-y- Q If 1PBBRUART 2.4, 1911 The Commoner. 13 H. Barry Company, San Francisco, Cal. Price $3.00, net. The River and I. By John G. Nel hardt. With 50 illustrations. G. P". Putnam's Sons, New York and Lon don. Price $2.00 net. ommonoridof SEEDS matters sobs succtesi SPECIAL OFFER: Made t fcirfia Wew KwtxtM. A trial will m&ko yoa oar poraaaeat ctKtornnr. lO! rn1l0iHIUMlr. 11 variettMl XM- n. WW - w 16l( V ,M VV V l 1 fyfa hfoA.M4iwiif J r P IXV VVMVVUVKi. i li.j.. '-"I.'i 11 How to Stop Pimples In Myo Days You Can Get Rid of all Skin Eruptions by tho New Calcium Sulphide Wafers VMMHWMtaMNMl Trial Package to Prove It Sent Free Any man or woman gets awfully tired going around with a pimply face day after day. And other peo ple get awfully tired, too, seeing them go around with faces full of disgusting pimples. If you are one of the unfortunates who can't get away from your pimples, and you have tried almost everything under heaven to get rid of them, take a few of Stuart's Cal cium Wafers every day. Do that steadily for a few days, and In less than a week look at yourself in the mirror. You will then say that Stuart's Calcium Wafers are a wonder in get ting rid of tho eruptions. These wonderful little workers contain, the most effective blood puri fier ever discovered, calcium sul phide. No matter what your trouble is, whether pimples, blotches, black heads, rash, tetter, eczema or scabby crusts, you can solemnly depend up on Stuart's Calcium Wafers as never- failing. f 'Stuart's- Calcium Wafers have cured boils in three days and the worst cases of skin diseases in a week. Every particle of impurity Is driven out of your system com pletely, never to return, and it is done without deranging your sys tem in the slightest. Most treatments for the blood and for skin eruptions are miserably slow In their results, and besides, many of them are poisonous. Stuart's Cal cium Wafers contain no poison or drug of any kind; they are abso lutely harmless, and yet do work which cannot fail to surprise you. Don't go around with a humiliat ing, disgusting mass of pimples and blackheads on your face. A face covered over with these disgusting things makes people turn away from you, and breeds failure in your life work. Stop it. Read what an Iowa man said when he woke up one morn ing and found he had a new face: "By George, I never saw anything like it. There lve been for three years trying to get rid of pimples and blackheads, and I guess I used everything under the sun. I used your Calcium Wafers for just seven days. This morning every blessed pimple is gone and I cant find a blackhead. I could write you a vol ume of thanks, I am so grateful to Smile When you think life's not worth while. Sit straight up and force a smile. Smile, and shake your flst at fate Hit the line; don't hesitate. Smile and say, "World, howd'y do; Here's a-looking straight at you!" Shake yourself and force a smile. You'll see clear sky after while. When you meet a brother, smile; Grasp his hand, walk double file. Smile, and say, "Hello, old chum; Cheer up; Don't be sad and glum!" Smile, and every time you do It pays interest to you. Waste of time salt teaTs to shed Smile, and keep on straight ahead. Yonkers, N. Y. Chicago Dally So cialist. If that Is tho address on tho one wife gave us to mail wo feel greatly relieved. In the crowded market plac Keep a glad smile on your face. Frown, and you give birth to doubt Next thing you'll be down and out. Smile, and say,"Things coming fine Only car load lots in mine!" Waste of time to sigh and sob Smile, and stick tight to the job. Usual Excuse Violently the delegation protested against the vote of the senator from Sagebrush. "You told us, sir, that the plat form of your party was exactly right," shouted the spokesman, "and that part of it which, you have re pudiated you wrote with your own hand in order that the wishes of the people might be expressed with due emphasis!" "Quite true, I did," replied the Senator from Sagebrush. "And you told us that you would stand upon that platform!" "Gentlemen, I call your attention to the fact that I did stand upon that platform until I was able to reach my present office. Every where you will notice signs telling us of the danger of standing upon platformsj therefore I stepped inside as quickly as possible. With this the committee was forced to be content. The Senator from Sagebrush understood, of course, that by the time the date for re-election rolled around the people would have for gotten the little episode. you. Just send us your name and ad dress In full today, and wo will send you a trial package of Stuart's Cal cium Wafers, free to test. After you have tried the sample and been convinced that all wo say is true, you will go to your nearest druggist and get a 50c box and be cured of your facial trouble. They are In tablet form and no trouble whatever to take. You go about your work as usual, and there you are, cured and happy. Send us your name -and address today and we will at once send you ty mail a sample package free. Ad dress F. A. Stuart Co., 175 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. The Office Boy Remarks De guy wo't pays starvation wages t' goils may t'ink he is gittin' rich, but he'd better not congratulate his self till God balances de books f'r him. Ma says dat de problem of properly raisin' chil'run would be solved quicker if dere was some way o' flxin' -it so's fathers an' mothers wouldn't have to woik such long hours dat de kids is left t' grow up by demselves. De boss advises me not t' watch de clock, but I notus dat he takes a peek at it every mornin' when I come In if he' "happens t' git dere foist. , , t vtiaw t'to done a' irood day s woik if I feel like whistling myself when de office whistle blows. Mother's prayers helped a lot last summer when father busted his leg, but us kids got our eats from de union dad pays dues to. - I never notused no one hesitatln t' take any money because my han's happened t' he doity. Great Relief -A-letter mailed seventy-two years ago has just been delivered at Talking Shop The retired gambler looked up from his paper long enough to re mark: "I judge by this wedding announce ment that the Gould family Is draw ing to a royal flush." "It's a long shot to draw four to a knave," remarked the would-be sport on tho other side of tho car. Discovered "I've often heard of 'the wheels of justice,' " remarked the unsuccess ful litigant. "However," he remarked after a painful pause, "it strikes me that tho term is not well taken. I move to amend by changing it to 'the steam rollers" of justice.' " " . 1 mmmmrm MM MJW1SI vwaw. li 1 taennenti Taralp, 7 splendid Oaloa, Short yarle tlesi 19 Sprfae-aowerhir Blb TnrlotlM la all. QUAKANTKED TO PLEASE. SEND 10 CENTS VMWiUf m4 MtftlBf aaa netlf tbfci valuable eolUctloa of HMdi pontsmli, tofttfar wllh my htf jnftu-neuve. jimhuimi re ana l'jnnt hmk, wu su o worn ie tuihim oc bm, dmHi ett. HW ftunl'Unn KOCJCTORD SECT) FARMS n .DUCMDvC)rrra233 rocki'okd,ili. - Preferred "I would like to insure your life. said the agent. "I am looking for some way of in suring my living," replied Job Hunter, who had been out of work for weeks. Epitaph "What sball I carve upon your stone," The sculptor asked; "to know I must." T"he senator in strident tone -Said "carve 'Whs Faithful to His Trust.' " Grows From Seedl FOUR MONTHS FROM PLANTINQ A.IKW uraaas Aatt (CliHfa)KTOwlnff In yoar garden tills year will glTO you a ip cat deal of pleasure. Plant In Spring and yon will get a crop in abont fair nbU. TlwnutlAof flno flavor, resembling the nmmi or almondi meat la snow white; shell thin, and great pro dacor. Ononnt planted will produce from ICO to 900 iinta. Will grow in any (toil or location. To Ret new cnitonieni to test our coda wo will mall 8 Oraat Ahaoat nuts and loiifetdCau. lata with 10. Daa Rilt, allforiownu. Bendto daTandhavcsomcuung In your garden to surprise your neighbors. I MILLS SKED CO., Hox tot, Waililngtoq. low. J xtWHyflaD90HAjpajPPPV Brain Leaks Call no man friend who condones your faults. Charity is something more than mere giving. Heaven's gates are not opened with a latchkey. The man who has nothing but dollars is a mighty poor man. Misery loves company, and seldom has difficulty in finding it. Ever seen a man who needed a time clock to tell him when to quit work? Drowning men grasp at straws, but more straws are grasped by thirsty men. Lots of men leave their work at the office but carry the worry home with them. Men who try to skip life's bard places seldom land In anything better than a muddy place. The fellows who lack push are always complaining about tho other fellow having a pull. A great many men who start off hot-foot after business congeal below the ankles before they catch' it. Every time we see a married woman fondling a poodle-dog, we congratulate the child that might have been. Our idea of heaven suits us, but we'll not refuse to remain if we find that it is what the other man thought It was. The garden that the average city man is making these February days would furnish green goods for the nation if made three or four months later. Mighty bright fellow who said that he knows a man who flipped a dollar to see .what party he would . affiliate with, and became a republican be cause the "trust" side of the dollar came up. i C 10,000 SEEDS 10c, 21 Wo want von to trv our Prize 8ccds this Tear ' sr and havn aMpctM so heat varietlo and trot nn 10.M4 aeeda esrjcciaUv to crow Vrlzo VeKCtablcs and Flowers. They will produce more than 26. worth of Vegetables and 10 bushels of Flowers. H Seeds Cabbage 3 UeitvarieUca. 3 picts. 4 " 4 " 2 j " j m 4 " 3 " 3 " 4 " 4 2,m i.m M JW M 2,m M r:" Lettuce Onion RadUh Tomato Tumlp Flowers IS r: ran if Ffnwerlntr Varieties In all is RamIs. and onr new Heed Hook with a isc Credit Check gooa ror ioc selection, postpaid, iuo. PAIKVIEW SEVAi FARMS, Box 122. Syracuse, n. v. IO Cherry Troe $1. whypnyhiBh 40 Concord Grape $1. cry stock when Duo bill for 5e5 contu and cutalotfuo fre. FAIRBURY NURSERIES. Box E. Fairbury, Nebr. BIG CROPS rounder Fltximt uarroni 100.000 In use. Write now rorcatau ana lellrcrod prices, latlsf action (ruar'd So, 25 Ft. Atkinson, WI. u NO NOW a. 11. vovudub, Asthma KEHEDI tentonHlEE THUU II ft cures send $1.00; If not, don't. f.Ive Express Office. Ssl'l Chtinll Company, H19 Ohio art., Sidney, O. Freo report as to Patentability. Illustrated Ould Doolr. and Llstof Inventions Wanted, sent free. VICTOR J. KVANS & CO., Washington, D.O gr? $75 ,- " to Agents wanted In ovory county to sell Novelty Knives. Razor Steel Iilndes. Unbreakablo Transpa rent Handles which show name, address, photos, lodge and society emblems, eta Let us enow you how to bo Independent Big Commission. Quick Sales. Write at ones for exoluulvo torrJtory. NOVELTY CUTLERY CO., 66 Bar St, Canton, 0. "Banking Made Safe." Tried by a three million dollar fail ure in which the depositors lost not one cent, and sustained by the supremo court jot tho United States, the Okla homa state banks stand unrivalled for security among financial institutions. On tho basis of absolute safety we ask ?pour patronage. Satisfied depositors n every state of tho Union attest our ability to handlo your account right. Interest paid on Time Deposits and Savings Accounts. GUARANTY STATE BANK, Muskogrea, Oklahoma. M. 0. Haskall, Vlea President, M. C Salts, Cashier. v'-Vfc ,i