The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 24, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    r. 77 ,
The Commoner
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subscribers as onclosod. Will doubtless add
moro names later.
John II. S. Bottimoro, Virginia Enclosed
find chock for $7.20 to pay for the club of
twelvo annual subscribers at the special club
bing rato.
M. A. Dickinson, Michigan Enclosed find
$0.00 to pay for six two-year 1912 special educa
tional campaign subscriptions. Send me more
blanks. I will do all I can to extend tho use
fulness of Tho Commoner; it is all right. Things
political are looking better hero than for years.
A. J. Lewis, Ohio Enclosed herewith find
$6.00 to pay for six two-year 1912 special educa
tional campaign subscriptions. Send mo moro
blanks and I will cortainly do all that I can to
oxtond tho influence of The Commoner. I am
still interested in tho democratic party and the
good work Tho Commoner is doing. It looks
as though if our present congress does their
duty, nothing can head us off in 1912. Let us
Bee tho good work go on.
J. L. Brown, Iowa Herewith find $2.00 to
pay for two two-year 1912 subscriptions. Please
Bond moro blanks.
James Foley, Illinois Enclosed find $6.00 to
pay for six two-year 1912 special educational
campaign subscriptions.
Georgo Hunter, Iowa I encloso $1.00 to pay
for Tho Commoner two years to the subscriber
whoso namo I give below, according to the
special campaign offer.
James Bruce, Nebraska I desire to take ad
vantage of your special campaign offer, and
enclose herewith $1.00 to pay for The Com
moner two full years to the subscriber whose
nnmo I givo bolow.
Col. W. II. Conrad, OhioEnclosed find $7.00,
$4.00 to pay for Tho Commoner two years to
each of tho following four names, and $3.00
to pay for a sot of Mr. Bryan's Speeches and
Tho American Homestead to the three names
given bolow. Let us educate the people in
tho truo spirit and effectually so.
W. B. Carter, Iowa I enclose $2.00 to pay
for two subscriptions until after the 1912 elec
tion, as per your special campaign offer. See
that every subscriber receives tho paper for
two full years. I will try and send more names
as I desire that everyone possible shall read
Tho Commoner,
R. L. Bates, Missouri Enclosed find $2.00
to pay for The Commoner two full years to the
two names Indicated as per your special cam
paign offer.
F. A. Smith, Kansas You will find enclosed
?10 in payment for Ion two-yeaT campaign sub
scriptions to Tho Commoner. I will try and
send another club in a few days.
J1, W. Huston, Missouri Enclosed find an
other list of subscribers to The 'Commoner at
iUnn Bp!?,,ai ?mPaiSn rate of two years for
$1.00. Find draft enclosed for $5.00 to cover
tho flvo names.
draTf'or Jn V1""01?"1 enclose herewitl1
draft for $3.80 to pay for two two-year cam-
SnS1 nsfu?sncriPtionB' three yearly subscrip
tions at 60 cents, as per your special offer for
promoting the educational work necessary to
win tho victory in 1912. I shall be glad to
send all tho subscribers I can for The Commoner
Club Sender Unknown, West Vircinla Fn
closed find post-offlce money order for $8 00 to
pay for eight two-year 1912 subscriptions as
scribyers.r fler' TheSe are ?&
folTnS0?' Jr'J 0h,Io-Herewith find draft
lor ?4.00 to pay for four two-year camnal
subscriptions as per your special offer. Pg
for ' rn raChf ' Oflo Enclosed find check
ttonj at $1 oToh thtW0 tW0"year 8ubscr
E ? W1,00 eacn and on yearly subscrin-
T J HolffidVV" yUTr "offer
S3 00 si Sn fldge' Kansas I enclose check for
tion-$i bo to jf? Jr my dellnWnt subscript
uon ? i.oo to pay for my paper two yearn In
advance and $1.00 to pay for tho subscriSinS
enclosed herewith under your special 19??
campaign offer. special 1912
drift ?or ?rnne: Kentuy I enclose herewith
n- ocf ?5,0 t0 pay for flvG two-year subscrto
tions as per your announcement in Thi S
T G,d 8peed Tno Commoner in its ab?e"
$2joParytnfeoyr ? '
subscriptions as per your Vittor
pay' fir f&2 to
special 1912 campSgS offeT yGarS Under tho
-...yuymj l0
Tho Commoner as per your recent announce- for four two-year 1912 campaign subscriptions,
ment. James F. Cox, Missouri Enclosed find money
W.' T. Hedges, Illinois Enclosed find $1.00 order for four two-year campaign subscriptions,
to pay for Tho Commoner two years as per your I am always willing to do what I can for the
special campaign offer. cause of true democracy and at the present time
J. Wes Crawford, Kentucky Pleaso find If the democrats make good their pledges to the
herewith $5.00 to pay for The Commoner two people, and nominate a democrat who is for the
years to each of the enclosed five names, in people, I honestly believe they will elect the
accordance with your extraordinary offer for next president, otherwise will receive the worst
tho campaign of 1912. dubbing it has ever had, just as well go out of
M. C. Benhan, Indiana Enclosed find $1.00 business as a' party for under such circum-
for The Commoner two years, as per you unusual stances, the people will never again, trust the
offer, democratic party.
B.' F. Ratcliff, Indiana Enclosed find $4.00 James Hardie, Pennsylvania I am glad to
to pay for The Commoner two full years to the hand you herewith $3.00 for three two-year
following addresses, as per your special educa- campaign subscriptions,
tional offer recently announced. John Keating, Illinois Please find herewith
Timothy Miller, Montana Herewith find four two-year campaign subscriptions with re-
$3.00 to pay for Tho Commoner two full years mittance of $4.00 to pay for the same,
to tho following addresses, as per your special
"j.Te'votcornia-Flnd enclosed money- J0IN THE COMMONS WOBKEKS
order for 5.00 to pay for sending The Com- . The following blank form is for the use of
moner to tho following names, five subscribers, Tho Commoner workers in getting up clubs,
each for two full years as per your educational This blank may be cut out and used, or regu-
carapaign offer. These are all new subscribers. lar blanks will be furnished on request. For
I will try to get moro subscribers and thus help additional names pin blank sheet to this form:!
Mr. Bryan in his efforts in the interest of true
M. A. McAuliff, California Herewith find m. , "
$7. GO to pay for seven two-year subscriptions Tne Commoners Special 1912 Educational
and one annual subscription as per your special Campaign Offer.
1912 campaign offer.
S. M. Cuthberkson, California Please find Enclosed find $ to pay for
enclosed check for $1.00 in payment of one two- TWO-YEAR 1912 Special Educational Campaign
year subscription to Tho Commoner to the name Subscriptions at $1.00 each, as follows:
and address indicated below under your special
campaign offer. . f. .
John H. Hochin, Texas Enclosed find $5.00 " '; ''',' .-.........;. . J , ; .'. . .
to pay for fivo two-year 1912 campaign sub- (Send Commo years for $l.oqo)-
scriptions. tf ' ' .
John Denne, Texas Pleaso find names and rr,,'J'A ' :' "'C'.. .i
addresses of fivo new subscribers, and draft (-P.O.) (Now or Kenowali)
for $5.00 to pay for the same, each two years
under the special campaign offer. it. . . . , '.'".. -c
J. M. McCloy, Iowa Please send to the fol- (Send Commoner 2 years for -?l,00tb )'"'"'
lowing four addresses The Commoner for two S&SlSKr'''
years under your campaign offer. Enclosed find ;r. .' -. ' ' . SS&-' -
draft for $4.00 to pay for the same. (P; 6 ) ' " m &-'&'& '
B. S. Battlow, Ohio-Enclosed find $2.00 to ', ' " " ' (Wr?T-
pay for The Commoner to the following two , ' ' " ; ' ' '4tV' .'''
subscribers each two years, under the oduoa- "' ' oVY I "
tional campaign offer. (Sond Coraner 2 years for $1.00, to)
M. P. Liming, Ohio Enclosed find check for '
$3.00 for which please send The Commoner two " ; ' ' " ; i -.1
full years to tho following three addresses. I " (New or Renewal.)
have not time to send more subscribers just '
now, but I wish The Commoner and its pub- " : - -,
lisher great success in its work. (Send Commoner 2 years for $1 oV to)
Jacob Bandfield, New York Enclosed please -
find check for $8.00. I am sending six sub- k
script ons besides my own, and an extra dollar (P. O.) fliew'oV Jwnwki ' ;
to settle my delinquent subscription account Renewal.)
and tho remaining dollar for my own renewai ...
under the special educational offer ' aYY i
O. P. Griffith, West Virginia-Enclosed find ( Commone1' 2 years for $1.0Tto) . - .
$2.00 to pay for two two-year educational sub
scriptions. , :. ,
ChaB. Cahili; Washington I enclose $2 00 to (P' 0,) (New or" Renewal.) "
pay for two two-year educational subscriptions " " '
dmff fnr fu KanB enclose to you a "NT PARTICULARLY"
carmpjgn Zt&T '" " tW-year w?? Ho?n (exas) Post says: "Governor
U. R. Hertig, Missouri I enclose hfirpwith Woodrow Wilson and a committee representing
club list of fourteen subscriLrs eight of them ?w2ZC? m0Iity ln the New Jerse
being new, and for two years; two new and fo? bifl whiS? 1 agFeed Upon aTI Sectoral reform
one year, and four renewals for two years I or tl CLaS,many good Matures, but In one
enclose post-office money order to pay for the SL wii ?e,cjs aPPraches the revolutionary,
same This in response to your very liberal ESS b"l provldes 'or a direct primary nomlna-
special 1912 educational campaign offer Though 6LLn SVr?or .and cgressmen and tho
busy, my conscience would not let me rest whfle nt? delates to the national conven-
you are girding your loins for the next S wL K B1XmQ method. On the senatorial
dential struggle from which so mucS depends" eXatnTf V requIre candldateB for tho
Your friends could double The Commoner anh III J declaro whether they will support
scription list, yes, quadruple it, by easonab?; of theIr Party who receives the
energetic efforts before the opening 0tto can? vifnf V0S 0r the ninee who receives most
f?' ?? J hTope they may " hla? theburio wh2fhlni,the B.tate ardless of party, or
call to duty. I hope to send you still JmS. gi whether they refuse to regard th tinrmlnr gx-
SC f7rTB lV truendeymocr8ffire SUb" ?nta btadbJf. Inh Si'SewtSi
to nftv fnrC(?nn,PennBylvail,a x enclose $4 60 voted fS?Sf F What tne legislator they
todJ ,JXfi$ band?'G thG ab0VQ
SaSKS -sSS B sS''i'W
mrtmhS Uii?,eacn' together with that lh its conclusion compared with the fact
BUri HHrr Th6 Common" i&ra'ffsst
Morgan, Ohio-I enclose $4.00 to pay do "w their public servants intended to
vy uo is not particularly bad.". u l