i '0 O I ! j ", . 5r i The Commoner. VOLUME 11, NUMBER i4 ,n IH '. 1 . 3 '.' r ' i i, i iPili I -'M. ' ' .'. 1 M ' u v.' .1 5 i t.lV ! nl ..nn iU.'''' is t m U :-? ji'f M U jfcy&-" II ' M I ' -I fjBlJjr ft "I Fortunes in Fruit Growing ! M ,,,, ,i ,IMM u wnwFs ElKHnMdMBVB H mwmmm mmwh mi i ii i hi mi mmibm' I'M Mil 1 I mm ' i 1 11 1 ' i II KJUiUmilMl B!ae" At Mission, Texas, in the Wonderful Lower Rio Grande Valley Why Stay in the City on a Limited Salary or on a Farm With Many Disadvantages, When You Can Win an Independent For tune in a Few Years by Fruit Raising, Truck Gardening, or General Farming on a SmalL Tract of Mission Irrigated Lands? Indopondont fortunes aro bolng mado by fruit raising on small .tracts of land In a fow years' time at Mlnrtlnn, Texas, located In tho Wonderful Lower Rio Grande Valley of the aulf Coast Country. Owing to Its Ideal cllmato and soil conditions, Its abun dant water supply, Its oxcollont location with roforonco to transportation, freight rates and markets, Mission Is rapidly coming to tho front as a profitable fruit growing center. You will find at Mission all tho necessary requirements for success In growing figs, oranges, lemons, grapo fruit, bananas, nil varlotlos of grapes, borrlcs and citrus fruits. This soctlon of Texas Is particularly adapted to the grow ing of Magnolla-flgs. Climatic conditions assuro a crop and failures aro absolutely unknown. Tho fig has no insect onomy. Thoro Is big monoy In raising figs. It Is an excel lent fruit, and is suporlor for canning and preserving. Factorlos havo been erected to handle tho crops, and they cannot supply tho demand for prosorved figs. Raising figs Is a delightful and hoalthful occupation. Not hard work, and with reasonable care fig orchards four or flvo years or ago .havo paid in tho past seasons $200 to $400 per aero per season, depending on tho methods of pruning culture. Grapes of every known variety flourish hero. They pro duco a good crop tho first year from rooted cuttings, and maturo from six weeks to two months earlier than tho product of California vineyards, and this locality is 1,500 miles nearer, tho eastern markets. In addition to tho wonderful opportunities in fruit grow ing, Mission Is tho contor of tho famous truck growing district, whoro fortunes aro bolng mado every year In rais ing winter vegetables for northern markets. Mission also has opportunities for quick money In almost any lino of diversified farming. If you llvo in tho city or country; if you want to better your condition in llfo; If you want to Invest in lands that aro rapidly Increasing in valuo; If you want to get ahead in tho world, thoro aro wonderful opportunities open for thoso who act NOW. jQln tho excursions to' this beautiful valley tho cost Is about $30 for tho round trip from almost any Important point in tho country. There's an opportunity for YOU at Mission. A Field of Grapes at Mission, Mnturln g Two Weeks Earlier Thau California. Fourteen Good Reasons Why You Can Better Your Condition by Locating at MISSION $1,400 in Three Months From Seven Acre Tract Mr. A. J. Dovers, of Sioux Falls, S. D., bought a tract df land at Mission, Texas, and iri ONE YEAR'S TIME realized from sovon acres more than enough, to 'pay for tho land at present prices. Last year, Mr. Dovers, on seven acres of land out of tho Mission tract cultivated by his tenant, W. Volz, har vested something like over 700 bushels of potatoes, which sold at an avorago price of $2 per crate of 60 pounds (ono bushel) f; o. b. Mission. .. They commenced clearing tho land November 2, 1909, started planting January 20, 1910, and completed shlpmont of the crop April 20, 1910. But this amount of monoy received from his potatoes wasn't all of Mr. Dovers' profits by any means. Just as quick as tho potatoes woro out of tho way the land was plantod to cotton another big money maker at MIs 1mtrft11 Fown pd harvested within tho same year. Thats tho beauty about farming and gardening on tho Mission Irrigated Lands. No matter how largo or small your tract may bo, you can follow one crop after another the whole year around, and grow two, throe and four crops a year on tho same ground. 1 The lamd la good. Land that will yield $100 to $1,000 an aero prbflt overy year MUST bo good. J The location la Ideal. Not In a wilderness, but right in' tho heart of a well governed community, closo to a thriving town with good schools and churches, among happy, prosperous people. 3 Crops yield abundantly and como on the market weeks ahead of other sec tions of tho United States at a time when pricos aro highest. 4 The temperature Is mild and pleasant during the winter and not excessively hot during tho, summer. '5 Lands are Irrigated by water from tho Rio Grando River with an irrigation system supplying an abun dance of water at all times. No guesswork about it, no drouths to worry about, and big crops assured at all seasons. C Transportation Is good, with railroad facilities that cnablo growers to got their products to best markets at tho least expense. 7 Located in the Famous Rio Grande Valley, a region noted for its fertile, soils tho best section of tho won derful Gulf Coast' Country of Texas. 3 12 months of. growing season'. Not a month in tho year that you cunnot market products from a Mission tract. 0 3 nnd 4 crops a year grown on tho same ground. 10 People are making money at Mission. The best evidenco is the way these lands aro being taken up. N 11 Opportunities - for all. Land sold in large or. small tracts within reach of large or small investors. 12 Prices ridiculously low when you consider Mission lands are now earning 6 per cent on a valuation of $600 per acre. 13 Lands rising; in value with every year and people able to re-soll at double tho money paid. 14 People hnvc paid for their land with tho proceeds of one year's crops. 8BMK MISSION LANDS If You EVER Intend to Buy, BUY NOW tnNhiTvP51?Wiiu you havo s,uch an opportunity as this n? IX Rood lnd nea,r a od town. n a good railroad, VtS?10?8 and on.tho BASY TERMS wo offer. o2ilfSf ar dI,vidcd into tracts of from 10 to Sra"eB8 and.sold a nrices varying from $80 tt $125 ferret nkvmoifm0one-thii"dcash and balance indo- per aero. CaUtornla lanis "re now Bolllnc, which ft J1.000 Send at Once for Free Informatidn Mission Land Improvement Co., Mission, Texas Gentlemen: Kindly send me full information concerning your rigated La Lomita Lands, prices, terms, etc. Name , 1 .. . . '' ". I Postoffictt .A;....:..l :......... . ... - I R-F-P- or St. Wo. State.............. I "We Prove it at Mission" lxun:r TtrabwCberriCestrUoantfrU,tS' ' BraPes ai'a"a. radishes more successfully S ? wlwon conl' niona, cabbage and cllmato dry, mild, invigorating lthntnf rrlchost oil in Amend, in a S-rni year you hav every "poslblo adviStn yvr cmmnd at all seasons ft nS seas(m and yu n rafiS thPXaSBf70U havo twelvo montho of In ono year. Remember, the Mission Tnrd four ?Fops on the same ground Commensurate with the profS ? ?? . " Under lUo t ?eaUehh0InvestI thlSP p0ropOS?tfonC0Vwhte &nd ,S. slgnjflcant, but ea,ch; S6 yar it will cost rnntn noT whilo tho. price Is within your SSSt01 est llttl(J ty In the vaffvi'?? Ia tho bost- mopt prospoVoSs Kood biulne locations thS ? anyho5helae hPsm'K? mro opportSnltlos fo? A trip of investigation win . ln Soutnwest Texas, buy round trip tickets Wathe afferent ?aii!S T.Wl?,, each- moh you can Mission Land Improvement Co. mission, Hidalco Countv. Tva I