"WW ' WtiiWMHiiiitiOiHiMillllOTIlfWft V 16 The Commoner, VOLUME 11, NUMBER It .' i ;5f Dickson, Massachusetts; Dickinson, Missouri; Davenport, Oklahoma; Calloway, Toxas; Llttlopago, West Virginia; Howard, Georgia; Murray, Massachusetts. Railways and Canals Korbley, Indiana; Sharp, Ohio; Broussard, Louisiana; Bllorbo, South Carolina; Gordon, Tonnoaseo; Conry, New York; O'Shaurinossy, Ithodo Island; Harrison, Mississippi. Minos Foster, Illinois; Wilson, Pennsylvania; Taylor, Colorado ; Moss, Indiana; Whlto, Ohio; Fields, Ken tucky; Gregg, Ponsylvania'; Dougher ty, Missouri; Llttlopago, West Vir ginia. Publlo Buildings Sheppard, Tex as; Burnott, Alabama; Clark, Flori da; Cantrill, Kentucky; Iiodden bory, Georgia; Glass, Virginia; Ash brook, Ohio; Barnhart, Indiana'; Gudgor, North Carolina, Underbill, Now York. Education Lover, South Carolina; Arasborry, Ohio; Garner, Texas; Hobson, Alabama; HughcB, Georgia; Slack, Illinois; Thayer, Massachu setts; Kindred, Now York. Labor Wilson, Pennsylvania; Honsley, Arkansas; Maher, Now York; Rouso, Kentucky; Lewis, Maryland; Howard, Georgia; Bu chanan, Illinois; Gray, Indiana. Patonts Oldflold, Arkansas; Mor rison, Indiana; Webb, North Caro lina; Clark, Florida; Alexander, Mis souri; Bulkley, Ohio; Littleton, New York; Callaway; Texas; Wither spoon, Mississippi. Invalid Pensions Sherwood, Ohio; Lindsay, Now York, Anderson, Ohio; Adair, Indiana; Russell, Missouri; Kipp, Pennsylvania; Jacoway, Ar kansas; Burke, Wisconsin; Hamil ton, West Virginia; Fields, Kentucky. CLUBS FOR 1911 Pub's With Prlco. Com'ncr ?1.75 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.75 3.00 1.60 Amorican Magazine, N. Y...$1.50 American uoy, .Detroit 1.00 Amor. Boo Journal, Chicago 1.00 Boy's World, Elgin, 111 50 Brooder's Gazette, Chicago 1.76 Current Literature. N. Y... 3.00 Cosmopolitan, N. Y 1.00 Commox'clal Appeal, Wkly. Memphis, Tonn 50 Courier-Journal, Loulsvlllo 1.00 Doraocrat, Johnstown, Fa.. 1.00 Dollnoator. N. Y :.00 Etude, Philadelphia 1.50 Bnqulror, Cincinnati 1.00 Everybody's, N. Y 1.50 Forest & Stroam, N. Y 3.00 Fruit Grower, St. Josoph.. 1.00 Good Housekeeping, Springfield, Mas3 1.25 Hoard's Dairyman 1.00 Housokoopor, Minneapolis.. 1.00 Homo Horald, Chicago 2.00 Harper's Bazaar, N. Y 1.25 Industrious Hon, Tonn 50 Irrigation Ago, Chicago... 1.00 Tho Independent, N. Y...) Amor. Homestead, Lincoln) 3.50 Woman's World, Chicago.) Literary Digest, N. Y., (Must bo now) 3.00 XjaFollotto's Magazine 1.00 McCoIPb Magazine, N. Y.. .50 McCluro's Magazine, N. Y.. 1.50 Metropolitan Mag., N. Y... 1.50 Modorn Prlscllla, Boston... .75 National Monthly 1.00 Nows-Sclmltar, Tonn 50 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.55 1.75 1.25 1.90 3.00 1.25 1.75 1.50 1.50 2.05 1.55 1.00 1.25 3.00 Y. 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 3.00 3.60 Outing Magazine, N. Tho Outlooic. N. x Paclllo Monthly, Portland.. Public, Chicago ..... Progression, monthly...... Pictorial Rovio-, N. Y,... Poultry Success, spring field, Ohio 50 Pearson's Magazine, N. Y.. 1.50 Itollablo Poultry Journal.. Recreation, N. Y Roviow of Reviews, N. Y) Amor. Homestead, Lincoln) "Woman's world, Chicago.) Ropubllc, St. Louis 50 Southern Fruit Growor 50 Sturm's Oklahoma Mag 1,50 Staats Zoitung, N. Y 1.50 Scrlbnor's Magazine, N. Y.. 3,00 Tho Common Herd, Texas. 1.00 Twontleth Contury 2.00 Table Talk, Philadelphia . . 1.50 Taylor-Trotwood Magazine Technical World. Chicago.. Undo Remus' Magazine. "Wom's. Homo Comp'n, N. Y. "World-Herald. Dy Omaha. World's Events. Chlcarro.... World Today, Chicago 1.50 Send all Orders to The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.50 4.00 1.00 3.25 1.25 1.15 1.85 1.75 1.35 1.25 1.00 MO 3.50 1.60 1.35 1.25 1.E5 1.00 1.75 1.00 8.00 3.00 1.25 1.00 1.G0 1.85 3.35 1.25 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.90 1.00 1.75 4.00 1.45 1.85 Pensions Richardson, Alabama; Dickson, Mississippi; Driscoll, New York; Aiken, South Carolina; Wil son, Now York; Rucker, Colorado; Gray, Indiana; White, Ohio; Diofen dorfer, Pennsylvania. Claims Pou, South Carolina; Ma gulro, Nebraska; Dies, Texas; Can trill, Kentucky; Dickinson, Missouri; Lovy, Now York; Stephens, Missis sippi; Fowler, Illinois; Francis, Ohio. War Claims Sims, Tennessee; Gregg, Toxas; Lee, Georgia; Thomas, Kentucky; Byrnes, South Carolina; Ayres, New York; Connell, Now York; Popper, Iowa; Stono, Illinois. Accounts Lloyd, Missouri; Gar ner, Texas; Floyd, Arkansas; Fornoa, New York; Latta, Nebraska; Bod donberry, Georgia. Mileage Lee, Pennsylvania; Ko nop, Wisconsin; Sculy, New Jersey. Census Houston, Tennessee; Small North Carolina; Bell, Georgia; Moore, Texas; Holm, Kentucky; Rothormel, Pennsylvania; Cline, In diana; Gallagher, Illinois; RusselL Missouri; Holland, Virginia. Library Slayden, Texas ; Town send, New Jersey; Evans, Illinois. Printing Finley, South Carolina; Barnhart, Indiana. Enrolled Bills Cravens, Ar kansas; Ayres, New York; Thayer, Massachusetts; Whitacre, Ohio. Industrial Arts and Expositions Ileflln, Alabama; Collier, Missis sippi; Cullop, Indiana; Covington, Maryland; Cravens, Arkansas, Turn bull, Virginia; White, Ohio; Sweet, Michigan; Hamilton, West Virginia; Underbill, New York. Disposition of Useless Executive Papers Talbott, Maryland. District of Columbia, Johnson, K6ntucky; Aiken, South Carolina; Rothermel, Pennsylvania; Ham mill, New York; Adair, Indiana; An derson, Ohio; Dies, Texas; Old field, Arkansas; O'Shaunnessy, Rhode Island; George, New York; Stack, Illinois; Lobeck, Nebraska; Red field, New York; Koening, Maryland. Revision of Laws Watkins, Louisi ana1; Morrison, Indiana; Cullop, In diana; Raiker, California; Francis, Ohio; Gould, Maine; Young, Texas. Civil Service Reform Goodwin, North Carolina; Finley, South Caro lina; Pugo, Louisiana; Carter, Okla homa; Dies, Texas; Boehno, Indiana; Dupre, Louisiana; Talcott, New York. Election of President, Vice Presi dent, etc. Rucker, Missouri; Conry, New York; Turnbull, Virginia; Hob son, Alabama; Thomas, Kentucky; Stedman, North Carolina; Trlbble, Georgia; Claypool, Ohio. Liquor Traffic Candler, Missis sippi; Sabath, Illinois; Gregg, Texan, Edwards, Georgia; Francis, Ohio; Lee, Pennsylvania, Smith, New York. Irrigation Smith, Texas; Pugo, Louisiana; Ellerbe, South Carolina: Rucker, Colorado; Hughes, Georgia; Taylor, Colorado; Baker, California; Smith, New York. result of gambling In whatever form. "I would speak of the subtler sin of gambling, of betting that Is pre valent today from Wall Street to ladies bridge whist tables. It is the willingness, nay desire, to get some thing for nothing. "No more degraded human beings exist than the moral derelicts that float about these gambling places, be they high or low." Philadelphia Public Ledger. PREFERABLE The old saw says: "Let a sleep ing dog He."' Right, when there is much at stake, It is better to get a newspaper to do it. The Lutheran. are you doing, HOPELESS Mother "What Harry?" Harry "I'm countin'. You told me when I got mad to count a hun dred." Mother- "Yea, so I did." Harry "Well, I've counted 237 and I'm madder'n when I started." Harper's. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT Teacher (to new pupil) "Why did Hannibal cross the Alps, my little man?" My Little Man "For th same reason as the .'en crossed th' road. Yer don't catch me with no puzzles." Sydney Bulletin. H&r Free iwi THE GAMBLING SPIRIT Bishop Charles D. Williams, of Michigan, preached at the Lenten service in St. Stephens Episcopal church upon the sin of gambling. He leveled the Bhafts of his oratory par ticularly at stock market gambling and the more genteel form the pas sion takes at the whist bridge tables conducted by women of social promi nence. Tho bishop said: "Did you ever examine this sin of gambling and betting? The chief evil does not lie .in getting some thing for nothing, but in this that gambling destroys the will. The will is given to us to control circum stances and to be masters of our fate, but gambling and all transac tions of a similar kind breaks down the will by want of healthy exercise so the surrender of your personalities and tho surrender of your will Is tho -Examination In Your Home Send No Money With Your First Order Factory Prices Convenient Monthly Payments Save 15-40 WILL send this very handsome Rocker or any other article of furniture that you may select from my big book of bar gains Direct from My Factory, without one cent In advance. 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LEATH & CO., 7080 Grove Ave., Elgin, 111. fHNraHSm J Tp44y BARGAIN OFFER Good for Limited Time Two Papers for One Year for the Price of One THE COMMONER and Thrice-a-Week New York World for $1.00 Ja3!f ""Ji, !? 2?J JUL tho time Indicated on the EyStffE.W xyserSFSF: njj:ii. AND THE year each at offer and im tTn ..;.. i" " ""u,uur remittance now under w h,U 7ixrJ ".r-V."3 yuijun. w iiiuiuionu wiLiinur. nnrinn hut If you cut It out and mail uie aaie givon. Use tho do not let It expire. It before coupon rtuiiiumDfir. mm nfTow mov the coupon will secure It for you Do Not Wait, Send Today Do not miss this opportunity to secure two paperH for tho price of one. The Thrlco-a-Week New York World, regular price ?1 per year, Is one of the great newspapers of the country, and is for all practical purposes as good as a daily paper. ifoo"118 otJQL yu will receive S7or,c World and 52 lssuos of S1(L?a0mmonorT;208 PaPers in all at less than half a cent each. Tho PjftP of 1912 Is almost here you will want and need both papers, so don't miss this offer. Friends of The Commoner can aid in tho work of securing democratic victory by showing this offer to non-subscribers. But. don't fail to got this offer for yourself. Sond TODAY. The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb This Coupon Good Only Until April 15, 1911 THE COMMONER, Uncoln, Neb. Enclosed find $1.00 for The Com moner and tho Thrice-a-Week New York World, both for One Full Year. Name P. O. Coupon not good nftcr above date. Papers sent to different ad dresses if desired. If a subscriber to either paper your present date of expiration will bo advanced ono year. '.. hlMt.M, 4Wtttti4lfMteA,