"TTT.T1 2 1 sw,. ? b s . ft- The Commoner. VOLUME 11, NUMBER 8 HOG CHOLERA WHY IilOT HOGS DIIQ OF OHOLHUA Tho Snoddy Itomody will Htop tho dincaso and Bavo tho flick hogs and stop furthor dovolopments of the dlHcaflo on those not yet flick, It Is aloo tho greatest worm exterminator and thrift producer on tho markot. Btioddy'n froo booklnt which ex plains tho wholo method of saving dlsoasod hogs or kooplntf woll hops oloar of worms and thrifty will bo aont free by return mall to any por Bon who will ond his name and ad idrcsH to tho Snoddy Itomody Co., Sta. 23, Alton, 111. "Banking Made Safe." Trlfid hv a throe million dollar fail ure in which tho dopoBltors loBt not ono cont, and sustained by tho supremo court of tho Unltod States, tho Okla homa state banks stand unrivalled for security among nnanclal institutions. On tho basis of absoluto safety wo ask your patronage Satisfied depositors In ovory stato of tho Union attost our ability to handlo your account right. Interest paid on TImo Doposits and Savings Accounts. GUARANTY STATE BANK, Muskogee, Oklahoma. M. 0. Haskell, Vies President. M. C Sells, Cashier. f1 A Y,T7"WPGl ItAtSH TITEM WITHOUT VsJA.JU r JliO milk. Uooklot Frco. NobraskaSoedCOn Omaha, Nel) enew a-a i x Washington News j- Tho interstato commcrco commis Bion has decided against tho rail roads In both tho "eastern" and "western" cases. Tho decision was handed down February 23. Pro posed advances in class freight cases in official classification territory, ag gregating among all the railways in tho territory approximately $27, 000,000 a year, were disapproved by tho commission. In the case Involv ing tho increases by the railroads in western, trunk lino territory, tho commission also decided to approve tho proposed advances in commodity rates. Tho carriers are required to cancel, on or before March 10, their advanced tariffs and restore their former rates, which aro the rate3 now in effect. Tsir t No Foo until nllowod. Froo Hoola JrllftlTJtO U'l.LKK A WVlhUl, Watblnfton, I). 0. PATENTS WBtnoii 12. Coleman, l,ntcntLawyor,WJi.'l)lnKton, D.O. Ailvlco mid books frco. Ilntes ramonnblo. IIlRlicst Koforoncos. Ucst services. "I Was Practically Blind And It Ik A Delightful Duty to Pro claim Thnt Now, At The Arc Of 80, I Gnn See Ah Well An I Ever Sow." dim. W. Anilernon, ICx-Supt. City Schools, Son Frnncltico, uud I2x-Stntc Supl. School, Colornilo. Send For My FRICl! HOOK AND FIU3E ADVIOK. I show you In my now 80 pago, cloth bound, illustrated book, just how Mr. Anderson troatod his oyes at his own homo, and how you may do tho samo. This valuable book, with 125 illus trations will toll you many things that doctors rarely toll thoir patients but what thoy aught to know. Tariff revision plans of the ways and means committee of the next congress havo been announced by Representative Underwood of Ala bama, who will head that comimttee In the house. Mr. Underwood said thnt, "assuming that there was to bo an extra session of congress," the committee on the democratic side of the house was charged with tho responsibility of preparing tariff legislation, and all that there was asked between now and December was for ft cleric, statistician and a stenographic clerk for the commit tee. The democrats, he said, are not asking money for an independent in vestigation. "We went into a very thorough investigation of the tariff question eighteen months ago," he said. "Tho witnesses that appeared before the committee then, were im partially examined on both sides. The testimony before us is only eighteen months old. We simply propose to take that testimony and tho statistics and evidence that was before you gentlemen when you wrote the Payne tariff bill, and write a tariff .bill in accordance with our principles." tations upon emigration from Japan now expressly placed upon immigra tion to the United States. The docu ment is said to provide that either country may denounce the treaty at tho end of six months if it fails to operato as expected. "Because it embodies this radical departure from the existing treaty and touches the question of the deepest importance and interest to the Pacific slope," says an Associated Press dispatch, "the injection of this convention into tho closing hours of the sixty-first congress created a sensation. That the new treaty will encounter opposi tion seems certain." The new Japanese treaty of trade and navigation was ratified in the senate, February 24, after a two hours' executive session, at the con clusion of a day crowded with other important matters. Two new battleships and some smaller craft are provided for in the naval appropriation bill. HHKIKIm Filibustering in tho lower branch of congress in this session became a thing of the past when the house voted, by a large majority, for a rule, which, when invoked by a two thirds vote on any pending measure forthwith reduces the time of debate to forty minutes, and cuts off all amendments. The ocean mail subsidy bill, which already passed the senate, has been favorably reported by a house committee. Representative Hill of Connecti cut, in a speech, declared that it is not the farmers but Wall street in terests that are fighting reciprocity with Canada. If the figures made public by the census bureau can be taken as a basis, the people of the United States are becoming a. nation of pork eaters. The figures show that during the year 1909, 4,483,000 more hogs wero killed in this country for food purposes than all other animals com bined, including beeves, calves, sheep and lambs, goats, kids, etc. Secretary to the President JNTorton says there is' a lot of extravagance and needless waste at Washington. The interstate commerce commis sion has ordered a reduction in re frigerating charges Qn citrus fruits from the west. The supreme court of the United States has ruled that advertising can not be taken for transportation. The convicted officers of the Naval Stores company have been granted a rehearing by tho United States supreme courts - Attorney General Wickersham de clared that final reports of the na tionwide campaign against bucket shops show more than four thousand offices of that character were put out of business. Senator Beveridge of Indiana ad dressed the senate in opposition to Lorimer, declaring the Illinois mem ber was not entitled to a seaC He spoke for four hours, being inter rupted by Senator Bailey and others. Senator Lorimer of Ilinois made a long speech in the senate in de fense of the legality of his election by the Illinois' legislature. His speech occupied four hours' , time, and his appeal was made with dra matic effect. No vote has been taken on the Lorimer case in the senate, nor can the date for such a vote ..be" fixed. The day following Lorimer-s appeal (Continued on Page 14.) No mattor how long you may have boon afflicted or how sorious your caso ,may bo whether cataracts, failing eyo sight, optic norvo disease, soro or watery oyes, scums, or any other eye trouble, you aro wolcomo to ono of these valuable books and my advice llOU ML uiiurgo. "Hundreds of men, women and chil dren besides Mr. Anderson, havo re ported cures. Thoir pictures and re ports will bo found In tho book. Wo do not treat pooplo who wore born blind; whore thoro is light, how over, there is hope. If you want this cloth bound Bye Book froo, write a description of your caso, cut out the coupon below (or copy It) nil out the blank lines and mall to us today. President Taft has a-warded a life saving medal to Miss Nellie Caskey of Fairmount, Ind,, on recommenda tion of the interstate commerce com mission. Accompanying the medal the president sent a personal letter of commendation for bravery. Miss Caskey, who is Bixteen years old, rescued her three and one-half year old niece from certain death by re moving her from a railroad trap In front of a rapidly moving Pennsyl vania railroad train just in the nick of time. The engineer had discovered the peril of tho child but could not siop tno tram m time. Dr. Orcn Oncal, 348 North American Bldg.. T , , ... Chicago, III. I oncloso letter explaining my symptoms. Please send mo abso lutely froo. your cloth bound Eye Book, and advico about my case. My trouble is Name. AddreBs. Assurance Mexico will has been given that not take snan lurfir.. ment on alleged American rebel spies. The text of a new treaty with Japan, designed to replace that of 1894, and drawn with tho special flesign of eliminating the restric tions on immigration onntninw that treaty, has been laid before the senate by President Taft. The es sential difference between the pro posed treaty and the existing ono is said to be that it omits all reference to such restrictions, and leaves to the national honor of Japan the en forcement at her own ports the limi- A New, Complete Edition of Mr. Bryan s Speeches Containing All of His Important Public Utterances for tho promotion of tho workR f pcac We" aS lnternational congresses frSethSbfe?danl MvitalTSSS,.001? A W,,do ran tho highest Ideals of human endoavJi i a!ftional and world "- to the student of social prXmsthepretnSnS future. f reforenco to ONLY AUTHORIZED, COMPLETE COLLECTION f r&ioViSl hPbddreS8Es ha reared iP6. form. these two ? voffeJ SSLin tKPSS' or &vo been laaued !dfauth.0.rltatlve collection of a? o : his "SS-hlS, ?,ly authentic, complete first publication in book form of S ?Ver issued. This Is the speeches from his urKtrK public MgPi?Vffic" , BwSS I'-w w!, UU1! SPECIAL OFFER COUPON The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. frtJ copt yHF liberal short time offer YviiuHxa Jennings Bryan." whlnfi in eludes, without extra cost i SmS" subscription to The Commoner? Books vols., cloth binding; anTh5 Commoner for one T year M?Cwm.3j2!for The Spce'hes of William Jennlnsd Bryan 9 vols, half leather binding and The Commoner for ono yean.. Name P. O If now a anbscribor'to Th'rilLI your date of yniH .9.mmon ---w mil nn vanced ono ycir. or ad- Two Handy Volumes tSms? to aont; writo for fiCI,AIi OFFEltFor & abort & suss sra?H cost. If you ar our dato of mraMAri AA vadk m r. ."'' .mvuu unw mUBf nnnr.f" lQ1S , 0ffer COUPOn 4"uot uucomnnnv nwiAM k' I i I . THE COMMONER, Wmceln, Neh. JM V WTU .