bryan by the committee.
Judge James M. Greer of Memphis presented
the Memphis idea. He was followed by Senators
Lea and Taylor and Representative Gordon of
Tennessee, Representative Sisson of Mississippi
and Robinson of Arkansas and Duke C. Bowers
.of Memphis.
They begged Mr. Bryan to come where the
- people loved him, where he would always find
Mr Bowers said he felt sure that Memphis
could easily raise $2,000,000 if that would bo
any inducement to have Mr. Bryan come to his
Mr Bryan replied that it was not a money
consideration, and if he looked at it in that
light he would not be worthy of such an Invi
tation He said he knew he had friends In tho
south who would stand by him and that was
, why they did not need, him there; they needed
him more in the north.
Suggesting that he should not bo on one side,
of the country, ho said his home at Lincoln is
almost In tfi'q center of tho country, and only
about two days' rldo to any section whoro ho
might bo needed to fight for tho cauao of 'de
mocracy.' Ho promised to visit Memphis at every op
portunity. Tho most effcctlvo trlbuto extended Mr, Bryan
was offered by Luke Lea, tho now young senator
from Tennessee. A previous speaker had an
nounced that tho Mom phis delegation had al
ready purchased Mr. Bryan a ticket from Wash
ington to Memphis and expected him to leavo
with tho party that ovoning. Commenting on
this, Senator Lea said:
"The Memphis gentlemen complimented Mr.
Bryan more highly than they realizo. Fifteen
years ago, beforo Mr. Bryan had aroused tho
country to a sense of civic righteousness, tho
delegation would not havo said it had purchased
Mr. Bryan's ticket. It would havo said: 'Wo
havo a pass for you to go back to Memphis
with us tonight.' "
Special dispatch to tho Denver Nows: "There
aro present In Washington acknowledged
leaders in tho two schools of democratic thought
one, tho three-time candidato,jof his party for
the presidency, now burning with tho prospect
of his party moving to tho front as tho un
questioned champion of the people for pro
gressive legislation; tho other, a twlce-olocted
governor of tho second state In tho union, and
who has behind him as an avowed candidate for
president the organized conservative democratic
element of the country.
"William Jennings Bryan has been flitting
about tho hotel lobbies since Saturday ovoning,
beaming his never-fading smile and shaking
hands with every othor man ho meots, because
democrats, whether they aro office-holders or
office-seekers, havo all voted for him, which
gives them, according to their notion, tho un
qestioned right to greet him as an old-time and
cherished friend.
''Governor Harmon, who reached tho capital
later, while not nearly so generally known as
Bryan, has a wonderfully wide acquaintance, as
was evidenced by tho number of times ho had
to stop while passing through tho hotel corri
dors. Bryan and Harmon are hero, confessedly,
to experience tho sensations that must thrill
every democratic heart, with tho feelings that
the organization of a democratic house Inspires
after banishment for more than fourteen years.
"Harmon does not admit, however, that tho
enjoyment of political sensations Is his chief
attraction at the capital. Before he returns to
Ohio, he will argue an important case, that ho
has been senior counsel In since beforo ho was
elected governor, before the supreme court of
the United States, But that case may or may
not be called, while he regards it as next to
certain that he will be called by tho democratic
masses to tho presidency.
"Woodrow Wilson, with becoming modesty, re
mained away from the capital, but hundreds of
democrats from the south and west will return
to their homes by way of New Jersey's capital
city, and will pay their respects to the man
whom they regard as having equal chances with
Harmon for their party's nomination.
"Tho juxapositlon of Bryan and Harmon
raises the question in nearly every democratic
mind whether Harmon will really be nominated
or not.
"Woodrow Wilson's case demonstrates tho
yearnings of the Amorican heart for able, brave
and conscientious men. Two years ago ho was
not mentioned for the presidency, but his bold
and successful light in Now Jersey for clean
- politics and the faithful observance by the legis
lature of public pledges, make him a formidable
candidate for tho presidency now, and more of
a democratic, idol today than Ohio's governor.
"Mr. Bryan, has not shown himself averse to
discussing the' political outlook. What he haa
said about Harmon's nomination does not give
aid and comfort to the Harmon side. All of
which tends to make it strikingly apparent that
the next democratic presidential contest is going
to be a terrific struggle for supremacy between
the "conservatives and the progressives within
the democratic fold.
"While' Mr. Bryan will not bo a candidate
himself, it is quite clear that he does not
propose' to efface himself from the contest. It
is equally clear .that ho will put himself in tho
front of the progressive ranks with a determina
tion that democracy shall take the progressive
stand in both platform and candiate, and that
his own voice shall Tie potent in the naming
of both.
ir'tt'B splendid,' said Mr. Bryan to the News
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