VOLUME 11, NUMBER II 14 $541 Net Per Acre From Onions The Commoner. r--T"l - iM - mmm - yscf I a At Mission, Texas, in the Wonderful Lower Rio Grande Valley i i i , i i i Why Not Share in the Profits of the Mis sion Irrigated Lands, Where you Can Make More Money from a 10 or 20 Acre Tract of Land Than You Can Make from a Big 160 Acre Farm in Your Own Section? Ono of tho moat Important crops at Mission, in tho Lower Rio Onmdc Valley, is tho onion crop.. If you should visit Mission Just at this timo you would find the growers starting their annual onion harvest. . LaBt year this section broko all records in the amount of onions s.9d, and Mission holds tho record for tho first shipment of oniens to northorn markets. Tho acreago for this year has ftften largely Increased over last year ana tho harvest will bo much grcator than during any previous year. ,. . , Mission claims to rank first among tho onion growing districts of Texas for tho avorago prico received for ship ments of onions mado through tho South Toxas Truck Growers Association, as shown by its report for 1910. Mission last ha 135 acros planted in onions. This soction produced 01,985 cratos which netted tho growers $73,660.41, or a littlo nirc than B41 per ncre in one season. This Ib cited as proof that tho products of tho Mission Irrigated lands arc- well up to tho standards in richness in fact, far ahead of almost any other portion of Toxas or tho United States. Tho rocords show that besides two small shipments, ono of ten cars and oho of oight cars, from othor places, -Mission roceived tho highest prico por crate for onions of any othor city In tho stato of Toxas. . ... .. Tho Mission onion crop this year will bo a largo ono. It Is expected that It will beat tho crops of any other section on tho market. , . Onion growing Is a pleasant and profit ablo occupation, and much of thq cultivation can bo done by hand. Tho work Is of the character that tho entire family may parti cipate, and a B, 10 or 20 acre tract will produce more, money than a big 1C0 acre farm In northorn sections. The avorago annual yield is from $250 to S300 nor acre. Ono crop of ton pays for tho ontlro land and leaves, a handsome prontbesUles. , - " ' c f?ff Anlnna nYf r r rt lm mnmr wtnn rtrt ?Vlst tho Mission lands produce These lands, which will yield, whon cleared and under cultivation,' from $100 to $500 per aero can bo had on reasonable terms and at a reason able prico. As an lnvostmont, there is nothing offering chances of equal profit with that of tho Mission Irrigated Lands. This Is ono of tho many factors that is attracting so many homosookors, That Is ono of tho reasons why so many substantial settlors aro purchasing Mission Irrigated Lands and preparing to make It tholr pormanent home. Over $541 Per Acre Net The 1910 Onion Record Tho Mission 1910 record as shown by tho official re ports of tho South Toxas Truck Growers' Association as to onions shipped, Is as follows: No Net .. Acres Returns J. W. Aloortson 1 s 674 59 A. K. Andorson 1 479 91 J. W. Brooks 5 2,750.81 . B. Davis 7 3,099.30 Kd G. Dustin 19 11.C04.92 P. B. Elliott 2 1090.06 G. E Pitch 4 1,678.69 J. H Jones 1 431.28 gs 3- IfV? 1 737.23 Max Molch 1 179 24 Ed Nicholson 23 13,024:50 om & Hihlalgo 8 2,214.35 W. r. Sites ; 16 11,477.34 J. P. Tanner .5 2.766.02 A. J. Pulllam . 14 6,501.87 Gharlos Voltz 20 10,510.05 William Vols 7 4)348.55 Totals 7l35 ?73,5C0.41 ---sBsnnaaaannvtana -- -.-. Fourteen Good Reasons Why You Can Better Your Condition by Locating at MISSION 1 The las Sa good. Land that wlU yield $100 to $1,000 an acre profit every year MUST bo good. 2 The locattoa In Ideal. Not in a .wilderness, but right in tho heart of a well governed community, close to a thriving town with good schools and churches, among happy, prosperous people. 3 Crops yield abundantly and come on tho markot weeks ahead of other sec tions of tho United States at a tlmo when prices aro highest. 4 The temperature la mild and pleasant during tho winter and not oxcosslvoly hot during the summer. 5 Land are irrigated by water from tho Rio Grande River with an Irrigation system supplying an abun dance of water at all times. No guesswork about it, no drouths to worry about, and big crops assured at all seasons. 6 Transportation Is good. with railroad facilities that enable growers to got their products to best markets at the least expense. 7 Located in the Famous Rio Grnndc Valley, a region noted for its fertile soils tho best section of the won derful Gulf Coast Country of Texas. 812 months of growing season. Not a month in tho year that you cannot market products from a Mission tract. 0 3 and 4 crops a year grown on tho same ground, 10 People are making money at Mission. Tho best evidence is the way these lands aro being taken up. 4 11 Opportunities for all. Land sold In largo or small tracts within reach of large or small investors. 12 Prices ridiculously low whon you consider Mission lands aro now earning 6 per cent on a valuation of $500 ppr acre. 13 Lands rifling In value with every year and people ablo to re-sell at double the money paid. 14 People have patil. for their land with the proceeds of ono year's crops. IIhT. mission lands If You EVER Intend to Buy, BUY NOW tnNKVrafftiIn W!U you navo such an opportunity as this n? ?,U,X, w!d laind' nca,r a eood town- on a Sod railroad, TH?h 1oWtBF1c?b and on th0 EAST TERMS wo offer. 4n nnSLS1881?? aF dI.vlded to tracts of from 10 to i. and sold at prices varying from $80 to $125 ?5icr' on tcJm3 of one-third cash and balance to do- .MPayra.onts one. two aild three years, at seven per ?oad nmi ?riB prying according to distance from rail inSreanir ?Wvm,ai1 throughout tho valley are rapidly whhthflBn?t?nva.nd the added production of the lands, confines of "?h?ai1-fllJcr5ft8lnardeinands and tho "mited at whfch OaHfnrmio3Vfoftil0 valley. will soon bring prices per acre Californla lands are now selling, which fa $1,000 Send at Once for Free Information Mission Land Improvement Co., Mission, Texas Gentlemen: Kindly send me full information concerning your Irrigated La Lomita Lands, prices, terms, etc. Name Postoffico ....'...': :;...;....;......'.. R. F. D or St. No. ;....Stat H H "We Prove it at Mission" Sne, TuoVeolor?1 rtrawborrloanff Uit8 flfif8' BraP0S alfalfa' "W radishes more successfully ctow " w!fhCOfhSnL, "V onlons' cabbage nd climate dry, mild. invigorating Vi, tho. rIchost soil in America, in a of tho year,' you navTovcrv SnisThffo110? at yo-Sr command at all seasons growing season and ySu carafse thrSS TU haVo tWolve montho of In one year. Remember, the Mission Land? nrCirops ,on samo errand Commensurate with the nrnnVf ?i L,ands ar all under irrigation. Bould vLSAiot land Is insignificant, but reach. Next year ft -roin ii """ion now while tho price is within vnm good business locations than anywheS else ft0 ?.? mremoPPortunities T for A trip of investigation will not h , Southwest Texas. buy round trip tickets viatho diffeJentn Twlc each mnth you can Write us TODAY for f,.i 1 iT ? raIoads to Mission at low ratesT and the strictest lnVes0tlgatlon!nfrmation- We lnvlte correspondenc Mission Land Improvement Co. Mmion, HidaIKo Counh, T -,7 VA09, --fit. 1 tn.j.Jkbitji aH.v