rctMliliflwp The Commoner. VOLUME 10, NUMBER 62 Mm Ht' a. .I .mi .h.,...,.,- - ....;, i. .r . , H- ' w - TDV IT ii-' , r?M BhHHt H 'sfl IB Hi H Knf-' v bsnPjssssssbssHEu!8!bsssctBbssbsssss)' bbbssssssssV' vbh taew w w wean IK .tifc IKHMA WLHLaHH ImmiimmiiT inn mum i i i in n M : 'M vi issssssssssm iBTHnHiwrMtrifmfliBfiMiJWBi ssssssssssssssssssssi K (ftK. bsssssssssm TWifffTOfflafyifflrMWWflfflllTi ' tsUsisssssssssssM-- i W! aaaeaM 'HPSalk IWH Km 'sssssiiw KfiBPaBHgPniraMli&M HjV1 mmR" sflissn MKlBKiSraaSiflw B99 Aeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat i fJJlrr . '.' a i n h & m. n 1 a Eight Times as Efficient as Emtcy All Your Grinding The Harman Grinder provides for all the grinding, rust removing and polishing that has to be done on the farm, from the very heaviest grinding on plow points to polishing silverware. We send ten separate wheels, polishers and a hone Do ALL your own sharpening, and do it quickly and easily. Here is a list of the attachments of the Harman Grinder: 10 MACHINES IN ONE Oh SEckta ftrlmltfirWhecl (Impt-evatl) Qw HftrntMi SpMlal ON Stona (ImpravatD Om FIm Srlndlnar Whl (Imnreved) - "-,.--- ------- -z. - - " - -T. ' m ma Coaraa Grliuttna: wraal (.improvaaj ao. 6m Saw ftiMMMMNT (Imoraved) 8na Stoid HoMIn Mtaohmant n Scytha Stoats (Naw) Ona Hat-man Sftaalai RaMH" Horn (Haw) On ttfeva CilwiiHg; AtteohMMit (Haw) Ona Teal mutt The above complete outfit included with every Harman Grander. With all these ten machines in one there, i nothing on the form that you cannot sharpen and polish. I will send you a Haimm SjtaM Aleeta 6riitdcr,with 10 Attachments (10 machines in 1) right to your farm for an absolutely free trial lasting 10 days. I'll guarantee that this Alectride Grinder will 'not draw- the temper fironr steeL I don't want you to send me any money toot a cent. Use this outfit for ten days absolutely MUEE no red tape, no papers to sign, no obligations of any nature. Just get tne outnt, snarpen an your toois, as tnougn it were your own, put an edge on your sickles, plow shares, cultivator shovels, scythes, axes anything that is dull-then, if you wish, return it to me at my expense. Now, I Want to Tell You Why I Urn Making This Offer We know that every progressive, up-to-date farmer realizes the advantage of always having sharp, bright tools to work with. You know how much more work can be done with tools which are always in good condition. You know how much easier your work is and how much longer your tools last. You know all these things and yet you DO sometimes work with dull' tools, don't you? I want to prove to you that you can easily keep all your farm tools ra good con dition, all the time, with this simply wonderful outfit which I will send you free. Genuine Alectride JK s?& Grinder NOT an Emery Wheel And Alectride is the most wonderful abrasive in the world, even harder than the diamond. It is really manufactured diamonds; for it is made of the very same sub stances which go to make up the sapphire and the ruby. Alectride is the most perfect grinding substance known. It is just as much harder than emery as emery is harder than ordinary chalk, Alectride is an absolutely new substance. Alectride is manufactured in the most, terrific heat which man has ever been able to produce. ' A heat so great that it will actually burn up a common brick like so much gunpowder. And in this incomprehensible heat is produced Alectride. It Is titefec&f in Which the Worlds Were formed. 1 Every one of the beautiful iridescent, needle-like crystal is so hard that it will actually scratch the diamond itself. It is these crystals which are crushed tip and made into the grinding wheels. It is these inconceivably hard and sharr) crystals which cot through the hardest steel more easily than the finest emery wheel will cut through soft copper. Alectride Will NOT Draw the Temper from Steel f thousands in use Alectride wheels will not wear in spots or become lopsided. They will not glaze over. They are riot only hard, but they are equally hard throughout. There are no soft spots in an Alec "tride wheel. Many have been in use for 10 years and show hardly a bit of wear. Alectride wheels' will positively not xlraw the temper of the finest tool. The reason for tills is that Alectride does not heat the article which is being ground as does an emery wheel or a grindstone. Alectride cuts, and cuts quickly it cuts so quickly that the steel does not have time to heat. 25 Times Faster Than the Grindstone Alectride will grind 25 times' faster than the grindstone and 8 times fester than the emery whaej. You can 'do the same work in two minutes on a Alectride wheel that would take you at least a barf an hour on a grindstone and do it better. And you can operate tho Harman Special Farm Tool Grinder for half -an hpur with less effort .than would be required in running a grindstone for SLxninutes. The old-fashioned grindstone is distanced.' The emery wheel is outclassed. Alectride is being used in all the largest machine shops where very rapid cutting is absolutely a necessity. And the severe use which Alectride wheols have hnd in these shorn has proved that they are tho fastest grinding wheels known. SSmaSi" up?ly co?! Send this FREE Coupon 100 Hanian U CHICAGO, HJL B Bead These Letters of Praise . 4171 1 Without any obligations on me please send me FR&E-your catalog explaining your, Special Farm Tool Grinder, alo full particulars of your tia days' FJIEE Trial Order, also the interesting fory Alectride. r ;- ' .4 Address.. II Mkf h mmn; JKat sand the coupon. I I I I I HERMAN Remember 10 Days' Free Trial Send the Coupon today and get our Grinding Tool Catalog FREE. Also our free booklet explaining all about Alectride, th newest and most wcndcrful substance known. . Don't wait a minute, Send the free coupon today and post yourself on this wonderful offer. Learn all about tho Harman Special Alcctrido Farm Tool Grinder. Sharpen every dull tool on your place positively free, We lt you keep tfe BtacMM for 19 days, and then, If ye wigfa, sad R hack at mt expense. But mail the coupon today and get our free booklets ann circqlars, and get our FREE trial request blank. There is no obligation. You will, bo amazed at the wonderful rceulta you will get from using iyioctridc. AnyUitagyw sharpen, is sharpened better and quicker. SenU for our free bookleUt today. Let ug tell you what Alectride la and what it will 4ft with every tool on your farm. Get our free booklet! and our specialllmlted ofler. Remember 10 days1 free trial. 9mna thm r Cougnut Now. WUMAN WmKrRNHMKNKS 1Y MVEUWENTSfFIClALS Swpt. of Indian School M4Wm frate to Tttaf of ThowuHtf off Fhhum'S AH Over tho Country Dtpaitmentolthe Interior, U. S. IndUa Service, Wahpeton Indian School WahpetOB, N. D, HARMAN SUPPLY CO., Chicago. .' Sirst The tool grinder Bhlppe A to this school hu srtven good satUtaettoa aud appears to be as guaranteed by you. Z am enclosing photograph, of the school and buildings, and you may use same gad rtcKuneodaUon as you desire, x Very respectfiiD a W. C RANDOLPH, Sxtt ends!. JDiti, Agt. Means aemotMnx Tht Marmot Grinder was first titled cartfitifr, effirwed and purchased, AVwy erfttr it hat betti utedaTtd proved its wrtM in hard cvtrydaygrtHditiz and ishiitp and has been approved by of ficials viho are tint to praise unless they KNOW donft you think that jou should at Uast TRY this grind. tr vhenyou can da so at no ex pens toyourutfand no rtskl Thtgrindt MUST mate good to your entire sat isfactiottor-wevaHtyoH to send it tact. Write for the grinder today and see how rnuch money it wmn enYOVUfan. MwtfUfefalMtecUMatV Faraj I must say the grinder Is far ahead of taythlng I expected it to be. No mora hand power grindstones for me. Whea X want to sharpen anything I go and do It without chasing up the second party to tura he atone. Not beta? uUd to sharp tools, three of ray testily bavo slight mementos on their fingers and 1 touched my&ell slightly this artttnooa. Wy boy calU K "Pop'.s" bicycle. Very true that statement that you caa m ft 365 days a year, I gummed a cross cut, slrpetied tome knives sad a lutcbet. I. am satisfied that H is tho snost useful too loc equal to any tool tho farmer or anybody else has o ttia Place. C.J. DOVLE. Orchard Farm, WttiJkU, Mas, WaWiSy X 'don't think any farmer tcootd be without one oJ your grinders oa hH farm alter he has an opportunity to try one. I thin): it is the best machine of the kind I ever saw. The Hone that received with my machine is the best etone I ever used, and I have used a great many different fcteds. I hava tried nearly everything that need sharpening on a tana on this gitodet end k has proven satisfactory in cvw case, EMRY DUNNEL&, (i R.R.NO. J, Nevada, OkM, Bcatg Aay Uilaf I Brer 1 Your Grinder Is Just what every mm that has tools to grind should have. I mwell satisfied with the grinder. It beats any griBder I ever saw or used. Eackiied smd r'eck to pay for grladeE, i EBEJlDePON, R F, D. No. 3, Ossian, lay tttxtn Day Itoagit ty 1 have had the, grindur Just satroa days aad that i onough to show ato. that k Is more than you say His, aad C have tried it on everytlilng that I could, and it bests the okl grindstOHe aQ hoi. low, and I think you will make saoro tales around liere, as there has bees -quite a few cf my nelghboas who have Caoa ruy grinder work. MRT LEWIS, Sox 99, Larckwf Sfcv WwtW Not Take TwkalPric ARer tea days' bee trial wKh yoor S8? luSut. wy. thit.1 Plouiwl wkh it and would not take tnorethaa twice the.brke (or k ill .CcuklaotfrfawKherJfeeit V. V.MAXS0K. f &thwMxWitK!mn ft Goat Griadar X received your Grinder UtaUAaol have gives it a thorough test. It la tauck better than I expected, wMeh i Mougk to say I am weU pleuaed wlsk lOTwaolLtedtt R. , COLKMAK, ArrvWiU, fit. . .. d: ' W ,