The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 27, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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:i"W JTTOf wiJ'j7r;r " "JUiHU1 IT ""VT ' "W"fijjJ'!TT' '
The Commoner.
JANTIAKT 17, 11'1
'"tps?!"3 qvvrr "wtj y ''sffr;;' vrs
Some SclfJSxpItuaatory Letters
Battle Creek, Mich., Jan'y 7, '11.
Dr. E. H. Pratt,
Suite 1202, 100 State St.,
Chicago, Illinois.
My Dear Doctor:
"Owing to some disagreement
with magazine several years
ago they liave become quite vitupera
tive, and of late have publicly
charged me with falsehoods in my
statements that we have genuine
testimonial letters.
"it has been our rule to refrain
from publishing the names either of
laymen or physicians who have writ
ten to us in a complimentary way,
and we have declined to accede to
the demand of attorneys that we
turn these letters over to them.
"I am asking a few men -whom I
deem to be friends to permit me to
reproduce some of their letters over
their signatures In order to refute
the falsehoods.
"We have hundreds of letters from
physicians, but I esteem the one that
you wrote to me In 1906 among the
very best particularly in view of the.
fact that it recognizes the work I
have been trying to do partly
through the little book, "The Road
to Wellville."
"I do not sell or attempt to sen
the higher thought which is more
Important than the kind of food, but
I have taken considerable pains to
extend to humanity . such facts as
may have come to meon this sub
ject. "In order that your mind may be
refreshed I am herewith enclosing a
copy of your good letter, also a copy
of the little book, and if you will
give me the privilege of printing this
over your signature I will accompany
the printing, with 'an explanation as
to why you permitted its use in pub
lication in., order to -refute iaise
hoods, and- under that method of
treatment T feel, so far as I know,
there would be no breach, of the
code of ethics.
"I trust this winter weather Is
finding you well, contented and en
Joying the fruits that are yours by
With all best wishes, I am,"
Yours very truly,
C. "W. Post.
Dr, Pratt, who is one of the most
prominent and skillful surgeons in
America, very kindly granted our
request in the cause of truth and
Chicago, Aug. 31, 1906.
Mr. C. W. Post,
Battle Creek, Mich.
My Dear Sir:
"I write to express my personal
appreciation of one of your business
methods, that of accompanying each
-package of your Grape-Nuts produc
tion with that little booklet "The
Road to Wellville." A more" ap
propriate, clear headed and effective
presentation of health-giving auto
suggestions, could scarcely be penned.
"Grape-Nuts is a good food In it
self, but the food contained hx this
little article is still better stuff. I
commend the practice because I
know that the reed and strenuous.
ness, the consequent graft and other
types of thievery and malicious mis
chief generally can never be cured
by legislative action.
"The only hope for the betterment
of the race, rests in individual soul
"In taking a step in this direction,
your process has been so original
and unique that it must set a pace
for other concerns until finally the
whole country gets flavored with
genuine, practical Christianity.
"I shall do all that lies in my
power to aid in the appreciation of
Grape-Nuts, Hot so much for the sake
of the food itself as for the accom
panying suggestions.
"Visiting Battle Creek the other
day with a friend, Dr. Kelly of
Evanston, Illinois, while I was con
sulting with Mr. Gregory, my friend
visited your factories and came away
greatly amazed, not only at the lux
urious furnishings of the offices gen
erally and the general equipment pt
the place, but with the sweet spirit
Of courtesy and kindness that
seemed to fill the air with a spirit
ual ozone that was good to breathe.
"The principles expressed in the
little booklet, "The Road to Well
ville,". I well know are practical and
they work in business of all kinds,
including sanitariums, as will bo
fairly tested before time is done.
"I know you will not regard this
letter of appreciation as an intrud
ing one. It is simply the salutation
of good fellowship to you from a
man who, although he haa never
seen you, feels drawn to you by the
kinship of thought.
"The only thing that makes a man
live forever in the hearts of his
countrymen and his race is the good
that he does. 'Your position in this
respect is an enviable one and I wish
to e"xtend my congratulations."
Yours respectfully,
(Continued from Pago 130
achieved in progressive government
by the laws of state and nation
which havo given us pure food laws
which protect every family in the
"And in the matter, of the protec
tion of property consider what great
advance has been made even within
our own day by state and nation, in
the passage of laws regulating the
railroads and traffic associations of
the .United States. Only a few years
ago the free pass 'evil was univet-1
sal. A few years ago every railrqad
in: the land, -was discriminating
against the smaller shipper whom It
was. robbing and enriching the great
trust. The people of the United
States almost without regard to
party in state as well as in national
legislation have grappled with this
evil and freed the public highwayp
from this misuse.
"Then also in the matter of the
protection of property interests and
the individual rights, consider what
great reform has been achieved and
isstill being struggled for in the
passage of anti-trust laws, not only
by congress but by the various
states. The day of triumph has not
fully come, but it is coming. Some
day these anti-trust laws will suffice
to stop the evil they are intended
to meet.
"Consider also the great progress
that has bVen made in our own time
in progressive government by the re
form of our election laws. First
came the Australian ballot which
tended to purify elections It has
done a great deal to free from the
corrupting power of money and
from intimidation at the polls the
electorate of the country.
"Consider also what advance was
recently made by the passage of laws
providing for the publicity of cam-
jpalgn contributions and the corrupt
practices act of the various states.
"Consider also what reform has
been made by progressive legislation
in the direction of tax reform. More
than half of the states of the union
today have laws providing for in
heritance taxes whose beneficent ef
fects are widely recognized. And
within a few years our national con
gress in response to the amendment
of 'the constitution, which the people
will undoubtedly enact in time, will
give us an income tax to place upon
the wealth of the country, some of
the burdens now borne altogether
by the consumers.
"All parties have had a share In
these and other progressive steps,
the people have demanded them, and
it is well upon this occasion which
represents an epoch in tho history of
Nebraska, to call them to our minds.
Wo hav recentlr secured only with
in a few years the inauguration of
a great system of rural free delivery
for the millions of farmers all over
the country. Still more recently wo
have secured tho establishment of a
system of postal savings banks to
encourage thrift and protect tho
poor people of the country in thoir
savings. Only since this legislature
met we have heard the good news
from Washington that tho law which
Nebraska had passed for tho protec
tion of the savings and the deposits
of the people which we call tho guar
anty bank law had been declared
valid and been vindicated by the
highest court in tho land. Thus an
other great reform has been made.
We have passed within our owit
recollection laws for tho protection
of child labor. We havo passed
laws for the limiting of tho hours of
labor in order to protect the classes
of society not always able to pro
tect themselves. Wo have passed
laws establishing arbitration boards
for the settlement of labor disputes.
"The men of all parties in this
legislature are pledged to enact ?.
system of initiative and referendum
voting, which is a progressive idea
tending still further to mako tho
legislative body responsive to the
popular will.
"And finally gentlemen, this state
has taken only second place in all
tho union in putting into practical
effect the popular demand for the
election of senators by tho direct
vote of tho people. So I say I am
glad to be one of tho actors today
in this great ceremonial, and the
great beneficiary of this occasion,
which marks a new epoch, in pro
gressive government. I am glad at
this moment to forget that I am; a
democrat, forget that I am a party
man, and glory in that I am a1 Ne
braskan and belong to the- state.
"Mr. President, I am In every
sense a Nebraska man. I was born
here in this state fifty-one years ago.
I am a son of Nebraska. I belong
to her people. I am bone of thoir
bono, flesh of their flesh, and it shall
be my pride as her senator to be
faithful to her interests and respon
sive to her wishes. I thank you."
t44uU 1m CiMIi Pairrr, Barn
AMimnfl a! All ntmm flt.. tfV .....
,- "" rm wivw iiu ruaa
cat, ItcUicitveratxcmlJunrrlainpaaton'
Kiflwunrmin iannnt,nifniirmci laaap
uhmuum wr una tewing- or mkiinf
W waatona porton In each locality to
whom wa can rafar nir rvtlumtn. Tali
adrantat ol onrtpeciat offer to secura a
Raima tWlrn.r VttV.' W.ll.trul.. 1-...I.
308 K. C LiH UN, luw CHr, Ma.
fJaWWaV 4afaT"SBK
attNLVr TayXafl
m mmaMWnJrMm maue. uuii
ronr chick.
efl-dght Sold tottaaMrat Whclnala
ma, no rar Fi-atcM. uaiAiotnioire.
M. J. J. Mil J.H X & JtliTUUNKD.
Free report m to Patentability. Illustrated (lulda
Tloolr. and JJrt of Inventions Wanted, irontlrco.
V1CTOK J. KVAMi St JO Wuhlnjrtoii, D.O
DM TITIITQ WmtHen V.. CelrmHH,
rm I nil 1 O tt LawyerWnahlnglon,
B r tll W Da Advice and booloi free!
Rates reMeoable. Highest reference. Best services,
'"' -x-ifa MILK. UookletFrec.
HMBBflBnBBBp Nebraska Seed Co., Omaha, Neb
DAN BR CIJJIRO. Mr mild, sooUilnr. miannUad cart
4 It and rilL AMFLB provcf It. STOPS TUB ITCHCta
UiKura to atar. WRIT "SOW TODAT.
a" aaaaaa mm obmmm aaaaai m aaaaaBa aa MBMpBaaMvaaMaa,
(Hfinn year and upward a can bo made taklo oar Veter
VlUU Jnarv Courao at homo during ipara time; taagat
kt almpjcit Kngllahs Diploma rranted, poaltlona efeuised
for auccciiful atndtinta; cont vrttbln roach uallt latUUo
Uoa euaraateeds particular! free. Ontaro VetQTln
eiry Correspondence Schools Londoni Cain
(Continued from Page 12)
the interstate commerce and military
affairs committees, protested against
stripping the speaker of the power
of selecting committees. Mr. Henry
of Texas, conspicuously mentioned
for chairman of the rules committee,
made the formal motion outlining
the order of business. His plan car
ried!. This involved the selection of
the personnel of tho ways and means
committee as informally agreed up
on in advance by the leaders as fol
lows i Underwood of Alabama, chair
manr Randall of Texas, Harfson of
New York, Brantley of Georgia,
Shackleford of Missouri, James of
Kentucky, Kitchin of North Carolina,
Hull of Tennessee,. Dixon of Indiana,
Rainey of Illinois, Hammond of Min
nesota, Hughes of New Jersey and A.
Mitchell Palmer of Pennsylvania.
Mr.. Foster of Hllnois introduced a
resolution providing for the election
of the standing committees of the
house committee. He proposed that
democratic members of the ways and
means committee chosen at the cau
cus bo authorized to nominate tho
majority of members of these stand
ing committees of the next house to
tho adjourned caucus. Under his
resolution, democrats on the ways
and means committee would be in
eligible to serve on any other committee."
Senator Borah of Idaho strongly
advocated election of senators by
popular vote in a speech wherein he
urged the unseating of Lorimer.
In other wordfl, you ..
only pay our small
professional fco when cured and satisfied.
Write To-elmy.
14 Grand Ave., Kaunas City, Mo.
iiiiiiiMiMiiiii nmmmmmmmmmmmmm x'
Read What We Will notorAIISufferersof Indlaestlon,
Sick Headache and All Forms of Stomach Treuble.
Bond lOo to cover cost of mailing, otc, and wo will
SORPTION TIIKATM1SNT. gponga a plaster that
wlllcuro workallkoniaKlcontliosolarpIoxns,WHlcb
Is tho center of tho sympathetic norvo syBtera that
controls tho dipesthro organs. Wrilo us NOW and wo
will savo you days and weeks of misery I Address.
Ohio Itcincdy Co., Box 170 Bta. F, Toledo, Ohio.
WW 4&$3
Don't Wear A Truss.
Brooks' Appliance. New dl
covery. Wonderful. No obnox
ious springs or pads. Automatic
Air Cushions. Itluds and
draws th broken part
together as you would a
broken limb. No salves. No
lymphol. No lies. Durable,
cheap. Sent on trial. Pat Sept
10, 1001.
C. E. BROOKS, 3380 Brooks
Building, Marshall, Mich.
Donl Wear a Truss
from U painrul uuu. being maao
Mir aani purpotcij w coia iu
rupture In plaes without trpi,
buckle or print caanat allp,
to cannot chafe or eomprcta
ax&iuit tha pelrlo bone. Tto
rooit obitinate cue cmrad la lb pri
Tacrcf the borne. Thousand bara
aeuiull treated tbemaIrea without
blarfranco from work. Soft a tlfU-y t
apply lnwpailTe. Procet or cure Is natural,
ao no farther mo for tnxtes. Wo roi what wo
Ipta gya? mt ani aaybjaendUJi? yoaTrlaloti'iapao
IAL Ur rLArMf abaoloulr FK. Writ name o
coupon and mat! TODAY. Add real
PLAPAO LAftOHATORIES, Bleck 54, St. Louis, Mo.
Kctnrn mall will brfnc Frea trial Plasao,,
lo each tows to ride and exhibit saxapl
tck Bicycle. Write for tf trial offer.
1 Wchlpe Apprsvaitnjfm
JtfietU. allow 10 DAYS fREC TRIAL
and frefay freizht on crcry bicycle. C
FACTORY PRICES onblcycles.tltao
.sundries. Voutttuy until you rectlte ous cat
slogs and learo our UHheardoffrUesvAXmarvtlauxfecialeffer.
Tint, coaster brake rear wheels, lamps, sundries, halffriiet.
MEAD CYCLK GO., DejK. im GhiMjp, 111
saasHasUiijBmmaL ani
i nUnL atifc.jgy")'' 4C!bg -g J .g jjft.tifei. j'.
i5- .i i,4-, vs jty. ht