vwqgrpQpjriFfr " 7 t 4 -. i c f rW. MARCH 3, 1911 jority of 124, the vote being 351 to 227. The nationalists first rose in their places, cheering wildly and waving their hats. The liberal mem bers quickly emulated their ex ample. The exhibition of enthusiasm Relieve Your Stomach Send for. a IVco Package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and Let Them Digest Your Food. Three Things You Must Not Do. If you. have indigestion, loss of appetite, sour' stomach, belching, sour watery risings, headaches, sleeplessness, lack of ambition nausea, and other symptoms pecu liar to all stomach troubles, there are three things you must not do. First Don't neglect your stomach by letting it take care of itself, be cause it will constantly grow worse. Second Don't use cheap "tonics," "drugs" and "pills," which simply irritate and inflame the stomach and intestines and which will ruin your health completely; and Third Don't starve yourself, be cause by so doing you are robbing the body of its proper nourishment. A large number of people do one of these three foolish things. That's why they never regain their former health. Starvation is a common practice ambng people who have weak stom achs, but does it sound reasonable to you to deprive the body of its nourishment every time you wish to give the stomach a rest? We admit that your stomach needs rest, in fact that's the very point we wish to Impress upon'you, but" there is a better, safer, quicker, and more pleasant way to give your stomach a rest, than by the starvation method. What you need is something that will take the place of your stomach and do it's work some substitute that will digest and assimilate the food, thus giving the body its proper nourishment, without taxing tne stomacn. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the best substitute known, because they contain the very agencies necessary to digest' all goods. These elements will thoroughly digest and assimilate the food, thus giving the body its proper nourishment, without taxing the stomach. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the best substitute known, because they contain the very agencies necessary to digest all foods. These elements will thoroughly digest and assimilate any and all foods so you can eat all you want. Experiments ajnd tests have proven that one grain of the active principle contained in these tablets will digest 3,000 "grains of meat, eggs and other wholesome foods. One or two of these wonderful tablets taken after each meal will relieve your stomach of practically all the work, thus giving it the much needed rest. Keep this up for a short time and your stomach will soon regain its health and strength. Stuart's Dsypepsla Tablets are put up in the form of little tablets or lozenges, are easy and pleasant to take and cannot lose their strength by evaporation, ais most liquid medi cines do. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold in large 60c boxes by all drug gists in the United States. We would like to have you try them before you buy, so if you will send us your name and address wo will .send you, absolutely free, a sample package of these wonderful tablets. Write today to F. A. Stuart, 255 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. The Commoner. 11 was repeated a few minutes later as the prime minister quietly left the scene of his victory in his initial action against the lords. Mexican Minister Limantour says the only basis of peace is that the rebels lay down their arms. The Mexican insurrectos question the authenticity of the reputed inter view in Paris with Minister Liman tour, where it was stated that he made this declaration. The threatened hostilities between Russia and Japan have been averted. The Russian foreign office announces that China's answer to four out of six points in the Russian note rela tive to the treaty of 1881 is wholly satisfactory and that the remain ing two can easily be adjusted. Further pressure on China', it is said, is not contemplated, and the idea of a military demonstration has been abandoned. would not bo very heavy purchasers of materials. In tho foreign stock exchanges thero was also a heavy slump in American railroad shares. President Briand and the members of his cabinet presented thoir resig nations to the president, February 27, as a result of a bare majority which the government received in a vote of conildenco in tho chamber of deputies, following the premier's ar raignment of the radical socialists. MAKE $21.1 NEXT SATURDAY The Canadian parliament in ses sion at Ottawa has formally declared loyalty to Great Britain. Tho dec laration was made as an answer to allegations that the reciprocity with the United States will result in annexation. General W. T. Cabell, former commander of the trans-Mississippi department of the united confederate veterans, and one of the best known former confederates in the south, died at Dallas, Texas, February 22, aged eighty years. ,A concurrent resolution to "take appropriate action" toward the an nexation by Oklahoma of the Texas "panhandle" district, which lies be tween Oklahoma and New Mexico, was introduced in the lower house of the Oklahoma legislature: A joint resolution carrying the initiative and referendum amend ment to the constitution has been introduced in both houses of the Illinois legislature. Sunday baseball was declared legal in a decision handed down by the supreme court of Indiana. Advices from China to the Ameri can Red Cross are that conditions in the famine districts are as bad as have been indicated by reports from other sources and are growing worse daily. That 2,500,000 Chinese will die for want of bread if assistance is not rendered immediately is the prediction in a statement made by the organization. The pneumonic plague is rising in the famine- district. Edward H. Shepard, in a letter to Montgomery Hare, announced his re tirement from the flcht for tho United States senatorship in Now xorK to succeed Chauncey M. Depew. Senator Roosevelt, tho insurgent leader, stated that Mr. Shenard's re tirement would have no effect on tho attitude of the insurgents in their opposition to Mr. Sheehan. BMlW '''ffffas H&jvjmuiiv Eaay Money WftUfn far VOU Ho quick, wrlto today. Bull the Marvel vaporizer for Coal Oil Xjataps and Lantern Htartllng new Invention, lust out. 'Makes Common Lamp a Vapor Lamp. Until oil bill In two. Xo mantlet to break. JlrlHIaat. while light, iow In prloo sells Ilk wildfire 2 to 4 In every home. Iilatnni Achorn, Utah. says, "quickest, eailcut seller I ever iBir." Kretser, Mo.. cleared 901 one week. Exciting litirdnc oany, nrolltabln work. Ilalbman, Wine., mado 1B tlrnt day. Any one can makn thin money, am hurry, llUUKY. You can averse Frederick Weyorhauser, tho bil lionairo - lumberman, is reported critically ill at Pasadena, Cal. His homo is in St. Paul, Minn. Pasadena, Cal., experienced tl first snow storm in twenty years, February 24, when snow fell for fifteen minutes. Prof. J. G. Bowman, secretary of the Carnegie foundation, is expected to be tho new president of the Uni versity of Iowa, to succeed George B. McLean, resigned. The proffer has been made by the board of con trol. Prof. Bowman is a graduate of the university, and will be the youngest president ever placed at the head of that Institution, being a shade under thirty-five years. A disastrous fire in the Belmont mine at Tonapah, Nev., started on the morning of February 23, com pletely entombing a large force of men The number of dead is yet unknown, but fifteen bodies have been recovered, and a large number of miners have been rescued. The New York stock market re flected its opinion of the interstate commerce decision against increased freiKht rates and railroad stocks fell off sharply all along the list, while nfdustrialB shared in the epraton on the theory that tho railroads ELECTING DELEGATES TO NA TIONAL CONVENTIONS Declaring that "Wall Street has al ready selected the presidential candi date for both parties for 1912," Sen ator LaFollette says: of enacting the first primary law for the election of delegates for the na tional conventions by tho direct vote of the people. The Wisconsin dele gates to the convention of 1908 were elected under that law. They stood in that convention, a little band of fearless men, fighting to the last ditch for platform pledges, vital to the public interest. Their contest in the Chicago convention fired the atten tion of the country and forced the candidate nominated for presilent to broaden the platform by declarations In his speech of acceptance in favor of several of the important Wiscon sin "propositions which the convention had impatiently rejected. "Tho lesson is obvious. Every state in the union should adopt a pri- vmary law providing for the election of delegates to tne-'nationai conven tions of 1912 by direct vote of the people. "With such a law in each state, the delegates will be chosen by voters instead of by .machine' managers, and the national platforms of both politi cal parties will represent the inter ests of the people rather than the in terests of the system. "And every state would take an other advance step. Oregon has just pointed the way. Under the Initia tive, the people of that state voted for and adopted a law at the late election In November providing not only for the election of delegates to tho national conventions, but also providing that each voter shall, at the April primary in 1912, have the opportunity of expressing his choice for president and vice president. "Wall Street has already selected the presidential candidates of both political parties. There is just time to defeat the Wall Street plan. Let the people organize and demand of every legislature the enactment of a primary law, providing for .the elec tion of delegates to the 'national con ventions by direct vote, providing that each voter shall be given the right to express upon his primary bal lot his preference for president and vice president. "Such a primary law will beat the Wall Street game and nominate and elect a president for all the people of these United States.". $42.60 A WEEK Men or women, thin la yotir opportunity. EXPEUI KNOiS IS UNNEOKSHAllY, work all or anaro time. Slako ble money bo indonondont. Not for salo In stores. Wo iilvo you protection and territory FHF.K. flem! no money, but writo quick for Information. DO IT NOW beforo If h too Into. SidneyFairchitdCo.. 275 Fairchild B!dg, Tolsde, 0. Wottdirf ul Work Engini Knta . Work" re oasav JSBmwSi r "i i iMnnr 1 1 ssf jk mm hB3W)aIHKjhP "TJWKiL !WT"i-.BlC( rtmiQM (W Farmer and Blioo Owner. 8to Sweating! A few dollars set this crand littlo irork enrlne, complete and ready to run Cream separator. Corn Bared atri, uriiiMtiii, reed Mim, jjyua trios, rrinting l'retses, etc., c Qire a lifetime of fcttady ierr leel All Size 2toV0h.p Ho crankinti ziocanin no jean i Only 3 mctlsf rarti '"' fTm eoaiuvrtion. Thoimndl InuM. GurtnlJ&i.ijl. Write for Kfeil Introductory Prvpofltmu TIKTnOIT MOTOIt CATt BUFl'LY CO.. 152 Canton Ave, Detroit, Mick, T5t,i""J b ! 125 Egg Incubator rijffll and Brooder fftr dill I If ordered toitothorwoncnd 'lot i for XQ. iTciKia nald n.iHt of Hooklea. Hot water, coppor tanks, doublo walls. doubio Riant doom. Frae catalog dCBcrlbcs tliom. bona lor it touay. Wisconsin Incubator Co., Box 140. Haelna, Wis. wmmmaBmaumEummmwBBBmmMBwmm f m I "'jl ir in lllta flfll I I I I . I,'. 1 fin iii mi m hhih iJaf wmwm 1 j, a Cheap as Wood, WeraanufMtnroLawnndFarm Fence. Soil direct lUpplnetouierf oaly.BtmanufaQturers' prices. ogonu. Ourcatalog is Free. Write for It today. UP-TO-DATE MFG. CO. 980 Mth St., Terre Haute, fed. tUVK ffjC sfiflTfTJi ffrT if ft nrii FlTriTSr x Tf k eacHj w jaafcAaB1 ari Mr c BBFxaBaaaraafBiiBaaaiaaaiBhawBaaaaaarziarfus zm rm 100 other tyle. Many cheaper than woodall better. For Lawn THE WARD FENCE CO., Baa 883 Oaoatur. In WENtSFVWFm I etronKClilclc- nn.flcrhfc RnM tnthnnuril'. Hlilul ,1-neri. ire ray uretfv. iMiaiogueiree. 1 COILED 1PHINQ PENCE CO.. ISox 234 Wlachetter. Indiana. 'rT'ff Tobacco Habit Banished DE. ELDERS' TOBACCO BOON BANISIIES all forms of Tobacco Habit in 72 to 120 hours. A pos! tlye, Quick and pormanont relief. Easy to take. No craving for Tobacco after tho flrat dose. One to throe boxes for all ordinary cases. "We gnsran tee rcanlta in overy case or refund money. Bend for our freo booklet giving full Information. Elders' Sanatorium Dept. U St. Joseph, ej WESH!PoAPPR0VL without a cent dtfiotit, prepay the freight ana allow lO DAYS FREE TRIAL. IT ONLY COSTS one cent to learn om Unheard ef ' friett aad marvthux efftrs oa highest grade 1911 model bicycle. FAGTSRY PRICES 1&& a pair 01 tires from anyone at any prtce until you write for our large Art Catalc and ctTnoiTvondtrutfrffofitUnaaGMt sample bicycle going to your town. RIDER AGENTS ZlKlT" money exhibiting and selling our bicycle. Wa Sell cheaper than any other factory. TIRES. Coaster-Brake rsarwhaefc. . reoalrs and ail sundries at half usual trie. Oa Hot Walt J write toaay ror our 'nctai jrr, MEAD CYCLE CO., Dos. B 177 HIAWr IV yfVta MM I H WiLi. ai f in bsss Hii If VS HI ' sUMBg&bll'VVj ffiiPnLf li I fsV Umrn VKT t( jA-ij 4! '11 : lii'MBihii'irfciiriTiir 1 " '