,zirlm;(,mmimwmK(&MMVM&!-i " ( !) ! t n I !' H N im I'M':1 V n VT- 10 The Commoner. VOLUME 11, NUMBER X4 'rfTf ( - .... . i u i yr-1 U0fK v. i. fft i k m . - h h n h . a ' w r ir rTTSMiTicr " 3.FJhe, , Fifty mon and boys lost thoir lives In a flro In a coal mine near Scran- ton, Pa. Magistrate Corrlgan charges that I crlmo is rampant in Now York City ( and that the police force is demora t lizod. Mayor Gaynor stoutly donies ' tho charge Tho Ponnsylania Company and tho Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Company, a subsi diary lino, havo filed suit in Pennsyl vania seeking the annulment of tho two cents a mile passenger faro law of that state. Tho Arkansas house passed tho Korsh bill providing for the submis sion of tho liquor question to a vote in September, 1912. A Salt Lake City dispatch, carried by tho United Press, says: "Colonel Roosovelt did not include Utah in his western itinerary. Ho was not in vited because republican leaders do SIX ASTONISHING BARGAIN OFFERS For a Limited Time, Your Choice of These Six Big Offers with Each Yearly Subscription to The American Homestead at 25c "YDT?!?! M 1 With every yearly subscription (now or ro F r FvlV INI J I nowal) sent to Tho American Homestead vx x JLJJ-y- aiv within tho next 30 days, at tho regular yearly price of 25 centn, wo Includo without extra cost, a full one year's subscription to tho KANSAS CITY WEEKLY STAll, one of tho leading weeklies of tho country for tho farm and homo. fM?T?T?"D MA 1 With every yearly subscription (newor-rro--UrrJCJ INU. L no,YKl ont to Th0 Amer-ictm "Homestead i i A within tho next, ,30 .d&Tys, at tho regular yearly price of 25 cent, wo include wlthotft extra cont, a full one year'3 subscription to tho ;iyo?Att'S WORLD, a largo monthly magazlno for tho Womanand,Uomo, containing the best stories, fashions, etc. 'PnTfflJyD ATA Of With every yearly subscription (new or ro UrrHaV. INU. O noWhl) Btsnt t0 ThG American Homestead , , "Z1 v within tho next 30 days, at tho regular yearly price of 25 cent, wo Includo -without extra cot, a full one year's subscription to tho PEOPLE'S POPULAR MONTHLY, a big magazine for homo and family which should be in overy household. fM?T?l?T) ATA A With pvery yearly subscription (new or re- UrrllaV INU, "'JTffi15 ilont to The American Homestead , , ,v' within tho next 30 days, at tho regular yearly prlco of 25 centn, wo Include without extra cost, a full ono year's ESrniP$w m1?3 AMERICAN POULTRYMAN, a big monthly poultry journal that will bo usoful and Instructive. . "" ATTTTTT) MA CI With overy yearly subscription (new or re UrrUdCV INU. D VaP ?nt to Tho American Homestead yearly price of 25 cent,, clJS? Ll'J&l aaSESS collection of TWENTY-FIVE 1JKAUTIPUL POSTCAirns Jn Jfw.TJS floral and friendship designs, embossed and coo?ed ' extulslt OFFER NO. 6 K stead within the next thirty W at 'tg? regur" yearly price of 25 cents, wo include, without SxtS ?2hnwnn?n ?,P?ldV, ft nIjUcCKY horseshoe dank tSv bank SraSA Smallest and most satisfac tory oanK made. May bo worn on watch chain irnv ring, as a locket, or carried In pocket. Holds 1C dimes When full it opens automatically. Snap shut and It braISadyLafsts Hlff'BSi W of h "y nickeled Sndviurln.111118, Get D thcso banks Choice of Any Offer For 25 Cents Take your cholco of any of tho above offers at 25 cents, fill out and mail coupon with your remittance in money order, stamps or coin securely wrapped. Ro mombor, each offor calls for 25 conts each, or any four for i, and Is limited to 30 days. If you axe already a subscriber for any paper In these offers youT subscription will be ex tended for tho Umo mentioned. Papcra will bo sent to different ad drcssos if desired. Do not fail to get one or moro of thcso bargain offers by sending In your order at ones. MAIL TODAY If pos sible before you forget it or lose tho coupon. Mako all remittances to THE AMERICAN" HOMESTEAD, LIncola, Neb. Coupon for Special Limited Offers The American IToracatcnd, Lincoln, Nek. f W1I enclose 25c for tho Kansas 2!fiSr.,.and The American Home stead, both ono year. w'ohS' Tr? eS?l0S0A -5c ,for the Woman's bIthldononyeaTr!ie AmerIcan Homestead, Offer No. 3--I enclose 25c for the Poople's HoPmtrnoSl0Eth?y and Tho Amertcai n 0n5?SteildV both 0no ycar- Offer No. 4- I enclose 25c for tho Ameri can Poultryman and The AmeS oftStcAboth,oncycar- American uuer No. 5 I enclose 25c for Tho Ameri can Homestead for ono year and a St of twenty-flvo post cards. Ce Offer No. G I enclose 25c for a LhcW Name P. O. iV Mark Offer Wa.ted-Se.d ,CobFoh Today. not wish to give recognition to any one who might be a rival of Presi dent Taft for the republican nomi nation in 1912. This is tho Salt Lake Tribune's explanation of ftie colonel's failure to visit this city: 'The ac cepted reason for the failure of local republicans to invite Roosevelt here is that persons who direct the desti nies of the republican party in Utah are basking in tho favor of President Taft. They fear Roosevelt may loom large as a presidential candidate, and they wish to keep Utah in line for Taft.' " An Ottawa, Ont., dispatch says: "The Canadian government deserves the censure of parliament for not having brought down a statement showing prices and statistics on all articles included in the reciprocity agreement with the United States and the twelve countries which bene fit under favored nation provisions." This resolution, directed against the government, was defeated in the house by a majority of thirty-four on a straight party vote. Craige Lippincott, head of the pub lishing house of J. B. Lippincott & Co., and prominent in the financial and social life of Philadelphia, shot himself in his magnificent home, 218 West Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia. A Des Moines, la., dispatch, car ried by the Associated Press, says: "Without a dissenting vote the sen ate adopted the bill of Representa tive Perkins of Delaware, providing for the sterilization of habitual criminals, imbeciles, idiots and feeble-minded confined in state in stitutions. The measure has passed the house and is now before the governor for action. The state has direct charge of the enforcement of the provisions of the act, heavy fines oeing provided for those who invoke tho provision of the bill without authority." A resolution ratifying the income tax amendment to the federal con stitution waB adopted by the Ten nesseo senate. rendum and recall have passed' ttie " lower branch of the legislature and a canvass of the senate indicates their early passage by that body.-J' - M. Rodzianko was elected presi dent of the Russian duma. Mrs. Ella Wilson has been elected mayor of Hunnewell, Kan. A St. Paul, Minn., dispatch, car ried by the Associated Press says: "Judge Walter H. Sanborn, senior United States circuit court judge of the Eighth judicial circuit, in an ex haustive opinion handed down re cently, decided the Minnesota rate cases against the members of the Minnesota state railway commission on the ground tha't the necessary effect of the reductions ordored was substantially to burden and directly to regulate interstate commerce, to create unjust discriminations be tween localities in Minnesota and those in adjoining states in violation, of the commercial clause of the con stitution and to take properties of the railroad companies without just compensation in violation of the fourteenth amendment to the con stitution. The suits were brought by stockholders of the Northern Pacific, Great Northern and the Mineapolis & St. Paul Railway companies against those companies, the attor ney general and the members of the railroad and warehouse commission of Minnesota to enjoin the reduction of the passenger rates" in Minnesota from 3 cents to 2 cents per mile, the merchandise rates 20 to 25 per cent and the commodity rates 7.37 per cent." By a vote of 35 to 7 tho Illinois senate passed Senator Clark's Chi cago board of trade bill, which le galizes trading in futures. The Iowa house passed the bill increasing the salary of the governor from $G,500 to $7,500; the salaries of the state treasurer, auditor and secretary from $2,200 to $4,000; state superintendent of public in struction from $2,200 to $3,600. King George has announced that he will not come to the rescue of the house of lords by appointing new peers. Major George W. Rue, who is sa'd to have arrested General John H. Morgan, died at Hamilton, O. At Arkansas City, Kan., J. W. White, a blind man, was selected to the office of police judge. One hundred and forty leading citizens, including many women, were appointed by Mayor Gaynor as a commission to arrange for a safe, sane and patriotic celebration on July 4. The Nebraska legislature passed the non-partisan judiciary law, but Governor Aldrfch vetoed it. Mrs. S. B. Armour, of Kansas City, was robbed of $105,000 in securities by a young woman, whom she had befriended. Mrs. Armour has for given tho young woman. iM. LanBlne' M,ch' dispatch says: 'BHfcj adopting the initiative, refo- BRA.WN AND BRAIN Ollie James, democratic represen tative in congress from Kentucky,. isv big of brawn and big of br.ain. He,j is as big politically, too, as he is big physically. He is a living example of the fact that there are giants in these days as well as in "those days." From tip to tip he measures six feet six inches and he weighs 310 pounds. His brow extends from his evpa n the collar button on tho back of hia neck, for his head is as ald as a boiled egg, and he can scarce re member the time when hair grew upon his dome, which shines like a polished billiard ball. He has ono pronounced love and one equally pro nounced hatred. The one is for horses and the other is for republi cans, not personally, but politically. He will go miles to see and beat a horse race, and twice as far to meet and beat a republican. In Kentucky, especially, these are qualities which make -for popularity, but Ollie's popularity is not confined alone to his native state. His almost child-liko simplicity, unvarying good humor, and general character make friends for him everywhere. Personally, he knows no enemies, politically he knows no friends who do not sub scribe to the tenets of true demo cratic faith. In short, Ollie James is a worthy successor of the long line Of distinguished dnmnn.rnta wlio have come to congress to serve their state and the nation. He stands like some great light house, stalwart, firm and loyal among the storms that sweep the politics of his country. Not alone has he the courage of his convictions, but he has the force of character to forge them into activity, and the intellect to guido them into operating causes. Ho is a fine type of the democratic politician. National Monthly. RIGHT TO A DOT "I can tell you," sid he, "how much water runs over Niagara Falls to a quart." "How much?" asked she. "Two pints.:'-Tho Christian Ad vocate. - , -r j&i