0 . 9ri .. w 1'.-" HfU." o-.- ' .,J .V.J-- . tiW i)4. HIJ ' i f Sfe"-'! !3 ic3''" -r s. M ir - V-' -. u i '"fa ' v. i.5 -:. x .1 1- - ' - rait?Brw. x& . JOr ,- 7& ' - tf. IS&- f - l&r V'- r ' "jc?y '" ' JANUARY 6, 1911 The Commoner. OKLAHOMA i-T?W,1,Lots.rbu8lncs3 opportunities -and farm i?ii 0nEth0 1,uo of too Missouri, Oklahoma A uull Ry, offer wonderful returns. J rJ!Snt . loU you of hundreds of monoy making .WPortunltics for tho farmer, business man or small investor. 1'ortuncs aro bolnp mado over night In Oklahoma. on imvo Kone there poor and In a fow years have oecomo rich. One man bought a lot for $175 In Muskoijco and Rttcr 1G years sold it for 1300,000. Another took a wuui or 4&,ooo In seven yean in Enid. Another invested $1G00 In Oklahoma City and sold it for 160,000. Thero aro simply hundreds of Instances liko these. Enormous wealth has been mado In oil leases, mineral riRhts, etc. Now towns want electric lisht ?ifmt? Jco Plants. banks', hotels, and many lino franchises can bo got. Farms can bo picked up now for a fraction of Uiolr real value. Good settlers from tho older WatS? who understand farming can inako $25 laud worth 250 per aero. Tho M. O. & Q. Ity., will help settlers and in vestors. Write mo today Tor my remarkable series ,ef frco booklets: "Oklahoma tho land of plenty" "Coleman where dollars grow" "Making money aloug tho M. O & Q. Ity." Simply send mo your namo and address and I flu mail you tho interesting literature. Tho Information may bo of lmmcnso value to you. I haver listed any number oi business opportunities aud. farming bargains that yon should know about. X will help you to prosper in Oklahoma. Can you Join our Urst homescekers' oxcurslon and seo for yoursolf this land of magical prosperity? W. F. HUME, Land Coram Jssionor, M. O. & O. Ity., . 614 Bryant Building, Kansas City, Mo. 13 A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY 1 Yes, elegant free homesteads can still be had In Mexico where many Americans are now locating. You ;need notgo to Mexico, but are re quired to have live 'acres of fruit trees planted within five years. For information address the Jantha Plan- .tation Co., Block 679, Pittsburg Pa. They will plant and care for your trees on shares, so you should make a thousand dollars a year. It is jieyer hot, never cold. The health conditions are perfect. k 125 Egg Incubator Aff and Brooder Bo&. Ill If ordorod topother wo send botll for SIO. I'TOlKUt I nnld oast of Itockloo. Hot water, copper tanks, dogblo walls, doubio gloss uoors. i-roo. oaiaiag deeorlbosthem. Hendiorlttoaay. Wisconsin Incubator Co., Box 45 Racine, WU. ItQaCtuwifi m TCIl JMH.tl I 1 .tf.U 3S48 BREEDS Flno Turo Drcd chickens, I Northern rabed. hardy and veryboau tl fuL ' Fowls. eeruB and lncubatora at low prices. Esr America's greatest poultry farm. Send 4a ' H iWL for Qno 100-pajro lUh lannil roulU-y Book. rsM R. F. NEUBERT) Box 828, Mankato, Minn. tSmasim $30 Per Month ggg5, g Salary and men with tie, to introduco our Poultry Remedies. Don't ans wer unless you mean business. uroka Poultry Food Miff. Co., Deyt. 138, East St. Louis, HI. D-ii, No Foe until allowod. Froa Book .PATEX-TSWHSSg Free report as to Patentability. Illustrated Quid Book, and List of Inventions Wanted, sontfree. V1CTOK J. EVANS & CO., Waahlneton, D. 0. f Be Test 6 in all diseases of the Kidney s.Blad der, Liver and Digestive organs, including Rheumatism, or the treatment will be an experiment. I test urine Free. Mailing Case for urine sent on reqnesL Con roltation and opinion free. DR. J. F. SHAFBRj Specialist. 214 Fenn Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. NEW RUPTURE CURE Don't Wear A Truss. nmnica1 ADnllance. New dis covery. Wonderful. No obnox ious springs or pada .Automatic Air CuslJlons. Binds and draws tlie broken parts together as you woHld a broken limb. No salves. No lymphol. No lies. Durable, cheap. Sent on trial. Pat Sept 10,1901. CATALOGUE FREJC. C. E, BROOKS, 3380 Bmk$ Bulldingi Marshall, Mich. FarsSonsWairtid k uJ fc taeuka to writ la M 5" wkktawwl. MMkudUf tdii ? & " - Iu 1011 There'll be some lively doings down in Washington, D. 0., In Nineteen Hundred 'loven, don't you know. And tears of tariff barons will bo flowing fast and free, In Nineteen Hundred 'levon, don't you know. A democratic congress and a speaker from Mizzo Will frame up some legislation that has long been people's due, -ana wun uemocrais ponina it you can bet 'twill hurry through In Nineteen Hundred 'leven, don't you know. We'll hand a heavy package to tho tariff crowd In Nineteen Hundred 'loven, don't you know. We'll put King Graft to slumber Iu a neat, well-fitting shroud, In Nineteen Hundred 'leven, don't you know. The farming out of taxes to a self selected crew We've decided is a practice that will never, never do, So the world is givon notico that that grafting game is through In Nineteen Hundred 'leven, don't you know. We'll clean the nation's stables, 'cause we've got the stable keys, In Nineteen Hundred 'leven, don't you know. Though it is a bit of labor that would stump old Hercules, In Nineteen Hundred 'leven, don't you know. "Schedule K" and that ."Dutch Standard" that we've heard so much about And the graft that is behind 'em we are going to put to rout, For we've got the votes to do it, and we'll do it, too, no doubt, In Nineteen Hundred 'leven, don't you know. Now Year Resolutions No, sir; I'm not going to make a lot of resolutions that I know I'll not keep. I'll only make those that I think I'll stand some show of making good on. First and foremost, I'm not going to give up my beloved old pipe. We've been, companions for two many years to let any little old bit of sen timentality separate us now. Be sides, I think too much of my fam ily to give that old pipe the g. b. I know, and the family knows, that within twenty-four hours after dis carding that odiferous old comrade there'd bo no living in my imme diate vicinity. And why should I give it up, anyhow? I'm not going to begin keeping a diary. I have resolved on some, thirty-five or forty New Year's days to keep a diary, and I know from experience that it's all foolishness to start It. What's tho good of It even if you do keep one? I .am not going to resolve never to peak harshly to my children. I expect that many times I'll havo to do it for their good, and I know I'll do it many times because I'm grouchy. So what' the use of re solving to do something that I know I'll not do? About the only resolve I'm going to make is 'to keep fight on trying to do great many thingg that I've been trying to do heretofore, namely: I will remain silent when I cannot speak well of a neighbor ana a brother. . . ' ' -' r " I will' not listen when other seek to impugn tho honesty of thoso I know to bo honest and sauaro. I will strlvo to do Justlco to every man. I will lend a helping hand when over I can, and stay tho hand of op pression whonovor opportunity offors. Tho under dog in tho fight will continue to havo my sympathy. Whenever I havo a chanco to gve pleasuro to those about mo I'll be thero with my best effort. I'll make some mistakes, but I'll not mako the samo mistako twice. It will tako a little more to keep mo from smiling than it took last year, or tho years before. And every day I'll strlvo so to act that when 1911 Is ended it will find me a bit better man than when the year began. And I'll hand roses whenever 1 can, first cutting from them overy thorn. But I'll not resolve to quit throw ing tho exchanges over tho floor, or quit leaving my clothes lying around, or stop dropping ashes on tho rugs, or quit bolting through tho door without first wiping my feet, or grumbling a bit if the evening papor is not handy when I got my coat and hat off. Only a foolish man resolves upon doing things that ho JuBt knows he cannot do. $13,245 in 1 10 Days $30,000 In 9 IMtt Amonnt of orders from R. V. ZimmermsB, la4., farmer (addrett wo regnal) for our NEW INVENTION Fint txptritne at an agent. M. Mow man, Ncbr artitt (addrtu non requetf) tfxirc time orders total OVER $15,000,00 Ont order txctedt tfxoo. uJtet4 thing ever told. Hot oat cetnf4at from 3.000 ctwtomers " C. A. K Mad, Minn,, addrtu von refnett) Ortftrs $2,212 WtriTvrt It HundrcdJonJojlBKfrtfBttM' pratMrMr. Agent brvsxiRK 41 tlMt rick. J4 ttlr4trf sS BocUonal View fMHl !. 'io.Hunnn rM Ilka O. JkhMcUnr, Oh la, lmtnUiryko jr M houra work Mid 3otnu,(troHtii.wT. A.WIImm. Xy., who onktrM f t,M wortfaiuKl aU 1 la 14 dir( profit K7d,g). J. MArt.jet'M. , or undaoU 16 In S hM(rrpt .!.. !-r., eMeBKr)M)IdtralmpUil-fll4!6. 4Ttlhi rwulu pMwlula for M,t Jmimb nr trawlllf. zaiHatve agent far AIN'a WaaflorfaJ Ma Ar Mnitat. Mow, powerful, Irnatttlbla. Tmljr mk dorfull (Hraa erery he WM4ar iVtbrai Uf flnly .6e. AboltthM !!, twwU. bck Ha, rag. ppong. Hnppllaa Ht mm wV!1 m T room. No pttmMnr, h wsr war ha, itlt-httMmg. tnaxea Itatmag b mmna.fWFHioa, -"""' awiiiai zroa rooai o room, tmim oparatM anjr. ; bo mora eel A roowa. dmarr, lacftlmf wMr, i talw. eaptrlHg. cleaning, patMng awar. Kp w l.rlaiiM. kav liamiaa. kmVM h aataiblt. Ml naaaaat. Avnragn 8 ortiw, U miin 30 XaMtMaa. raaalnatlajr. dignified, axclUng work, bHafneiM awaaMea alaJ. Ini;faMw( hy mcana. Addrawi postal ta4ar for full doUtta. ALLEN MFG. CO., 1H AJkn Bftfc, TOLCOO, O. Let 'Er Go I Wo are informed that an Italian opera, builder has constructed a clever opera around tho recent much touted effort of an Italian nobleman to wed a rich American heiress, but that tho Italian authorities refuse to permit Its production, fearing that It will offend Americans. It may offend sorao peoplo who wore born in America, but wo aro quite sure it will not offend enough real Americans to count. It may dffend a lit of title-chasing, silly prated female scions of millionaire fathers, but that breed Is not numer ous enough to tako into account when compared to the vast number of level-headed, sober, industrious American girls who think tho high est title a man can bear is that of American gentleman. Tho opera' will not offend anybody whoso good opinion is worth having. If it hits off some of tho foibles of tho "sas siety" crowd tho crowd that makes a mock of marriage ties, kicks the globes out of the electroliers, wastes Its caresses on French poodles and turns up its collective noso at honest toll if it does that It may give offense to that crowd, but not to a lot of us common folk who love decency, regard homo ties as sacred, toil for our loved little ones and earn what wo spend. And our crowd contains a lot more peoplo than the other crowd. Let 'or go! Wo havo no hesitancy in assuring the Italian authorities that thero will be no International complications because of the produc tion of tho aforesaid opera. It 1 the beat poller holder com pany In the United State. ASSETS, $4,000,OO Twenty-three year old. Write The Old Lint Bankers Life Lincoln, Nebraska The Guaranty State Bank, Mutkogge. Oklahoma,' oxtondH to It many depositor throughout tho Union Ita best wluhea for a proHporous 1911, and Jolnn them In tho hope that othor wtatcs will paa laws protecting the depoultor against loss as has Oklahoma. To prospective depositors wc offer our services. Inter est paid on Timo Deposits and Savins; Accounts. Booklet on application. M. G. HASKELL, VJco President M. O. SELLS, Cashier IsZfivr fel2Z. Brain Leaks Jealousy is always a coward. There's room at tho bottom, too. He who gives with regret gets no credit for tho giving. Money talks, but a lot of us seldom hear anything but the echo. History refused to repeat Itself when we were going to school. Br thinking twice before, you speak your tongue is always assured of needed rest. RIDER AftENTS WAITS! laaatn tewa tartdcaa aaMMttaiiie i Bicycle. Write r iHUtftr. We ha aft Afvi 4tfitu,0 i Says rnuu TMAi. aad trtpty jrnii tn ewy wyum. FACTMY PJttOCS a Mercian. wa uia4Hac 27WMiuaMyMinc4iTwcM 1am urf Inn oat utOumrdtftritti UtA marvtUu I HMtattttTa Tlraa, contet Uk rar wfeeab, Umf.HMdii. A, MEAD CYCLK CO., Otft. m, OWf, M Wear This Stylish SuM MM.i.-r ThMmBhola&4ail4 Jatfcaal inmod rasa wkoas ' clpthaj am faaartca able, and are 1911 a7l , you will l lW ma BeicUJ?a -ttrimrvzziZii clchwwlatlftjtaBMifirjw i m.iif VIM atria. sour pcarBcl nto U vm (iUi ya waoaia Mliyr n Tw'ta ( oi a fe u Jf I ' vaaralaWa. i2, tloljomjom Mat. S7.S4 aa4 ay. Tbo- ot&n a M imutmm aura uuut tHHH raw tuwj, - i.il.uJI riamal. fMlBaWa laoa in tv world. rtraMaa Maka Tartar IliS ri (ybIjJj wSvillll f -M rT. Mi-.ui. Ti iMrilf laai r.Vd.IiMaliMailtwt. WMka -M toai I"'J1 bMLBtWaciaamlBtMfaryaaxiaat S-?.!T-Ml,t JiSnwTiSa; wrtta m a fl M 2&Wl22SEEa7ttZ3k Hi fcahwaa,to waHii a.?. -J & U joa. ""- -TJ a. M W .fl 11 I " , 'J. :fii '"2) i jd .y H JJC .N 3t 1 w H tA H .f wiBwry wwwwi - - , - " txV h !!' ; :',. ItjUt.'i.fi" i.M.it..i. yjMtto waajpaJiaa WVa aawaa atwwn a.aHMtnM