The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 20, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner
CHRISTIANITY is the greatest fact in history. The early Christians endured martyrdom rather than forsake Principle. The picture shown here
with, from Kldpath's History, depicts 87,000 people assembled in the Coliseum at Rome to witness' Christians given to lions. In such a, scene
may bo read the inevitable doom of tho Empire that ruled the world. The blood of Martyrs is the seed from which Christian civilization sprang.
If you would know tho history of mankind every sacrifice for principle, every struggle for liberty, every conflict and every achievement, from the
dawn of civilization down to tho present time then embrace this splendid opportunity to place in your homo the world-famed publication,
Ridpath's History of the World
THE PUBLISHER'S FAILURE placed in our hands the Entire unsold edition t of. this' monumental . Work, RAJD
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address plainly ntfd mail now before you forget 8t. t)r. Ridpath's family derive their income' from Lis History, and to print piir
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W 10 -will mnll fVcon
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RIDPATH takes you back to the dawn of hlntory, long before the pyramids
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Blo ft Greclan ST?1' J"10 statesman. diplomat, crol tho.
foerwUhe aorm, sees Themis-
over a thousand Jn Z u , y ek ShIps smash his Persian fleet of
BrPhshwriatnen. "fe, S Hown0 ?nBUaB0 vhl pa
and so sets up a poor madman? ?PM! thf Brcateat throno on earth,
the synonym of savage cruSS- N oonturlea as
very eyes, and reels before the' lo? f T?S?tSatorl00 aealn under ur
dream has come Bismarck is tiero rufl LX th nd of hls iad
the diplomatic ring, laughing with EE? P,011?1?1 a Slant pugilist in,
"You shall not Wa8ntaSon?B7hS0Bim, a" at FranC' whloh SayS'
thouarhtfui. proof tith?vnVtZ lrZV0 ali L10 w,nds'" mv0'
of falso frionds; clear-seeinc ovor th i V- af!By-and tho Poisonod darts
on into another century? th? moTl ihHS?" ' A1 V IPWtryinon, ,nd
,, iv.AU Aifiuiu 01. aia
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