The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 03, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner
Buy direct from u. at lowest .factory prices. Save all dealers; tVJff
wo can navo yon o. io 119.50 '""' "' .".t',' " . r. nr cntaloe nnd
Amorlcan uinc narrows, umvaiors mu V WiADAih-FFnTO BETHEBEST
Prove M 9 before you buy. American ,--.--.-- f,armera
IMrLEMEHiSWAUfc. Your monoy uac u uiey " ' ;"i," J "wi vou ?
have saved n lot of monoy In buyinjr from us -why don t you t
i r7jLMn
Special Harrewimr Attachment utter -M WE PAY THE
Jf r'lli
M?AIhw An
mplo- ujLw,
ictory-to- SM!l
1 prices and fcJ
f froo harrowing
WHIlfc isfiWBiv. An American Harrowing Attachment on
TQI1 AY w mti7WMu. your tulky or gang saves one narrowing
,.. . mt71Hbw uoestnc woik ueerntiauii p.
JOr larso 1TCO impio- mLflmt. "call nothing to uie araii.
tnont Uookwlthfactory-to- 7W ".ufvou bur
?i,"L '1"' ?.aiU. S" "'"' tnHKHW. American Imp..-
tun iiuitiviuHia i iw ii" ValMrflHaW. 4 menu now,
rtttnenmont oner, writo now,
TMa offer has a time limit.
nirDiniM Dtnw rnMPANV
2332 Fair Oaks Are. Madison, WJa.
' v "tor.
xkm4m3KOKAmmv '
JMaaaBKawiBrTrf l
KU wp Wiw ,JmwM
Warranted For Twfnty-Fiv Ycart.
Ruhhor Rnnfinnr fmumSsaEn
IIUUMUI llUvlllI a Montana. Special prices to theso states on request.
ONE-rJLY - - - - Weighs 30 lbs, 108 Square Feel, 9110 per roll.
TWO-VJLY - Weighs 40 lbs., 108 Squaro Feet, f 1.30 per roll.
TlIKUIPIiT - Weighs 50 lbs., 108 fiqnaro Feet, $1.00 per roll.
TERMS CASH: We saro you tho wholesalers' and retailers' profit. Theso
special prices only hold good for iramodiato ahipmeat.
Indestructible by Bieat, CoBd, Sun op RaSn.
Wrlto for FREE SAMPLES or order direot from this advertisement. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded. We refer you to Southern Illinois National Bank.
I as E
If Yon Suffer from this Loathsome and Dangerous Disease, Your Kame and
Address Will Bring to You Our Catarrh Medicine FREE.
Wo nro opeclallits In tbo treatment and euro ot Catarrh. Wo know that vro havo tho right treatment
for Catarrh and wo are going to provo It. Wo want to prove It In tho quickest possible way; therefore
wo mako this off or ot one month's Catarrh-modtclnoFUEtl After carefully rca.dlnirt.lin ivmntnmn num.
rated below, write us Indicating thoso you fool In your ease, and upon rccolpt or your lector witn narns
na auarew. wo mil nena you ono mu month's treatment FREE.
Mow wo will toll you why wo can afford to make you this liberal
odcr. Ourslinota"curoaU"no8trura,euchas Is dealt out to all
allko, Independent ot ago, temperament or condition, but Instead
Is asclontlflo course) of medicine prescribed to moot tho INDIVID
UAL ronulrcmonts and snoclal needs of each inrfiuMuai unit
l( compounded by an up-to-date pharmacist from pure, fresh drugs.
ii um (uuidu duvuchiui lUBuumuj caoPD vun iiato vriou numcr
ouseo-called Catarrh cures with little or no boncllt. AND WE BE.
LIEVE IT WILL CURB YOU. It Is cheaper for us to give a months'
modlclno free, knowing that thousands will tako advantage of
this goneroue offor, and thereby quickly spread to their friends
and relatives the onicloncy ot our method, than It woutd be to wait
patiently for years In the old way to have this grand treatment
becomo famous: therefore Dooming generosity la really economy
and many other afflictions find their origin In the Catarrh poison
lurking In the system and cannot be cured until this primary
causots removed. "
RFfiH CAREFULI Y ifm Pnltnwinr Sumnfni.
CVCI0 V 0XXT ,? water, do they Itch or burn ; does matter accumulate In tho cornors of eyes durlnir
CI G Bleep; Is vision impaired; are the eyelids Inflamed or granulated! If so youneedour treatment
CAD CatarrhextendsfromthethroatalongtheEustachlanTubeslntotheears.frenuontlrcauslno-Cif-trC
partial or completodoafncss. lsyour hearing falllng,.do yonr ears dlschargo; do you hear
better some dayB than others; do you have roaring or cracking or other noises in your head! Kyou have
any orallot these symntoms you need nrornnt treatment. "'""""
MACP AMin TTMOfaATPTl1 f !m. of 9tarrh Is most common, resulting from
HI Vf OC 1 bJ initUAl neglected colds. Is your nose tender or stoDned ud dooi
your nose dlsohamoi is there pain in front of the head; do you k'hawCto clear the throat; Ji your throat
growlngweakerl IUs dangerous to neglect these warnings. Stop tho disease before lbecoriei tS?lat
CTA MAfL taia"h l tbwstomaeh Is due to swallowing mucus which droMfroi the head
9 I WlilHvn and throat during sleep. Do you sufTer from nausea, or belch unfrrti2
tonguecoatedj doyou bloatafter eating; Is there a ronsW bad taste In tVernouK
aOTecablebreathiyon ylt orspltupyour food! If you neglect theso sympK you wlTl rcgVet It,
lliUPR nJQITACE; The liver Is frequently arr.ccted'by Catafrhal poisons cafrrled
klVCri UIOCH9C from the stomach through the duets Into the Ivor. Do voutS
rJIssyj eee specV berorethe eyes; have you cold feet; feel generally miserable, got tired easy hive fin?
KIDNEY DISEASES KMffiaiffiffiavrpi
organ. Do your hands and fcotswol i do, iti,M.Hiit.S":ilJ ?5?.?M7
has theperyplratton a bad odor, is there pumnees under the eyolrdo yoi have to got np durlnoTth. ni5w!
do you notice Blmentmucus or a "brlA dusir deposit! wtci ouf or WtottliXfi&ff
NERVOUS niSEAfiRQ Tll ,maJrlty of nervous diseases aro cauwd by Viols.
S5M yrVeaft fluftKo
up as tired as when you went to bod; Buffer from Nournlgla; have bad rcarnB- hivn vmi Sf8'.80.
lngs and always a feeling that omothldg Is going to hmntot9Mtoffi'2 Corobod-
Remember, send only your name and address, no money, and without rtnW ,.
will receive one month's medicine fretQvyoTvaTticarctc:nUru70?
""" niiiMironn willHIk, Kanaas City, Nlo.
In a speech made before the
members of the Indiana legislature,
Samuel Gompers, president of the
American Federation Qf Labor, de
clared that "a constructive, progres
sive, radical labor party must soon
enter the field of politics against the
republican and democratic parties."
A witness at the New York
bribery trial testified that a boodle
fund of $500,000 was raised by race
track men.
An Albany, New York, press dis
patch, dated Feb. 20, credits the re
publicans with giving the democrats
a scare by nearly electing Depew.
It follows: "Although the deadlock
over the election of a United States
senator is apparently as far from
a settlement as it was a month ago,
the republicans had their democratic
onnonents worried when it was dis
covered before the twenty-ninth
joint ballot that the republicans out
numbered the organization demo
crats among the quorum present. It
came about through an unofficial
pairing arrangement and if some of
the republicans had not refused to
vote on the ground that they were
bound by a gentleman's agreement
until the return of the democrats
with whom they were paired, Chaun
cey M. Depew might have been re
elected. As it was he, came within
a few votes of it. The democratic
peace of mind was later further dis
turbed when two renublicans offered
resolutions proposing a legislative
investigation into the reported at
tempts to Induce legislators to vote
for William F. Sheehan, the demo
cratic caucus candidate."
money which several banks, accord
ing to disclosures before the brake
investigating committee, paid ' to
county treasurers as recompense for
the deposit of county funds."-
The right to vote on the saloon
question by municipalities was de
feated in the lower house of the
Ohio legislature, the bill getting
fifty-six votes, four less than it
needed. The result ends one of the
bitterest fights in the present ses
sion of the general assembly, which
was precipitated by the saloon in
terests in their efforts to change the
present county option law.
Governor Carroll of Iowa vetoed
the Oregon primary plan billf which
had passed both houses ofr'tbTe-Iowa
Ninety Mexican Tebels are re
ported killed in a battle at Guada
loupe. Premier Asquith was the recipient
of a tremendous ovation from his
supporters in the British liouse of
commonsvon February 21, -when the
parliament bill, otherwise known as
the veto bill, a measure designed to
curtail the power of the house of
lords, was passed on its first read
ing by the government's full ma-
Solely from the wages she re
ceived as a domestic in fifty years'
continuous service in a Fourth
avenue, New York, household, Maria
Spieker saved a fortune of $32,000,
according to information filed with
the tax department. The woman was
eighty-one years old when she died,
and in the latter years of hor ser
vice had received $1,200 a year.
The International Harvester com
pany declared a quarterly dividend
of 1 per cent on common stock.
In the nanhandlfi nf thv.0 n
trains were either stalled or many
hours late from the effects of a two
days blizzard.
Briefs in the pleas of abatement
and the motions to quash the in
dictment against the meat packers
were filed in the United States dis
trict court at Chicago.
After two seasons of drouth and
SLdTBti Wlter in sixteen ys,
New Mexico has been visited by
snows and rains tw !!, .1
unparalleled good season the coming
summer. wuuub
The Missouri senate passed a bill
"Tho basis of the Xrgo la LfT'
ho haa recanV'otriSeS
children Affected,
By Mother's Food andjJDrink.
Many babies have be'en launched
into life with constitutions weakened
by disease taken in with their
mother's milk. Mothers cannot be
too careful as to the food-they use
while nursing their babes.
The experience of a Kansas City
mother is' a case in point:
i was a great coffee drinker from
a child, and thought I could not do
without it. But I found at last it
was doing me harm. For years I
had been troubled with dizziness,
spots before my eyes and pain in
my heart, to which was added, two
years later, a chronic sour stomach.
"The baby was born 7 months
ago, and almost from the beginning,
it, too, suffered from sour stomach.
She was taking it from me!
"In my distress I consulted a
friend of more experience and she
told me to quit coffee, that coffee
did not make cnorl miiir t imva
since ascertained that it really dries
up the milk.
"So, I quit coffee and tried tea
and at last cocoa, fiut they did not
agree with me. Then I turned to
Postum with the happiest results. It
proved to be the very thing I needed.
It not only agreed perfectly with
baby and myself, but it increased
the flow of my milk.
My husband then quit coffee and
used Postum and quickly got well
of the dyspepsia with which ho had
been troubled. I no longer suffer
from the dizziness, blind spells, pain
in my heart or sour stomach.
Now we all drink Postum from
my husband to my seven months old
haby. it has proved to be the best
hot drink we have ever used. We
would not give up Postum for the
best coffee we ever drank."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich.
Get the little book "The Road to
Wellville," in pkgs.
"There's a Reason
Ever read tho above letter? A
now ono uppcars from time to time
They iiro genuine, true, and full of
human interest.