tattvttOHiKiijuiBmK N. i& I The Commoiier, VOLUME 11, NUMBER 8 7 Wn?SB !-) JSKtf flKl 4-J AiPWv V-yjlLJJ fzmz Cnndufifedbv ,, .. 7 ..r,, . men watts wwy ' epartm Don't Quit Fight, and tho crowd stays with you; Quit, and you're out of tho race; For ho who quits goes down and out, And who fights slips Into his place. Dig, and you roach rock-bottom; Quit, and you'll find but sand; For tho troasuro is for tho digger For thp.quittor, tho rifled laud. Plow, and you turn smooth furrows; Quit, and your tools gather rust; Root, and you soon learn to burrow; Koop striving, and pay you it must. Tho world lays its coin on the winner; For tho shirk, it has no use at all; So, up with you: Wrostlo, you sinner! Or don't howl if you go to tho wall. Martin Brewster, In Farm Journal. Work for tho Springtime If you havo not already ordered your catalogues from tho florist and nursorymon, do not delay, for spring timo is seed-time, and when the March winds begin to blow, it is full timo to begin to stir tho soil. Ono mistake too many of us make 1b never to look far enough ahead. Every season, wo should do every thing in our power to add to the permanent beauty of our garden, or its usefulness. A safo way to do this is to glvo duo attontion to tho blooming season of our flowering plants, or srubs, and the possibili ties in tho way of foliage or flower of everything wo plant. Read care fully the descriptions of tho plants catalogued, note their blooming poriod, and chooso for a succession, and by this moans thero will always bo flowers of somo kind ready at hand. Many summer bulbs or plants will bloom well on into the winter months if carefully potted at the approach of cool nights and accustomed to house conditions. Many things Intondod for the window garden must bo planted in spring time and cared for during the sum mer and fall. Begin now to plan for tho autumn and winter months. Try to havo a succession of vege tables in tho cardon bv a Rftlnpilrm of early and late maturing varieties, and also by having seeds for succes sive plantings, bo that as one sowing of seeds mature, or is exhausted, an other sowing shall havo filled the vacant places. Tho garden spot Bhould bo very rich tho best of the manures and fertilizers should be plentifully used and seeds and plants should bo ordered of reliable nurserymen. Work for a succession of fruits by planting varieties that succeed each other. Plan for the hot, dry monthB, as well as tho early, well watered ones. Don't let the garden go to weeds through neglect to have tho right kipd of fruits and vege tables started and well cultivated to withstand tho drouth. may bo all that can bo desired. These plants are easily watered and cared for, and there are many hanging plants that serve as a fringe down tho -sides, while plants of upright growth, beautiful for either bloom or foliage, or both, are to be had of tho florist, or grown from seeds. Caro must be taken to havo plants suited to tho location, whether shade or sun-loving. If In doubt as to what kinds to got, tell your florist what they will get of shade or shine, and ho will advise you. A flourish ing window box is just beautiful. Many plants for porch or living room should bo ordered now, and kept growing through the spring and summer. Palms may bo grown from seeds, as the seeds germinate readily, and the plants crrow raDidlv. But it is better to send to the nursery man for a' plant already started, If time is any object, as most of palms do not develop the character leaf the first year. Tuberoses should bo started in pots early; gla'diolas, and other summer blooming bulbs may be treated the same, and when well started, the bulb with its ball of earth can be turned out into th border at the proper season. Gladlolas should be planted in groups, a dozen or more close together. Get the mixed colors of good size; or beds one color may be chosen. Do not forget to order flowering vines for the porches and troll Isses. The varieties of large flowering clematis are beautiful and satisfactory. roTToiH in rtnh crround. moisture and shade. A "home patch" of these will well repay care. The plants can be ordered from the nurserymen, or, if plants are already established, roots and tips may be made to fill vacancies. But be sure to have good stock. Seeds or Plants? While it Is advisable to plant seeds for many things, there are many perennials, shrubs and vines that must be ordered of the nurseryman, as tho seeds germinate slowly, and the young plants are difficult to raise unless one is experienced. Then, too, there are many things that are wanted singly, a lartre numhor nf them not being desirable. Others do not "come true" to name, and If one wants a special kind or color, it is best to order the plants from the nurseryman. For these, the order may be sent in at any time, and the florist will send tho nlrvntn n tho proper season. It is better to order early, as tho orders are handled In the same order in which they come in, and the first-comers usually get the best packages, while the last orders havo to bo filled from the picked-over stock, and in nrnnv noa substitution must be resorted to, or Possibilities of Mixed Seed Packets Among the perennials one may havo through the sowing of one or more packets of mixed perennial seeds are columbines, larkspurs, chrysanthemums, irises, rose mal lows, phloxes, oriental poppies, fox gloves, lobelias, valerians, sweet Wil liams, holly-hocks, dianthus in va riety, golden glow, and dozens of others. All seedsmen put up these mixtures, and sell them for ten cents each, and no two firms put up the samo assortment. So, it might be well to club together with your neighbors and get a packet from dif ferent seedsmen, and divide the plants when they are large enough for transplanting. Many shrubs and vines can be grown from seeds, and many of the plants will bloom tho first season, while others will put in for growth alone the first year. Dahlias, cannas, and many other tuberous-rooted plants will grow readily from seeds, costing but a few cents for the seeds, but producing dollars worth of plants. These seeds should be planted early in window ooxes in tne nouse, if there is no hot bed; but any woman can learn to make and run a hot bed success fully. Little paper boxes of earth containing the seeds can be slipped into the hot bed that is starting the vegetable plants. If you've never tried raising such things, give them a trial this yeaT. Caring for tho Seedlings After you have got your seeds into the soil, remember that further care is needed. You must not ne glect the seeds, for your supply of thrifty plants is to come from them, and neglect of seeds mean poor ger mination and frail plants. A baby plant is just like other babies it needs a great deal of curt, n-nn ho right kind of care, and if it does not get it, it will die. Some plants grow in spite of neglect; that is, they live; but they are just like little invalid children. Too much water will rot the seeds, while too little will dry uui mo xiny rootlets; i. seeds, and the strength the plants will, have to push their way through the soil. Some very fine seeds re quire no covering, but should be mixed with three or four times their bulk of very fine soil then sprinkled over the prepared surface, and well pressed into the earth by laying a boaTd on the soil and pressing. All seed beds should be well firmed after planting, as the soil does not dry out so quickly as if left loose. Salad Plants In planning the garden, do not forget the salad plants. Study the catalogues closely, and learn all you can about their uses from the cook books, but be sure to send in your order for seeds and plants. The let tuce Is the chief salad plant, but there are many others that can be grown with success, and will give variety to the meal. Endives, fen nel, chickory, chives, nasturtiums, garden cress, watercress, spinach, dandelion, parsley, mint, followed by cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, celery, beets, asparagus, onions, leeks the list seems endless. Many salad plants should have .been started last fall, some of them are perennial, while others must be planted only in the spring time. If you want a really satisfactory garden, even though it is a sman one, study the catalogues and then send in your orders for seeds, plants, or cuttings. It is well to subscribe fora good farm paper, or gardening monthly, and learn now to have these things, for, in the long run, you will save more than the cost of the literature, and have vege tables such as no money can buy. Mailing Plants This is the season to order mailing-size plants for next winter's -decoration; small plants are '.offered at small cost, and if they are ordered from a reliable firm, and given good care, whether for flowers, vines, shrubbery, fruits, or herbaceous perennials, they will make good growth by next fall, andljecome fully estaonshed, growing better and bet ter, for many years. The plants intended for tho house would cost a great deal, if purchased in the fall, in tho sizes you will have from the ordered plants, and the change from the green house or forcing methods would make their thriftiness in your hands extremely problematic. The trouble for caring for them through the summer w'ill be but little, and you will have learned their habits, and be better prepared to carry them through the winter. RflTYlO rvlonfo mUSt haVfi tho RlinaMna -r.rV.n 4i the order not filled because of 'the need tno shade. Some can stand the your orders in early. When Spring Winds Blow I do nbt think there ever was a woman who did not love flowers, but not all women are willing, or have tho time to devote to a largo garden or border devoted exclusively to Buch things, unless the majority of the plants are perennials, herbaceous or shrubbery. But any woman can have a little greenery and bloom, If she has a pot of earth or a plat of ground as big as a pocket-handkerchief. In the cities, beautiful things are grown In window boxes, and If the plants used are suited to the sun or shade of tho window outside of which the boxes are hung, the effect For the Frnit Garden Do not neglect the family fruit garden. If one has but a small back yard, there Is always room for a good gooseberry bush, or a root of rhubarb, or a grape vino. Any of these, once established, will pay rent right along. If there is a large yard! a sweet cherry, dwarf peach, pear or apricot, or a choice plum tree may be used. These can be ordered in mailing size, and with any ordi nary Care Will live and errnw rnrl,r coming into bearing In a short while! bumu vuneues sooner tnan others. Many nut trees can be supplied by the nurserymen, and according to latitude, will add much to the com forts of tho home table. While we all want raspberries and blockber rles, we should have them away from the house, and the blackberry just stock having been exhausted. Got nocm Blare, while others will stand uuijr iuo uuiuiess or tne morning No ono but a person who likes to "nut- tAr" ahrmlfl nnnt V. il , . . -. w.v DU lub Liny BtXJQS, l)bt the coarser kinds will etand much carelessness. Seedlings must have fresh air, even on warm days, when they can be shifted about; but great care must be takan in tri , - Ing and proper watering, thinning and loosening of the soil. It is better to file a notch in the hard-shelled seeds, like the canna, and then pour boiling water over them, lettlntr stand until the water Is cool- takl out those which have tho 'shells bursted, and repeat the process until The preparation of the soil has much to do with the germination of Planting Time Probably more seeds and . plants are bought in March and April than any other time. In the far south, gardening is well on the way by this time, while in the middle country, we are just beginning to plan; in the far north, it Is yet only the time for sending in orders for catalogues and seeds. By all means Rnnd for the catalogues, for there is always something to bo learned from every one of them. Just say you "saw it in Tho Commoner" when you send in your name. For tho Early Garden Among the vegetables,- radishes, turnips, cabbage, lettuce, and plants of their class, appear in from three to six days after planting, whllo celery, parsnips, carrbts, pepper, etc., require never less than ten days, and often twenty. Nearly all vege tables require from eight to fourteen days at the earliest. The early potatoes should be in th ground as soon as It can be worked, and many things can bo started as soon as the frost has quit heaving th soil. Clumps and roots-can bo sepa rated, and divisions made at once. . When cutting potatoes for plant V i-'jHLt&iiibkij&ili&li