The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 30, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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DECEMBER 30, l$l0
The Commoner.
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mgton News
4MiJf0".ta,xB?v,ng8 bank wI11 bo es
tablished at Nebraska City, Neb.
v. TkGsenate overruled Vice Presi
dent Sherman in his ruling that ah
'ltnt 1mmbers of the pair announced
should be counted to make a quorum.
Positive denial is made that Sec
retary of War Dickinson would offer
to resign as a result of a tilt with
Chairman Tawnoy of the appropria
tions committee. -
. Chairman Tawney of the house
committee on appropriations an
nounced that. public buildings al
ready authorized will be taken care
of;in the sundry civil appropriations
Senator Burrows presented to the
senate the report completely white
washing Senator Lorimer. The con
clusion reached by the committee
was as follows: "That In their
Congressional investirratinn in "LT." ul ? r M! Lorlmer -to a
transportati6n expenses naid i v ' L "LL ,!?. s .not Deen
53 J!L5!55S . KM X corrupt modTo? pr
appointments to tho interstate com
merce commission of C. C. McCord
of Kentucky and B. H. Meyer of Wisconsin.
Edward D. White took tho oath of
office as tho ninth chief Justico of
tho United States supremo court.
Louis P. Weber, 7G years old, who.
iuu me orcnestra at President Bu
chanan's ball in 1857 and that of
President Lincoln in 18C1, died of
was subject of a resolution offered
oy congressman Rainey of Illinois.
A Washington dispatch to the
Chicago Tribune says: "In spite of
the deluge of opposing petitions with
which congress has been inundated,
there is a good chance that tho law
providing for a rural parcels post
system will be passed in this session.
As the situation sbapes up at the
present time, the enactment of the
proposed legislation will be assured
if President Taft brings sufficient
pressure to bear upon the leaders to
carry out the recommendation of the
rural system contained in his mes
sage. There are a score of rural
parcels post bills pending, upon all
of which there were extended hear
ings 4ast winter. The house com
mittee on postoffices and postronds fs
in possession of all the necessary in
formation on the subject. Repre
sentative Weeks of Massachusetts,
the chairman of the house commit
tee, favors the inauguration of a par
cels post on the rural free delivery
routes, and. moreover advocate the
reduction of the postage rate on mer
chandise and other fourth-class mail
matter from 16 to 12 cents a pound.
If a bill embodying this combination
should be passed it would be possible
J.6 send the parcels under fofer
pounds' weight anywhere in tho
country for 12 cents a pound, while
on the rural routes packages weigh
ing up to eleven pounds could be
despatched at the same rare. This
is the international parcels post
The senate has confirmed the nom
ination of Martin A. Knapp to be
United States circuit judge; also the
tices." Charges that four mrnnhorn
of the Illinois legislature were bribed
and that three other members paid
bribes are not ignored by the com
mittee. The report declares that
those who confessed to receiving
bribes should not bo believed and
that the votes of those who woro
charged with paying bribes should
be counted. In relation to tho
charges that there was a corruption
fund used in the IlHnoiB legislature
and that it was disbursed by one
Robert E. Wilson,- the report says
tliere is no evidence that it was
uned for the benefit of Mr. Lorimer.
The committee suggests that any in
vestigation of the use of such a fund
should be made by authorities of the
state of Illinois. The report as pro
se nre.d was not s'gned by all mem
bers of the committee, although it
did not appear that there was any
minority. On the floor of the sen
ate, however, Mr. Beveridge made
the statement that 'he had not been
able to concur witn or dissent from
the findings because of the volumin
ous character of the testimony. He
said he would digest the proceedings
of the investigating commltteo dur
ing the holidays. "He asked that a
specific time be named for acting on
the report, but objection was made
by Senator Gallinger on the ground
that the matter was privileged and
could be called from the table at any
time by any senator. The statement
of views sent to the committee by
Senator Frazier, who was a member
of the sub-committee which consid
ered the case, was not filed with the
report. It was stated that Mr. Fra
zier had asked that it bo withheld
and that ho should bo permitted to
file a minority report If he should
The Fountain Head of Life
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desiro to do so later. Senator Fra
zier s statement follows: "As I un
derstand tho "precedents bo estab
lished by tho senato and tho oUior
branch of congress and now recog
nized as tho law governing such
cases, they are: FirstIf tho proof
established tho fact that tho member
whoso soat is in question becauso
of alleged bribery or corrupt prac
tices, and resorted to in his election,
hns himself been found guilty of
bribery or corrupt practices, or
knew of or sanctioned such corrupt
practices, ho may ho unseated with
out reference to tho number or votes
thus corruptly influenced. Second
If tho proof fails to show that tho
member knew of or participated in
or sanctioned such corrunt nrnntfrnn.
then, in order to justify unseating
uiin, mo proor must show that
enough members of tho legislature
voting for him woro bribed, or in
fluenced by corrupt practices, that,
deducing their votes from tho total
voto received by him, would reduce
his voto below tho legislative ma
jority required for hio election.
Whilo there are some facts and com
munications in tills case tending to
show that Senator Lorimer may havo
heard of or know that corrupt prac
tices were being resorted to, nnd
while Senator Lorimer failed to avail
himself of tho opportunity of going
on the stand as witness.nnd denying
any such knowledge or sanction of
corrupt practices, If any such were
practiced, still I am of tho opinion
that tho testimony fails to establish I
tho fact thala Senator Lorimer him
self was guilty of bribery or other
corrupt practices woro being used by
others to influence votes for him.
This being true, tho question then
arises, was bribery or corrupt prac
tices used by others in his behalf to
influenco votes for him, and if so,
were enough votes thus tainted with
fraud and corruptly Influenced, when
eliminated, to reduce his voto below
the legal majority required for his
election. The- legislature of Illinois
consists of 204 members. There
were present and voting on tho occa
sion of the election of Senator Lori
mer 202 members A quorum of both
houses being present, In my opinion
ho must havo received1 a majority of
all those present and voting, or 102
Totes, to havo been elected. Senator
Lorimer received 108 votes, or six
more than necessary to elect. Tho
testimony taken by tho committee
satisfies mo that four members of
the legislature were paid money for
voting for, or in consequence of hav
ing voted for Senator Lorimer. One
senator and three representatives ad
mitted under oath before tho com
mittee that they were paid money,
and the admissions and the facts and
circumstances surrounding tho trans
actions satisfy mo that they received
It for a bribe, or In consequence of
having cast their votes for Senator
Lorimer. The four self-confessed
bribe-takers implicate three other
members of tho legislature who vot
ed for Senator Lorimer as tho per-
sons who bribed them. The test!-
iuuuy biiuaui'b mo mm. luu i.ji;u Al
leged bribe-givers were guilty of that
offense. To my mind the man who
bribes another is as corrupt as tho
one who Is bribed and by. his corrupt
act of bribery he demonstrates tho
fact that he Is none too honest to
receive a bribe if offered him. While
the proof is not clear or conclusivd
that these three alleged bribe-givers
were themselves bribed or corruptly
influenced to vote for Senator Lori
mer, when I take Into consideration
their corrupt conduct as bribers of
others, together with all the facts
land circumstances surrounding tne
case, I cannot bring myself to agree
with the majority of tne suo-cora-mittee
that their vote are free from
taint or corruption, inese uiree
votes, added to the four confessedly
bribed would raako seven .tainted
More Comfort
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