The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 17, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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The Commoner.
FEBRUARY 17, 1811
'""Wl- T
Wear this Stylish Suitt
dreseod man nhpse clothes are fashlcn.
sblo, and are 1011 stylos. .
You will be tliat man In your
UVltuuuiiiuvui " w ""
jasua SHIS UL UHUJ "- HnwnJ
clothee nwnlte thofirst man In your
neighborhood who answers this
sprlngannonncement. 1911 styles
theswelleet, cl.aMiest.isnRpplost
stylo we erer created and bettor
idea: Wo want one sasn aaonrropre
i tentative Ib yonr neighborhood.
! Yon' to coi a lot of friends. They
'! .t. M1ja . lijkBB 4a nrrt.t
' m tug nmw " . -.-. -..-.-
clothe from ye, mew, 7. wi ana up.
tore than doubles your salary, and lbs
tlon In the world. Now representatives
make $5 to $10,6 day. Yoa limply take tho
order ana weaaaremenw ana wau mew u
vt. itN 1 1 W i Id
TfeLJlU V& if
(9) JW
whose saloon "Willard was In tho
habit of spending much of his time."
The campaign for and against tho
ratification of Arizona's new consti
tution closed February 8. William
J. Bryan was among the speakers
urging tho adoption of tho consti
tution. .
Canadian leaders say they will
stand their ground for reciprocity
with America even in tho face of
British disapproval.
We make tho clothe, thlp them on approval
.. ri.n unci lunik van. tho ereat
nnnev. A Regular Cinch I Thafe the
beauty of beins In biulne for yourself. Sit
right down now: writ ns a poetal or a letter
for the free outfit to representatives. And yoa
ret tho iwelleit cat t of f aihlonable tailor-made,
ail-wool,1011.elothe ever wernin your neiga
Tuii-hntvi. if vnumersoacl appearance on d
big business U worth a pottal or a 2o stamp
WOOLEN MILLS CO.Deat. soSdHcago.lH,
sJM.MJ r AJj& MILK. Booklet Frco.
NebraskaSoodCo,, Omaha,Ncb
South Dakota has passed the anti
saloon law. The Texas state senate
has done likewise. '
The initiative and referendum was
defeated in the Kansas state senate.
The democrats helped do it.
Watnen E. Cplcman,
Patent JLawyor.Waahlnglon,
D.C. Advice and booka free.
Hates reasonable. Hishest references. Best services.
Pure Blood
Is the flrst essential to health. Do yoa
know that common red clover blossom.,
when properly prepared, possess mar
veloa. curatlvo properties and arc par.
tlcnlarh effective 'tmarlfvlncr th blood.
Clover Is a Tonln Laxative keeps bowels relaxed and
In e healthy condition removes Imparities.
Necdiiam's Extract Red Clover
contains no alcohol and Is not a patent medicine. It la
Simply a puro extract of choice clover blossoms, gath
ered at just tho right time and prepared In a ecJRtlne
manner. If you Buffer from constipation, headachos,
facial eruptions, ecsoma, salt rheum, cancer, rheuma
tism or any blood dlseaso, you should I earn all about
this wonderful remedy. Askyour druggist for Heed
feam'a Extract. Send coupon for free booklet.
; D. Needaam'sSens. 61 Lakeside IMg., Chicane .
- Please send mo frco booklet.
y amo.. .............. 4. ,..i...,.,tK, j ,
jinqraB.. ...... ..g.. ,,,t,n,i.,i,.,,n.,n ....
S. .' ritt '' l4W. uuVmi
Winter joys of driving are
possible with
The enclosed body keeps you snug
and warm while you make the
trip to your office to the theatre
or social function and no matter
how low the temperature you may
leave the car standing as long as
you wish without danger of the
motor freezing dr experiencing
any trouble in starting.
The Acme of motoring convenience
and comfort is realized in this tho
modern equipage.
For 1911 Dotrolt-Electrjc Edison
System of motor and battery or
lead batteries Special Electric or
Cushion Tires Our New Chalnless
Direct Shaft Drive or tandem and
double Bilent enclosed chain Drives.
Demonstration by npnelntmeHt
Anderson Electric Car Company
' Detroit, Michigan ,
The California senate voted for a
constitutional amendment providing
for the initiative and referendum.
The vote was 35 to 1.
President Taft delivered a speech
at Columbus, Ohio, appealing to the
American people to stand by him on
the Canadian reciprocity treaty.
A Phoenix, Arizona, dispatch car
ried by the United Press -says: "By
a vote that ran nearly 3 to 1 in most
places the people of Arizona yester
day ratified a state constitution that
contains more safeguards for popu
lar government than does any other
state constitution. Apache county,
which returned a negative vote of
113, was the only county in the ter
ritory which did not give the con
stitution a majority. In Phoenix,
1,461 votes were cast, 1,029 for and
432 against. In Tucson 867 voted
for the constitution and 351 against.
In both placed the vote was exceed
ingly light. It is the shortest' coh
stitution ever adopted. These are
the most salient points in the , in
strument: The initiative and refer
endum, workable; the recall for all
elected officers, including judges;
the constitution may be easily
amended by legislature or by people;
voters must qualify by measuring
up to an educational standard; no
suspension of the writ of habeas
corpus. The constitution was fought
bitterly, especially by the privileged
interests. The big argument was
that the president would never ap
prove, and without his approval Ari
zona could not become a state. The
answer to this argument was that
the president will recognize the
right of the people to live under laws
of their own making, and as a law
yer and president will recognize that
fundamentally in a republic all law
depends upon the will of the gov
erned. There will be no statehood
for Arizona for at least a year. The
democratic constitution,, must go to
congress a year hence. The conven
tion which drew it was as represent
ative of every walk of life as the di
versity of interests and industry in
the state could make it. The recall,
applicable to all elective offices, In
cluding the judgeships, is the next
in line as an instrument to attain
efficiency and honesty in office. The
constitution provides for the adop
tion of its provisions oy emeu uuu
counties. The drafters of the con
stitution discovered the weak spot
in the makeup of privileged plunder.
In their effort to form an instru
ment which should ever keep the
law, Its enactment, its enforcement,
and its very meaning, In the hands
of the governed, they propose that
the courts of the new state shall
be 'led not into temptation. To
accomplish this they placed judges
on the same level with the governor,
the legislators and the sheriff. They
have provided that the people may
recall a judge if he offends the moral
Ansfl of the community. On this
noint the 'conservative' office holders
I who were named at Washington
havo joined hands with attorneys
for the Santa Fo, the Southern Pa
cific and the great mining interests
in an effort to defeat the documont.
They prefer tho onshacklemont of
territorial tyranny for tho people.
They aro horrified beyond measure.
They aro calling upon all traditions
of reverence for courts, of 'inherited
complacency with things 'as they
are,' with a cry that tho masses
to whom, with unconscious humor,
their appeal is directed would
'coerce' judges to acts of injustice
Listen, then, to the answer of George
W. P. Hunt, the president of tho con
stitutional convention. Hunt might
bo expected to bo 'leading-tho-huo
and cry. He has money. He is ac
counted one of tho leading mer
chants of Arizona. Ho Is no 'rod
shlrted anarchist He says: 'We
yield to no men in our reverence for
courts. But whatever dignity may
rest in courts as institutions; does
not extend to judges: They afo
human.' "
f ou Save 9MM to M e
Whv not bT the best wfcea
yoa can my them at seek low,
unheardrof Factory rrtees.
Hoolertovs and Haoce ere
delivered for yen to naelayosr
i b own uonte ae aays rree becere
yea bay. A written guarantee with eaeh stove
backed by a Million Dollars, Osr new IMi Improve.
mwU on staves absolutely surM anyMilae ever
produced, tonal iMetalterfayfef free eelefef.
JUaJe Stree, MurUn, I4taHB
tW Hoosier Steel
In a speech, delivered at Grand
Rapids, Michigan, Theodore Roose
velt declared for the election of the
senators by the people. Ho also ap
proved the Canadian reciprocity
Governor Harmon's presidential
boom was launched by opening
headquarters at Cincinnati.
At Springfield, Illinois, President
Taft warned the members of hitf
party that they must not oppose the
Canadian reciprocity. A letter was
made public in Springfield, which
letter was written by Speaker Can
non, condemning the reciprocity
Archbishop "Ryan of Philadelphia
is "dead. He was born February
20, 1831.
Andrew C. Fields, who. Is' charged
with conducting the "yellow dog"
insuranco fund, investigated by the
Armstrong committee, died at At
lantic City, aged sixty-five years.
The Now Democracy. By Louise
Dowries. Sherman, French & Co.,
Publishers, Boston, Mass.
Courtship Under Contract, The
Science of Selection. A tale of
woman's emancipation. By James
Henry Lovoll Eager. Tho Health
Culture Company, New York, Pas
saic, N. J. Price $1.20 net.
The Unexplored Self. An intro
duction to Christian doctrine for
teachers and students. By George R.
Montgomery, Ph. D., assistant minis
ter of the Madison Square Presby
terian church, New York City. G.
P. Putnam's Sons, Publishers, New
York and London. Price $1.25, net.
Darius Green and His Flying Ma
chine. By John T. Trowbridge. Il
lustrated by Wallace Goldsmith. Pub
lished by Houghton Mifflin Company,
4 Park St., Boston, Mass. Price 50
cents, net.
Our Homes and Our Children.
Lectures by O. Ilykkon. Lutheran
Publishing House, Decorah, la.
The Siege of the Seven Suitors.
By Meredith Nicholson, author of
"The House of a Thousand Candles,"
etc. Houghton Mifflin Company,
Boston and New York. $1.20, net.
' Egypt and Israel. An inquiry Into
tho influence of the more ancient
people upon Hebrew history and the
Jewish religion. And some Investi
gation into the facts and statements
made as to Jesus of Nazareth. By
Willis Brewer. The Torch Press,
Cedar Rapids, la.
Tho American Commonwealth.
New and completely revised edition.
By Hon. James Bryce. The Mac
millan Company, publishers, 64-06
Fifth Ave., New York. Price $4.00
I net. "
Tho latest In tho lino of Incubators
and Brooders.
Feathers, feathers that hover the
eggs and chicks liko tho mother hunt
The best on the market. Wrlto for
frco catalogue.
The Hcn-Fcnther Incubator Co.,
Dept. 15., UlackwcII, Oklahoma
a ' I
125 Egg Incubator Affl
and Brooder Do will
I If ordored togethorwosend
'iiotii ror sio. irreiaiiL
nalil nnnt nt ItnnklM. lint
rafAi mnrwr fatilra. tlnnhla waIIm. t
1IHU, WVf.'V VM..MV, UWMH. ,.-..-,
.double slaw doors. Free cataiog-
ucscriuestnom. uonuxontioaay.
Wisconsin Incubator C.,
Hex 148, Waelwe, Wla.
P i . t vrm
Get big hatches with our metal covered,
double cat, copper tank NATIONAL
Automatic resrulator. vermin oreoi
metal cage, rcomynunery. freight
oaldcait of Rockies. Write for new
I 1911 catator, free, and banraln offer.
HMI kuWr C., 160 IM 9L, ft,!.
lAnF. Hull
mtmnrr Jhlflr.
en-tlght Sold to the user at VtbeleMle
rricri. neraysrettai. uaiaioguoiree.
1 cniLvn mmmiun wrun.w en..
ttox 234 Winchester. Indiana.
Eggs. Dogs
M Best Paying Varieties
ntirlfi riAaflA TfirlrAVflV Vt
snMsl attrl -lrifiiruifAr- All a 4 ff mjs tVvla
Bend 4c for my Book which glres reliable
Information worth many dollars to you
W. A. WEBER, B9X954,Haakate,M;M,
BBBJRftfjEJHBl fr Utter than wood fur Lawns,
yPPBElCByBJ CnorchM, Cemeterks. Alio Foul'
CeBsBBBBn u7 Bd Vum Pence. Tree Catalog.
IBBeBMyMBSBBBSBSBU Wlrta for Spoelal OSer.
BBBJr ISIE Wlfta rZHCK CO- Hx hi Bafar. U&.
Cheap as Wood,
is e ar
WemaBaf&etaroLawnsBaFarm Fence.
aetata, ourcata
iwn ni Farm Fenoe. Selldf reot
ir.simapuraQturerf ' prices.
ilnw In Fraa. Wrlto far It tod a v.
UP-TO-DATE Mf G. CO. 980 Wt SU, Terre Kmrte, 14.
Yes, elegant free homesteads can
still be had in Mexico where many
Americans are now locating. You
need not go to Mexico, but are re
quired to have five acres of fruit
trees planted within five years. . For
information address the Jantha Plan
tation Co., Block 679, Pittsburg, Pa.
They will plant and care for your
trees on shares, so you should make
a thousand dollars a year. It is
never hot, never "cold. The health
conditions aro perfect.
' jg-1 y4