The Commoner. VOLUSlIi! 11, NOMEER I ! lot w Greatest Of All Berries FROM PIWTO JMBvi2s0. I'Movtrknown, JULY !9QlSMPnViGSUioIIlmalAyA Aionniaiiin. Itn growth and prodac tl V0- ncsa IB imply inarTOl- OU0. It la por foctly hardy and prows from so to CO feet In a eaion and can bo Tho Knnravlnfc shown no Plant from piioiojniyi, 1B10. which Ji trained to n largo trellis loaded with frnlt. and continuod bearing nntil October. . . Ij6 Frnltl black. aJmoBtooioiewi ana mo larKc iii. nBHerrleebomo in enormous clusters will Utorally It In yonf month. It la unsurpassed for eating li, cooked.-easned or preaenred in any form and Iho Greatest of. all Hurries f or all Climates. rvm-vltnriv nan and will ffrOw til IB Great Ilerry for It IfM Ik tho r 1. nan .nil u.lll irrAw Oil f?rat IlorrV 10 lathe easiest PrtiJtin the world to grow, la splendid for v nnnnl A rtr nnt Ann with limited BDftCO. for it Can bO tralnM tin r from tho nround llko a trco producing Iksrrlea from R to 4 montliB, growing larger and pro. dnoingmoro Frnlt each year. . can prodnco fact no ono can get nway from. lUware of Imitations. Clant Himalaya la a family by Itself and highly valued wheroTor grown. The Knglleli Himalaya or nanve muiwu huih dcuo vauuvv uwu Upon for fruit or hardincaa. Our plants are from tested parent stock. Complete aatlifactlon guaranteed Instructions for cultivation tvitn a oeoeut cj Hetty for utfnjr in many ways free with all orders. Strong planta Mc each. 3 for 60c, 6 for $1.00, 15 for 9 2.M, 2S for 3,W, poitptld. , Onr 1811 Cataloguo of Vcgetablo and Flower Seeds, Plante and llaro Now Fruits free with cYory order. MILLS SEED HOUSE. Box 45. ROSE HILL. N. Y. SEEDS BUCKDEE'S SEEDS SUCCEED! SPECIAL nFFFR- Made to build New UusIbms. A trial will make, you our normnnont customer. f riattJxl,'VfA4.1..llJl.V 11 .. I.l!n.. T.- fiti i.iiiicr.i.iiiii:"- v. i""wi. "zJi ' rrirn -mr -itt unta. 1 KlndBl TOrtntowjU 1 thoflnoatj Turnip, 7 BpletnUdj Onion, 8 beat vnrlo- vio) iv gyriKiowirii( uuiov uu vaivbUOfl In ail. UUAJ1ANTKED TO PLBASE. SEND lO CENTS toeow potg and packing and rctWa tkls valuable collection of Heeds poatpald, tofethor with my blf ,vir7.,',r',7.vK,M..,'t "comma x-tnnt isooic, tlla U aboaf tha Ileal TarltUai of Stdi, Plant, ate. Fl" W Rtfrtfoa ROCKrono seed farms 11 TTUIVAUVVj Fsrni 232 BOCKVOR.fLU r k-i'lUlilvTPJk'vSHtifiWy'Cl syo want you to try our Prfte Secdathla year iihum iiinini mis iai AdKeia nni nnr nM an ..v. .... .u nv 1X.I t.iiciici Mint iiui Ull iv.vw BPOdft MTKoln.llv tn crrnw Prim Vntrixtaliln on,l Flowcra. lliey will prodnco more than 825. worth of Vegetable, and 10 bualiola of Flowera. 8M Secda Cabbago 3 Deat Varletlea 3 plrta. 3,M J Lettuce 4 " 4 m Onloa 3 ' " 3 " l,M M Radlah 4 " " 4 3 Tomato I " 3 " 3.W4 " Turnip . 4 " " 4 3,M0 " Flowera 3 Grand Flowerlna Varletlea . ui n ivsnv occua, urn our now oeou liOOK WHH a Wo Credit Check good for lOo selection,-portpald. 10c FA1UV1EW SEED FARMS. Pox 111, SyMcuicT. Y.J "" .i 1 1' . i vJ'-bVLW1 Tho Wisconsin assembly lias en dorsed tho income tax, Tho Arizona constitution, was rati fied at tho election February 8 by a largo majority. The United States steel corpora tion has announced an fncrease in tho prico of tin plate from $3.60 to $3.70 per 100 pounds. The banquet to be given Colonel Theodore Roosevelt at New Orleans March 11, will cost $10,000. Plates will bo $15. Tho mnnnonrlnf nf Mnrlf Twflln's 'article criticising Theodore Roosevelt was withdrawn from sale. Big Tim Sullivan, Tammany politi cian, gave away 7,000 pairs of shoes on the Bowory February 6 The Nebraska state senate defeat ed the county option bill by a vote of 17 to 16. Senator Bartling, repub lican, who was pledged to the meas ure, voted against it, thus insuring its defeat. General Piet leader, is dead. Cronje, tho Boer Postmaster Hashurst of Philadel phia has disappeared and detectives, are hunting for him. A snow storm in New York did damage estimated at $1000,000. King George formally opened par liament. A London cablegram Bays: "The speech from tho throne was devoid of striking features. In both tho house of commons and house of lords speeches were made in opposi tion to tho Canadian-American reci procity agreement." ho was leaving the cafe door he was greeted by three men who, with a revolver pressed against his side es corted him to an alley and robbed him of tho proceeds of the holdup. Willard, according to his confession was one of three conspirators who planned and executed the Rector holdup. Ho in turn was tho victim of a conspiracy devised by a friend to whom he confided the plan for rnhhinir tii a flfifo. Tho storv. incred- ible as it first seemed to the police, was corroborated by them, $500 re covered and William Loftus, a sa loonkeeper, was rearrested and charged with being an accessory to the robbery and with having re ceived stolen property. Willard, after his arrest, asserted he in turn had been 'held up' a few minutes after leaving the restaurant. The po lice refused to believe him, but later developments proved he told the truth. Loftus is a saloon keeper in Crows From 'Seed FOUR MONTHS FROM FLANTINn (Chnfa)-owlnglnyonr garden this year will give you a great deal of pfeaaure. Plant in Spring and you will get A crop in about ftnr Bientfe. TlHsnutlapf flno flavor, resembling tbo eeeaaat or almond j meat J onow white; aholl thin, and groat pro. ducer. Onp nut planted win prodace from loo to 200 nuta. Will grow in any Boll or location. To get now customera tjh tMtnnr erwl ivatIii LfnaU CO Oreaad Almond nma ana ivn atta cat. Ioxbo With 10. Dae fiilL nil -frvr IflMih. Dm rltn I SKSmBmmtmKHsi dayandh&vasomcuiibg I la your garden to BurprlaQ your neighbors. , MILLS SEEP CO., Box 4W. Waahlngton. Ttrcra. YU 1,111 111 III 1 1 U NO NOW a. ir. pounoiu BIG CROPS innB80hS VoiHierFIcxiblftllmomi 100.000 In uro. Wrlto nun rorcatAL and I teuveroa prlceo. iattsf action truar'd No. 25 Ft. AtkinBen, Win. Tfie Drlne Must Be Tes ed in nil diseases of the Kldncy8,B ad der, I,lvcr and Digestiyc orgnns, Including' Rheumatism, or the treatment will be an experiment. I test urine Free. Mailing Case for urine sent on request. Con sultation and opinion free. DR. J. IK SHAPBR, Specialist Z 1 4 Pena Avenue; Pittsburg, Pa. How Can You Do It? Five Leading Publications at a Special , Combination Price for the Whole Bunch "at D A Frankfort, Kentucky, dispatch to tho Louisville Courier-Journal says: "The six democratic members of the Kentucky court of appeals' is sued a statement last night denying tho charge in Congressman Ben Johnson's withdrawal card that three members of the tribunal had stated they would not vote for a Catholic for governor. Mr. Johnson had pre viously, in an address, stated tnt Messrs. Lassing and Nunn were two of the judges referred to." Strawberries From Seed Rir FRUIT IN 4 MONTHS Thla Wonderful Ercrbearing Strawberry Is a greatcnrloBlty. ltgrowarapldly,andwlU begin o iruit in auont 4 monuis after sowing aeeda, and oontlnucB to bear fruit constantly all Bum mer and fall, v pint of bcrrlca having been picked from ono plant na Into aa October. Seeds sownin tho honso In winter wlU jiruuucu uiiriy mining plants which will bear until Iato In fall, and If taken In the houso wt! frnlt all winter, l'lanta For only 10c WO will send 1M Everbearing Strawberry e8d In a 10c Rebate Envelope and when empty envelope wlU bo accepted aa loo payment on any order for seeds la our 1011 Catalogue, which is Included Freo. SJfcQTII DROS. SEED CO., Box 637, AUBURN, N. Y. jfASHjaC 5jjjaV The second daughter of Georgo J. Gould was married .to Lord Decles, an English army officer. Sho is 18 years old, and he is 44. A Danville, Illinois, grand jury has returned forty-seven indictments against the ballot box frauds. IP Cherry Trees !. Why pay high 40 Concord Grape $1. ory stock when nimhiu lor as nL u.t .r,0"1"!0- FlTkllH. lllTnaViiirir uvniV,UU iroo. rwiiDuni nun&tmts, uox k, Faifbufy, Nobr, The West Virginia state senate has passed a bill to submit state -wlda prohibition to a vote of the people. The democratic state committee of Florida has officially certified the election of N. P. Bryan as United States senator :o succeed J. D. Talia- ierro. tho vote was: Blount, 19,381: Bryan, 19,9 91', majority for Bryan of 610. $ 1 .00 HERE IS THE LIST; . The Weekly KaBsnn City istar for One Yenr. Ono of tho really great papers of the country. News of tho world and marjeots covered thoroughly. Valuable for Xarmers, business nien and tho family. The Woman's World for One Yf,ar -A Sh-class monthly maff ailne for woman and homo; 40 to 100 pagos each issue. Best stories HL.iffreat,est writers; . fashions, needlework; popular music. ' People's Popular Monthly for pne Year. One of tho favorite housohold magazines of tho coun innVn.00 storles and. interesting famil evory member of the Tho American Poultrymaa for S?enfrr;A ereat national month- te?!11?? t0 the. dweller of tho citv. tnwTnrS S?,?" interest- SSPnnJffif1 t0 know at the Ume "you NEED ChoS1" S Big $1.00 Offer Tho Kansas City Weekly Star for Ono Year Tho Woman's World -for Ono Year The People's Popular Monthly for Ono Year Tho American Poultryman for Ono Year Tho American Homestead for Three Years ALL FIVE Papers for $1 ment unexcelled. Homo depart- I Farmers SonsWanted--- - ulk. ?nd fa,r ducalea to work in aa office t $80 a nbnth uiwidYnnrShen,rr,tead?,oym,cn.t' MtboTSSit and re. laeirt, .Bf?5ch"i,cc,.of tho f0el"lo being established rimry SaUata AMslaUa 0u aa. ta8da, Oaaaaa. Here is an interesting Chicago story carried by the Associated Press: "Even a thief in. nnt cnf ChUsigo,. is the plea Charles Willard made to tho police -yhen he con fessed ho held up Rector's restaurant last Sunday morning and secured $3,300. Willard's joy in his posses sions was shortlived, he said, for as All Five for One Dollar if offer is accepted at once Pin n. 1 no hn j i in pieco of paper and -send ''to us Immodiariiv ife C0"Pn. wrap aecu'rely again and may bo withdrawn at any momi?t TIs may not appear is necessary to secure this BIG BARQAnST?rompt actin 1 all that z r: : "How coupon for Big $1.00 Offr THE AMERICAN HOMESTEAD ut mo dwn for you Bljr aion Oltcr. I enclose herewith $1.00? which SytoSd:"10 flV pumicatIns below, YerS. AmerlcaH homestead for Three On??""8 CltT Wcckly St 'or The Woman's World for One Year oZhY?nV!Vle'H POPU,ar MSl7 r Ycwf Amerlcn poultrymnn for One ca.n. vmt riA 4vf . , r uu r ' ! nor SrtirSS? s-- The -price wo ask anri ZZ:?' 4r o white xuuLiLtr iiia o VM nannr our iit???8an?S.?? Iw names to- determination rc umQ' and our i.i-tSinau9n to Secure the nrnmnt uuvmi or. scriber. every present ub- Namo P. O tho Umo mentlo nod. 0,r ""wcrlptlon lor wfftSH'ss: I.0-uaran t.o this offer to bn 'iiist If yarKSLnoy refunded; H on this T iiaf "uuooor w any paper Plratlon winni?nW' ,youf date of ex to tie tTrn b0 a,flvancod aopordlng THE AJrai0XN HOMESTEAD r. Wv,mih, piett. HI ? S.C Ak v ' V V " '1