arw-t"infiew- FEBRUARY 24, 1911 The Commoner. 11 Try It In Your Own Home One Week FREE Send for our Free handsome cato lgseicct tho violin that pleases you then. try It for n wcekMn your own "w"" ViVc W1, vucuy sntistac- iury bbbu it Dacic at our expense. 00T VIOLINS have a strong tonot are evenly balanced, cany to ptay and finely flnished. They bavo beeh givlntr pleasure to mllllonapt people for moro than flrty Prices from f 5. to MOO. You'll bo plcnaeS with a Hoot no matter what you pay for 1L Bend tor Froe catalog, beautifully Illustrated In colors. E. T. ROOT & SONS 1tt Patfam (Strip-.. u, .u - vnnwjs, in. w ATER POWER IMPROVEMENT, ARCHI- IbUIUHML MURK AnU CNGIR EE.KI N B. WILLIAM RUSSELL SMITH COMPANY, YORK, PENNSYLVANIA Jntni-Q No Fee until allowed. Freo Boota Jrutent vvuxn a toller, vraiiiintton, v. a flA TjVWfJS RAISB THEM WITHOUT IsjZLJJ V JUf9 MILK. Booklet Free. MHHMHMH Nobra3kaSoodCo., Omaha.Neb DMTEI1TQ Watson E. Coleman F A 1 CI1 1 d ntLnvryer.Waabi,,8ton. D.O. Advlco nnd books frco. Rates roasonablo. Highest References. Best services Do you know ono of the big land movements o recent times is now on In Florida? Largo dralnngo works, now R. It'a, now towns, nnd a country of fruit ranchos and market garden rivalling Southern California being established. Climate healthy, no question. Flowing artesian Irrigation, depth 200 ft. Tracts of from 640 to 10,000 acres cholco land suit able for subdlvison into 10 to 20 aero farms can still bo had at from $4 to 15 per aero. Will you investi gate personally, invest Judiciously and wait? If so all things will como to you. Agents and organizers wanted. Address FLORIDA 8ICNPORT LAND COMPANY, R. 005, 172 WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. Washington News Senator Raynor, of Maryland, spoke In favor of election of senators by the people. The house declined to Increase tho salary of the secretary to the presi dent, which salary is now $6,000. The senate passed the bill provid ing for the purchaso of forest re serves in the eastern states. Senor Don Francisco Borda, min ister' to the United States from Colombia, declared in a letter to the Pan-American conference, at Wash ington, that, by the completion of the Panama canal, the United States would become mistress of the' strat egical center of the world and the foremOBt nation of tho globe. A balance of trade of over $363, 000,000, in favor of the . United States against foreign creditors, is shown by the department of com merce and labor. This la a new record for trade with foreign nations and is said to be largely .due to the high price of cotton. WANTED Somo well-trained decoy ducks for hunting purposes. Address, With price and. description, Depart-, "ment D, Commoner- Ofllco, Lincoln, Neb. JTatTJIIaf STRONGEST r J&JVCpJEL made. Buii. DUUUK blUW en-tlgbt Sold to the user at Wholesale Prices. We Pay VrtlrkU Cataloguofroo. COILED SPRING PENCE CO.. Box 234 Wlneheater, Indiana. ECZEMA OAN BE GUItEIh My mild, soothing, euarantoed eur 1ms It nnd VM.:. ..AMPLE proves It. STOPS TUB ITCHING ted cures to sUy. WRITE NOW TODAY. DR, CANNADAY, 174 PARK SQUARE. SEDALIA. MO The government has taken action to prevent further expeditions from New Orleans and other gulf -points, against South American republics, and a grand jury investigation has been ordered in connection with the sailing of the gunboat Hornet several weeks ago for Honduras to become a rebel flagship. A Washington correspondent for the, Denver News, says that republi can leaders favor holding their 1912 convention at Denver, believing that it will help bring back western states. Representative Bennet, of New York, one of the- republicans who voted against Canadian reciprocity, introduced in the house, a resolu tion requesting the president to enter into negotiations with the British government looking to the annexa tion of Canada by the United States. The resolution was referred to the committee on foreign affairs. A Washington correspondent to the Louisville Courier-Journal, says: In speaking of his resolution Mr. Bennet insisted that he was both x ' MR. BRYAN'S BOOK The Old World and Its Ways A Special Offer Good For Ten Days Containing the interesting and instructive story of. Mr. Bryan's tour around the world and his journeys through. Europe, in which he covered practically the entire civilized world. The entire journey was made under the most favorable auspices for observation, for procuring facts, and for study. He portrays the people of the earth as they aro today, and as he saw them on the highways and byways. His book will prove of profound interest to every reader, and is a work of untold educa tional value. It should find a place in every home library, and be read by every member of the family. The narrative of this journey will interest everyone who reads and thinks. "The Old World and Its Ways" contains 576 Imperial Octavo pages and is profusely illustrated with over 250 superb engravings of famous nersonagefl and world scenes. It is printed on fine book paper In large clear typ? and makes atf ideal gift book. It is supplied n three styles T Wndtam and will be sent prepaid to any address in the United State o ?Mt of tteE ! prices? Bound in Extra English Cloth Gold Back and Side; $2.00; Half Russia, Antique and Gold Side and Back, $3.00: Full Morocco, MaTbled Edges, $4.00. HPirfJTAli OFFER If you send your order within 10 days we will inciontxtea co a full year's subscription to The Commoner. 5SJ eaIubscHberur date, of expiration will be advanced one year. Addrci s THE COMMONER BOOK DEPT, Lincoln, Neb serious and sincere. He declared that to his mind annexation was the logical result to be looked forward to, following recinrouttv. Mr Unn- net declared tho reciprocity measure passed by the house, was not cquit- aoie, anu would not please tho majority of tho neonle. For In stance, he said, it placed wheat on tno iree list, but kept a duty on flour; it put cattle on the freo list, but maintained a duty on meat aud meat products. Mr. Bennet, who is from New York city, assertod that city people wanted benefits from finished products. Ho insisted ho would ask for consideration of his resolution by tho committee on roreign affairs, of which ho is a member. Several members of con gress, who favored tho reciprocity bill, expressed tho opinion that tho Bennet resolution is calculated to prejudice the two countries against final approval of the agreement. The Sutherland amendment to the resolution providing for tho election of senators, which amendment Is be ing pushed by a republican leader, provides for control of senatorial elections in the states by congress and federal authorities. resontatlvo Macon, of Arkansas. Fahy is a newspaper correspondent. Macon, of Arkansas, in a speech In tho house, opposed tho proposi tion to give honor to Captain Peary, and called him a fakir. President Taft appointed Victor M. Locko, of Antlers, Okl to bo principal chief of tho Choctaw na- Speaking in the . senate in favor of election of senators by the people, Senator Borah, republican, of Idaho, said that the north has played the hypocrite toward the negro. He added: "The negro has been used as a political football about as long as our sense of decency and his de veloping intelligence will permit." The house of representatives was kept in continual session for several days by a filabuster against the omnibus claims bill. The. filabuster was commenced and maintained by Mann, of Illinois. He was opposed to the old French spoliation claims and the navy-yard over-time claim. Representative McCall, of Massa chusetts, has given out an. interview in which ho declares that if the reci procity bill does not pass the presi dent will call an extra session. FREE Examination IWMMMSlHIiMMMMSMMMMHna In Your Home Send No Money With Your Order Factory Prices Convenient Monthly Pay ment Save 15 to 40. MANUFAC turc in my own Elrrin frirtnrv. hundreds of just ouch bargains as this hand some Box Couch, all of which I ship for a free examination in the homes of my customers. If satisfied, pay the low fac tory prices in small monthly payments. Satisfaction fully guaranteed or shipment must be returned at my expense I take all risk. Wtmmmmmmmmmmmmmtm YF,i T V7 y I N. J. Bachelder, of Concord, N. H., national master of tho National Grange, has written a letter to Secre tary of Agriculture Wilson, attack ing the Canadian reciprocity treaty and saying: "The solo question before tho American people is whether we shall have a freo trade in all farm products and high pro tection for manufactured arttcles."- Senator Bailey, of Texas, de fended Lorimer, of Illinois, in his speech In tho senate. SeJ For My Free Book ef Fitnutare aed Rag B&rgaias The senate passed the bill ap propriating $2,000,000 a year for tho purchase of land for forest re serves in eastern states, and espec ially in the White mountains and southern Appalachians. The Gallinger ocean mail subsidy bill to establish lines of steamers to South America, Australia' antl the Orient, already passed by the senate, is hanging in the balance in the house committee on postofllces. This Handsome $1 Q53 Box Couch, Only A $1.60 PerMontk Just u Illustrated Strictly bleb erade Measure 74 inches lone- Width 30 Indies Full size ward robeSeat, ccnulne steel sorinz , construction, heavily padded g It pictures Covering, heavy ween denim g A Anr,rUna Tufted. A very comfortable g , , , , scat A convenient piece of g hundreds Of furniture worth 220.00 If g useful and beau purchascd elsewhere, g f;rn futnmi fnr your home, ail of which are sold direct from factory to consumer on small monthly payments. This book also explains my money-saving plans and how easily you can open an account with us. Send us your name and address at once. ARTHUR LEATI1, Pr..-G'I Mxr. A. LEATH & CO.,7080 Grove Ave. , Bgiar III jHBRH VsjBOVaiiKSvCmJ&tQVlssWsEtsi DONT PAY TWO PRICES-f FOR STOVES & RANGES You Save ei&GO to 122.00 oa W Hootler 8tel 1L Hoosier Ranges Heaters A resolution instructing Kansas representatives and senators in favor of tho Canadian reciprocity treaty, was passed by the lower house of the state legislature. The house adopted a resolution excluding Walter J. Fahy from the privilege of the house for ten days for lis recent altercation, with Rep- Wlnr not bur thobeot when yon can buy them at irach low, ?nherd-of Factory Prices. looslerBtorea and Itaneefl aro delivered I or you to use Jn your own noma m aaya ireo Deioro 70s bur. A written guarantee with each BtOTO backed by a Million Dollars.. OurnewlBU lmproT xseatx on stoves absolutely eorpast. anything ever produced. Send poetal today far free Mtalef. 101 HOOSIER STOVE FACTORY State Street. Mariea. IasHaaa F Jrf WHAT VOU INVENT!! Yeur Ideas May Mrine; Yau a Fortune. Write for Our FREE BOOK; fffres list of needed inventions; tells how to protect them. Patent Obtained or fee .Returned. No charge for report as to patentability: send sketch or model. Patents advertised for sale free. H. ELLIS CH15DLEK A CO Attorneys, 12J5 FSlret, rUSWJffiTOJf, B. C, ' ? tfiifeffl.A s. i -4..