',( :i . .l . ii J 'l.'Ttft 1', ,. 14 The Commoner VOLUME 11, NUMBER If i1 R - ' W1 i3J 'J. U l' fck'&V. J. ' UEV v Wi' 3& J . !. tt .1 v-i . i W& &" tiS IKY,' ., ; Wt .Shvitir. f;ffBif ' ;; r . ..;. 7; J p7 w w i- i . , i v Fl . K - ' M Ji t H." lil 14''. ; !,H,ilalt ,: if. l l !U l WJ. DON'T PAT TWO PRICES- FOR STOVES & RANGES You Bato 118.00 to (03.00 on Hoosier J Ilooslor Btool m Kaia&es iff tad j Heaters yon can liny them nt such loir, unjioanl-of Factory I'rlcofl. llooalcrBtovcn una ltanrcn are delivered for you to use inyour i own homo 30 days frco Dcroro yon buy. A written nuamnteo with each ntoro Licked by a Million Dollars, OurnowlOU Improve ments on stoves absolutely surpam. nnythlng oyer producod. Oend postal today for free catalog. (01 HOOSIER STOVE FACTORY State Slroct, Marion. Indiana NO MORIH WHISKY ADVERTISING Tho TWICEA-WBBK REPUBLIC of St. Louio, Mo., makos tho unnouncomont that no moro whisky advertising will bo printed in ItH papor. This will bo pood nown to most or our rcadors. Tho TWICE-A-WEEK REPUBLIC Is tho oldest, biggest and boat metropolitan Boml-wookly newspaper In tho United States, and by cutting out this line of advertising it should greatly lncrcaso Its circulation in this community. Tho subscription prico Is 60 cents a year, but for a short timo only thoy will make a special rato of throe years for SI. Bo suro to take advantago of this liboral oltor, and by all means advlso your frlonds and nolghbors of tho fact that all whisky and liquor advertising has been discontinued and that SI will pay for a three-year subscription. Write for froo sample copy. Bond orders to Tho St. Louis Ropublic, St. Louis, Mo. Tobacco Habit Banished DR. ELDERS' TOBACCO BOON BANISHES all forms of Tobacco Habit in 72 to 120 hours. A poll tWo, Quick and pormtinont roliof. Easy to take. No craving for Tobacco after tho first doso. One to three boxos for all ordinary cases. We gunran tee roBults in every case or rofund money. Send for our froo booklet citing full information. Eldors' Banatarlum, Dopt. 41 Bt. Josopu, Mo. UJJ1TCD DDlAiCD Improvement, Archi- liniLII lUilLIl tectural "Work and Engineering. William Rubs ell Company, York, Fa. Smith OPINIONS ON THE BAILEY RESIGNATION (Continued from Pago 12.) passioned incident of Saturday will lay it to rest. His resignation was handed in as a protest against progressive democ racy, and, according to the reports of tho Associated Press, tho senators who wero closeted with him when lie finally agreed to withdraw that resignation wero not tho great lead ers of his own party, but Senator Root, of New York, and Crane, of Massachusetts, and Loriraer, of Illi nois. Senator Bailey has now clearly and unmistakably separated himself from tho majority of tho party to which ho claims allegiance in tho senate. Even tho eleven senators who signed tho petition for his with drawal of the resignation do not pro fess agreement with his reactionary views, while two-thirds of the demo cratic senators will rally under other leadership to the standard of the progressive democracy which Owen represented in his attitude toward tho Arizona constitution. As a democratic leader Bailey commands a coterie of not more than seven sonators, while the great body of his party marches on in step with the new and better democracy of today. New York World Senator Bailey is too sensitive to bo a statesman. Ho was intended by nature for tho sheltered life, for some calm retreat where no jarring opinion should be heard. His delicately strung nerves suffer too acutely from contact with tho rudo world of politics. Richmond Times-Dispatch. "We are ashamed of him that he suf- forod himself to bo driven from tho field by their nagging, He knows now, in view of tho assurances ho haa received from "tho ablest and most conspicuous democrats" who voted against him on tho Ari zona proposition that they meant no harm, In what sincere esteem his great abilities are held by thoso opinions are worth while, and it is hoped that ho will go along and at tend to tho business for which ho was selected by the state of Texas. Dubuque, la., Telegraph-Herald It is axiomatic, we think students of government will agree, that, in. the words of tho constitution of Massachusetts, written 131 years ago, "all power residing originally in the people, and being derived from them, tho several magistrates and officers of government, vested with authority, whether legislative, exe cutive and agents, and are at all times accountable to them." If we accept this principle of the account ability of public servants to tho people and we cannot reject it without rejecting democracy then must we grant as reposing in the people the right to discharge, which is to say recall, the servant with whom a majority of the electorate aTo dissatisfied, and to exercise cor rective power over the acts of these servants, whether they be acts of omission, corrected by tho initiative, or acts of commission, corrected by the referendum. The choico is between government by delegate representatives of the people and government by the people. If we shall concede greater virtue, larger constructive ability and higher wisdom in the repre sentative of the peoplo than in the people themselves "the composite citizen," to use Senator Bourne's Ente work" Wendirful Work Englnt Farmers and Shop Owners, Stop Sweating! A few dollars gets hn grand llttlo xiott endne, complete and ready to ran Cream Separator!, Corn Kb red - aeri, unit aiuii, leeaHUis, lijrna mos, i'rintme rreiics, etc., i CUvcs a llfctlmo of itendy cut Ice! All Sites 2 to 20 h, p. No cranking! nocnnui fiocearsi udij o idotihi rn, JIMH ociiitructlori. TbouMiDJa lntlM. OuanatttdCiMn. Wxlto for Special Introductory Ptoroiltto. DETROIT MOTOB CAR SUPPLY CO., 15a Canton Ave., Detroit Mien, AfSENTS ! $40 h WEEK idling my limueliold necessity. Standard $1.00 valua CTery Tthore, which yoa can, tell at SO cents and mako XOO J'ei. cat FwBt. Everybody buys. L. T. D., Michigan, made tit first day. W. A. W Ohio, 954 one week, worked only 4 days Mrs. 0., Wisconsin, aTaragos oror HO a week Mr s Wbolo year' Writoior terms, F.R. Greene, 28 Lake Bt, $U 50t CfcleatoJ EBHSff stc ixmewrmrcrw fim JMmJlmS(.9il'mMJMi r ?hfl9SK9a L HrvKTVjf fcniBBBBBB'B2?TCyannSSBKK?3a BL!lSiafcfa MriittSsPlBM.-. (5p3wP" u Asthma KXXEDY sent on WtKE TRIAL. I it cures .send Sl.00; If not, don't. Give Express Office, iiat'l Chemlea. Ceapany, 019 Oklo Ave., Sidney, OI Deafness Cured, "I HAVE DE2MONSTRATED THAT DEAFNESS CAN BE CUlTED." DR. GUY CLIFFORD POWELL. Tho secret of how to uso tho myster ious and invisible nature forces for tho cure of Deafness and Head Noises has at last been discovered by tho famous Physician-Scientist, Dr. Guy Clifford Powell. Deafness and Head Noises disappear as if my magic under tho use of this new and wonderful dis covery. Ho will send all who suffer from Deafness and Head Noises full In formation, how they can be cured, abso lutely free no matter how long:, they have been deaf, or what caused their deafness. This marvelous Treatment Is so simple, natural and certain that you will wonder why it was not discovered before. Investigators marvel at tho quick results. Any deaf person can have. full information how to be cured quickly and cured to stay .cured at home without investing a cent, 'Write today to Dr. Guy Clifford Powell, 8133 Bank Building, Peoria, 111., and.got full information of. this new and wondorful discovery absolutely free. Fortunes in the Rich Rio Grande Valley An Opportunity for Wealth and Independence for All Who Buy a lract or irrigated Land in the Famous Mission, Texas, Project. If you EVER intend to buy land, to make a change in your condition for the hotter, to make an investment that is sure to bring big returns, let us advise you by all means to Investigate the possibilities of the Famous Mission Irrigated Lands, In the Gulf Coast Country of Texas. But do it THIS YEAR. Hundreds of people aro nocking to this valley, establishing small and largo farms, going into business, or buying income bearing farms for winter homes. There is a chance for YOU to become a member of this thriv ing Mission colony, if you act NOW. But the opportunities to buy in this Mission project are getting less every day. In a very short timo all of these valuable lands will be taken up and then you cannot buy except at prices beyond your reach. ' The Mission Lands, like all other irrigated projects, aTe sell ing rapidly. Irrigation farming is the ideal farming. At Mission you will find intensive farming at its best. These rich lands are cut up into 10, 20, 40 and 80 acre tracts, dotted with the home of happy, prosperous people. In the irrigated districts you will And smaller farms, moro homes and nearer neighbors, closer markots and moro progressive peoplo than you will find in any section of tho country. ' n, s?? of a, rouJnd triP t0 tlllB wonderful valley Is less than $30 from almost any important point in the country, but an investigation of this opportunity NOW may mean the dif ference in between fortune and failure to you. Why not loin one of our excursions to these lands? SWSIMJsKSSSISv!!. . . Cat Tkls Oat Rd Mall Today SEND COUPON FOR FREE INFORMATION FARM LAND INVESTMENT CO., Lincoln, Neb MttTM nan, your Nam -.. ........o,....:... Address No Letter la Necessary Jui,t s'cHd Coupob M "vviaseHWHSBBSJBBBBSaSSSSfWBSJStMBJBJB Secret of the Big Successes at Mission TWs j &kk ???- !t sL JrZ !? c lvllssion, i exas SKSiSifeS'SfflBJfflWr Tou'c-cS BRT", -- IrHt4 ft at . Thore Isn't a month in thnS70,.wW n4 at Mlsaion. vraDi comDlnatlon to market wlienthA W' In the winter vn ST,?' iro and four crP8 " grown other ectioM V&te?d A? .arreatpst . Sd V?Unffi.nS!!LyAKtebleB and ship them Tho ailMdoa Laada ai-A in 5wLes' There's biff monftv ,&' Snt weelcB ahead or Gulf CoaatCoux?t?y L $? heart tho FamSS ?!?&, &? croJP or t1 Land, is uadeii SrTl "?.3ro. wonderfully fnrHLi,'?d y? ortheTexa raaffi Th&rsssisss: jh .g gffl.twtisaa fitie'fosr La Lomlta Low Xi- gS3rt.-ffSSa ltert?eTa??n.maol" uuo tor juuatrot-rt v.1:,--v"'. uw thean lani. iii TC L'.l""'' fT" . .-"T FARM LAND INvES" ,n&K-. VSSST&St mrl!!?l C." EXCLUSIVE AGENTS --, - . whcoIm, Neferaaka '. .j4 . SWHw-U. L""-!.,.. . a i .A WUhmMXtWA 8