APRIL 14, 1911 The Commoner 11 .niiiiiifi aaaaajaawaaw 1 aa . i ... :-: Wash BHnannMinaannmaBDaaHaiMnBtaK ington News An Associated Press correspon dent says: "Senator La Follette in tends to establish by legislation, if he can, the right of government em ployes to organize in unions in the manner that trades are organized and affiliate with the American Federation of Labor. His purpose has been made plain In a letter sent to all employes of the railway mail ser vice "bearing on the issue that has been raised between such employes of the government and Postmaster General Hitchcock, Second Assistant Postmaster General' Stewart and other officials of the postofflce depart ment. A copy of the circular letter was made public recently. One para graph of Senator La Follette's letter follows 'The railway mail clerks have the right to organize. If the officers of the department are en deavoring to prevent them from so so doing by threats of discharge, such action is without legal authority or moral right.' " Secretary of the Treasury Mac Veagh advocates the creating of his civil pension list. Roosevelt's Panama have been dismissed. libel suits A . bill to restore, the army canteen was introduced by Representative Bartholdt of Missouri. Representative Sulzer introduced a resolution providing for the elec tion of senators by the people. President Taft has accepted an invitation to address a meeting of thef' Methodists in New York April 27th. An Associated Press dispatch from Washington says: "A resolution asking for the withdrawal of the United States from the Mexican bor der and for the submission to con gress by the president of all the papers bearingon the Mexican situa tion was introduced in the house by Victor Berger, the new socialist con- It Does The Heart Good To see how the little folks enjoy Post Toasties with cream Sweet, crispr bits of pearly white corn, rolled and toasted to an appetizing brown. ..r 11 .A9 I "liie memory Liingei Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., "Bnttlo Oroek, Mich. gressman from Milwaukee. Mr. forger referred to the 'depotiam and brutality of the Mexican governing class,' which ho says have goaded the people of that country into revolution." The first argument before the commerce court was that of an L. & N. case appealing from a reduc tion of Now Orleans-Mobile rate. The United States and Great Brit ain have agreed to arbitrate the claim of a Massachusetts whaler's heirs, in volving millions of acres of New Zea land land. tiHI Senator Elihu Root, of New York, secured the admission of his son, Elihu Root, jr., to practice Jjofore the supreme court tit the united States. The supremo court declined to put the ban on "cut rates" in proprie tary medicines on the ground that such action would afford the manu facturers of medicine an unlawful hionopoly. Dr. A. S. Knapp, an international authority on agriculture, died at the national capital. An Associated Press dispatch says: "John Sharp Williams, the new junior senator from Mississippi, has succeeded in a life-time ambition. He has the seat in the senate which was occupied by Jefferson Davis." Unless Secretary MacVeagh changes his plans the issue of Pana ma bonds which the treasury is pre paring to bring out will bo dated June 1. Plates bearing that date are now being made at the bureau of engraving and printing. Advances recently made by ex press companies in charges for the transportation of liquors in packages were considered excessive by the in terstate commerce commission and were suspended until an inquiry could be made. In accordance with plans an nounced several months ago, the war department will send two more com panies of coast artillery to Hawaii in about three months." Charles D. Hilles, of Dobbs Perry, N. Y., took the oath of office as sec retary to the president. A SIGNIFICANT DECISION Louis D. Brandeis submitted to the, interstate commerce commis sion on behalf of the shippers, that the demand of the railroads for in creased freight rates was unneces sary and unjust. He demonstrated that Jhe railroads are violating al most every principle of the science of business management. He main tained that the public should not be compelled to pay for mismanage ment. Now comes the interstate commerce commission, with a de cision refusing to permit the in creases that the railroads request. It says: "It is not apparent that the general public should stand respon sible for the mistakes which have been made in financing these rail road systems." Perhaps Mr. Bran deis' suggestions, which have been held up to ridicule by the corpora tion press, will now receive respect ful consideration. Meanwhile, ex tensions of new lines and expendi tures for equipment are proceding without a halt. La Follette's Magazine. SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS IN SPECIAL SESSION The Sixty-second congress mot in special session April Gth. Its politi cal complexion id as follows: Senate Republicans, 50; demo crats, 41; vacancy, 1. House Democrats, 228; republi cans, 160; socialist, 1; vacancies, 2. An Associated Press report says: Representative Clark was elected speaker. Ho polled 217 votes against 131 for James R. Mann, of Illinois, 16 for Henry A. Cooper, Wisconsin, and one for George W. Norrls, of Ne braska. Tho three last named are republicans. Mr. Clark was nominated by Rep resentative Burleson, of Texas, chair man of tho democratic caucus. Mr. Mann was nominated by Representa tive Currier, of Now Hampshire, chairman of tho republican caucus. Tho Insurgents did not go through the formality of nominating their candidate, Mr. Cooper. Neither Mr. Clark nor Mr. Mann voted. Mr. Cooper voted for Norris, (Nob.) Tho insurgents who voted for Mr. Cooper in addition to Aiken, New York, were: Anderson, Minnesota; Davidson, Wisconsin; Davis, Minne sota; French, Idaho; Kopp, Wiscon sin; LaFollette, Wisconsin; Laferty, Oregon; Jackson, Kansas; Kent, California; Lenroot, Wisconsin; Nel son, Wisconsin, and Warburton, Washington. Victor L. Bercer. of Wisconsin, th only socialist in tho house, declined to vote. When Clerk McDowell announced the vote by which Mr. Clark was elected, the house broke into cheers. When Mr. Clark appeared at the main door on the arm of Mr. Mann, there was renewed cheering. Mr. Mann rapped for order. "It is a great office," he said, slowly, "and filled by a great man, Gentlemen, I present to you your speaker, the Hon. Champ Clark, of Missouri." Mr. Clark himself rapped for order this time, to stop the applause, and then launched into his speech. He frequently was interrupted by ap plause. Exercising his privilege as a for mer member of tho house, Mr. Bryan appeared in the chamber at 11:46 a. m. He was quickly recognized by the gallery crowds and a demonstra tion which started with applause soon was taken up with the cheering on the floor and in the galleries. A few minutes later Governor Har mon of Ohio appeared on the floor and the cheering was renewed. Mr. Mann, as the new minority leader, also was greeted with ap plause. Mr. Mann and Mr. Clark, as the two candidates for the speaker ship, had their pictures taken in the speaker's offices. Mrs. Clark and her daughter and son, comprising the speaker's family, were with him in his new offices and exchanged greet ings with many of the visitors. CHAMP CLARK'S SPEECH Speaker Champ Clark said, in part: "Election to the high position of Bpeaker Is an exceptional honor, for which you have my profoundest gratitude. To be a member of the house, to represent 2,000,000 Ameri can citizens in the more numerous branch of the greatest legislative body in the world, is an honor to which. In the nature of things, com paratively few men may attain. To be chosen by the representatives of 92,000,000 people to preside over their deliberations is a signal mark of your favor, for which the best return is to discharge tho onerous and Important duties of the station to which you have assigned me with such impartiality, constancy, indus try, courtesy and good temper as to expedite tho public business, thereby promoting tho public weal, "The pleasure of being speaker is Cheap as Wood. m s MfJJLniKlA. aaW aa tmtmmm - aaaaaaaaSJ Jl "3 tk yi 4 $rKU- JU- J-J t tH r 1 1 m li 44J-yJ4 wranufMtuoLawnni Farm Fence. Goll direct tMrrlnf touiert onlT.tmnnufMaturAri' nriona. Ho ent. Ourcatn lose la Free, wr I to for It today. UP-TO-DATE Mf G. CO. 980 KHk St., Terre HuU, Ind. CfpnlWt SUPERt STRAIN OF WHITE 5lrO!J6lS PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Eck.i from Htock Hint will win In tho show room and fill your orb brwkot. Our birds are bljr whlto bcautloa, strong In all sections. Winners of all the lea din it shows where quality talks. The largest xrJao!t WblU rijmoalb Keek Ilrrrdrr In the wt. Ujtks from choice mating!, li per 15. JZ2 per 100. Utility flocks. SUSO per 15. 9 per 100. Send for mating list, Ift free. I-et's tret In touch with each other, I know I can please you. FREl STROBEL, R. 6, Box 5, York, Neb. Ufe member American 1'oultry AssocU tion. State Secretary Whlto Rock Club. 47 A Y.'Vir.Sl HAIST5 tiijcm without -t-BJ r JU& MILK. Booklet Free. Nobraika Seed Co., Omaha Neb REMINGTON $18.75 Wrlto nt onco for tho most InUjrcat t lng proposition cvor inndo to tho lypowrltor ntirclituior. Standard Typewriter Exchange 23 Park Row, Now York yBnrs IhtfHdyJiimrMMI Sllohlly Ud ond Rebuilt machlnta Ilka new. Prices one-quarter to one. half manufacturers. Sold or Rented. Rent applied. SMpptd on approval nywhora. Ask for targe bargain list. B. F. SWANSON CO. tlUUltrf ltO lllirvuaSt.OatU.IM. Soft Slate DiitiitmUrs U C. Smith & Brtt., Typewriters. (r s Mir FAULTY METABOLISM AS A COMMON CAUSE OF DISEASE, I la the subject discussed in Bulletin v No. 1 of Uie Sliaicr Pathological Laboratory. The Bulletin is eent free on request and trill prove inter esting' to everyone in Pain and Poor Health. Address: John F. Shafer, M. D. 21 Pcnn Ave., Plttsburrj, Pa. Tobacco Habit Banished DR. ELDEIIB' TOBACCO BOON BANISHES all forms of Tobacco Habit in 72 to 120 hours. A poll tire, quick and pormanont rollof. Easy to toko. No craving for Tobacco after tho first dose. On to ibroo, bozos for sdl ordinary canes. We cuaran. too roBtilts In evory cue or refund money. Send for our frco booklet giving full information. Elders' Sanitarium, Dept, 1 SI. Joseph, Mo A CHANGE TO. MAKE MONEY Yes, elegant Free Homesteads ad joining valuable land, from which very fine bananas aro now being sold, can still bo had in Mexico. You need not go to Mexico, but must havo five acres of bananas planted within five years. Address The Jantha Plantation Co., Block 679, Pittsburg, Pa.; they will plant and care for your bananas on shares, so you should make a thousand dollars a yeaT. Bananas begin bearing in about 15 months, bringing the quick est returns of any fruit growing. Tho climate is delightful and tho health conditions good. Should any reader desire to procure a Homestead, apply immediately. "Banking Made Safe." Tried by a three million dollar fail uro In which the depositors lost not ono cent, and sustained by the supreme court of the United States, the Okla homa state banks stand unrivalled for security among financial Institutions. On tho basis of absolute safety we ask your patronage. Satisfied depositors in every state of the Union attest our ability to handle your account right. Interest paid on Time Deposits and Savings Accounts. GUARANTY STATE BANK, Muskogee, Oklahoma. M. O. Haskell, Vice President. M. C. Sells, Cashier. S't timHammiMth rtSBtfjaiUiatWrJ fc'.., ittaiUd' itt,ulmmk i"Aa(,y)Sj Itit ,Vtmm, Hft t fTtff'lltJt f rtiaaiaa-aaaai- Hljii'tji )jflMVUl i