The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 10, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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MARCH 10, 1911
The Commoner.
Btato supremo court and enter bail
pending a decision. The capitol was
erected at a cost of $13,000,000 and
the state charged that it was de
frauded out of about $5,000,000 in
the furnishings. The state ma'de no
charges of fraud in the construction
of the building." ,
A few York dispatch, carried by
the Associated Press, says: "By a
special order issued by President
Taft, Richard halley, the employe
of the American Sugar Refining
company whose story of trick scale
devices led to the discovery of the
sugar-weighing frauds several years
ago, has been rewarded by the gov
ernment with a permanent job as
customs watchman at $840 a year.
- Washington News :-:
The lower house of the Colorado
legislature passed the recall amend
ment. The judges and district at
torney aTe included with the pro
visions of the recall.
Pimples Off
In 5 Days
The New Calcium Sulphide Trcat-
' ment Does Wonders to Every
'. . . Kind of Skin Eruption.
An Associated Press correspon
dent said; "The minU will stop
making gold coins as soon as Presi
dent Taft signs he bill which con
gress has passed, permitting the
secretary of the treasury to issue
gold certificates against gold bul
lion and foreign gold coin. Although
no more gold will be coined for
about three years, there will be
plenty on hand in the treasury
vaults for all who want it and in
the meantime treasury officials esti
mate the government will have about
$300,.000 a year."
President Taft nominated William
H. Lewis, of Boston, a negro, to be
assistant attorney general of the de
partment of justice. This is the
first time that a negro has been
named for such a prominent posi
tion in the department.
Trial Package Sent "Free to Prove It.
You don't want to wait forever and
a day to get rid of your pimples or
other skin eruptions. You want to
get rid of them right now. Next
week you may want to go somewhere
where you wouldn't like to have to
take the pimples along.
You can get rid of them just in
time by taking gtuart's Calcium
These wonderful little workers
have cured bad boils in three days,
and some of the worst cases of 3kin
disease in a week.
They contain as their main in
gredient the most thorough, quick
and effective blood cleanBer known,
calcium sulphide.
Remember this, too, that most
pimple treatments reek with poison.
And they are miserably slow besides.
Stuart's Calcium Wafers have not
a particle of poison in them. They
are free from mercury, biting drugs
or venomous opiates. This is absoliir
tely guaranteed. They cannot do
any harm, out tney always ao goou,
i good that you can see in the mir
ror before your own eyes a few
days after. -
Don't be any longer humiliated by
having a splotchy face. Don't have
Btrangers stare at you, or allow
your friends to be ashamed of you
because of your face.
Your blood makes you what you
aTe. The men and women who forge
ahead are those with pure blood and
pure faces.
Stuart'B Calcium Wafers will make
you happy because your face will bo
a welcome sight not only to yourself
when y6u look into the glass, but
to everybody else who knows you
and talks with you.
We want to prove to you that
Btuart's Calcium Wafers are beyond
doubt the best and quickest blood
and skin purifier in the world so
we will send you a free sample as
oon as we get your name and ad
dress. Send for it today, and then
when you have tried the sample you
will not rest contented until you
have bought a 50c box at your drug
srists Send us your name and address
today and we will at once send you
by mail a sample package, free.
'Address, F. A. Stuart Co., 406 Stuart
Bldg., Matshan, Mich.
An Associated Press correspon
dent said: "The special committee of
the house appointed last summer to
investigate Senator Gore's charges
of attempted bribery in connection
with J. W. McMurray's Indian at
torney contracts in Oklahoma, made
its final report to the house tonight.
The majority of the committee finds
that Jake L. Hamon actually 'did,
about May 6, 1909, make an im
proper proposal to Senator Gore re
specting the McMurray contracts
and that about June 16, 1910, he
approached Representative Charles
F. Creager with an improper propo
sition on the same subject. The
committee finds no evidence, how
ever, to show that Hamon was act
ing by authority of or with the con
sent of McMurray.' On this ground
the committee exonerates McMur
ray from any connection with an at
tempt improperly to influence mem
bers of the house or senate. It finds,
however, that he used more than
'undue influence' to secure the sup
port of Chief Green McCurtain and
his son, D. C. McCurtain, in getting
these contracts by transferring a
contingent interest of $25,000 in
the contracts to D. C. McCurtain."
Senator Owen of Oklahoma lead
a filibuster against the tariff board
and appropriations frankly stating
that he wanted to force an extra
James C. Naphier of Tennessee
was named by President Taft to be
register of the treasury. Naphier is
a negro.
The senate confirmed the follow
ing: Robert O. Bailey, assltant sec
retary of the treasury; Henry S.
Boutell, minister to Portugal.
The house passed the bill to ap
propriate $250,000 for the erection
of a memorial at Put-In-Bay, Ohio,
in 1913, in commemor ition of Com
modore Perry's vict ry on Lake
Lands in the fourth unit of the
Umatilla irrigation project, Oregon,
aggregating 6,053 acres of irrigable
land, of which 2,763 acres are public
land, will be thrown open to home
stead entry on March 22, 1911.
The house passed a bill by Repre
sentative Burke of South Dakota,
chairman of the committee on In
dian affairs, giving the interior de
partment general authority to dis
pose of left-over lands in any In
dian reservation previously thrown
open to entry.
Secretary of the Interior Ballinger
fixed, until further notice, at $2 per
acre the charge for operating and
maintenance by the government of
lands served by the Okanogan irri
gation project, Washington.
The ways and moans committeo of
the house has selected the new rules
committeo with Robert L. Henry,
Waco, Texas, as chairman. The four
republican members will bo chosen
by the- republican caucus. The fol
lowing were announced as the seven
democratic members:' Robert Leo
Henry, Texas; Edward W. Pou,
Smithfield, N. C; Thomas W. Hard
wick, Sandersville, Ga.; Augustus O.
oianiey, Henderson, Ky.; Finis J".
Garret, Dresden, Tenn.; Martin D.
Foster, Olney, 111., and Mathow R.
Denver, Wilmington, O.
Referring to the organization of
the new house, the Associated Press
These constitute a tentative list of
chairmanships, some of them being
Appropriations Fitzgerald, New
Ways and means Underwood,
Rules Henry, Texas.
Judiciary Clayton. Alabama.
Interstate committee Adamson,
Foreign affairs Flood, Virginia.
Military affairs Hay, Virginia.
Public lands Robinson, Arkansas.
Naval affairs Padgett, Tennessee.
Insular affairs Jones, Virginia.
Indian affairs Stephens, Texas.
Postofllce or territories Lloyd
Banking and currency Pu jo,
Pensions Richardson, Alabama.
Printing Finley, South Carolina.
Agriculture Lever, South Caro
lina, or Beall, 'Texas.
Census Wilson, Pennsylvania.
Immigration Burnett, Alabama.
Industrial arts and expositions
Heflin, Alabama.
Pensions Ansberry, Ohio, or
Lindsay, New York.
Immigration Smith, Texas.
Rivers and . canals Korbly, In
diana. Private land claims Carter, Okla
homa. Mileage Denver, Ohio, or Collier,
Pacific railroads Slayden, Texas.
Patents Sulzer, New York.
Manufactures Johnson, South
District of Columbia affairs
Johnson, Kentucky.
Claims Goldfogle, New York.
Election of president, vice presi
dent, etc. Rucker, Missouri.
Merchant marine Clark, Florida.
Militia Floyd, Arkansas, or Ash
brook, Ohio.
Mines and minings Foster, Illi
nois. Public buildings Sheppard, Texas.
Civil service reform Goldwin,
North Carolina.
Revision of tho laws Watkins,
Rivers and harbors Moon, Ten
nessee; Ransdell, Louisiana, or
Sparkman, Florida.
Territories Lloyd, Missouri, if
not given the postofllce.
War claims Sims, Tennessee.
Oo rr
178 Uushcls per Aero
What Farmer want to Know
The "Pure Beed Mun's" Now Book In car
tnlnly different from ttio many other need hook
tlint como to our desk. When n book or letter
written by rnnn who Iim a thorough persdaal
knowledge- or hi business nml adds to that knowl
edge lite bOit painstaking effort, tho result Is ln
tcrentlnfr rend In jr. In this particular seed bootc
ono rendu llvlnjr, breathing rage. Not tho usual
stereotyped technical terms of tho reed trado, but
tho heart to heart talk of a man who talk and
writes of his rood business, ills long experience
and his Hfo In gcucrnl, In n way that make you
nt onco leal nnd wo that profit In business Is not
tho only consideration n man may hnvu (or living.
Thcro nro ninny things In tho to d business that
lire Important for every farmer to know. Many
of theso things do not show on tho outnido and
neither la It cosily possibly to learn them. Many
of theso vory Important things nro put Into under
standablo English In Uio 1'uro Seed Man's new
book. To got n froo copy or It wrlla tho Shen&n
doah Pure Seed Co., 303 lowoll Avo., Shenandoah
Iowa, and mention this paper when writing.
Closing work of congress may be
summarized in this way: All the
big appropriation bills were put
through. Reciprocity failed and Is
tho cause of the extra session. State
hood for Arizona and New Mexico
is delayed. The tariff boaTd bill
passed the senate, but was talked to
death by house democrats. An angry
Kentuckian threatened Speaker Can-
Grows From See
A lew uroana amm
(Ctmfa)Krowlngln your
garden this year wilt
KtTO you great deal
oi picunro. nam in
Spring and yon will get
crop in about Unr
naathi. Tltonutliof fine
flavor, resembling the
eBiitor imoniimcjit
Is snow white; shell
thin, and great pro
ducer. One nnt planted
will produce from 100
to 200 nuts. Will grow
in any noil or location.
To get new customers
to ten our seeds we wll 1
mall 0 flrotad iln4
nuts and ion fla bit.
lo-u with J0. u Rill,
all for 10mu. Bendto
davand liavcsomethlne
In your garden to surprise your neighbors.
MILLS SUED CO.. Box M. Wailiington. Tow.
I0.G00 SEEDS 10c.
Wo want von to trr our Prim Seeds tills Tear
and havn selected SO heat varietlea and out UD 10.HA
seeds csneclallv to trrow l'rlzo Vegetables and
Klowcrs. They will produce more than &. worth of
vegetables aim jo ontncis or r lowers.
Mt Seeds Cabbage
2.M0 " Lettuce
SW M Onion
1.IH " Radish
JM " Tomato
a.m Tumip
2.5W " Flowers
3 Best Varieties 1 pku.
a " a
. M 4
4 M " 4 "
is Grand Flowerlnsf Varieties
In all to cm tieeds. and our new Seed Hook with a
n "c crcuu inecK kuuu xur wu dciixuuui wnuu, wv.
I'AHiviEW SliliU farms, uox ire, Syracuse, n. ia
IO Cherry Trees $1. why pay hum
Jt ILVO IU1 tiuair"
An r-irn-.-irH nrnnAl cry stock when
Duo hill for 25 cents and catalogue froo.
FAIRBURY NURSERIES, Box E. Fairbury, Nebr.
fe REMINGTON $18.75
Write nt onco for tho most Interest
ing proposition over mado to the
typowrltcr purchaser.
Standard typewriter Exchange
23 Park Row, Hew York.
"y w-gTh virs
Jfc lumttTlZMi
Your Ideas May Bring You a Fortune.
Write (or Our FREE HOOK; elves lUt of needed
Inventions; tells how to protect them.
Patent Obtained or Feo Koturncd.
No charge for repdrt as to patentability: send sketch
or molel. I'atents advertised for sale free.
U. ELLIS CIIAilULEK t'0 Attorneys 1235 V Sfrot
Tobacco Habit Banished
forms of Tobacco Habit ln-72 to 120 hoars. A posl
tire, Quick and permanent relief. Easy to take.
No craring for Tobacco after tho first dose. One
to three bozos for all ordinary cases. We ruaran
tee results in every caso or refund money. Bend
for oar free booklet giving fall Information.
Klders' Sanatorium, Pop. 41 St. Joseph, Mo)
"Banking Made Safe."
Tried by a three million dollar fail
ure In which tho depositors lost not
ono cent, and sustained by the supreme
court of tho United States, the Okla
homa state banks stand unrivalled for
security among financial Instituti-ns.
On the basis of absolute safety we ask
your patrqnage. Satisfied depositors
in every state of the Union attest our
ability to handle your account right.
Interest paid on Time Deposits and
Savings Accounts,
Muskogee, Oklahoma.
M. 0. Haskell, Vlc President.
M. C Sails, Cashier.'
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