The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 07, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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    i li-?Wtyan-t
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The Commoner
Govornor Hiram W. Johnson, of
California, has Issued a statement
announcing that ho will camp on the
trail of members of the legislature
who wore recreant to tholr trust. In
a public statement the govornor
said: "There has been stubborn
opposition to what wo know to be
the will of tho people as expressed
at the polls and in tho matter of
legislation. Tho important duty,
therefore, remains to inform tho
people how their representatives
served them. I am going to make
this my personal duty. Within a few
weeks I shall undertaken to call the
trict and tell tho people as plainly,
as frankly and as fairly as I can how
theso men, whom they sent to rep
resent them, served them. The
people have the right to know this
and it Is important that they be in
formed. I shall see to it personally
that they are informed accurately.
At all ovents the people will be in a
position to vote with a full knowledge
of the facts."
Governor Johnson points with
pride to the California legislature's
progressive records as follows:
"Passed resolution for submission to
F. Davis, of Lancaster, the officers
of the reorganization committee, was
written from Pittsburg and made
public by ex-Mayor Vance C. Mc
Cormick of this city. Chairman
Guthrie minces no words in his letter
of acceptance but, on the other hand,
"h ck nonnln rf innaflfntlnnal nmnTlri..
roll of tho legislature throughout ment for the initiative referendum
the state. I shall go into every dls- and recallj including judiciary.
Passed railroad rate bill, enlarging
powers of state railroad commission,
in fulfillment of Johnson's pledge to
'kick the Southern Pacific out of
California politics.' Passed resolu
tion submitted a constitutional
amendment extending tho powers of
the railway commission to all pub
lic utilities corporations. Passed
resolution to submit a constitutional
amendment granting suffrage to wo
men. Passed bill penalizing rail
roads for failure to carry full train
crews. Amended election laws by
abolishing the party circle on ballots
and providing for non-partisan elec
tion of judges and state superinten
dent of instruction. Passed bill
limiting hours of labor for women to
eight daily and forty-eight a week."
For a Limited Time, Your Choice of These Six Big Offers with
Each Yearly Subscription to The American Homestead at 25c
"With every yearly subscription (now or re
newal) sent to Tho American Homestead
within tho noxt 30 clnvs. at the regular
yearly price of 25 cent, we Include wlthont extrn cost, a full one year s
subscription to tho KANSAS CITY WEEKLY STAR, one of tho leading
wooklloH of tho country for tho farm and homo.
YTVnvryn "Tf 1 With ovory yearly subscription (new or re
1 In n PiK l ) nowal) sent to Tho American Homestead
VX A. JLiAV 11V. 4 wjthin tho next 30 days, at tho regular
yearly price of ii5 cent, wo Include without extra cost, a full one year's
subscription to tho WOMAN'S WORLD, a largo monthly magazine for
tho woman and homo, containing tho best stories, fashions, etc.
rTTnTnN"n "MT 1 With every yearly subscription (new or re
I I 1 p HjK I ."l newal) sent to Tho American Homestead
va a -"iv iiv. kj withln tho noxt 30 days, at tho regular
yearly price of 2R ccnlw, wo Include without extra cost, a full one year's
subscription to tho PEOPLE'S POPULAR MONTHLY, a big magazine
for homo and family which should bo in ovory housohold.
How to Stop
In Fivo Days You Can Get Rid of All
Sldn Eruptions by tho New
Calcium Sulphide Wafers.
With overy yearly subscription (new or re
newal) sont to Tho American Homestead
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subscription to THE AMERICAN POULTRYMAN, a big monthly poultry
Journal that will bo useful and instructive.
fYI?TM7T) XTf C With ovory yearly subscription (now or re-
r V Vj i lNvJ. D nowal) sont to Tho American Homestead
v V , t y within tho next 30 days, at the regular
yearly prlco of 28 cents, wo includo without extra cost, a handsome
colloctlon of TWENTY-FIVE BEAUTIFUL POSTCARDS, in exquisite
tloral and frlondBhip doBlgns, embossed and colored.
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UTrJlJ 1NU. O tion (now or renewal) sent
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stead within tho noxt thirty days, at the regular
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cost and prepaid, a LUCKY HORSESHOE BANK
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tory bank mado. May bo worn on watch chain, key
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Whon full it opens automatically. Snap shut and it
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member, each offer calls
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four for $1, and is
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If you aro alroady a
subscriber for any paper
in these offers your
subscription will bo ox
tendod for tho timo
mentioned. Papers will
bo sent to different ad
dresses if desired.
Do not fall to got ono
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sible beforo you forgot
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Make all remittances to
Lincoln, Neb,
Got ono of those banks
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W uoy
Coupon for Special
Limited Offers
The American Homestead, Lincoln, Nek.
F No,' 1 J enclose 25c for tho Kansaa
city star., and The American Homo
stead, both ono year.
Offer No. 21 enclose 25c for tho Woman's
World and The American Homestead,
both one year.
Offer No. 31 enclose 25c for tho People's
Popular Monthly and Tho American
Homestead, both eno year.
Offer No. 41 enclose 25c for tho Amerl-
wmnSfTW and The American
Homestead, both ono year.
Offer No. 51 enclose 25c for The Ameri
can Homestead for ono year and a set
of twonty-uvo post cards.
Offer No. 6 I enclose 25c for a Lucky
Horseshoe Bank and The American
Homestead one year.
An El Paso, Texas, dispatch, car
ried by the Associated Press said:
"Francisco I. Madero, president of
the insurrectos, and their leader in
the field has not been consulted
about any peace terms, and no settle
ment of the war in Mexico will be
accepted without his final word.
which alone would be regarded as
binding. At present Madero, disre-
Buruiug recent political changes
mexico uity, is arranging his men
about Chihuahua, the metropolis of
northern Mexico, with a view of pos
sibly besieging the city. Insurrecto
leaders gave out this information
with the stipulation that it was not
intended to minimize the importance
ot assertions made by Francisco I
Madero, senior, and Gustavo A.
Madero at San Antonio, Tex., that
tentative plans now being considered
may result m peace within a month."
Six thousand women, engaged in
mission work, participated in a lunch
at New York City.
A special dispatch from Des
Moines, la1., to the Sioux City Journal
says: "Representative Perkins' bill'
for tho unsexing of habitual crimi
nals, miots, teeDie-mlnded and im
beciles passed the house by a vote
of 64 to 13. The bill had been re
ported back to the house by the
judiciary committee without recom
mendation. When it came up on the
calendar Mr. Perkins was tho only
speaker He cited one case of a
father in Iowa whose 148 descen
dants were either charity patients or
insane, and another famNv wiiir.ii u.i
Bixty Imbeciles among the children
grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The speaker said a human be
ing was governed three-fourths bv
""7"" ?uu ""u-iourtn Dy environ
ment, and that it is up to organized
society to prevent procreation of in
sane and idiots.
P. O.
Mark Offers Wanted Send Coupo Today.
THE AMERICAN HOMESTEAD .is a Leidlngr Farm and Houehol MratUy.
Trial Package To Prove It Sont Freo
Any man or woman gets awfully
tired going around with a pimply
face day after day. And other people
get awfully tirod, too, seeing them
go around with faces full of disgust
ing pimples.
If you are one of the unfortunates
who can't get away from your
pimples, and you have tried almost
everything under heaven to get rid
of them, take a few of Stuart's Cal
cium Wafers every day. Do that
steadily for a few days, and in less
than a week look at yourself in the
You will then say that Stuart's
Calcium Wafers are a wonder in get
ting rid of the eruptions.
These wonderful little workers
contain the most effective "blood puri
fier ever discovered, calcium sul
phide. No matter what your trouble is,
whether pimples, blotches, black
heads, rash, tetter, eczema or scabby
crusts, you can solemnly depend
upon Stuart's Calcium Wafers as
Stuart's Calcium Wafers have
cured boils in three days. and the
worst cases of skin diseases in a
week. Every particle of impurity is
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never to return, and it is done with
out deranging your system in the
Most treatments for the blood and
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in their results, and besides, many
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cium Wafers contain no poison or
drug of any kind; they are absolutely
harmless, and yet do work which
cannot fail to surprise you.
Don't go around with a humiliat
ing, disgusting mass of pimples and
blackheads on your face. A face
covered over with these disgusting
things makes people turn away from
you, and breeds failure in your life
work. Stop it. Road what an Iowa
man said when he woke up one
morning and found he had a new
"By George, I never saw anything
like it. There I've been or three
years trying to get rid of pimples
and blackheads, and guess I used
everything under the sun. I used
your Calcium Wafers for just seven
days. This morning every blessed
pimple is gone and I can't find a
blackhead. I could write you a
volume of thanks. I am so grateful
to you."
Just send us your name and ad
dress in full today, and we will send
you a trial package of Stuart's Cal
cium Wafers, free to test. After you
have tried the sample and been con
vinced that all wo say is true, you
will go to your nearest druggist and
get a 50c box and be cured of your
facial trouble. They are in tablet
form and no trouble whatever to
take. You go about your work as
usual, and there you are sured
and happy.
Send us your nam rand address
today and We -will at-, nnna. aonrJ VOtl ,
by mail a sample package free. Ad-
SJifS' P.enn-' disPtch to
the Philadelphia North American,
If pi ?eorglW- GuthriG' ex-mayor
of Pittsburg, has accents th .
of chairman of the democratic state
central committee, to which he was
recently elected by the reorganization
committee authorized for that pur
pose by the state committee itself
Chairman Guthrie's letter of accen-
son. of B.ossburg, -MJIi&J cg.0"'"6 " "