The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 14, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
Old Speckles hee
OJjjOt J-" """-J WtflA&O1
Dut don't Bond mo a Hlnglo penny
when you answor this announcement.
You nco, I nm the originator of tho Dr.
Ilaux fnmouo "Perfect Vision" Spcc
toclcstlio mont wondorful and most
porfoct vision spectacles on earth.
Thcso nro tho wonderful "Per
fect Vision" Spectacles with which
you can read tho vory smallest
print in your blblo, even by tho
film firelight.
Thcso nro tho wonderful "Per
fect Vision" Spectacles with which
you can soo to thread tho smallest
oyed ncodlo and do tho finest kind
of embroidering just aa well as you
ovor did in your young girlhood
And I want you and every othor
Kwiulnc, bona-fldo Bpoctaclo-wearor In
your county (nil my old customers
Also), to got a handsomo tliiUl pair
Gf thcso wonderful and Improved "Per
fect Vision" SpcctnclOB of mino with
out ono Hlnglo, solitary cent of cost or
any promises of any kind whatever.
And aa a favor not an obligation,
mind you I will kindly ask you to
Just DoMeAOoodTurn
by showing them around to your
noighbors and friends, and speak a
good word for thorn ovcrywhero at
ovcry opportunity. "Wrlto mo this
minuto for my frco Homo Eyo Testor
and my wal Spectacle Offer. Ad
dress DR. HAUX,
Haux Building St. Louis, Mt.
That nro nuccesRf ul brlni? ftimo nnil cash to tJiolr
writers. Bontlusyoor tnnnuscrlpt, or wrlto for FIIKE
PAIITIOUIjAKS. Publication jnmrniitcod lfaccop
tod. H. Klrkut l)ujdnl Co., Vfk 80, TmiUlnjton,U. a
Froo roport ns to Patentability, lllintratod Gulds
Book, and 1.1st of Inventions Wanted, eontlroo.
VIOTOK J. KVANH St CO., Washlmtou, D. 0
$20 fo $50 .WEEKLY
wlHni. ftiA AllAmo4tA f?t.nlilr.Atlt.. VaaI
lu your homo county. AFcncoIlullder'aTool.
Post Pullor, Llf ting Jack, VJeo, Wrench, otc.
uowi uj rniiuora, icamriorr, in rncionos.
Mlllll Mlnrm n Wmtrh 9A It.. r...l.u
3 tons. Nooxporlcflconoccmsary, Krcolnstruo-
Bend no money. Naino County whoro you lire.
183MalnSt,BloomflId. Ind.
Deafness Gured.
Tho secret of how" to use tho mystor
xous and Invisible nature forces for tho
mirft Of DonfllfiSH nrwl TTnnrl Nnlona Vina
at last boon discovered by tho famous
Physlclan-Sclontist, Dr. Guy Clifford
Powell. Doafnoss and Head Noises
disappear aB If my magic under tho
uso of this now and wonderful dis
covery. Ho will sond all who suffer
from Doafnoss and Head Noises full In
formation how they can bo cured, abso
lutely free, no matter how long they
have been deaf, or what caused their
deafness. This marvolous Treatment is
so simple natural and certain that you
will wonder why it was not discovered
before. Investigators marvol at tho
quiolc results. Any doaf person can
havo full information how to bo curod
quickly and curod to stay cured at
homo without Investing a cent Wrlto
today to Dr. Guy Clifford Powell, 8135
Bank Building, Pooria, 111., and got full
Information of this now and wondorful
dlscovory absolutely freo.
.00 I
tlKO.OO a nvmJV
olo or opn tiro.
Rider Mgenfs Wanted
. '"." k.,g"u'MUD sample ion I4ev.
fy&TlgSEff" $fO to $27
wiui ,uicruraKcs nu runcturc-rroor tires.
loll of best makM..t. fo $f?
?.? 220r-"tf Whmmh
tut jltift V J 1
i ma I' mv
i Wilfiw wW
t mi 111
I All makes and models, VZ
coed aa new ; &3to$Q
Croat JfAOTCfnyr eiT.nimm 7zl
&, ? Approval iut a
KCJ-..??. "T BUY until yoffioS
aWppueiiLnd offer. Vfc wt
uwsju VXVJLiiaVO,
mtich enhancod by tho unanimity
with which it is conferred by my
party fellows, and tho universal good
will wjth which it is accepted by our
co-laborors of the minority. Coming
into tho speakership under these for
tunato circumstances, tho hearty co
operation of all members, of what
ever political persuasion, is there
by earnestly invoked in maintaining
order and decorum and in placing
unon tho statute books laws for tho
good of the country and tho wholo
country, working out promptly, pa
tiently, courageously and patrioti
cally those measures necessary for
tho betterment of government
methods and for the amelioration of
conditions under which wo live.
Some Party Satisfaction
"My democratic brethren, coupled
with the joy of once more seeing
a house a largo majority of which
is of my own political faith, is a keen
sense of our responbllility to our
country and our kind. It is an adage
worthy of acceptation that where
much is given much is required.
"After fourteen years of exclusion
in the house and fourteen years of
exclusion In every department in the
government, we are" restored to
power in the house of representa
tives, and in that alone. We are this
day put upon trial and the duty de
volves upon us to demonstrate not
so much by fine phrases as by doing
works that aro worthy of the confi
dence imposed on us by the voters
of tho land and that we are worthy
of their wider confidence. We could
not if we would, and we would not
if we could, escape this severe test..
We will not shirk our duty. We
shrink not from the responsibility.
"That wo will prove equal to the
emergency in which we find our
selves placed through our own efforts
and through our own desires, there
can be no doubt, and the way to ac
complish this is to fulfill with cour
age, intelligence and patriotism the
promises made before the election in
order to win the election. In dis
charging our duty thoroughly and
well, subordinating personal desires
to principle and personal ambition
to an exalted love of country, we will
not only receive the endorsement of
tho people but what is far better
we will deserve their endorsement.
Tho Party Pledges
"Chief among those promises were:
"First An honest and intelligent
revision of tho tariff downward, in
order to give every American citizen
an equal chance in the race of life
and to hamper none undulv bv
special favor or privilege, to reduce
tne cost or living by eradicating the
enormities and cruelties of the
present tariff bill and to raise the
necessary revenue to support the
government. Bills are already far
advanced in preparation looking to
tho accomplishment of these benefi
cent ends.
"Second The passage of a resolu
tion submitting to the states for rati
fication a constitutional amendment
providing for the election of United
States senators by the popular vote.
ThiB resolution has already been in
troduced and will soon bo passed by
the house. Let us hope that we will
send it to tho senate by a unanimous
"Third Such changes in the rules
of tho house as are necessary for
the thorough and intelligent con
sideration of measures for the public
good, several of which changes are
accomplished facts. If other changes
are deemed wise, they will be
promptly made. I congratulate the
house and the country and particu
larly do I congratulate the members
of the committee on ways and means
upon tho success of the important
and far-reaching experiment of se
lecting committees through tho in
strumentality of a committee, an ex
periment touching with dire predic
tions were made and concerning the
operation of which grave doubts were
entertained, even by some honest re
formers. Economy tho Watchword
"Fourth Economy in the public
expense that labor may be lightly
burdened. The literal fulfillment of
that promise which so nearly affects
the comfort and happiness of mil
lions wo havo begun and wo be
gan at tho proper place by cutting
down the runninc exnenses of the
house by nfore than $188,000 a year.
Economy, like charity, should begin
at home. That's where we began.
Wo cannot with a straight face and
clear conscience reform expenses
elsewhere unless we reform them
here at the fountain head. The
democratic caucus deserves well of
the country for taking this long and
important step in the direction of
economy all along the line.
"The constitution gives the house
tho practical control of the purse
strings of the country, and the house
Bhould insist resolutely and firmly
upon exercising that control to the
end that appropriation bills be re
duced to the needs of the govern
ment, effectively and economically
administered. .It is our duty to pro
vide every dollar needed for the
proper and economical conduct of
the government, but it is equally our
duty to prevent waste and extrava
gance in public expenditures, for we
should never forget that it is a diffi
cult task for millions of families to
live now in decency and comfort.
"Surely it is the part of wisdom,
statesmanship, humanitarianism and
patriotism to legislate so as to reduce
their burdens to the minimum. The
resuscitation of the Holman rule will
help along in this matter. No good
citizen desires to cripple the govern
ment in any legitimate function, but
no good citizen desires that the
people be loaded down with unneces
sary taxes.
Tho Light of Publicity
"FifthThe publication of cam
paign contributions and disburse
ments before election. The bill to
accomplish that desired reform has
been prepared and introduced. It will
be speedily passed by the house. The
average citizen, whatever his politics,
Is absolutely honest. He demands
honesty and cleanliness in politics.
He believes that too much money is
Dijum. m citjuuiou matters and he pro
poses to put an end to it.
"As the representatives of the
u'BiBbo iia.u it ib our auty to carry
out his patriotic wishes in that re
gard to, the end that all men desirous
of serving the public may have a fair
chance in politics, and to the end
that this mighty republic, the poli
tical hope of the world, may not be
destroyed by corruption in elections.
"SixthThe admission of both
Arizona and New Mexico as states I
violate no confidence In saying that
so.a as tne uouse js concerned they
w!!! ?Q BPeedily admitted and they
will bo admitted together.
"These are a few of' the things
which we promised. We are not only
going to fulfill them; we have al
ready begun the great task. What
we .have done is only an earnest of
what we will do. We, this day re
port progress to the American necmle
The rest will follow. P P '
for the people who yields to the de
mands and solicitations of the few
having access to his ear, but is for
getful of that vast multitude who
may never hear his voice or look into
his face.
'? fJ?g?Sst ? my fellow members
?n5 Side? ?f the,bIg alle-which
is the line of demarkation betwixt us
as nnrflonnri i..t ,
American citizens or as American
representatives that he serves his
party best who serves his country
. "I am now ready to take the oath
and ask that it be administefedTlTy
Mr. Talbot of Maryland." viAtt
In Its report of the United States
senate proceedings, the Associated
Press says: Vice President Sherman
found tho first opportunity to extend
a courtesy to Senator Kern of In
diana, his recent competitor for tho
vice presidential office. The Indiana
senator occupied the vide president's
chair about five minutes almost im
mediately after he had been sworn.
The only ex-senator present was
the eighty-eight-year-old Henry Gas
saway Davis of West Virginia.
Of the senators sworn in seventeen
never before held seats. The new
republicans were Lippett of Rhode
Island, McLean of Connecticut, Poin
dexter of Washington, Townsend of
Michigan, and Works of California.
The new democrats being Messrs.
Bryan of Florida, Chilton, of West
Virginia, Hitchcock of Nebraska,
Blood Troubles
And Skin Diseases
Quickly Succumb To Tho Beneficial
Effects Of Stuart's Calcium -Wafers.
Trial Package ''" :Fre
Science has prove surfum Sul
phide to be the most-ao .. -rful blood
purifier known. Stuapts process of
giving the system this great cleaner
for the blood, has been- called the
best, for preserving the full strength
of Calcium Sulphide.
Calcium Sulphide is not a poison.
It is harmless, though greatly power
ful. Children may take it with freedom
and their delicate .organisms thrive
with its use.
Skin diseases flee when the blood
is charged with, this great eradicator.
The blood at once feels its in
fluence and eruptions cease and fade
away almost beyond belief, so im
mediate is its action.
No matter what degree of eruptive
skin trouble you may have, Stuart's
Calcium Wafers will- purify and en
Tich the blood. These little wafers
go into the stomach just like the
skin Impurities get in. They tone
up the organ, enter the intestines,
are absorbed by the lacteals and
lymphatics, are drawn Into the blood,
course quickly to every organ and
atom of the body, and remove secre
tions and decay. The lungs are as
sisted, the liver is aided, the stom
ach re-inforced, and skin diseases
are assailed from their source. All
retreat, for disease is cut off from
the rear, and veryf quickly nature
routs the effects of such maladies
which appear in the form of pimples,
eruptions, blackheads and scaly for
mations. You have science backed up . by
years of actual proof when you take
a Stuart Calcium Wafer, Not a
mere feeble effort at relief, but a
remedy of nature that has relieved
human subjects greater in number
by far than the entire army of
America and Canada, For chronic
or temporary blood disorders and
skin diseases these wafers are with
out an equal.
If you will go to your druggist'
and ask him the virtue of Calcium
Sulphide his answer will confirm
these statements.
Stuart's Calcium Wafers, he will
also say, are the most popular and
scientific method of using this won
derful ingredient. They sell for 50c
per package, or send us your name
and address and wo will send you a
1 Package by mail free. Address
S I tuart Co" 40Q 'Stuart' Bldg.,
Marshall, Mich.
' if Au