u l ?W .r 14 The Commoner.? VdLUMH 10; NUMBER, iiv Winter and the o I his 066 I'fr ho fc' i t I rtx i. 4. Crops Grow at Mission, Texas Irivcstlfeata tho famousu wealth prpunb"lng"" 'La' LonjttaT -Irrigated mmmnmmMmBmmmmsmwmsmmsmmmmmsmmmmsmmmimmmm llll ill II i liTfmmamtk ! II 1 7HloHffliPMiriTFiil iTiBnir n mllBWrTMWmOTIWilTSTn rll iTfTTiXTfflrTtfrrwWroWIBF a- .. llHHllw'MIWMnHMHgfl'T'rOfm ''II m H""W Wi i inii Him JHIHrHl Ml km MBfliMMiflniMiQnfllKB!iilMffl yaiWiBwBHMMaiBiBiBfciiifcjpgiB -(' c WBCMgKT-r PgPrTjr-afe.-Tg; J yjftlw .!&.,. irflfcTE, CCv. WvmP JttSv lolll jjtMnMBMr J rl 1 Si 1 1 1jgr , ttf ilWBfgriiTn iTmi 71 1 ricfin iMhTw J n tttPB ITT MTrTiiXa MwMPfcwHWH'fPw V " ' i m .4HftWWjPSJCS11SBgBRJfflft 72fcc-y Ba IMWrWTwIffiiFrT i ' BfKTOKwHaJBHv'Vr.flll unT;CL .t. ItjoTTIl "iialliiJLOnni!i K 71 itWBt ! SSlSSt8?tew53Bt - &5a&a'W.i:-. ."apt r.i&itBuXIEm'ZtttA&&&4)$wKZ3 HaaKsMMfeaa 1 BgSggyJiaKyiireaBgaS & HSBQ4ff3l9flMni'Rfrt1MHfBMBMMfliB!ro EM H 1 "MSSBSPMMMMBBBBHBIBMlBlMfHBBBHBBiBB B wealth t .Xiianda katlslpnr't!n 1 tliq, wpnderful .'thoc fartnersand' Dlantora are . turn- . Ing, mondy out of-tho eolh ovtry - irrontl-ln'-tnc'ytr;,vnproH:lie''!and, : larm macmnery ana equtpiuont can ; IrofliV;wllro thoro?lsnrolb'nS',iTVait and 108 of tlrtie: where Ir'rlfirattWrl chances for raakine-, w6alth and.'a ' tfdod hbmo afotiiabosttd" be 'found f ' anywner. YOU CAN MAKE GOOD IIHI113 It matters not from what socHor' of tho world a sottler may oomo, l ho y find In the La Lomlia Lahda at 9ilffMloMf Texan. In tho Lower Rio Qrandb VoWey, cKmato and oll con ditions that will praduco succcae fully any or 4ho crops of tko section from whence ho catao. If the settler should bo from tho frult-grrowln sections. of- California or Florida he will' find in tho Valley an Ideal condition to carry on his favorite pursuit la citrus fruit growing, or should ho be from tho pineapple sections f that State his attention to Mils lino of culture will mept with approval Tho corn farmer of tho favorite corn belts of tho United States can produce in tlio Valley from fifty to sixty busheJs per aero per crop and two crops per year. . The alfalfa grrowors of Colorado, JNow Mexico, Arizona and California; can, with reasonable aUteritlon, se cure six to olarht cutMngs of alfalfa at an average of ono ton per cutting and at prices ranging from $14 to $23 per ton In tho field. Tho colory and cauliflower growers of Illinois and California can, with the sarao onwmnt of attention,, secure an avcrago yearly production of either of fcheso oreps at a valuation of $500 to $1,000 per acre. The truck growers of the irrigated districts of Colorado and California v" " ..cvvvjr uuuatu " yiviuo in mo vauQy wicu tiie advan tage of three to four woolcs earlier marketing, with, tho additional ad- A CABBAGE HAIIVBS AT MISSION IN JANUARY, NETTING OVER 000 AN ACRE vantage ver uaurornia 01 a Eastern ntarkots. thousand miles less haul to reach the r ?ofctn Marnier of tho various cotton-jprocLuclng sections will And in the Valley many advantages and especially an abundance of efficient and cheap laisc. Tho melon growers of Calif brnia and Colorado will find unequalled condi tions In ttro Valley in this respect, In both production and quality. The cann planters of Louisiana under similar agricultural methods will obtain In "the Valley double tholr average yields with a heavier production of sugar por ton and no end of labor to handle the crop. With it vVbnderful irrigation system, a farm on the La Lomita Lands at Mission, Texas, offers greater possibilities to the farmer, looking at it from the most pessimistic angle, than any other part of America, v : .v. Land is cheaper hero, the net profits larger, climate bettor, labor cheaper. and. living expenses lower than anywhere. v To the scientific and experienced farmers tho LaLomtta Lands 'offer ex ceptional opportunities for wealth-making. Wo want more real tillers of the soil &m do not -caro for speculators who will not develop their farms Wo give Oyery aid alifl encouragement to the former class, and out lands are being rapidly Tilled up with a class of people who are making tholr SfThee8 Su1;? 82.S!SSt ohfVSs!h of th0 ereit Lowor Rl orSS jL Join the Money-Makers of th Thnrn ifl nof n. fln.v In fVA vwir tlir nnn annit moi . j . from a farmat Mission. Our planters are growing Bermuda onions on a larger scale than ever. Tho Lower Rio Grande Bermuda not only comes Into market earlier than any other, but posseesbs a better flavor and brings the top of the market to the grower. . Last year amo of our onion growers netted, over all cflsts of growing1, harvesting and marketing, an average of $250 per acre profit. You can raiso two crops of vegetables at Mission during tho year and then plant your land in cotton or corn. Pigs., citrus -fruits, grapes and pecans aro being planted by tho hundred acres. Alfalfa, an other staple. Is also very successful. Tho La Lomita Lands have every condition of hiiopobs They have passed tho experimental stage Irrigation and quick transportation facilities to tho large markets of the Mississippi Valley anT ttie Bast, have made large yields and big profit a practical certainty. . . Mission growers reach the rforthem markets weeks ahead of the products of other sections, thus Insuring enormous profits. iiT&.'iurflSKi fipSSr-JS. l?hul Place. .In which to live. atoTt Mission JST f-arTd, th centers aild eSS,nVV yo S "" te5ore9 by Gul Breezes. The annual mean temDer 2.8 'degrees, .There Is no more healthful i,x tAJ:jIl iemPer- fa hfiro in n?lfl4 Jl .t, -,A . - jm -. " - "v --.p WHUiMlU iurtue aeiia S0113 or tlio LiOWer Rio Grando Vnllov witr, Ti ' T.. 'LI Ji. "" summers p ature is 72.8 'degree's, y uuyo iiury in ddition to the most eaimhln niimnn i , -u . .owV rnn sM ---v?r.,-.. .v:r,"" ,-" vvuiu,.Lne Send at Once for Free Information Mission Land Improvement Co., Mission. Texas Gentlemen: Kindly send me full information concerning your Irrigated La Lomita Lands, prices, terms, etc '" Hamt Postoffic R. F. D. or St. No. j' .Stat. 11c iAC3Akk oiiiiii 111 run 1 ,nwnr Kin i'inmriA irii.. .ta.i. -. z '. . - tion system suDDivln rtn h ,rtnX V",UtV"-Xi"1. . equate irrlga- r.?rt. T water comes from the rG T Grande , 8ivo7. is hfllfii with silt and fertilizes the soil with every Irrigation, Thore Ts S S dance of theap labor at all times to harvest the crops. ci;nlktVodysve iMk 5WlffIAfi,r,,lt flnd a waltfng market fn th?northern states MkT at nbt proilts per acre of froift $100 to $50o" nortnern states W rrove it at Mission four crops on ie JimSroinflYnn? von Rna Y three and --.- (W.w .( you reach anckHvali, 1W1I J'.i iSXT' "WI -.SHWwn ls tna Best most 'innmS Mission Land Improvement Co. Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas. i" 1 A -; v ) hi - ) -a. . : 7 1& -t It a. 1 i.'-Jf -w . JHv n: ; V