T&.-PV.Trr . , v- "' v JANUARY 27, 1911 The Commoner. 11 - r"ii Lodge, republican, Massachusetts ; Henry F. Leppett, republican, Rhode Island. Tho 'California Benato committee on judiciary reported favorably a constitutional amendment providing equal suffrage for women. California never will ask congress for any money for the Panama ex position according to a resolution offered in the state senate. Japanese on the sugar plantations of Hawaii where Filipinos also are employed threaten a general strike unless the latter are discharged. A bill providing for 'the physical valuation of Railroads was intro duced in tho lower house of the Kan sas legislature. Paul Morton, president of the Equitable Life Insurance Society, and secretary of the navy under Theodore Roosevelt, died of apo plexy in a New York hotel. He was a son of the late J. Sterling Morton, who was secretary of agriculture under President Cleveland. The Iowa legislature is dead locked on United States senator. The democrats are voting solidly for Claude Porter. election was presented by State Sen ator Fred Whiteside immediately after the joint ballot for senator had been taken and was adopted by a viva voce vote. From tho demo cratic side there was a volley of ayes while from the republican sido came a few scattering noes." Governor Bass of New Hampshire has advised tho legislature to ratify the income tax amendment.. The New Mexico constitution was adopted by a large majority at an election held January 21. The con stitution was denounced by tho dem ocratic territorial convention on tho ground that it was "a reactionary, boss-made corporation document." The constitution now goes to tho president for approval. An Associated Pressdispatch from Helena, Mont., says: "The Montana legislature in joint Bession con demned the action of certain 'so called' democrats in the legislature of Massachusetts in voting for the re-election of United States Senator Henry Cabot Iiodge; declared that the re-election of Mr. Lodge was, on its face, the result of a corrupt bar gain, and demanded a rigid investi gation of the methods by" which Lodge obtained his election. The resolution- on the Massachusetts A New York dispatch carried by the Associated Press says: "Wil liam Barnes, Jr., of Albany, who led the fight against Theodore Roose velt last fall, in the Saratoga con vention, was chosen chairman of the republican state committee here to succeed Ezra P. Prentice, resigned. The position .had been offered by cable to James Wads worth, Jr., for mer speaker of the assembly, but he was out of reach and no reply had been received from him when the committee mot." A Washington, D. C, dispatch says: "In preparation for the na tional political campaign of 1912 a call has been issued by the board of directors of the National League of Democratic clubs for a' conference in Indianapolis April 12 to 13. It was called at the request of the presi dents of the state leagues that such a meeting be held at some central point at which leading democrats from all over the country may gather and discuss plans for an active and systematic campaign next year." Washington News The Alabama law to prevent agreements and combinations be tween insurance companies for the purpose of fixing rates on fire in surance was held constitutional by the United State supreme court. An Associated Press dispatch from Washington says: "Representative Calder, a New York republican, sprang a sensation in the house by reading an open letter of Repre sentative Dies of Texas, a democrat, attacking the democratic caucus and declaring it a 'solid deck' for the coming caucus, a feast of stale dishes. A call of the house forced a full attendance of the democrats. Republicans had passed word around of the plan to read the letter to the house while the roll call was on and the house and gallery were crowded. When the reading of the letter was begun Representative Helfln of Ala bama tried to head it off by mak ing a point of order that the letter was not germane to the pending postofflce appropriation bill, but was promptly overruled. As the reading continued, with the ridicule it thrust on the democratic leaders, who were denounced in sarcastic We Give Away Absolutely Free of Cost The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in Plain English, or Medicine Simplified, by R. V. Pierce, M. D., Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute at Buffalo, a book of 1008 large pages and over 700 illustrations, in strong paper covers, to any one sending 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only, or, in French Cloth binding for 31 stamps. Over 680,000 copies of this complete Family Doctor Book were sold in cloth binding at regular price of $1.50. Afterwards, one and a half million copies were given away as above. A new, up-to-date revised edition is now ready for mailing. Better send NOW, before all are gone. Address World's Dis pensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y JML PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION THE ONE REMEDY for woman's peculiar ailments good enough that its makers ore not afraid to print on its outside wrapper it every ingredient. No Secrets No Deception. THE ONE REMEDY for women which contains no alcohol and ' .. no habit-forming, drugs. Made from, native .medicinal ,f orast roots " of well established curative value. .( terms for distributing tho commit too spoils, thoro was frequent, up roarious laughter. Tho letter de nounced the caucus as a 'frame-up and tho-democrats who supinely fell down 'beforo these self-sustained successors of Caesar' as 'fellow worms, as 'Catillnes incog,' and de clared that tho handful of men who framed up tho committee rewards wore early birds, Catillnes in min iature, usurpers and conspirators, who impudently stuck this cut and dried slate under tho noses of gen tlemen. Tho lotter held that it was cruel mockery o summon tho new members to Washington merely to vote as they wero told. 'Worms in clined to turn will have an opportu nity at the caucus, read tho lotter, which added that tho symbol of union 'would bo a ringMn tho nose.' Tho democrats made no Immediate response, Mr. Borland of Missouri merely referring to tho incident as a waste of time." ZriSftJttri . IijP.'Lsbe iScST The house committee on the cen sus agreed to amend the congres sional apportionment bill so as to provide for one representative for Arizona and New Mexico when they become states. Senator Burrows delivered a speech in the senate defending Sen ator Lorimer. The house of representatives has adopted an amendment to tho Moon bill codifying laws relating to tho judiciary, which will stop the prac tice of corporations doing an inter state business from taking practi cally all suits against them out of the hands of tho state courts and placing them in the federal courts. Tho amendment was offered by Rep resentative Garrett of Tennessee, and after a preliminary skirmish, in which party llnes were tightly drawn, was finally adopted by a practically unanimous vote. Mr. Garrett, in explaining the amendment, said it would prevent a New Jersey corpor ation, for instance, from transferring state suits against it to the supremo court, on the ground that the offlcers of the corporation live in New York. The amendment is regarded as an Important one and called out a gen eral debate. Democrats of the house turned again upon Speaker Cannon January 16. The Washington correspondent for the Louisville Courier-Journal describes the fight in this way: "The fight developed as the result of the second attempt to use the new rule, which gives the house power to discharge a committee from further consideration of a bill that has been referred to it. The insur gents and the democrats believed that this rule was iron-clad; that as soon 4is the consideration of bills, by unanimous consent, had been con cluded on every first and third Mon day of the month the house was Douna Dy the new rule to take up the motions to discharge committees from the custody of tho specified billB. When the moment arrived to day, however. Sneaker Cannon rrnvn recognition to Representative Hull of Iowa, chairman of the military af fairs committee. Mr. Hull moved that the house resolve itself Into a committee of the whole, and tnir. up the consideration of the military appropriation bill, upon which it had been working last week. There was an immediate rallying of forces and stiffening of ranks among the insur gents and democrats. Mr. Fitzgerald insisted upon the consideration of a motion to discharge a committee, which was upon tho calendar, Speaker Cannon declined to give Mr. Fitzgerald tho preference, but said he would be glad o consider a pojnt; of order if 'Mr. FJtzgefald.;warited to; make one. The democratic inember Wn will turn yiftnr talon Intn money. Our Graduates) arc filling Wo will nnon In vnti nnn tt tVm nut proUHiblo and delightful fields of human cnucavor xius ihiuau ifuuu uir AItT whero tho doraand always exceeds tuc supply. Earn $25 to $100 per Week In easy, fasolnaUnsfwork. flplesdld opportunities await ouretudents, bccauno oar twclTe yearn of successful tcaculns; cnablo hs to offer Xasy Special Advantages which fit them for Urge pecuniary profit. Individual Hem Instruction by Expert Faculty. Superior Equipment Financial Returns Guaranteed Complcto Connie In Commercial. Fufclmi, Book, Magazlno nnd Advertisement Hfaslrntlnjct Newspaper, Cartooning, Lettering, Ilcflljntf-, Architectural Perspective, Photo Untouching, Buow Card, Normal, Color, GcaeralDrawlnK, Etc. ARTISTS' FREE OUTFIT of FlnoInstrumontaandBuppllestoeacli Student. Writ Today for particular and liandsone Art lloolc Free. School of Applied Art FoujJj D 270 Fine ArU Building Battle Creek, Michigan Our Own Klrc- proofJJulldiog. aBBWeXfcCS? .MBBMaaKiy2r""E4lfffCsiLL9iLLK AJnFNUvil' "Banking Made Safe." Tried by a thrco million dollar fail ure in which tho depositors lost not ono cent, and sustained by tho supromo court of tho United States, tho Okla homa state banks stand unrivalled for security among financial Institutes. Op tho basis of absolute safety we ask f'our patronage. Satisfied depositors n every state of the Union attest our ability to handlo your account right. Interest paid on Tlmo Deposits and Savings Accounts. GUARANTY STATE BANK, Muskogoo, Oklahoma. M. O. Haskell, Vies President. M. C. Sells, Cashier. -Z-Z 75 Afccntfl wanted In ovory county to sell Novolty Knives, razor Steel Blade. Unbreakable Transpa rent Handles which Dhow nnme, address, photos, lodgo and Kocloty emblems, etc. Let ub show you how to bo Independent Die Commission. Quick tialeH. Writs at onco for excluolv t rritory, NOVELTY CUTLERY CO,, 60 Bar St., Canton, 0. IO Cherry Trees $1. why pay high " . nlAa fni iiiiwi. )l4 IUI IJUJ0- 40 Concord Grape $1. ery ajoclc when . wouell Itxo low? jjuo bill torxr cent ami cjUsuokuo free. FAIRBURY NURSERIES. Box E. Fairbury, Hebr. 10,030 SEEDS 10c. Wo wantvontotrvonr Prim Reeds this rear and have selected so best varieties and not nn i a. am seeds especially to grow Prize Vegetables and Flowers. They will produce more than 26. worth of vcKciaDjesanu jo uo&ueiaoi i lowers. I 8W Seeds Cabbage 2,fcW 804 1,090 349 3.099 2,500 Lettuce Onion Radish Tomato Turnip i'lowere 3 Beat Varieties J M J H 4 3 4 3 pkt. 4 " 2 M 4 - 3 4 36 firanil PIrtwerlncr Varlrflea In all 18.SM ficeds. and onr new Heed Hook with a ivc credit check gooa tor loo selection, postpaid, ice. FAIRV1EW 8EED FARMS. Box 122. Syracuse, N. Yv Grows From Seed FOUR MONTHS FROM PLANTING A few Ground Alaoads (Chnfa)growlngln yonr garden this year will give yon a great deal of pleasure. Plant In Spring and yon will get a crop In about foar Moatts. Thennt Is of fine flavor, resembling tho Meoaant or almond; meat Is snow white; shell thin, and great pro ducer. One nut planted will produce from 100 to 200 nuts. Will grow In any soil or location. To get new customers to test oar seeds wewill mall SO Oraaad iba4 nnts and iu s4 Cat. W With !. a BtS, alixori0at. getiato dayandhayeso&otfelB Toar neJxhuors. ff jt wf 'fUrfr1'"..-. imyoftt xxflsti to isnnH J MHX MED CO.. - 'I