The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 27, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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    r7Tyrry trm T
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The Commoner
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RB9MHKjLLt.x!!-L I HlE4ar,Jiri)Ar1 I
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All Your
Eight TEmes
as Efficient
as Ernecy
iwffffifHmw i in i ii
The Harmnn Gnnder provides for all the
grinding, rust removing and polishing that has
to be done on the farm, from the very heaviest
grinding on plow points to polishing silverware.
We send ten separate wheels, polishers and a
hone. Do ALL your own sharpening, and do
it quickly and easily. Here is a list of the
attachments of the Harman Grinder :
9L On cMm Grinding Whael (Improved)
2 One Fine Grinding Wheel (Improved)
3. One Coarse Grinding; Wheel (Improved)
. One Harman Special OH Stone (Improved)
5. One Saw Gummer (Improved)
. One Sickle Holding Attachment
7. One Scythe Stone (New)
It. One Harman Special Razor Hono (New)
9. One Disc Grinding Attachment (New)
AO. One Tool Rest
The above complete outfit included with every
Harman Grinder. With all these ten machines
in one there is nothing on the farm that you
cannot sharpen and polish.
- . , CT-raan fintirfnl A wtYieto Tnol Milder, with 10 Attachments
(lOmachines in l) right to your farm for an absolutely free trial lasting 10 days.
I'll guarantee that this Alectride Grinder will not draw the temper from steel.
I don't want you to send me any moneynot a cent. Use this outfit for ten
days absolutely FREE no red tape, no papers to sign, no obligations of any
nature. Just get the outfit, sharpen all your tools, as though it were your own,
put an edge on your sickles, plow shares, cultivator shovels, scythes, axes anything
that is dull then, if you wish, return it to me at my expense.
flsw, i Want to Tell Yom WBiy I flm Making This Offer
We know that every progressive, up-to-date farmer realizes the advantage of always
having sharp, bright tools to work with. You know how much more work can be
done with tools which are always in good condition. You know how much easier
your work is and how much longer your tools last. You Jknow all these things and
yet you DO sometimes work with dull tools, don't you?
I want to prove to you that you can easily keep all your farm tools m good con
dition, all the time, with this simply WOltdei-lll outfit which I will send you free
n n v mo -?fc A lnf- -a - . Heird enough to
ClllUaUi? JHL1V7&1 lUv scratch
the diamond
an Emery Wheel
And Alectride is the most wonderful abrasive in the world, even harder than the
diamond. It is really manufactured diamonds, for it is made of the very same sub
stances which go to make up the sapphire and the ruby. Alectride is the most
perfect grinding substance known. It is just as much harder than emery as emery
is harder than ordinary chalk.
Alectride is an absolutely new substance. Alectride is manufactured in the most terrific heat -hich
man has ever been able to produce. A heat so great that it will actually burn up a common brick
like so much gunpowder. And in this incomprehensible heat is produced Alectride. It IS tlllieat
in Whkb the WOrMs were formed. Every one of the beautiful iridescent, needle-like crystals
is so hard that it will actually scratch the diamond itself. It is these crystals which are crushed up
and made into the grinding wheels, ft is these inconceivably hard and sharp crystals which cut
tnrougn tne Hardest steel more easily than the lmest emery wheel will cut through soft copper.
Alectride Will NOT Draw the Temper tan Steel 1 thousands in use
Alectride wheels will not wear in spots or become lopsided. They will not glaze over. They
are not only hard, but they are equally hard throughout. There are no soft spots in an Alec
tride wheel. Many have been in use for 10 years and show hardly a bit of wear. Alectride
wheels will positively not draw the temper of the finest tool. The reason for this is that
Alectride does not heat the article which is being ground as does an emery wheel or a grindstone.
Alectride cuts, and cuts quickly it cuts so quickly that the steel does not have time to heat.
25 Times Fasten Than the Grindstone
Alectride will grind 25 times faster than the grindstone and 8 times faster than the emery
whecL You can do tho samo work in two minutes on a Alcctrido wheel that would take you at least a
half an hour on a grindstone and do it better. And you can operate tho Harman Special Farm Tool
Grindor for half an hour with less effort than would bo required in running a grindstone for 2 minutes
The old-fashioned grindstone is distanced. Tho emery wheel is outclassed. Alcctrido is being used in all
tiie largest machino shops whero very rapid cutting is absolutely a necessity. And tho severe use which
ro.,.iw ..,. ...... , I---. i - . uruvi-u muu uiuy uro ujo rosiest frrinainc; wheels known.
mm or-i VM wn SJ- UJ. vt nn . a .
R K R 1 BJ K'l
Read These Letters of Praise
D.nt. wi, wo n.tri..n st, CHICAGO. iu. B Remember 10 Days' Free Trial
T il5 11 AtxltriiniiMVin vt -h Mlnnnn r .W . . S A
, Y""Buv,uua",.,ru p ocuu uiu uona mo coupon today and got our Grinding Tool Catalog FREE
Also our free booklet explaining all about Alectride, tho
newest and most wonderful substapco known. Don't
wait a .minute, Send tho free coupon today and post
yourself on this wonderful offer. Learn all about tho
Harman Special Alcctrido Farm Tool Grinder. Sharpen every
dull tool on your placo positively free. We let yon keen the
machine for 10 days, and then, it o8h,selltbackal
oar expense. But mall tho coupon tod and Tt oSft??
booklets ann circulars, and get our FREE trial rcauchblnnV
There is no obligation. You will be amaied at uTwonderffo
results you will get from using Alectride. Anything you eh wnek
arpcnMl belter and quicker. Send for our free book K
S?iyA2tU8i teU you Yhat Alectride la andwhat it will do
ft7.e,lnnyour'a5E Get our free bookleU and oS
,.-.. .....v. ..v,., ivcuiBuiucr 1U aays iree trial.
Name .
Without any obligations on mo pleoso send mo
FREE your catalog explaining your Special j
l'iriu j.uui urriiiuur, uisu iuii purLiuuiura ui yuur
ten days' FREE Trial Ordor, also tho interesting fl
etory of Alectride, U
No lttr Is necassary; lust send the coupon.
Sn thm Free Coupon Now.
Supt. of Indian School Adds Ms
Praise to That of Thousands off
Formers All Over the Country
Departments thelnterior, U. S. Indian
Service, Wahpetoa Indian SchooL
Wahpeton, N. D. ,
Sirst The tool grinder shipped to this
School has given good satisfaction and
sppears to be as guaranteed by you. I
em enclosing pliotograph ol tno school
end buildings, and you may use same
end recommendation as you desire.
Very respectfully,
Stiff . andSfl. DUb. Jft,
Qovarnment nxemmendatlon
necna something The Harman
Grindtr was jfrst tested cartfully,
cftrovedandturthastd. JVtnv, ier
it has been used and proved its-worth
Inhardsvtrydaysnndinzatid pot
ithing and has been approved by efm
petals toko art slow to praise unless
they KNOIVdtn'tyou thin that
Sou should at least TRY this grind
cr when yon can do so at no expense
ty,'Z(ft tto riskt The grinder -MUST
make good to your entire sat
isfattion or we want yon to send it
of. IVrite for the grinder today
a"(i,!ie.:"m nwh money it will savt
en YOVRfarnu
Most Vscf nl Machine oa'
I must say the grinder ts far ahead o
enything I expected It to be. No more
riand power grindstones for me. When
I want to sharpen anything I go and
oo it without chasing up the second
party to turn the stone. Not being used
to sharp tools, three ol my family havo
slight mementos on their fingers and I
touched myself slightly this afternoon.
My boy calls It "Pop's" bicycle. Very
true that statement that you can use It
365 days a year. I gummed a cross,
cut, sharpened some knives and e
hatchet. I am satisfied that It Is tho
jnost useful tool or equal to any tool the
farmer or anybody else has on hie
Orchard Farm, Wtstfitld, jJas,,
If Farmer Kmw, A3
I 'don't thlnlc any fanner oalat
without one ol your grinders on 4
arm alter he has an opportunity to try
one. I thlnlc It fs tho best machine ol
the kind I ever saw. The Hone that I
received with my machine Is the best
stone I ever used, and I have used
great many different kinds. I have
tried nearly everything that oeedj
Sharpening on a farm on this grind
end It has proven satisfactory In every
( R.R.M. X, Nevada, Ohtt,
Beats A-ytlB I Evtr Saw
' Your Grinder Is Just what every maa
that lias tools to grind should have. I
am well satisfied with tho gthid '. It
beats any grinder I ever saw or used.
Enclosed find check to pay for grinder.
R. F. D. No. 3, Otsian, .
Seroa Days Enewgk to'
j Prove Worth
I have had tho grinder Just seres
days and that Is enough to show me
that It Is mora than you say It Is, and K
, nave tried It on everything that I coukL
end It beats the old grindstone all bol.
low, and I think you will, nuke more
.? a?und here, as there has bees
quite a few of my nelghboM who have
seen my grinder work.
Eox 29, Larch-wood, mby
Would Not Take Twice i'rfc
Alter ten days Iree trial with your
Grinder I can say that I am well
pleased with It and would not take
more than twice tho prlco for It U I
.could not get another like It.
Ifest Point, jfls&
AmoOter Man Who Kkowi a
Good Grinder
I received your Grinder the 15lh and
nave given It a thorough test. It Is
much better than I expected, which Is
enough to My I am well pleased whs
HutvldnoseU l tot double the)
cost end do without one. .
BtrryvilU, Vth "
- w . , AMnV1V) .