The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 20, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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    ST i" ' ' "W fv. y ,p ,
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The Commoner.
JANUARY 20, 1911
r ' fi'-'jy'. i"gm,tiv- ?-"
tributed. And under such a system
every man would 'have a square deal,
every industry and every man who
"eats bread by the, sweat of his
brow" would prosper, and this great
country of ours would capture the
markets of the world, and the seas
would be white with our commerce.
(Loud applause.)
If a single voter Is bribed, if a
single shilling is unlawfully spent,
in the election of a member of par
liament, he not only loses his seat
but the election is nullified.
A United States senator's title to
his seat is. valid unless it can be
shown that the deciding votes in the
legislature wore obtained by bribery.
That Is substantially the report of
the senate committee on privileges
and elections in the Lorimer case,
which says:
"Even if it should bo conceded
that four members of the Illinois
general assembly before referred to
received money in consideration for
their votes for Mr. Lorimer, there
I' nrA nn fno.ta rr from
which it could be found or legally
inferred that any other member or
members of the said general as
sembly were bribed to vote for Mr.
The majority for Senator Lorimer
In the joint assembly was fourteen.
Unless, therefore, a sufficient number
of these votes were obtained by cor
rupt means to deprive him oX this
majority, Mr. Lorimer has a good
title to the seat he occupies in the
"If it were admitted that four of
the members of the general assem
bly who voted for Mr. Lorimer were
bribed to do so, he still had a ma
jority of the votes cast in the gen
eral assembly and his election was
valid." T
Thus the committee has taken the
narrowest and "mos't technical . view
of the scandal that 'It was possible
to take.
The United States senate is the
sole judge of the elections, returns
and qualifications of its members.
It has all the power that parliament
has in this respect, 'and more, for
it need pass no general laws. It
can vacate at will the seat of any
member if his election is tainted in
the slightest degree.
What, Jhen, does the senate intend
to do with the report of the commit
tee in the Lorimer case? Will it
proclaim to the world that the United
States senate has none of that keen
sense of honor in respect to its mem
bership -which the British parlia
ment displays?- New York World.
1 l'fiU " " : 177 1 Lte?rS-jW S
In his message to the legislature
Governor Stubbs of Kansas advocat
ed the adoption of a primary law for
the election of delegates to national
Representative Dabnoy, democrat,
introduced a resolution in the Iowa
house of representatives providing
that the committees be chosen by
the house instead of by the speaker.
The estate of the late Senator
Blklns Is valued at $20,000,000.
Grafters convicted In the Pennsyl
vania capitol building cases have re
stored $2,595,740 to the state.
The Cincinnati, Ohio, chamber of
commerce building was destroyed by
fire. Loss one million dollars.
James A. Farrell of Brooklyn Is
the new president of the Steel trust.
George P. McLean, governor of
Connecticut in 1901, has been chosen
by the republicans to succeed Sen
ator Morgan G. Bulkeley. Mr. Mc
Lean is a lawyer, 54 years old, and
one of the wealthiest men in Con
necticut. .
James A. Patten, tho Chicago
grain broker, has been sued by Dr.
Paul Burmaster, president of tho
Chicago anti-gambling league, for
six million dollars. He has discov
ered that various persons lost two
million dollars in grain gambling
through Patten, and Dr. Burmaster
sues under an Illinois statute where
by anyone having knowledge of such
losses may sue for three times the
total amount lost by victims.
The California legislature has
elected to the United States senate
Judge John D. Works, progressive
republican. He received 92 votes
against 21 for A. G Spauldlng, the
San Diego, millionaire and baseball
magnate. , Judge Works Is a native
of Indiana and a veteran of tho civil
The Oregon bill to elect senators
by the people has been introduced
in tho Iowa legislature.
x Washington News :
Born September 4, 1909, and died
November 9, 1910, James Perdue
Ray, the infant son of James and
Alice Ray, near Longview, Texas.
"Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade,
Death came with friendly care,
The opening bud to heaven conveyed,
And bade it blossom there."
Bright little spirit, transient its
earthly life like a rare and tender
flower, it brought Its fragrance of
love into parental hearts and then
returned to the bosom of Divinity.
Gone is the .dear babe, yet it left
in loving and tender hearts an image
of purity and sweetness that shall
beckon them onward and upward to
a purer and holier trust In Him that
doeth all things well and who will
bo sure and faithful in all things that
He has promised to those who put
their trust in.Him.
Bereaved parents lift up your
burdened hearts- and move forward
In the golden track that leads up
ward to God. A Friend.
Senator Bourne has been working
tqr,j;he adoption, of. the Arizona con
stitution. President Hunt of the
Arizona constitutional convention
has received a telegram signed by
six United States senators saying
they would join Bourne in the strug
gle to obtain approval for the Ari
zona constitution. Tho telegram
reads: "The" undersigned wish to
assure you that the "popular govern
ment features of the Arizona con
stitution, particularly the initiative,
referendum and recall, will receive
our hearty support. LaFollette, Wis
consin; Cummins, Iowa; Bristow,
Kansas; Clapp, Minnesota; Dixon,
Montana; Brown, Nebraska."
The sugar trust has paid to the
government $700,000 in cash to
compromise the cIviMiabillties in the
sugar draw back frauds in New
to succeed his father in the senate.
Ho is 35 years old just tho re-v
quisite age.
A special senatorial committee in
the Wisconsin legislature charges
that there is a cloud on the title of
Isaac Stephenson to a seat in the
United States senate. In a report to
the governor this committee said:
"The nomination in the primary and
the election to the United States sen
ate by the legislature of Isaac Ste
phenson Is null and void on account
of attempted briberies and corrupt
practices by himself and his cam
paign managers and his agents and
workers and of violations of the laws
of Wisconsin defining and punishing
offenses against the election frpn-chise."
Charles J. Hughes, United States
senator from Colorado, died at his
home in Denver. He was a democrat.
.Brigadier General Edgar S. Dud
ley, retired, is dead. He served in
the .First New York artillery.
Captain Peary was subjected, to
severe cross examination before a
house committee by members who
were opposed to giving him a medal
for the "north -pole discovery."
Senator Beveridce of Indiana.
and Senator Owen of Oklahoma, at
tacked the right of Mr. Lorimer
Illinois to a seat In the senate, a
Senator Owen introduced a resolu
tion to declare Lorimer's election
void. ""
Representative Dalzell of Pennsyl
vania has introduced a bill provid
ing for a permanent tariff commis
sion. Senator Newlands of Nevada,
democrat, stated In "a speech before
the senate that he favors a tariff
A progressive reduction of tariff
duties for the next twenty-one years
Is asked for in a bill presented to
tho house by Representative Hobson
of Alabama. Mr. Hobson proposed
to reduce all duties in the Payne
Aldrich law 5 per cent one year after
tho passage of his bill. Thereafter
Fruit stud Ornamental. Vines and Jlosos Includ
ing Author Ilurbonk'a latest creation.
1500 ACRES.
20 ycarx n bimlnww. All Trees True to Name.
ThlfJ 12fl.nn.SM lianilomiinlv f llimtt-afwl t-mnlr rfun
description of irtoclc carried by tin, abio lllustra-
lng.etc. Valuable to every Irult grower. PrlcaaGc
1B1 JlIuNtratcd Price CaUlejCHe
mailed free to all persons mentioning Uilu paper,
PAID-UP CAPITAL $200,000.00.
QEO. O. ROKDINO, President and Manager.
box ss FRESNO, Cal.
Strawberries From Sd
TW Wonderful Everbearing
Strawberry li a great curiosity.
Iter ow rapldly,and will begin
to trait fai about 4 month after
flowing seeds, and continue to
.bear irnlt constantly all sra
mer and fall, u pint of berries
baring been picked from one
pisnc m uua as uctoDcr. aecaa
sowninUiebouBc In wlnterwlll
produce, my irultintr planus
which will bear until ute In
fall, and If taken In tbe house
win fruit all winter. Flanta
ner.ectlv liardv eyerrwbera.
For only 19c we will Bend toe Everbearing- Strawberry
Seed in a lite Rebate Envelope and wlien empty envelope
win neAccefneu.aa ioc payment on any oraecrsg secos u
our iu caxaiogne, wiucu w utciuuca ,
IO Cherry Tr $1. why pay high
price for nurs-
40 Concord Grape $1. cry Atopic when
I" f wnnnll t,p0 low?
Duo bill lor 55 cnU mini catalogue free.
FAIRBURY NURSERIES. Box E. Fairbury, Nebr.
Just Six Minutes
to Wash a Tubful !
This is tho grandest Washer tho
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Mukes clothes spotlessly clean in
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Any Woman Can Have a
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live fn CnnatTa7 address Canadian 19Q0 Washer
Co., 355 Yongo St, Toronto, Canada.
The senate committee on judiciary
has decided to report favorably on
the resolution providing for tho elec
tion of senators by popular vote.
Davis Biking, sb;n of the late
Stephen B. Blklns, has been appoint
ed by the governor of West Virginia
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