FEBRUARY 24, 1911 The Commoner. 15 JFWWi. JuI PRISON SENTENCES NOW Does it occur to you that another much decried expression of Bryan ism is receiving vindication and ap- VCTERINARY COURSE AT HOME. $1 Ofl rt ieAT anJ ttpwardn'cun bo made taking our Vdter tfl&UU lnary Gourso st homo darins iparo timet tanght ta (tlrapieit English; Diploma granted, positions' obtained (or succosafal students; cost within reach of all j iatU(ac Jion iruarantocdj particulars free. Ontar'O veterln stry Correspondence School London, Can RIDER AGENTS WANTED la eaca tows to rido and, exhibit tmpla iXftt DIcYde. Writtfer tftcialeffer. i we snip en Appreva I wuhiut actnt dtfetU, allow 10 DAYS lREK TRIAL nw una f repay jretgtn on ererr wcjxie K PAOTORY PRICES oablcycles.Vrea lfaadrles, XJortttf cy until you rccelre our cat- Iocs and team our unheard '0frktt and tnarvtUut tfteUtieffer. Tires. coaster brake rear wheels, impt, imCan, half f rites. at AD CYCLE CO., Dspt. ai;t CMm(o, III Don't Wear a Truss E. STUARTS PLAS TRPAIS"diirint x5i j?v fro1 tho painful Iium, bclnc niada n r .i-5 T-S lf adhwlr phtdomIt to bold the L" 5 NSii ruptore in pUce wltUont (trips, rLifrt vi ? " I bueklei or aprlngt raanot slip, it I ao eannot chare or compress Ty wy KJ(KlUJIt UIO JJCITIO IKIUC. - 1UU SjJ-IJVy moat obsunsw cases cared In tha prl- fD(TQ suoeeasfullr treated themselves without Stern I hindrance from work. Soft a veWrt eatr to fis. &a I apply InexponiWe. Process or cure Is natural, PfcJir1' J ao no further ne for truses. We rrore what we I (lift I riff DS I Dlf) "T ,tBdlo't l""1 rl11 of rl,f w InlM. Ur rLftryiV absolutely FHKE. Write name oa eoupoa and mall TODAY. Addrcaa PLAPAO LABORATORIES, Block 34, St, Louis, Mo. Tome Address , .., Return mll will brine Free trlaf PlapaO GOOD FOR $1.00 Sign, and mail this coupon to Magic Foot Draft Co., Dept. XC8, Jackson, Mich. Name Address By return mull you'll get a SX I pair of Magic Drafts To Try Free. as explained uoiow. IF YOU HAVE RHEUMATISM write your name and address plainly on the above coupon and mall to us. Return post will bring you, prepaid, a regular $1 pair of Magic foot Drafts, the great' Michigan External "Cure for Rheumatism of every kind ' chronic or acute muscular, scia tic, lumbago or gout. Then after you try them, if you are fully satis fied with the benefit received, send us One Dollar. If not, they cost you : nothing. You decide and we take your word. .. proval at the hands of the govern ment? Sorao years ago, when President Roosevelt was militantly assailing tho trusts, and was getting considerable home-made publicity out of his ful minations against the malefactors of 'gTeat wealth and his determination to shackle cunning, it was Mr. Bryan who suggested that little progress would ever be made toward discouraging tho trust until prison sentences were imposed, upon tho agents thereof who were responsible for violations of the law. Of course It was denounced at that time as demagogy by some, and as anarchy by others. It was simply not to be thought of. It would put such a fine lot of campaign contributors into jail, and would so hamper tho men whose special duty it has long been to finance republican national campaigns. Hence it was that the government has sweated and fumed in its efforts to discourage unlawful .business sys tems without resort to this severity, and that in spite of its utmost act ivity the great combinations of capi tal have kept on getting each year a firmer and more comprehensive strangle hold upon the public throttle. But it now appears that Attorney General Wickersham has arrived at the conclusion that what was dem agogy when proclaimed by Mr. Bryan, is his only hope of official usefulness. He .has determined that tho only effective way of defeating and discouraging the trust is to send its agents and operators to jail. That is what he is going to do hereafter, if he keeps his word. It was not until he ran against the defiant attitude of the window glass trust that he made up his mind to declare officially that no more fines went with him, and that prison sentence's were the only real rem edies. Now he has applied the same sane principle. To -the prosecution' -of the bath, iub trust officials. These two trusts are of compara tively small magnitude, and it Is therefore accordingly easy to try his new system upon them. He has found that this system not only brings about tho speedy and com plete dissolution of the objectionable trade combinations,- but it arouses a spirit of acute repentance and ap prehension among the erstwhile de fiant malefactors. When the precedent has been once established, perhaps it may in time bo found possible to impress upon some, of the big fellows, like Rocke feller, Carnegie, Morgan and the princes of industry and finance, that they are courting jail sentences in promoting these vast aggregations of predatory wealth for exacting unjust tribute from the consuming masses. Meantime it will probably not en tirely escape public notice that it was the Bryan method that finally forced its own recognition as the only effective method, and it may occur to some that if Mr. Roosevelt had been more amenable to "demagogic" suggestion, he might have left a bet ter trust-busting record when he re tired from his high office. Lincoln (Neb.) Star. the Orogon plan for tho election of senators. Democratic members claim that tho passage of tho bill is to bo credited to them. and referendum bill. It will b fought In tho house by enemies of direct legislation. FREDERICK DYER, Corresponding Sec'y. Magic Foot Drafts arc curing old chronic cases of 30 and 40 years stand ing, 'after everything else had failed, as well as all tho milder stages. We have the evidence to prove all our claims. It must bo plain that wo VRAM HAM ya fflvHk tin Trflftn out everywhere as wo do on ap proval if they didn't cure. Wo wnnr o v o r V miftfifo. te trv them, to send us your lull address on tho coupon today. Our valuable illus trated Book on Rheumatism comes tree with the trial Drafts. Send no money only tho coupon. SJfSSZiJSJiMKiSSSSSSSSSSSS. ?'mL Tho Nebraska state senate unani mously passed tho Skiles'- initiative The directors of tho Standard Oil Company, of Now Jorsoy, declared a dividend of $15 for tho quartor. Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles Much sickness starts with weak stomach, find consequent poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and pale-people lack good, rich, red blood. Their stomaclw seed invigorating for, alter all, a man can bo no stronger than his stomach. A remedy that makes tho stomach strong and the liver sctivc, makes rich red blood and overcomes and drive out disease-producing baetcria and euros a whole multi tude of diseases. Get rid of yonr Stomach Weakness and Liver Laziness by taking a course of Dr. Pierce a Golden Medical Discovery the peat Stomach Restorative, Liver Invlgorator and Blood Cleanser. Yon can't afford to accept any medicine of Hninemm ampesltion as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discov ery," which is a medicine op known composition, having complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bot-ilp-wrappcr, same being attested as correct under oath. Dr. PlerceTa Pleasant Pellets regmlato a4 levlgormte Stemach, Llrtr an Bswel. NEWS OF THE WEEK (Continued from Page 10.) was setnenced to penal servitude for life and Pantchenko to fifteen years' imprisonment. The contract fora loan of $10, 000,000 to Honduras by American bankers was signed in New York. 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