vrff FBBKUARY 10, HU The Commoner. 11 Free nport as te Patentability. Illustrated Guide Keokjand List of Inventions Wanted, sent tree. VICTOR J. KVAJiH & CO., WashlnKton, D. 0 "Banking. Made Safe." Tried by a throo million dollar fail ure in which tho depositors lost not one cent, and sustained by tho supremo cpurt of tho United States, tho Okla homa state banks stand unrivalled for security among financial institutions. On tho basis of absolute safety we ask Jrour patronage. Satisfied depositors n overy state .of tho Union attest our ability to handlo your account right. Intorcst paid on Time Deposits and Savings Accounts. GUARANTY STATE BANK, Muskogee, Oklahoma. M. 0. Haskell, Vice President. M. C. Sells, Cashier. - DEAFNESS CURED NEW DISCOVERY nit' JnK M dEjflkk Jta ASK Myaterlous and Invisible- nature forces cures DetunctiB and HcadnoIsoH. Jvfr c "r'iito ii i III 1 VrTf -5L$ j-:im U-4H ( L - . , ulmMmmm. V 4 Sr-TS m 3 KV VaS v Ti-" Archbishop Hyan of Philadelphia Is seriously ill. Tho Persian parliament voted to engage live American financial " advisers. Alfred Stedman Hartwoll, qhief justice of the supremo court of Hawaii, resigned. The Texas and Pacific Railroad company was sentenced in tho fed eral court at New Orleans to pay a fine of $500 for violation of the Sherman anti-trust law. With this wonderful mysterious power I havo topped Hoadnolses in ono treatment nnd made peoplo deaf for-years hear tho tick of n watch in a low minutes. Any deaf person can havo full proof how cures aro quickly effected at homo with out investing1 a cent. Wrlto today to Bit. GUY CLIFFORD EOWELL, yOS Bank Bldg., 'eorla, 111. RHEUMATISM I want every sufferer to try my Drafts, which aro curing 'thou- sands, WITHOUT COST: f MIL I ASK IS YOUR ADDRESS I want to send every one who has Rheumatism a regular $1.00 pair of Magic Foot Drafts, the great Michi gan remedy for Rheumatism of every kind, ' chronic or acute, muscular, sciatic, lumbago, gout, etc., no matter where located or how severe, on FREE TRIAL. . Announcement was made of th election of E. T. Thomas as presi dent Qf tho United States Steel Pro ducts company, a subsidiary of the United States Steel corporation. FREDERICK DYER, Corresponding Sec'y. My Drafts are meeting with phe nomenal success they are already in demand in every civilized country in the world. Thousands of letters from everywhere tell us of marvelous cures, even after long lives of suffer ing, and after every other means had failed. It is because they are so sure to bring prompt ana permuneui re lief tnat l can ramax afford to send them on ap proval. Just s e.n d your tinma nnrl nrl- HtAmj dress. Return mail will bring the Drafts, prepaid. Then, after trying them, if you are satisfied with the benefit received, send us One Dollar. If not, they cost you nothing. You decide, and we take your word. Ad dress Magic Foot Draft Co., XCO Oliver Bldg., Jackson, Mich. Send no moneyi just -your name. Write today. The board of managers of tho New York produce exchange en dorsed the reciprocal agreement with Canada1 as proposed by Presi dent Taft and recommended its rat ification by congress. According to advices received at New Orleans, J. H. Minor of St. Louis, 'coxswain of tho United States cruiser Marietta, who died suddenly Sunday afternoon aboard the ship in Porto Cruz harbor, was afflicted with yellow fever. Portugal has allowed her deposed king, Manuel II., a pension of $3,000 a-;monthr The- government recently sent him a check for $9,000 to cover the period since he was deposed, October 4. A Havana, Cuba, dispatch carried by the Associated Press says: "J. A. D. McCurdy, a Canadian by birth, but now affiliated with American avia- tors, set a new record in over the water flights, covering nearly 100 miles, from Key "West to within ten miles. of Havana, when from a slfght accident, he was compelled to drop into the sea. There he remained, his biplane floated by pontoons until the lifeboat of the torpedo boat destroy er Terry picked him up." Eight thousand workmen in the Eastern Chinese railway in Manchu ria, fearing the bubonic plague, have gone on strike because the adminis tration refused to dismiss 1,500 Chi nese laborers and provide Rasses to enable the families of the Russians to return home. It is officially announced in Lon don that the Duke of Connaught, will succeed Earl Grey in September as governor-general of Canada. S MM tJrffljt 'H kj f 1 C WmWWWwimW Three hundred persons were killed by a tidal wave in the Philippine Islands. A dynamite explosion In New York City wrecked the Jersey Central pier. Thirty people were killed and several were injured. St. Louis is an applicant for both the republican and democratic na tional conventions of 1912. It will make a hard fight for both honors. A London cablegram says: "Ed ward F. Mylus was convicted of cir culating in the Liberator, a small sheet published fn Paris, a defama tory libel against King George. The paper printed a story that his majesty, while Prince of Wales, con tracted a morganatic marriage with the daughter of Admiral Seymour of tho British navy at Malta. Posi tive evidence refuting tho story was produced in court. ' Among tho wit nesses for tho government was Ad miral Seymour." The Iowa senate passed tho Sam mis bill increasing the salaries of Iowa legislators from $550 to $1,200 per session. Tho Thunderer, the seventeenth British Dreadnought .and the fourth of the super-Dreadnought type, was launched. The California state senate passed a bill providing for the initiative and referendum and the recall for munic ipalities of California. The Grand Trunk railway's Rut land express was wrecked at l'Acadio, Quebec. Five persons were injured, three -perhaps fatally. At a meeting at London the Mas ter Printers' Federation of the United Kingdom decided to declare a national lockout lockout from, Feb ruary 25 if tho compositors persist in their demands for a working week of fifty hours. "Tho January heat record for twen ty years at Oklahoma City, Okla., was broken January 31, when the temperature reached 81 degrees at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. On February 1 it was 93 in Ft. Worth, Texas. Governor Colquitt served notice upon members of the legislature that he would veto tho Texarkana charter bill unless they struck the recall from that measure. He says he fa vors the initiative and referendum, but is opposed to the recall. John Lockwood Kipling, father of Rudyard Kipling, died at Tisbury, England. Right Rev. Thomas Bonacum, for twenty-three years bishop of Lin coln, died of pneumonia at his homo near Lincoln, Neb. To MfRsrwrf state capitol building at Jefferson City was struck by light ning and entirely destroyed by fire. SHAFROTH If there be one clear-cut political figure in Colorado, it Is Governor Shafroth, of that state. He is a fine public servant and we should take pleasure in voting for Jiim if we had tho chance. Why? Because at the end of the biennial term allotted him he will turn back Into the state treasury something between fifty and one hundred thousand dollars of. unex pended appropriations, an occurrence without precedent In Colorado his tory, and, wo think, with fow prece dents anywhere oIbo. Another reason. Ho refused a re election to congress because ho had reason to beliovo that It was secured by corrupt voting. Another still. His admirers havo been suggesting him for a presiden tial nomination, but ho says that it is foolish for the democrats to think of nominating a western man. Ho is right. More Shafroth's would bo a bles sing to this country. Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch, This Suit Perfect Fit Guaranteed $1695 Six 'Months to Pay Others From $12.95 to$35.00 AH-Wool Fabrics The Smartest Spring Styles iMlSfcfc Ask us to send you our sample book of all-wool cloth (be newest patterns out. Also the Clement Stylo Book for spring, showing what the beat dressed men will wear. Every up-to-date man should see tho Clement styles and fabrics before he orders clothes. We wll send with the outfit a tailor's tape, so yon can take your own measure. This dealing: direct, without a local agent, saves you one-third on the price. It enables you to get a $30 suit (or lens than $20. Clement-made suits costfrom $12.95 to $35.00. Every fabric Is all-wool, acid-tested! London shrunk. The tailoring is perfection, and fit la guaranteed. No man wants anything better. Tho suit will be sent on approval, made In any fabric, any style. If not satisfactory, yon can return It, and wo will pay express both ways. I( you are delighted, pay a JittJe each month for six months. No extra price, no interest, no secu rity, no red tape. We are making clothes for tens of thousands of particular men. We save them from 30 to 50 per cent on tho highest class of tailored clothes. Von will wish you had known of ns years ago when you find out what clever, alliwool clothes we male for very little money. Write for the samples and Stylo Book now. A postal will do. There isn't any placo else to get such clothes for io little. THE CLEMENT CO. 3524 Morgan St 03) Chicago VETERINARY COURSE AT HOME. tlOftn 7ear n(J upward can be made UklnAoar Veier lUU insry Coano fit home durin spare timet taught a imptcifc Augimui uniivium (luutcu, iniiuvu. uumiuhi for successful atudentit coit within reach of all; latlffac lion jraaranteedi particular free. Cntar O Veterln mrj vuusipvuuviiifV vtnuuii iiviiuvhi wotii YfXTZ V li ' hm sm " Ji M H P Xf l WZm steS? mmr mm -. . -m mw . wvts wv&m iu wna wm vur ew Catalog and Stylo Book Will Save You y2 on Groceries. ClethlMsr. Furnitur. shoos ana Other Household SuppUos 'GoatalnB 100 Dasee of money savins Items. Write postal for it today aad see how you can got oar Guar wtced Groceries atasavlneof one-half. For instance: iTjmnHrr Kn&n at 2WSe a. hr fllklnr Powder. 12 Vie a. e&niTolleft ! Soap (3 bar box), 12c;6tarch. Beabox everything atH ucualeost. 1500 Premium Given rilk nrden fnr tbesa3iUF46l ProdartM. Tklrt dTf trial BO money in advance money back if net aaMsSed. , 'Write lor Catalec ad ln how, to f umih yaarmma wutiot wttbettt a ceat of extern ecat on sac taanmf caviar raetonr-lA-fltaaM Hen. CHOFTS 4k KBED CO,, Dtupt B226 Chicago .nr:manmawammwrz miMB w I fTmimmnwmmmAimmammmn fffi LS)H tauaBLSmwSSIfVWifPum ymXlLL&rmnwtm Rnta lJIU Laov imnie mkmW ifWd mi wttfcSIS varHt af fr4wU. '-. Wj try