The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 10, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner
Tho Snoddy Ilomcdy will stop tho
dlnoano and savo tho sick hogs and
,top further dovolopmontH of tho
dlscaso on thooo not yot sick, It In also
tho greatest worm cxtormlnator and
thrift producer on tho market.
Snoddy's froo boolclot which ex
plains tho wholo method of savins;
diseased hogs or keoplnsf well hogs
clear of worms and thrifty will bo
sent froo by return mail to any por
tion who will sond his natno and ad
dress to tho Snoddy Homcdy Co., Sta.
23, Alton, 111.
Oi TjWMH.Q kajrh 'rnim without
JM.&J V XUO MILK. Ilooklol Froo.
NcbraskaSood Co,, Omaha, Nob
Asthma sent on VttUK TIIIAI II
It cure scml 51.00; If not, don't.
C.lvc J'.xprr k Oilier lUl'l Uhrnilca,
foiiiiin, Nil) Ohio Air., Sidney, 01
JDnglnoering. Wlllium Ilu.isell Smith
Company, York, l'u.
Frco roport ns to Pntontnblllty. Illiutrntod Quid
liook. nnd List of Inventions Wanted, nontfroo.
VIOTOll J. MVANS & CO., WashlnKton, D. 0
OAJf UK OOIIEU. Mr mild, looUilnf. urnnUd eur
loVT it nd rui. : AMrLf provt. it. mbvi thk rrcHiwa
ia& cur to lUy. VrillTK NOW-TODAY.
siWw livrfl-UH UA
j tOUfM llfISl l " V. J
wtiwct llflvillJ I V f
Printers on Chicago daily news
papers went on a strike and -for
several days tho papers were printed
in abbreviated form. They were
ordered back, however, by the inter
national typographical union.
Tho California supreme court has
refused Abo Ruof, tho grafter, a re
hearing, and he must now go to jail.
The republicans of Chicago have
nominated Charles E. Merriam for
mayor. The democratic nominee is
Carter Harrison who defeated For
mer Mayor Dunne in a close race. '
Masked men held up an express
car within the City limits of St.
Louis, socurlng $1,000 in cash.
The Ohio house of representatives
has passed a bill to legalize Sunday
Let Mo Send You n Dollar's Worth
of tho Great Michigan External
Remedy Which is Curing
Thousands to Try
Frco. Just
Sign and Mail My Coupon
lmVW 4raSc I V
Joseph G. Robin, the fallen
banker, pleaded builty to an indict
ment charging him with the larceny
of $27,000 from tho Washington
Savings Bank, of which he was for
merly president. Seven indictments
against him remain. He was re
manded to the Tombs until March
27, when ho will bo sentenced.
Dr. Manuel E. Araujo was inaugu
rated president of Salvador.
For every Bible ther will be a
member of the adult Bible classes of
San Francisco to march through the
streets in parade a Gideon Bible in
his hand and at the end of the
parade each marcher will build his
Bible into a gigantic pyramid to be
erected on the platform of the con
vention auditorium, there to stand
as an object lesson while the conven
tion is in session."
A deadlock in the Montana legis
lature was broken by the election to
the United States senate of Henry
L. Myers a democrat. He will suc
ceed Senator Carter, republican.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Danville, Va., says: "Edgar Stipling,
for five years chief of police of Dan
ville under the name of R. E. Norris,
was arrested here today as an
escaped murderer from the Atlanta,
Ga., prison. In 1897 he was tried
for murder, convicted and sentenced
to life imprisonment. He escaped
pending a motion for a new trial.
Stipling confessed his identity when
the requisition papers were read to
him. The arrest and exposure of
the chief of police was made by Se
cret Service Agent J. W. W. Smith
and Deputy City Sergeant W. W.
Boisseau. For the last six years
Stribling has been living here.
Efforts were made several times to
New York senatorial race. Richard
Croker says Murphy is making a
mistake in pushing Sheehan for
tho place.
Dr. Vasquez Gomez, agent m tho
United States for the" Mexican
revolutionists, declared that unless
the so-called peace .envoys from
President Diaz show proper creden
tials they will be considered as spies
by the insurgents.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul railroad ia said to have dis
charged twenty-five? per cent of the
force on the main line"engaged in
construction, car repairs, round
house work and maintenance of way
in carrying out a retrenchment
policy on account of the rate decision.
The state senate of. Washington
passed a bill making it a misde
meanor for a person under twenty
one years of age to have tobacco
on his person. The effect of the bill
is to repeal the anti-cigarette law.
The Haynes Automobile plant at
Kokomo, Ind., was destroyed by
fire. One hundred automobiles were
burned up. The loss ia estimated at
$750,000 with $240,000 insurance.
trace some shady spot in his past,
Presidential suffrage for women but not an inkling of his prison career
was voted down by the Kansas house. I was brought out. About five years
ago he was elected as a patrolman
The Kansas house of representa
tives defeated a bill providing for
tho selection of delegates to national
conventions at primary elections.
The Missouri state senate adopted
a resolution commending United
States Senators Stone and Warner
for voting against Senator Willam
FIUSDEWOIC DY1CR, Corresponding Sec'y.
Lot us cure your Rheumatism (no
matter where loented, how severe, or
whether It Is chronic, acute, muscular,
Mclutlc, lumbago or gout) with our
poworful. yot harmless Mnlc Foot
Drtiftn. Thoy havo oven cured cases of
SO and 40 years' standing where baths
and doctors and medlclno failed.
Just hIrii nnd mntl the coupon below.
Roturn mail will bring you prepaid a
rogular $1 pair of Magic foot Drafts,
tho great Michigan euro for ovcry kind
or Rheumatism Chronic or acute
muscular, sciatic, lumbago or gout
To Try Free. Then if you aro fully
satisfied with tho benefit received send
up One Dollar. If not, keep your
money. You aro tho judge, and we
take yoHr word. Wo know what Magic
Foot Drafts aro doing, for wo send
them cvorywhoro, and wait for our pay
until tho work is done. Lot us send
you a pair.
vaiuablo illus
trated booklot
free with tho
Trial Drafts
Send no monoy
just tho cou
pon. Do It to
day now.
JThis $1.00 Coupon Free..
Good for a regular $1.00 pair of
Magic Foot Drafts to bo sent Froo
to Try (as explained abovo) to
The resolution memoralizing con
gress In disapproval of the post
master general's recommendations
for an increase of postage on maga
zines, passed the New York senate.
of the police force and after serving
six months was advanced to chief.
His advancement was due in a great
measure to his cool nerve and fear
lessness, though he was criticised
severely for his almost uncontrol
able temper. The election of a chief
of police for another term was to
have been held tomorrow night, and
it was generally thought Stribling
would be chosen to succeed himself.
He was taken to Georgia."
Count Apponyi, of Hungary, in a
speech at Philadelphia, urged the
cause of universal peace, but de
clared that the time for disarmament
is not yet ripe.
Three thousand persons are dying
daily in the famine district of China.
Governor Plaisted, of Maine, has
signed the resolution submitting to
the people the liquor prohibitory
amendment to the Maine constitu
tion. The amendment will be voted
on in September.
"The""Ofiio legislature has passed a
measure which provides that candi
dates for the judiciary shall be
elected on non-partisan ballots.
The Missouri senate passed a' bill
submitting to the" people at a special
election to be called by Governor
Hadley a proposition to vote $3,000,
000 bonds for rebuilding the burned
vT ms
Frank G. Bigelow, the former
Milwaukee banker has been released
from the federal prison at Leaven
worth after serving nearly six years.
Deaths from the plague are said
to average 2,000 a dav at PaI
Chaunlintze, about fifty miles north
of Harbin.
Mall this eoiinnn tr Aro -rr
?rKLS0,2K5 XC1 0vor Bid.,
The Washington state senate
adopted a memorial to congress ask
ing that no treaty with a foreign
nation bo ratified unless the foreign
nation consents to permit the holder
of an American passport to travel
through the country regardless of
race, color, sex or religion.
A New York dispatch carried by
the Associated Press savs: "Ona
hundred thousand Bibles have bean
ordered for general distribution by
the Gideons, aB the members of the
Christian traveler association of
America style themselves. The order
Is said to be the largest ever placed
and its forms part of a national plan
to placo a Bible in every hotel bed
room in the country. W. E. Hender-
huu, naxionai secretary of the
Gideons, said that ho had promised
one-fourth of the order for San
S?"!?i8C0 and the Pacific coast,
25,000 Bibles, the largest number
ever shipped at one time, shall reach
San Francisco in time for tho trien
nial convention of tho international
Sunday school associations which will
be held in the latter part of June
Wm. F. Sheehan issued a state
ment refusing to withdraw from the
The Pennsylvania superior court
has affirmed the conviction In the
Douphin county court of Joseph. M.
Huston of Philadelphia, architect of
the Pennsylvania state capitol at
Harrisburg, the last ot the fourteen
men indicted in the scandal to face
a trial court. The Associated Press
says: "Huston was convicted of con
spiracy to defraud the state in con
nection with the furnishings of the
capitol and was sentenced to a term
of not less than six. months nor more
than two years in prison and to pay
a fine of $500. If Huston follows
the other men convicted in the same
case he will take an appeal to the
Do You Feel This Wav?
Do you feci all tired outP Do you sometime
inink you mat can't wnrlr . . -.
K 4!' T fSJ
onrnrnWlli: " n,8nta unable to sleep P Are
bition tnVrl u 6 j ' "ra 'our stomach too P Has am
J.ri?n WePut? SP to your miserv. Y A it if
maU.SfciSJ S01? Medical Discovery will
to woff ;K?SS-.? wiU set Tourlazver
. sumption has almfte 7 . .uu way. uvea alter coa
- "6o, t Will UnOt KDOUX
JW? medicines are STSS5 SSSM,Ied J? " Jt Su" Dr.
?nJWWpper8- Made Y" Their .very iBjjredit. printed
forming drugs. World's 1 C.hoL Contin
II ii,