The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 27, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
.doclarod ho did not have to mako a
point of ordor; that it was his right
to recognition undor tho now rulo
without raising any point of ordor
against tho Bpoakor's action. 'You'll
overrule mo if I malco a point of
ordor,' said Mr. Fitzgerald. Insur
gents, domocrats and regulars
jumped into tho freo debate that fol
lowed. Upon tho speaker's rofusul
to rocognizo Mr. FJtzgorald tho lat
tor was finally forced to malco a
point of ordor against tho talcing up
of tho army appropriation bill. The
spoakor had his ruling on tho point
prepared in advance and road from
manuscript. Ho held that tho now
rulo did not make it mandatory upon
tho houso to tako up tho motions to
dlschargo a committee; that it sim
ply made such motions in order, if
tho house desired to take them up.
Upon this basis the speaker held that
Mr. Hull and tho army appropriation
bill had tho right of way and that
tho motions provided for under tho
now rulo could not bo Interposed. 'I
appeal from tho decision of the
chair,' cried Mr. Fitzgerald. 'I move
to lay that motion on the table,' in-
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Write a poMal for our book today any responsible person can
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This Is tho only Sanitarium in tho country dovoted oxcln
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know about It. Attond to this now.
L. G. McLnln Sanitarium. 978 Aubert Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
If You Suffer from this Loatfisonie and Dangerous Disease, Your Name aiul
Address Will Bring to You Our Catarrh MnHinin FRPF . -,. . ....
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Bloepj la vision I
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iwluuZtJs , LUltP YOU. it Is cheaper for us to rIvo a months'
READ CAREFULLY the Following Symptoms
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Do vonr vn Vltur rln ),. IUk .. !,.. . i .. . W""IS UTIll
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t R 13 ?W "" ftom tb. tbrott .I... ,. E.L,h TH. ., .1.7.. .""". I""
. .." ?" ""lorooiniiioioawroea Iayourue.rlnir alllnir jir. vnm. .. .: i. "Hu.niir cauwnff
W "otthoro.jmptoa.jou ticca Iproroj" ImtSKI S 1M "' ,our h" "W k".
rfoSE AND THROAT Kte2iaisvfwv' f.
GERMAN-flMERIftAN IHeTiTiiTtr y o,, ....
. w """l Kon08 City. Mo
m. iLM H H l WSKt BWr DHH
m U lim Hm. Hi
tinnnnad Ml- PflVTIA of NOW York.
republican loader of tho house. Tho
Payne motion was the first test of
strength In tho houso and it was de
feated, 155 to 124. Then followed
an acrimonious debate upon tho rul
ing. When the vote finally was tak
en up the appeal from Speaker Can
non's ruling, twenty-two insurgents
and all but one of tho democrats
present voted against the speaker.
Tho result was the defeat of his
ruling by a vote of 145 to 126. Four
teen members answered present, but
did not vote because of pairs with
absent members. Tho republicans
who voted with the democrats
against the speaker were: Carey,
Wisconsin; Cassidy, Ohio; David
son, Wisconsin; Fish, New York;
Goode, Iowa; Gronna, North Dakota;
Haugen, Iowa; Hinshaw, Nebraska;
Hollingsworth. Ohio: Hubbard.
Iowa; Kendall, Iowa; Kopp, Wiscon
sin; Kustorman, Wisconsin; Lenrrot,
Wisconsin; Madison, Kansas; Morse,
Wisconsin; Nelson, Wisconsin; Nor
ris, Nebraska; Pickett, Iowa; Poin
dexter, Washington; Stafford, Wis
consin, and Steenerson, Minnesota.
Representative Saunders, of Virginia,
was the only democrat voting against
Mr. Fitzgerald in the appeal from
tho chair's decision. The result of
tho vote is to settle definitely the
status of the new rule. Th ninn
had been outlined before the session
opened to attempt to set tho army
appropriation bill in ahead of the
motions to take bills away from com
mittees. Representative Norris of
Nebraska, who led the light that led
in the wresting of the rules commit
tee away from the control of the
speaker last March; declared that the
intent of the rule had been plain and
that those who favored it did not
propose to see its real' force taken
away from it. The rule that brought
about the test of strength and the
defeat of the regular forces is the
last change that was made in the
code of rules of the house last ses
sion. It was prepared by Champ
Clark, the minority leader, and
passed last June with but one dis
senting vote. Its purpose was to
give a means for getting bills away
from committees, when the latter at
tempted to 'smother' them."
Denial was made at the British
embassy in Washington of rumors
current in London that Ambassador
Bryco intended to resign.
During last year forty-nine men
J?!861' t0 the Penitentiary and
566 to jail for selling liquor to In
dians. The facts are stated in a re
port by Special Officer William B.
Colonel Enoch H. Crowder will be
appointed judge advocate general of
the army on FebruaTy 14, upon the
retirement of General George B
Charles D. Norton, secretary to
the president will retire and engage
in private business. b
PiPSiD, In tile senate sator
Cummins charged that the pending
ocean mall bounty bill is a near en-
?,ilD: e?ge to a general shIP sub
sidy which may require an annual
expenditure of from flity to one
hundred million dollars.
The exposition committee of the
?Uoe40frtrepresentatlves by a vote
of 9 to 6 has reported in favor of
New Orleans as the site for the Pan
ama exposition of 1915.
The democratic members of the
new house of representatives met in
tlon for speaker in tho houso of the
x&8eventth .congress Champ Clark
of Missouri. An Associated Press re.
port of tho meeting says: "A great
ovation was given Champ Clark of
Missouri when Mr. Wilson of Penn
sylvania, in a speech, declared that
he would gladly voto for Clark for
president. Tho caucus adopted the
Foster resolution, clothing the ways
and means committee with tho pow
er of naming tho standing, commit
tees of the house subject to caucus
ratification. Ono of tho significant
speeches in the nomination of Mr.
Clark was by Mr. Ansberry of Ohio.
On behalf of tho sixteen democratic
members elected to the Sixty-second
congress from the great state of
Ohio," said Mr. Ansberry, 'the state
which at the next convention of tho
democratic party will present the
name of Judson Harmon for the
presidency, I second the nomination
of Champ Clark of Missouri.' At
mention of. Mr. Harmon's name sev
eral democrats applauded. There
was little cheering at his mention of
Mr. Clark, Mr. Clark's friends fear
ing that cheering in that connection
might be misinterpreted for cheer
ing for the Ohioan who was con
spicuously mentioned for the presi
dential nomination. Representative
Oscar W. Underwood of Alabama
was unanimously nominated for
chairman of the ways a;nd means
committee. His name was proposed
by Champ Clark. Representative
Clark of Florida struck the first dis
cordant note by objecting to the
fixed program. Messrs. Adamson of
Georgia and Sulzer of New York,
ranking members, respectively, of
(Continued on Page 15)
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