" ' , ; &1'l(lt " "'' '' l.j -fyy- """"& " " 'v'' " "" ' CTWS,f3mf , i( T"jn-,- - -v poyr '?" JANUARY St7, 1911 The Commoner. 7 rcuRjeeNT IIWtWWBTM 1 1 rti T. v .1 " 1" -, - Wf geiNf1" ""' ' hi im '-gargtawsWBS'5jC3wSjrir 'ZV. -"jsci UNCLE JOE GANNON'S home county is try ing to rival Adams county, Ohio, A Dan ville, 111., dispatch carried by the Associated Press says: "One of the most sensational charges ever delivered to a' grand jury in this county, the home of Speaker Cannon, this afternoon brought to the attention of the grand jury here the practice of vote selling In this city and county. The court plainly charged that the practice had been carried on here for many years and by both parties, and he urged that a careful and thorough investigation be K' made, and if sufficient evidence were found, to Indict the mefi responsible for it. The court said that a moral wave is sweeping over the country and that the sanctity of the ballot must be protected, and he proposed that it should be in this county, if grand juries would do their duty. A large number of witnesses have been summoned and indictments are expected." HERE IS A GOOD story contributed by a Washington correspondent to the Chicago Record-Herald: "Robert E. Lee stood in stat uary hall at the capitol this afternoon, gazing admiringly upon the bronze statue of Robert E. Lee. Smooth shaven, rotund, short of stature and young, there was no likeness, not even a family resemblance between the living Robert E. Lee and the bronze general of the southern confederacy. To a visitor who stopped beside him, the younger Lee remarked: 'An excellent man!' 'Yes,' was the reserved reply. 'That's my name, too, and I have been elected a member of the next house,' continued Lee, warming up. 1 am from Pennsylvania, and I know that none of my constituents is demand ing that the statue 'be removed. In fact, many of my constituents union soldiers, voted t or me, and -in my- district therV.was no prejudice ckufc'ed' by the riameT bear.; 1 came down hero because 6f the agitation o Temove this statue,' said the congressman, with the suggestion of humor.--. 'I wanted to be In congress' so that in case the bronze Robert E. Lee was removed from the capitol I would be on hand to do all I could toward keeping the name In the minds of congressmen and of the public." THEODORE A. BELL, of California, who was permanent chairman of the Denver conven tion of 1908, delivered an address before the Franklin County Democratic club at Columbus, Ohio. The Cincinnati Enquirer report of the meeting says: "Mr. Bell, who followed Con gressman Littleton, agreed that there was no difference between the sections of the country on fundamental democratic doctrine, but there was a serious difference .as to the method of applying them. This was' a matter of environ ment. The middle and far west and the south and the northwest were living in a different atmosphere from the east, and beheld a wider horizon. The worship of the dollar had not reached its collective heart. Starting from this standpoint, Mr. Bell entered upon 'an eulogy of William Jennings Bryan as the man, who in 1896 aroused the conscience of the country and began the fight against the government being a species of personal property. The reference to Bryan brought out substantial cheers. It was true that honest business had nothing to fear from the democracy of any section, but it was equally true that the people of the east in common with the rest of the country at the last election had declared that there should be a divorce between big business and the gov ernment. The country should be neither capi talized nor brutalized. The cry of confiscation raised by the corporations was a false one, and represented only surprise that they should be asked to live under the same laws as other people. This cry was raised in 1896, when Bryan was called an anarchist by mercenary orators employed by predatory wealth for ad vocating control of tho railway rates, now th law of the, land under the spurious claim of Rposevelt'8 authorship. Admitting that the election of Dix and the other eastern .governors was unusual, he created a stir by saying: 'The election of the governor of Ohio wa not experi mental as in the other states. Through the country there are more eyes by far fixed upon Ohio than any other state. In this hour of reaching out the democrats aro not blindly groping, and in tho searching process thoro aro more eyes fixed upon the governor of Ohio than upon any other man.' Mr. Bell said that tho peoplo of the country are going to watch tho governors and tho new congress very closely. The big Interests wero loosing their tentacles upon the republican party, now drained of its blood, and wero seeking a new hold elsewhere. They have no politics, but only seek power. Tho people are going to see where these tentacles fall in 1912, whore the interests light. If tho democratic party remains progreBSivo, it will win the presidency. If.it dailies with tho in terests and even permits the appearance of alli ance, it will not elect a presidont and it should not." EDITOR JOSEPHUS Daniels of the Raleigh News and Observer, and member of tho national democratic executive 'committee from North Carolina, was tho recipient during tho Christmas holidays of a splendid testimonial from the democracy, .of his state in the public presentation of a handsome silver service of nine pieces beautifully and appropriately en graved. In the delegation present as repre sentatives of the democracy of tho state was the chief justice of tho supremo court and other prominent officials, as well as niany of the state's most distinguished citizens in private life. Tho presentation was made by ex-Governor Charles B. Aycock, who in behalf of, the democracy of North Carolina said in part: "I will present these to you in the words chosen for the democ racy 'in recognition of, his loyal, courageous and' eminent' jservlces. to' his party and to "his state.' These being .high words of praise worthily bestowed and fully deserved and their truth will bo borne out by you all the days of your life. The News and Observer, with Josephus Daniels, has been behind the great movements for industrial progress, moral up lift, enlightenment and the other purposes for the advancement of tho people of North Caro lina. We have not always agreed with you, but these things are all forgotten in the face of the strong love you have shown for North Carolina, this from the very beginning of your newspaper career. It has been yours to do work lor tho people of. the state and you have always held that the man God made is of Infinitely more value than the dollar that man made. I am directed on behalf of the democracy of North Carolina', to present to you this beautiful silver service, and better still to give to you the letters which come from the men making the gift, in which they make plain that you are held to be true to your party and to your state, and to have you know that the gift comes with the best wishes of the people of the state for the man who makes the fight for them." Referring to this Incident the Houston (Texas) Post says: "Such a tribute from a grateful people is more to be prized than all the honors that come from wealth or station he served his people faith fully and well. It Is a tribute that those who have been associated with him in the work of counseling and directing the course of the na tional organization of the party know is richly deserved Josephus Daniels has never shirked a duty nor faltered in his advocacy of what he believed to bo right' A READER OF THE Philadelphia North American writes to that paper to Bay: "The writer feels sure the North American will have tho thanks of the progressives of all parties, wherever the North American is read, for publishing today with an epitome Mr. Bryan's letter to a friend in the state of Wash ington. So little is now published in the east about Mr, Bryan that unless The Commoner is taken by newspaper readers they know very little about him, and the earnest work he is constantly doing. Mr. Bryan has for fourteen years been the strongest advocate of reforms, and most of his past ..methods and suggestion have become th keynote for tho present. When ho tolls tho so-called leaders of tho democratlo party throughout tho country, who represent either state, county or city, that they must understand they aro serMnts, not masters, of tho peoplo, and that all should bo ready to follow whoro tho intelligent judgment of all the peoplo of all ho states is pointing tho way, It Is quito evident that Mr. Bryan will opposo In 1912, if alivo and well, any man who may bo nominated, at tho then democratic conven tion, 'whoso record will not justify tho hopo that all tho peoplo may depend upon him.' These are Mr. Bryan's words, so it will be well for so-called leaders, great or small, to remem ber them. The character of tho man is horo clearly indicated. Ho will have to bo sincere, and should bo positively capable of not only pleading tho real democrats, but tho present progressivo republicans. Certainly, new re cruits could bo added by such a man, then, if victory should be achieved, some real reforms could bo Inaugurated during tho following four years. Thoro Is no doubt that truth is in tho assertion frequently made that what aro termed the interests' havo controlled in tho past a largo number of tho 'scheming politicians' of tho- democratic party. These interests will no doubt endeavor to influence tho nominations in 1912 (for tho presidency) of both parties; for having profited so long by present conditions they will not want any material change." TJ. BROOKS, of Atwood, Tenn., senator- elect from tho Twenty-fourth district, is out in an open letter to tho candidates for United States senator. The Idtter follows: "The legislature soon to convene will have as one of its duties the election of a Unfted States senator, Each member-elect of the general assembly Is being importuned to commit himself as to whom he favors for this position. To my mind a mem ber of tho legislature is unworthy of the con fidence reposed In him If he is willing to work for tho election of any man without knowing how the candidate stands on tho vital prob lems of tho day. pressing for solution. I havo seen no statement from any prospective candi date defining his position on national questions. So far as I am concerned I will support no man who will not state publicly his position on tho following questions: Tho election of United States senators by direct vote; the income tax; the Initiativo and referendum; immigration; tho physical valuation of railroads and authorizing the interstate commerce commission to regu late rates on this valuation; holding officers of corporations personally responsible for viola tion of law by tho corporation; tho merchant marine; shipping Intoxicants Into prohibition states; dealing in futures; publishing campaign expenses; military appropriations; tariff. Tho time was when a candidate had only to say: 'I am a democrat' or 'I am a republican,' and that settled it. This Is no longer the case. Measures aro being considered on their merits regardless of parties. Every one of the Issues above enu merated are right in the forefront for settle ment by congress, and no man should ask for a seat in either branch of that body unless ho has convictions on these questions and is pre pared to defend his views before his constit uents. No demagogical side-stepping will an swer. To say, 'These questions shall receive my most careful consideration, bestowing upon them tho best thought of which I am capable, with an eye single to safeguarding tho public and promoting tho general welfare of my coun try,' Is to give forth pure buncombe and show evidence of moral cowardice. Nothing short of a definite, bold statement will suffice. I have convictions on all these questions and am ready to defend them against the opposition of any .candidate for tho United States senate, either through the press or from the platform. If this earnest letter is beneath your notice so will you be beneath my notlco when it comes to voting for a senator." (The American Homestead, a moathlj farm journal of Matfonal scope, will be scats to all Commoner subscribers, without additional cost, who remvw 'thiMr subscription daring the month of February when thie notice is mentioned. itgUSiito-itTifeJ.XKAyAjaX.,-.. Mifcaa