1 l . tV , .'. s'7-i it," ' m i t i r & 1 lM ' , . u j sr t 1 Ji', f v i , 4 m) ? i .Ui i,' ia t 'ir . j, n n n.y. " r JW&. - m.. 1 Vi;;i M i i; 1 1 In 1 J Mii.a"r A , ..,, ''T J 1 T I 'G.fr"' "" In f..' ai j fi!: '.., ) B: . IWi Tl !; fa , 1 I' 'f-S ... 't v) ffr . "'i 5 III '! ;m ' t: v 1!?,. 1 r '. , 'I t . i ' 1 ill ' j'' I i ill t j " ' il ' ' llr I Ml t - It 1? 1. T III' 111 ?i j 'i J'i ' ' '' ( 1 1 ',, ,vl III fl I 'i iro. l 10 The Commoner VOLUME 11, NUMBER If Wear This Stylish Suit k The man wW It impil " K ' dreawfl mn ihoo clothe aro f Mhlcn ablo.Hnd nra 1011 Htylca. You will bo Unit innn In your nSlKhborliopdt An all-wopLU lor. no Rhborhood wlio """for" A? apirW announcement. "?' thn nwolloflt, clivwloflt, Bijn pplnt dtylo wooTororontod-Bnd botlor your Bnponrnncol Thle ii our ". nt onmn .oar reprj. You'to eot a lot of fflondi. They ....... .lntta. Illithaaae estthlnf n ihn world lo cet Uim to order their aiK-S2u fnrasi more thn douWea tom alry, nd tha work It th cailMt, clnest, nlwit ocenpa- tntk. to I0 dy. You limply Uk. tot order nd moiuramnU and mftll tnom torn. We mk th clothei. ihlp Uiem on pprorM to your rl.ud rtnd hvA yott prot- ttoaoy. A ReguUr Olnchl That's tho bouty of blnt lu builnow for yptnelf. 811 rlht down ntrWJ wrlto ui a poiUl or a letter for tha free outflt to rcpreeenUtlTW. And yon lettheewelleitiultoffMhlonttMeUllor-mede, ill-wooMBllclothoe over worn In ymrnelp Vl hnalnua U wnrlll a DOlUl Of a 2a eUmp .r... h.n nei now wrIU v today. AddreM IERlCAWOOLE'HHILLSC0.Deri. 502Cbicago.UL flyAJ? (il If I iijJik rXn - . w (9 7 t " i-rv 1 ,v n ;ge. JW0j "Banking Made Safe." Tried by a throo million dollar fall uro In -vvhlch tho depositors lost not no cont, and sustained by tho supromo court of tho United Statos, tho Okla homa stato banks stand unrivalled for security amonff financial institutions. On tho basis of absolute safety wo ask ?rour patronage Satlsflod depositors n ovory stato of tho Union attest our ability to handlo your account right. Intorost paid on Timo Deposits and Savings Accounts. GUARANTY STATE BANK, Muskogee, Oklahoma. M. 0. Haskell, Vice President. M. C Sells, Cashier. ECZEMA Theodoro Roosevelt left for a trip through tho south and will spend somo time In Arizona. Abo Ituof, San Francisco boss, Is now wearing stripes. He is at work In tho jute mill of tho prison. Tho lower houBO of the New Hampshire legislature, by a vote of 268 to 70, adopted a plan some thing like tho Oregon method of selecting United States senators. Tho body also adopted a resolution calling on congress to give tho people direct election of senators. The Ohio supreme court has hand ed down a decision that Judge Blair's action in disfranchising tho 1,100 voters in Adams county for selling their votes was legal. Hundreds of cases in Scito and Adams counties have been awaiting tho decision of tho supromo court. They will now bo speedily disposed of. Judge Edward S. Dunne has con ceded tho nomination of Carter Har rison for mayor. Coonoy entered the chamber during the forenoon and took an obscure seat. No one paid any particular attention to him in the crowd of spectators. It was observed, how ever, that he listened intently to tho arguments in favor of the bill providing for the abolition of capi tal punishment. When the bill doing away with legal executions was finally passed by the assembly Cooney, apparently greatly relieved, calmly went in search of Sheriff Finn, whom ho found in the senate cham ber. To the sheriff he revealed his identity and declared he desired to surrender himself. Cooney killed his cousin because he fancied his landlady had transferred her affec tions to him." was supported by eventy members and opposed by 112, the government majority being forty-two. Only two liberals broke away and voted with the opposition." The board of directors of the New York Central railroad reduced tho quarterly dividend to 1 per cent. The lower house of the Minnesota legislature passed a bill providing for the direct nomination of United States senator by the Oregon plan. Isaac T. Parker, former lieutenant (governor of Delaware, died in Phila delphia. Hero is a Sacramento dispatch to the Chicago Record-Herald "Joseph W. Cooney, wanted in San Francisco for the murder of his cousin, James Cooney, walked into the assembly chamber, listened to the arguments in favor of the abolition of capital In a speech before the Canadian parliament, Premier Wilfrid Lau rier indorsed reciprocity with Ameri- J ca, affirmed loyalty co Great Britain, and urged friendship between the farmer and manufacturer through out the dominion. A number of the farmers living along the rural free delivery lines of mail out of Baynesville, Kan., have pulled down their mail boxes and refused to accept their mail from a negro carrier recently appointed. punishment, and, after assuring him can wis ourot). Mr wild, eootiiinj, tutranUed cure self the bill had been passed, sur- V "! "f'Er wTLjtQw"1TonT5paTnBnouiMa rendered to Sheriff Finn of San Fran- Benjamin D-. Green and John F. wat v mng - w n w DR, CANNADAY, 174 PARK SQUARE. SEDALIA, MO Cisco, a memoer of tne senate, uaynor, convicted embezzlers, were sent oacK to prison on the refusal of the government of the pauper's oath privilege to avoid a $575,000 fine. A New, Complete Edition of Mr. Bryan s Speeches Containing All of His Important Public Utterances In two handy volumes. You can follow Mr. Bryan practically through his entlro careor, from his valedictory oration at Illinois College In 1881. through his early public life, his presidential campaigns, his world tours, his platform experiences, and his participation in meetings of organiza tions dovotod to national progress, as well as international congresses Tho subject matter of these speeches covers a wide range of topics, from tho fundamental and vital problems of national and world IKo to tho highest ideals of human endeavor. A handy means of reference to tho student of social probloms of the present and future. ONLY AUTHORIZED, COMPLETE COLLECTION While Mr. Bryan's speeches, loctures and public addresses have ftT,nMr from time to timo In different editions of his works, or haw baSPSKH In scparato form, theso two volumes contain tho only authentic iomnw and authoritative collection of all of his speeches vor Issued WH?S first publication in book form of a complete collection of Mr t?1.2 speeches from his first entry In publlo lifo up to the present time. Bryan " " '"" MMMHMna mm ial Tl.Tr V4T.JI.. Xyl. - tv tiouuy voiuines This completo collection . prises two handsome 1 ! mo vS" umes containing 750 pjee? fivJ" tispleces .mowing lfrKon: various stages of his cUreo?$,.? Woeraphical introductfon b'v Pffi wife, Mary Balrd Bryan p! on good naoor in 1.. -Printed typoand hPaPd0sromSiylabr0eu0idc two-volumo sot sent diSXmT0 any address on rccofnt P$d following prices TimlSE .of the t0or?L?aor li ?; SPECIAL OPFBIU-por , fcft timo only, wo win iV.i..j "hort each ordfr received at S lth prices a yea?. robVetotlSH Tnh Commo without t cost. If you are a imtioi.iur1 The Commoner our dft r U Piratlon will bo advanced year. To secure this offS? CouS2 must accompany ordor a J?J??on and make rSmlttaSS ? payibl "tl TUB COMMONER, LlmceUt, Ifefc" Judge W. B. Sommerville, of the New Orleans civil district court, was elected associate justice of the Louisiana stato supreme court. Mayor Gaynor, of New York, has suggested Herman Ridder, the Ger man publisher, as a comnromlsR r.n-n- didate to break the senatorial dead lock at Albany. A Pleasant Prairie, Wis., dispatch carried by the Associated Press, says: "The town of Pleasant Prai rie, Wis., was blown off the map; a region circled about Chicago from Cleveland, O., to Clinton, la., were shaken as by an earth auake; a mil lion and a half dollars of property was damaged and 'two people killed were the results, summed up of the terrific explosion of fifty tons of dynamite and other explosives dt the DuPont powder mill in Pleasant Prairie. Practically all of the 500 inhabitants of the little town, where every building was razed or wrecked, were housed today in Ke nosha. Of the two persons killed, James S. Thompson, superintendent of the glaso room of the powder plant, waB killed when the dynamite let go. His body is still In the ruin3 of the mill. The other fatality oc curred at Elgin, HI., where Miss Llllie Finch dropped dead from shock when the explosion shook her home. About two score of the sur eruption of flame and wreckage and Pleasant Prairie "were treated here today. Many -were caught in- the shower of debris that followed the eruption of flame and wreckabe and were injured. Only two of the in jured are seriously hurt. Most of the injuries were caused by falling bits of wreckage and broken glass. Altogether, seventy or- eighty 'build ing in Pleasant Prairie were totally demolished. Many of them were small frame dwellings that 'came clat tering down about their tenants' ears, driving the whole town into the streets in a panic." . Champ Clark made a speech at Pittsburg in which he declared that tho democratic party is "united" for victory. SPECIAL OFFER COUPON The Commoner, Lincoln, Net. I accept your liberal nnort time offer for tho now books, "The Speeches of. William Jenningn Bryan," which In cludes, without oxtra cost, a yoar'n subscription to The Commoner. Books to bo B2nt prepaid to address below. (Mark offer wanted.) I enclose $2.25 for The Sneeeltea of William Jcnnlngsi Bryan. 2 vols., cloth binding, and The Commonor for ono year .,.. I enclose $3.25 for The Speeches f William Jennlng Bryan, 2 vols., half leather binding, and The Commoner for one year........ Rear Admiral John C. liVATnrmf died at Boston. He was the son of MVUUUUvi The United States supreme court has declared the corporation tax pro vision of the Payne-Aldrich tariff act to be constitutional. Justice Day delivered, the opinion. The city elections in Maine demo crats won many notable victories, securing four out of five cities. the Name P. O. If now a subscriber rto The Commoner your date of expiration will be ad vanced one year. James R. Porter who was the democratic nominee for governor in 1868, died in Haigler, Neb. Ho was ninety-three years of age. ' The Kansas locislaturA rmaaoi bill appropriating $50,000 to found a state tuberculosis hospital. No location is named. Speaking at Dallas, Texas, Theo dore Ro'osevelt .said that failure to fortify the Panama' canal will be an act of criminal folly. Postmaster Thomas, of Omaha, is under investigation, charged .with "pernicious political activity." . V.-V The legislatures of New York and Colorado continue in deadlock on seantors. Associate Justice Holmes, of the supreme court of the United States, celebrated his seventieth birthday anniversary. hi?W P dIsPat carried by tho Associated Press, says: "The strength of the government's posi tion on reciprocity was shown by a vote taken in the house tonight on JadS 5 Kos; Sartdans taken up by the Canadian parHa ment 'until tho electors shalfS had an opportunity of passing onite merits.' The motion to defe? action Press dispatches from Mexico say that a lamine in that country is at hand. Mrs. Mary W. Harriman, widow of B. H. Harriman, has .paid- $798, 546.85 inheritance tax in Utah. Judge Harpers Cunningham, for mer Attorney General of the .Terri tory of Oklahoma, died at Long Beach, Cal. In a' speech at Birmingham, Col, Theodore Roosevelt expressed his ap proval of tho commission form of government. He declared for drastic and rigidly enforced laws controlling the hours and ages of yrorking children. m