,.. ;ue.i ? i; The Commoner 14 VOLUME 11, NUMBER lj 'Z?f2S5t&.t XZ2ZS-- ,2a&.-i & , 11,1' i. 1? fl i! . ii i u j l ; i 1! W. I" I: W i WASHINGTON NEWS (Continued from Pago 12.) oocrocy. On April 2, 1910, however, when lndlctmotils woro obtained, raids woro made simultaneously. Hi!inJ EfrsFr P Fish Bite SS&TOrffiSJ nulllnr thorn out whonovor you uso our 1 VoiHlorful FlBh-J.urliiir Unit. 2So. n box. Wrlto for froo hooklot nnrt otir Rpoolnl oltor of ono box to help Introduuo it. Walton Uuvply Co., Dopt 28 Bt.Xoui8.Uo Don't Wear a Truss SMART'S PlAS-TR-PAISvVllcr""t Itura tne piimui iruii. ucinc nitat Mlf idhrtlra purpoiel to hold Ui rupiort lu pi&ca nunoui urani, bueklei or iir!nRi tnunot slip, o enanot ctiro or eompreii ilnit Iho plvla bono. Th tnoat obJtlnulo cmcs enrtd In lh pri vuraftho home. ThouiantU br iuWMifully treated thimielret without hlndrancs from work. Soft m vdrrt f ujr to spyly-latiytMtf , Prnceu or euro If naturtl, 10 no farther um for trtuwi. Wepremwbtt'w bi a rbTtfndln(tyouTrItlof TlipAO rXMrKM tbiolutrlr KllKI. WrlU nimt t toupon ud mlt TOD IT. Addrt PLAPAQ LABORATORIES, Block M, St. Loult, Mo. VHf&S&H&s-. m-A &3.Tky IH AL or 1UI , Addrtts. lUtorn mill will bring Vt UU1 riapw., Wires wore cut and customers thrown into panic. Since then, ac cording to Attorney General Wicker sham, 'bucketshopping' has become a thing of the past east of Denver. The government announced its decision to appeal from the decision." G. It. Colton, governor of Porto Rico, sailed for homo. Ho will go to Washington to consult with Presi dent Taft and the war department with reference to the affairs of the island. The democratic house may pass "a before election" publicity bill. The democratic members of the house met in caucus on the evening of April 1st. The following are extracts from the Associated Press report: The first act of the caucus was to issue directions looking to the abolishment of about one-fourth of the patronage jobs of the house, saving thereby ?120,680, discon tinues six committees at a saving .50 Warranted For Three Years. Catalogue PRBB. Only $29 Buys three -yenr-Rtmrniitcctl Knjnry. Stirrlcfl, 945.00 up. Two Ilorso Farm Wagons, $30.90. You savo tho wholesaler's and retailor' a profit. MUTUAL vehicles warranted for tliroo years. Satis faction guaraatood or monoy rofuudod. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. MUTUAL CARRIAGE & HARNESS MFG. CO., Dept. 4, East St. Louis, III. of $12,000 and abandonment of the republican practice of allowing use less employes among the commit tees, saving $50,000. This is a total saving of $182,680 of last year's total expenditures for house expendi tures of $68,000. Following this the caucus adopted resolutions look ing to the simplification of the house rules so that much confusion and conflict caused by tho use of the great multitude of precedents might be done away with. Chairman Underwood of the. com mittee on ways and means presented a resolution to have the caucus de cide on the extent of legislation and its scope to be permitted at the extra session. A committee on organization was authorized with powers to parcel the appointive positions." Under the house organization chairmen of committees will name committee em ployes, such as clerks, messengers and janitors, but who get no other patronage. Other jobs will be dis tributed among members equally, thereby giving to each member not a committee chairman, about $2,000 worth of patronage. Necessarily this patronage will go to the various states in proportion to their demo cratic representation. The six committees abolished are Pacific railroads, levees of the Mis sissippi river, militia, private land claims, manufacturers and ventila tion and acoustics. The predictions of Champ Clark, Chairman Underwood and other leaders that the caucus would be harmonious were borne out. Not a discordant note was sounded at the meeting. Not a roll call was re quired on a single proposition ad vanced by the men who had been charged with preparing plans for or ganization and legislation. Many speeches were made. There was continued debate in which new members participated with freedom but no clashes occurred and no bit terness was manifested. Representative Burleson, of Texas, succeeded Judge Clayton, of Ala bama, as permanent chairman of the caucus, the honor going to him be cause of his gracefully accepted de feat for chairman of the committee on appropriations. , The chairman of a sub-committee on position pruning, presented the economy report, abolishing employes, useless jobs and committees. The committee on accounts was directed to introduce legislation to carry into effect the reduction in jobs and the committee on rules will look after the lopping off of the six committees. Champ Clark, as speaker, is autho rized to fill the regular positions under the speaker and to name also the journal clerk, now under the house, and the messenger at the speaker's desk, now under the door keeper. Patronage is taken away frfrm' tfie sergeant-at-arms, doorkeeper, post master and clerk of the house, who are prevented from appointing any of their subordinates except on the recommendation of committee on organization. These recommenda tions as previously stated are to be based on an equal division of pat ronage among the members. Under the speaker three offices aro abolished, but two offices already existing are transferred to him to fill. Under the clerk of the house, twenty-six positions are abolished at a net saving of $39,970. Under the sergeant-at-arms a cut of forty-two is made in the special capitol police force. The senate will have to concur in this reduction, which includes one captain, two Fortunes in the Rich Rio Grande Valley An Opportunity for Wealth and Independence for All Who Buy a Tract of Irrigated Land in the Famous Mission, Texas, Project. If you EVER intend to buy land, to make a change in your condition for tho better, to make an investment that is sure to bring big returns, let us advise you by all means to investigate tho possibilities of tho Famous Mission Irrigated Lands, in the Gulf Coast Country of Texas. But do it THIS YEAR. Hundreds of people aro flocking to this valley, establishing small and large farms, going into business, or buying income bearing farms for winter homes. There is a chanco for YOU to become a member of this thriv ing Mission colony, if you act NOW. But the opportunities to buy in this Mission project are getting less every day. In a very short time all of these valuable lands will be taken up and then you cannot buy except at prices beyond your reach. ' Tho Mission Lands, liko all other irrigated projects, are sell ing rapidly. Irrigation farming is the ideal farming. At Mission you will find intensive farming at its best. These rich lands are cut up into 10, 20, 40 and 80 acre tracts, dotted with the homes of happy, prosperous people. In tho irrigated districts you will find smaller farms, more homes and nearer neighbors, closer markets and more progressive people than you will find in anv section of tho country. ' ThGoft of a round trip t0 this wonderful valley is less than $30 from almost any important point in the country but an investigation of this opportunity NOW may mean the dif ference in between fortune and failure to you Why not 1oln one of our excursions to these lands? Cut Thta Ont and Mall Today SEND COUPON FOR FREE INFORMATION FARM LAND INVESTMENT CO., Lincoln, Nob Names , Address ' Wo Letter Is Ncee.nnary-jn.-it Send' Co'npoa Secret of the Bier Snrraee m: : nr ' SWftoS4 n0?hVhyaoiy0Ini Sna k'Sffifo0,, a mor "" combl.mt.on Thd iliSS uSW?1 maklnS big crSJi and Wi2' a.d every foot of the La Lomite FARM LAND IKJcpSS , -' -, jneuranka .1 S' I "VWHM