The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 27, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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The Commoner.
JANUARY 27, 1911
sliced (all of them). Cook ten min
utos, then add two peeled and sliced
potatoes. Make ready a rich biscuit
dough, and when the vegetables are
about done, turn the mixture into
a baking dish suitable to set on the
table, and cover with the crust and
bake. There should be plenty of
gravy in the dish in which the mix
ture has been cooked, and this should
be poured into the baking dish under
the covering crust.
A Cold Day Dinner Got a piece
of cheap beef and cut into slices or
small chunks. Season with pepper
and salt, roll in flour and put into a
bean pot or deep skillet and set in
the oven to cook for three hours,
after covering with boiling water.
One hour before serving, put in some
Irish and sweet potatoes which have
been washed, peeled and scalded; add
a generous piece of butter and finish
baking. Another way is to use up
ragged scraps of meat by cutting in
to small pieces, season with salt and
pepper and add equal measures of
prepared turnips, parsnips, carrots,
potatoes, kohl rabbi, and a piece of
butter as large as an egg. Add to
this aB much pork as would make
two chops, cutting the pork into bits.
Cover with just sufilcient boiling wa
ter to keep from scorching, adding
more as it boils away, and cook for
four hours In a covered pot set in
the oven.
Either of these dishes can be
cooked without extra fire, on wash
day, or when ironing is to be done;
or If the fire in the range Is to be
kept up for any purpose. These are
both dishes for the fireless cooker.
Requested Recipes
Cream Chocolato Cake (This was
published recently, but Its republi
cation was requested, as it was found
to be "very good.") For first part,
take one-half cup of butter, one cup
of sugar, two-thirds cup of sweet
milk, two cups of flour, three eggs
beaten separately (and whites folded
in last of all the ingredients), and
one teaspoonful of baking powder.
Second part: One cupful of grat
ed baker's chocolate, two-thirds cup
' .!
Prejudice Will Cheat Us Often if Wo
Let It
of sugar, half a cup of milk, yolk of
ono egg beaten well.
Put the second part over tho heat
In a doublo boiler, let come to a boil
stirring all the time; then let stand
until cold; then stir in a level tea
spoonful of soda dissolved in a lit
tle hot water and mix this part well
with the first part, adding beaten
whites now. This used as
a layer or a loaf cake. For frosting,
boil up one cup of sugar and half a
cup of water until it ropes, and turn
this over a well beaten egg white,
beating all tho time until it is cold.
A teaspoonful of thick, sweet cream
added, and tho flavoring as liked,
are great improvements. Ono can
not fail with it except by getting in
too much flour, in which case it Is
not so soft and delicate. (One of
our readers who used the recipe
thinks there is too much chocolate
used; but tastes may differ.)
Prunes in Jelly Cook large, sel ict
ed prunes slowly in a little water un
til tender, being careful to keep
them unbroken; drain and lay in a
glass dish. Make a jelly as follows:
Soak one-half box of gelatin in ono
cup of cold water for one hour; add
ono cupful of sugar, Juico of two
lemons, the grated yellow rind of
one, and two cupfuls of boiling wa
ter. Strain into a deep platter or
shallow mold when cold, cut in small
cubes and turn over the prunes just
before serving. The jelly should be
made the day before using.
You will be astonished to find how
largely you are Influenced In every
way by unreasoning prejudice. In
manyv cases you will also .find that
the prejudice has swindled you, or
rather, made you swindle yourself.
A case in Illustration:
"I have been a constant user of
Grape-Nuts for nearly three years,"
says a correspondent, "and I am
happy to say that I am well pleased
with the result of the experiment,
for such It has been.
"Seeing your advertisement in al
most all of the periodicals, for a long
time I looked upon it as a hoax. But
after years of suffering with gaseous
and bitter eructations from my stom
ach, together with more or less loss
of appetite and flesh, I concluded to
try Grape-Nuts food for a little time
and note the result.
"I found it delicious, and It was
not long till I began to experience
the beneficial effects. My stomach
resumed Ub normal state, the eruc
tations and bitterness ceased and I
have gained all my lost weight back.
"I am so well satisfied with the
result that so long as I may live and
retain my reason Grape-Nuts shall
constitute quite a portion of my dally
Read "The Road to Wellvllle," in
pkgs. "There's a Reason."
Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine true, and fall of human
Waterproofing for Boots
Mix twenty parts of boiled linseed
oil, four ounces of powdered resin
and four ounces of sliced or shaved
beeswax and put In an earthen jar
or tin can. Set this in a vessel of
boiling water on the stove, but the
water must not boil up into the can;
let heat gently until all the ingre
dients are melted and thoroughly
blended by stirring. The result will
resemble cart grease, and must be
rubbed into the shoes or boots when
wot, and the more rubbing the better.
Stains of Fabrics
This is said to remove stains from
silk without injuring the color: Five
parts of soft water and six parts of
powdered alum. Boil a short time,
after which pour into a vessel to cool.
Previous to using, the mixture must
be warmed, then the stained places
washed and left to dry.
Long-Stemmed Violets
There is a general complaint that
early violets are too short-stemmed,
and here is a remedy, which should
be cut out and pasted in the scrap
book, where It can be got at when
wanted: Pick all the early appear
ing buds for at least a week after
they begin to come; do not let any
bloom. Then do not pick any more
of the buds, but sprinkle the beds
once a week with a solution of
nitrate of soda, one ounce of the
soda, to one gallon of water, dissolv
ing thoroughly. This will cause tho
plants to bloom abundantly, with
long stems to the flowers.
For Worn-Out Brussels Carpet
Where tho cheaper grades of
brussels carpet are used, the nap
wears away, leaving the carpet
smooth and colorless. To make
good use of this, try painting It.
Have the carpet thoroughly cleaned,
all rips sewed up and damaged places
mended, then tack smoothly on the
kitchen, or other floor Is to
Ue. Have soaked overnight one
pound of glue to one gallon of wa
ter, and in the morning put the glue
pail into another pail containing
boiling water, as is done with a
double boiler, and set over the heat,
stirring frequently until the glue is
thoroughly dissolved. Let this cool:
than., with a brush -a naint brash ts
best, give the carpet ft coatlnjc with
tho glue, which is called sizing tho
carpet. Lot this stand for a day
to dry, then go over it with a coat
ing of paint, as you would paint a
floor; lot this dry for a couplo of
days, then give It another coating,
and after tho second is thoroughly
dry, give it a third coat, following
this when dry with a coat of floor
varnish. Warm, pleasing colors aro
liked for this maroon, rod yollow,
or brown; but a dark green Is liked
very well by some. This should bo
cared for as any linoleum. A worn
rag carpot may bo treated In tho
same manner and will wear a long
Timely Recipes
Baked Apples Wash And coro,
but do not peel, tart applos; cut into
eighths, put a layer in a baking dish
or pan, Bprinklo .over it two table
spoonfuls of sugar, then another
layer of apples and moro sugar; pour
over this half a cup of water, cover
the pan or dish sot in tho oven and
bake for ten minutes, then take off
the lid and bake ten minutes longer.
Serve this hot with a meat course.
Boston Brown Bread Mix half a
pint of rye meal with half a pint of
granulated corn meal and the same
quantity of whole wheat flour.
Measure a level teaspoonful of bicar
bonate of sodium, dissolve it in a
tablespoonfiil of warm water; add it
to a cupful of New Orleans molasses,
mix well, and add one pint of thick
sour milk, or buttermilk. Add a
teaspoonful of salt. Pour this quick
ly into the dry ingredients, mix thor
oughly, turn into a well-greased
bread mold, tie down the cover, place
in a steamer or in a kettle, and
steam over boiling water for four
hours, not allowing it to ceaso
A Cream and Soda Cake Dissolve
a level teaspoonful of bicarbonate of
soda In two tablespoonfuls of warm
water, and stir It Into a half cupful
of New Orleans molasses, mix and
add quickly ono cupful of thick, sour
cream, a cupful of sugar, tablespoon
fill of cinnamon and two and a half
cups of pnstry flour. Beat three
minutes, stir In one cupful of seeded
and chopped raisins after having
floured them with an extra half cup
ful .of flour; bako slowly. Anything
mado with soda and sour milk must
bo quickly put together, as tho gas
is liberated tho instant tho soda I?
mixed with the milk, and It must bo
quickly incorporated with tho other
ingredients. The loss of the gas
loaves tho cake or bread flat and
In making soup Btock, cover the
meat to be boiled with cold water
and let simmer, instead of boll. This
will draw out tho Juices and flavor
ing. In soup-making, it is necessary
to soften tho fibres so the juices
will flow out, thus getting all tho
nourishment in tho water, instead of
having it in tho meat.
Leggings should bo mado for tho
littlo children, and for tho small
ones, knitted leggings aro much
worn. For older children, leggings
may bo mado of Jersey cloth, of
leather (this being for boys), .and of
cloth and velvet. Theso are en "My
made at homo, or may be bought,
ready-made, at tho stores.
Latest Fashions jor Readers of
The Commoner
Sizes: 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42
Inches bust measure. Requires seven
and five-eighths yards of 44-inch
material for the 36-inch size.
Sizes: Small," Medium and Largo.
Requires six and "one-fourth yards
of 27-inch material for tho medium
ill A Ji p L9
Sizes: 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. Re
quires three and one-half yards of
44-inch material for tho 8-year size.
Sizes: 2, 4, 6 and 8 years. Re
quires two and one-eighth yards of
44-lnch material for the four year
THE COMMONER will supply its readers with perfect fitting, seam
allowing patterns from tho latest Paris and New York styles. Tho de
signs are practical and adapted to the home dressmaker. Full direc
tions how to cut and how to make the garments with each pattern
The price of these patterns 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our large
-catalogue containing the Illustrations and descriptions of over 400 sea
sonable .styles for ladies, misses and children, mailed to any address on
receipt of 10 cents. In ordering patterns givo U3 your name, address,
pattern number and size desired.
Address THE COMMONER, Pattern Dcpt., Lincoln, Nebraska.