The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 03, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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MARCH 8,' 1911
The Commoner;
Wear This Stylish SuiH
Tlie man wno is mo swer
dreesed man whoso clothes axe fashion-
able, ana are xuii etyice.
You will bo that man In your
neighborhood t An all-wool, tailor
nmao Bait or nasny laii .uroauwny
clothes ntraits tho first man in your
neighborhood Mho antnrors this
spring announcement. 1911 stylos
ore just In. You cot tills Suit
tno awoncsc, classiest, Bnappioat
sty lo wo ovor created and better
your nppoaranco 1 This ! oar
Idea: Wo want one man a oar repre
sentative m your neignDornooa.
You'vo got a lot of friend. They
wear clothes. It I the easiest thine
In the world to cet them to order their
clothes from you. Prices, 57.50 and up.
Thoso orders mean a bit? business that
sore than doubles your salary, and the (
work; is tno easiest, cleanest, nicest occupa
tion In the world. Now representatives
make &5 to $10 a day Yon simply take the
order and measurements and mall them to us.
Wo make the clothes, ship them on approval
to tout friend and hand yon the profit
money. A Regular Olnchl That's tho
beauty of belne in business for yourself. Sit
tight down now; wrlto us a postal or a letter
for thq free outfit to representatives. And you
set thoswollestsuitoffashlonablo tailor-made,
all-wool, 1911 ciotnea ever worn in your neign
borhood. If your personal appearance rnd a
hisr business Is worth a postal or a So stamp
to you. then act now write na today. Addreu
WOOLEN MILLS CO. Deet. srcChicago. ILL
SJMt it... -
tae XI
isLW IJjlfllllll
lCsl IWL I f&
vSwSli I
What Farmers want to Know
Tho "Puro Seed Man's" Now Book Is cor
talnly different from the many other seed books
that como to our desk. When a book or letter Is
written by a man who has a thorough personal
knowledge of his business and adds to that knowl
edge his boat painstaking effort, the result Is In
tcrosting reading. In this particular seed 'book
ono roads living, breathing pages. Not tho usual
stereotyped technical terms of tho need trado, but
tho heart to heart talk of a man who talks and
writes of bis seed business, his long experience
and his life In genoral, in a way that mnkoj you
at once feel and coo that profit in business is not
tho only consideration a man may havo lor living.
There aro many things in tho tei'd business that
aro important for ovory farmer to know. Many
of these things do not show on tho outsido and
neither is it easily possibly to learn thorn. Many
of theso very important things aro put into under
standable English in tho Puro Seed Man's now
book. To got a froo copy of It writo tho Shenan
doah Puro Seed Co., 803 Lowell Ave., Shenandoah,
Iowa, and mention this paper when writing.
Grows From Seed
nun ,m .j.iauuu
(Chuf a)growing in y onr
garden this year will
glvo yoa a great deal
of pleasure, riant in
Spring and yon will get
a crop in about fonr
months. Tlienutisof flno
flavor, resembling tho
oeotnut or almond; meat
Is enow white; shell
thin, and great pro
ducer. One nut planted
will produce-from 100
to 200 nuts. "Will grow
In any soil or location.
To get now customers
to test our seeds we will
moll En flrnnnd Almond
nuts and lOlt Seed Cata
logue with lOe. Dne nil!,
all for io cents. Sendto-rinvanAiiaveBOmethlni:
in yonr garden to Bnrprlso your neighbors.
MILLS SEED CO.T Box 600. Washington, Town.
ing, two good eyes are sufficient,
waen tno rurrow is opened, beforo
yqu drop in the potato, put a good
sprinkling of well-rotted manure
along the bottom of the trench. Tho
tubers will like it. Remember it is
the early potato that brings the good
In order to multiply your stock,
it is well to prepare cuttings of cur
rant, grape, gooseberry, several kinds
of plums, some varieties of quince,
most of shrubs, willows, poplars, and
hedge plants; these will root readily
If put into the soil as early as it can
be worked, taking the cuttings before
buds begin to grow. They should be
set about six inches apart, and the
soil well firmed about them, set deep
enough so that only the uppermost
bud shows. They must be cultivated
and hoed all summer.
Onion seeds may be sown as soon
as the frost is out of the ground.
Peas should be in the ground among
the first things, eand should be
planted fairly deep. Beets, spinach,
and all half-hardy vegetables may be
the first things, and should be
among the first things, and as soon
as the plants get good size, trans
plant to six inches apart, cultivate
carefully in rich ground, and see it
Start asparagus beds, either from
seeds or plants. Almost any seeds
man's catalogue will tell you how It
is done. Asparagus is not grown
enough by the home gardener. Set
out a bed this spring.
of vines makes tho walls of a house
damp prevents tho use of wall climb
ers, many times. The trellis climbers
aro mostly roses, and there aro now
so very many beautiful, ovor-bloom-ing
hardy roses, as well as tho old
tried Juno bloomers, that there Is
no excuse for neglect of them. They
come in many colors, perfectly hardy
and of lovely foliage. The price of
good rose plants, whether tho mail
ing size, or those to como by express,
is now so reasonable that they should
bo largely planted. Onco getting
them started, they may bo multiplied
by cuttings or layorings. One hav
ing the "rose in the heart" will suc-
cSed Yith any of them- Cover all
the old, unsightly buildings with
theso beautiful climbers, and mako
screens of them to shut off un
pleasant sights. You will never be
and draw tho soil to them as they
Ono of tho easiest grown palms
Is tho filllfora, or weeping palm; Tho
seeds germlnato readily, and tho
plant grows rapidly, with little Care.
Strawberries From Seed
This Wonderful Everbearing
Strawberry 18 a great curiuBiiy.
Itgrows rapldly,and will begin
fnirnlf.ln jfhrtnf. A months ftfter
sowing seeds, and continues to
bear irult constantly all sum
mer and fall, X pint of berries
having been pfcKcd from one
plant os lAte as October. Seeds
sownln the house in winter will
produce early fruiting plants
,.! will fipar nntll lata in
fall, and if taken in the house
wlM fruit all winter. Plants
.. ..! liarrtv ATrArvT.vliP.rfl.
o , . ... m . rt -t .Imm Ctnwhnrrv
Seed in a loo Rebate Envelope and when empty envelope
will bo accepted as 10c payment on any order for seeds in
onr ion Catalogue, which Is Included Free,
(.10,000 SEEDS IDc
The Strawberry Bed
If you have never had a straw
berry bed, you havo missed a great
deal, and if you have one, and
let it "run down," you are very culp
able. Get the ground ready as
quickly as possible, and reset for a
new bed, if the old 1b falling. Some
contend that it is better that this
should be done the previous autumn;
but no matter; if you neglected it
then, do not add to your neglect now.
Set the plants early and give them
good culture. They won't (or should
not be allowed to) bear very much
of a crop this season, but they will
give you plenty of fruit next spring.
Then, this autumn, try to make up
for last year's neglect, and have
plenty of strawberries. There Is no
better fruit. If you have no knowl
edge of the strawberry plant, get your
nurseryman to choose for you, and to
advise you as to what varieties to get
and how to care for them. There
are scrubs among plants, just as
among animals, and they are just as
worthless. Novelties are not advised,
except In small numbers as experi
ments. Stick to the recognized
standards, but be sure to plant
something worth while.
TTT . . - . w t QaAila ttfot WJf
m firm hava mm . mJ st . .MlMtUs ATW1 TlTlf. tlD lB.&OO
. UWgogWWO UCBI V ;. "- i i.- -
nnjhrM . i-iiu ( iinnaTB iiiiib Mini
Dtouo imucuuuiy io grow iiim tliBiwu.v. .r.
Flowers. They will produce more than $25. worth of
Vegetables and 10 bushels of Flowers.
I set
1 Fl
H o
800 Seeds Cabbage
2.M Lettuce
I Best Varieties I pkt
a - i "
- ! :
4 .
W -.. Jwers w " "SffSPSfc TCith a
au mi iv.vm oeeaa, anu our now oecu u "."rir
PA1RV1EW SEED FARMS. Box Itt. Syracuse, N. i
OUR. SPBOIAIiTiaS I Grape Vines and
Small Fruit Plants. Prices aro low,
but quality hlsk. Catalogue describing
our true to name nursery stock free.
J. R. Duncan, Hgr., Peru Nursory,Box520, Peru, Nob.
patents "sssssssi?:1"8
Free report as to PatenUblllty. Illustratod Guide
CMinl " of InvenUpns Wanted, sent iree.
VIOTOB J. JKVANS & CO., Washington, V,a
Hardy Ornamental "Vines
Nothing is more beautiful about
the home than the hardy ornamental
vines or climbers. Tho fruit-bearing
vines have a place of their own;
but nothing can supply the place re
served for beauty except the flower
bearing kind. For tho porch or
trellis, there Is nothing better than
the ampelopsis quinquefolio, the dif
ferent clematises, and the Japanese
evergreen honeysuckle. The cle
matis may be made Into a pillar
climber, while the Bignonio radicans
or (trumpet-flower vine) can be
trained Into a tree form. These
are all hardy, and fine plants of each,
singly or in quantities, can be had
of the nurserymen at . .reasonable
nrices. Once established, they can
be multiplied by- division of roots,
or layering, or cuttings, and some
of them by seeds. For clinging on
brick or stonewalls, and less securely
on wooden walls, there is nothing
better than the ampelopsis Veitchii,
SI in nothinc more beautiful,
though there is no bloom. .
Old prejudices die hard, and the
mistaken notion that a dense growth
Ornamental Hedges
Few things in nature surpass tho
California privet for hedges where
a low-grading effect is wanted, It
. for a baclc-ground, or a
dividing line in small gardens or
yards. It grows readily from cut
tings and these can bo bought by
the hundreds cheaply; very few of
i,80111 t0 grow; yet the florists
sell the rooted plants at a very
reasonable price, and time Is gained
by using the rooted plants instead
of the cuttings. The growth is rapid
and the plant Is very hardy; the foli
age Is a nice shade of green, and the
plant branches thickly; tho flowers
are borne in panicles of pure white,
rind cover the well-grown plant in
May and June where it is left to get
any size.
. Dont neglect to plant a paper of
chrysanthemum seeds for the autumn
blooming. Asters, though annuals,
are most beautiful, and are of many
colors, easy to germinate and repay
care all summer.
One of the glory-spots of the lawn
or garden is the bed of tea-roses. A
great many of the tea roses are
hardy, with a little care, and they
can be had, well rooted, for a small
There are many hardy, ever-blooming
roses to bo had now, and there
is nothing prettier than tho ever
blooming pillar roses. Put the grape
vino at tho back of the house, for
utility, but All the front and side
spaces with climbing, flowering vines.
A trellis should be built a few inches
from the house wall, and the vines
trained on that.
Give the boy a garden spot of his
own; give him time and tools to
keep it cultivated, and let him sell
his produce, either to your own self
or the market. Treat him fairly, and
let him havo what Is justly his. Let
him have a few flower seeds, too, but
Insist that he realizes tho responsi
bility of caring for them.
Peas will stand frosts, and even
light snows. Sown early enough
they should begin to bear by the
first of May.
Grass plats need attention; all the
old, dead grass should be well raked
off, the little holes and hollows filled
In with soil, and the naked places
re-sown with seeds. If the growth
of grass is scant, sow the best seeds
you can get, and sow early.
A dressing of wood ashes is a
good thing for a lawn. Newly seeded
lawns should not bo trampled upon.
If you are going to have isweet
peas, you must plant them just as
soon as you can get them into the
soil. Plant in trenches, cover lightly,
j&mmmm ti i
Frnlt and Ornamental. Vlnea and Roses Includ
ing Lutlior Burbank'n latent creations.
We have tbelarjrest nursery on the Pacific Coast.
26 years In business. All Trees True to Name.
This 130pkt liandsomcly Illustrated boolc gives
descriptions of trtock carried by us. also lllustra
tlonsand practical KuucTostlons for plantlmr.prun-
ins, etc. Valuablo to every Irultgrowcr, Price 2&c
1911 Illustrated Price Catalogue
mailed free to all persons mentioning ttiLs paper.
PAID-UP CAPITAL $200,000.00.
QBO. O. RORDINQ, President and Manager.
box as FRESNO, Cal.
IO Cherry Trees $1. why pay niira
prices for nurs-
40 Concord Grape $1. y stocic when
Duo hill lor 25 ccnti and oataloeuo froo.
FAIRBURY NURSERIES. Box E. Fairbury, Nebr.
FrultainFallof first year andJn Spring and Fall 1
of second year, lifllti-pthnnauulil I
Hi Inc. fiOOplantssotln Spriti? ofl9,10
S reduced in Auk"., Sept., Oct. and
ov. noarly 400 ouarts. which m
soia at 400 to weper qt., netting:
us over 82,000 to tho acre
We ore hearfnuaricra fop hi
plants. Also all other Herrv Plants
-Plum Farmer. Idaho anil TJovnl
Purple RasDberrics. Norwood and
Early Ozark Strawberries. Hastlnzs
Potato. 28 years experience. Catalog will be sent you
free. Wrile to-day, f.. J. Fnwta, Box 1 Y.
V f..atiSBSlalK3lfcX3iJJaJjMAMMCTtfflCSTlMSa
Greatest Of AH Berries
ONE PLANT '$5i3Si&$& TbiB l8 th0 Grestot
JULY 1910 sStBBStKKSmSw dlicorered in
CVUI WIU JKjtMfWItfnDSlSaUU. iiiairimiii.
Mo on tains.
Its growth
and prodnc-
neu Is
Is per-fectlv
from so
to 0
feet in a
can hft
trained on arbors or trellisee of any kind.
Tho Engraving fihovB one Plant from photo July 1,
1910, which ia trained to a large trellis loaded with
fxnit, and continned bearing until October.
Tho Fruit is black, almost corelcss and the large 1ns
cious Berries borne In enormous clusters will literallv
melt in yonr mouth. It ia unsurpassed for eating
fresh, cooked, canned or preserved in any form and
Is the Greatest of all Berries for all Climates.
, Everybody can and will grow tins Great Berry for it
Is the easiest Fruit in the world to now. Is SDlendld for
city people or any ono with limited space, for it can be
trained np irom tne gronna ime a tree proqucing
Berries from 8 to 4 montlis, growing larger and pro
ducing more Fruit each year.
we guarantee uns tne Greatest oi au new Fruits ana
can nrodnee facts no one can ect awav from.
Beware of imitations. Giant Himalaya la a family by
itself and highly valued wherever grown. The English
Ulmaiaya or runts rauea ironi secus cannot ne reuea
npou ior inutor.naraineB. our plants are from tested
rarest stock. Complete satisfaction crsaraBteed
Instruction for cultivation with a booklet oj
receipt J or using in many mays free with, au oraers.
Strong slants 3c eacfa. 3 for Mc, i for $1.M, 15 for
XM, 23 for M, postpaid.
Onr 1911 Caukfue of Vegetable and Flower Seeds,
FUata and Bare Mew Fralta free with every order.
adapted for all Northwestern
States. Write today for Saiupl
cmd Cora Beok FREE.
L. N. CRILL SEED CO. R. F. D. 5, Elk Point, South Dakota
. t.t .