JAW R to "ti Df ft 16 The Commoner VOLTJMH 11 NUMBER f Democratic Opinion Freely Expressed H. II. Potors, Euroka, 111. I ap preciate continually tho attltudo of Tho Commonor on tho questions that aro now up In our civic life. Tho democratic party has struggled for fourteen yoars to gain a victory ovor corporate greod and political crookodness. Tho party should not .sell out at this hour. Thoro never has boon such an opportunity bofore tho party as today, at loast never sinco tho days of Androw Jackson. But to sell out to "Wall Street and tho corporations of tho country at this tlrao would bo equal to Judas betraying tho Lord. I hope tho west, south and Mississippi valley will continuo to bo self-assertive and control tho policies, make tho plat form, and nomlnato tho candidate for 1912. A. H. Stowors, Atlanta, Ga. I am thoroughly onjoying Tho Commonor nowadays, ovon moro than usual; am thoroughly in accord with Mr. Bryan, in that wo must bo careful lost "black sheep" get into tho flock. I have voted for Mr. Bryan threo times; am for him moro today than ovor, bocauso his ideas aro things of reality, whilo sixteen years ago thoy wero qulto new, and the un thinking could not grasp his Ideas no mattor how plainly ho laid them down. I have heard Mr. Bryan speak on eight occasions, and in deed, I was glad to hear him when ho camo to Atlanta in February. or tho principles upon which tho battlo Is fought, for it is my Arm belief that a victory won fighting in tho wrong is worse than a dozen defeats fighting for tho right. Why should wo fight at all, if wo do not array ourselves on tho sido of right and justice of "equal rights to all and special privileges to none" and the moral and political uplift or our citizenship? Why should wo defeat tho methods of tho stand-pat repub licans only to replace it with thoso of this so-called "safe and sano" democracy? Certainly that would bo the rankest inconsistency. In 1896 Mr. Bryan gathered tho ruins of the democratic party and ever since It has been a truly fighting force for good, except when it wandered after false gods in 1904, the folly of this movo being clearly demonstrated. May his life and strength be spaTed for many years to be a guiding light to those who aro looking forward to better things in this fair land of ours. Tho candidate for 1912 should bo a man whose character is founded upon a firm Christian basis and it will naturally follow that his Ideas along governmental affairs will be for the good of tho masses. Mr. Folk seems to be the right kind of a man, and I hope to see him or' somo equally as good man nominated. W. Williamson, Pasadena, Cal. I havQ beon reading The Commoner for somo tlmo and am much pleased with tho way you are warning the domocrats to bo on their guard and hold tho reins for tho people. Mr. Bryan is a' wise leader, far sighted as to the needs of the people and unwavering in his efforts to mako politics better and cleaner. Tho very principles ho advocated on reform and good government the country needed, and are being taken up and will bo UBOd for the benefit of the people. It would be well for all domocrats to road The Commoner and it will also bo instructive to the republicans. I hope as honest and as wise a man as Mr. Bryan will bo our prosldent in 1912 and tho future givo us many more as great. opposed them vigorously, but un successfully, for the judges, T. K. Richoy, Prof. A. E. Bates and W. J. Galbrolth decided in favor of the afllrmativo. Though lacking tho oratorical cleverness of his father, W. J. Bryan, Jr., debates easily and very con vincingly on the theoretical benefits of tho initiative and referendum, tracing- it from Grecian and Roman origin down to the present day. He quoted tho well known exponents of thoso governmental experiments, and read extracts from The Commoner in support of 'his assertions. Mr. Bryan 'said Arizona is particularly in danger of corporate influence be cause of the mining, lumber, rail road, cattle, and big agricultural en terprises such as can only be operat ed by extensive capital. Therefore, he said, Arizona is peculiarly in need of some such provisions as the initia tive and referendum as a safeguard to tho non-corporate people of the proposed state. Tucson- (Arizona) Citizen M. J. Turner, Upland, Neb. This seems to me to be a very important time to consider whether the demo cratic party can afford to bo com mitted to a roDublican nolicv thn president's taTiff commission. To "mako good" in regard to that part of the republican platform which Btates that tho tariff should only be high enough to make up the dif ference in cost of labor, together with "a reasonable profit to tho manu facturer," tho president Is to appoint a commission to revise the tariff. No democrat should go on that com mittee. If this effort to saddle a protective policy upon the democratic party is successful, we will have to dig a grave deep enough for both parties. Wo cannot afford to ad mit tho government has the right to arrange for private interests to tax tho public. Russell F. Collins, Spokane, Wash. Wo, as a party, aro in greater danger today from those who profess to bo our friends than our avowed enemies. It would be an empty vic tory, if it meant a return to thoBe who havo betrayed every pledge made to tho people. As I see it, the democratic name is once more to bo offered upon the scaffold of or ganized greed. We aro to elect a democratic congress, and a demo cratic president, but none of those that will do the special interests any harm. They are to be conservatives Dy nature ana oy training. They are to be chosen by Wall Street. Better ten defeats than Buch a victory. What could we hope to gain by. such elevation to power nothing but the contempt of the millions in the democratic party who for years have stood for printiiple. Such a victory should be held in contempt by every loyal democrat. I believe our country is approaching a crisis greater than has confronted us since the civil war. The people are iiwftUB tu una condition ana are pre paring to meet it. The nomination of any Wall Street democrat for the presidency in 1912, would be a great aisappomtment to them. It must not be done. We muBt have a can didate that thoroughly understands the meaning of progression. One who will stand for principle. Mr. Bryan is my preference for the presidency, and secondly I look with favor upon Joseph W. Folk, of Mis souri. I am with you for a progres sive candidate in 1912. P. J. Fishel, New Philadelphia, Ohio May it never come to pass that I should depart fronr tho politi cal teaching that I have received for tho last fourteen years. I am not of that number who are looking for ward to a victory without regard to tho manner in which it is obtained W. J. BRYAN, JR., IN DEBATE Academic interpretation of the initiative ana referendum, reflected largely through printed treatises of various kinds, were presented by four university debaters for the edi fication of an every-day Tucson audience, which packed the univer sity assembly room and overflowed into the adjoining hall. The debaters wero W. J. Bryan, Jr., H. Lowder- wuu., a. n. strong, ana H. G. Thor aux. Tho first and third named ar gued in favor of tho "progressive" measures. 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