WT'V-W,Hi4;,-r(r3t,-!?Ju' rv 'flfr'ajjT'ijr- ir !"-" i w y " NOVEMBER 2B, 1910 The Commoner. 9 gay in the early springtime. Every one of them should be in bed now, but if no$, get them tucked in as quickly as possible. Query Box Mrs. J. M. When beading is used for joining, there should bo only sufficient nmrgin beyond the em broidery to stitch - a French seam. Join the beading to one side, having the seam on the right side of the garment, then trim off the edges of the seam, turn on the wrong side and Btitch a second seam, which will give a perfect finish on. the right side. Do this for the joining on 'the other x side. Anxious For the children's hair, get ten cents worth of fish berries and mash them; put into a pint bot tle, and fill the bottle with alcohol or whisky and leave for a couplo of days. Then wet the hair and scalp good with the liquid and let dry; then wash with a white soap suds, let dry, rinse and let dry again; then wet the head and hair with strong vinegar. The liquor will lcill the ver min and the vinegar will dissolve the shell of the nits, and the hair will be clean. K. M. A quick, inexpensive way to make black ink is by the use of a ten-cent package dye slate color dissolved in boiling water. Tell your druggist what you want it for, and the directions for making the ink will be found on tho package of the proper color. There are many other recipes. Thomas C. To remove the rust from the nickel-plating on the stove, cover with tallow or sweet oil and let stand a couple of days, then rub off the oil and ljolish with finely sift ed unslacked lime. P. P. L. Fuel alcohol is obtained by distillation from various vege ' tables, wood and fruits, and is called '"sometimes wood alcohol, but the pure form' Is known as methyl alcohol. After the alcohol is distilled, it is denatured, or rendered unfit for medicinal or drinking purposes by adding to it a certain amount of wood alcohol or other poisonous sub stances. The alcohol used medicin ally, or4 for Internal use, is from grain, and is called grain alcohol. Homo Remedy for Rheumatism To one gallon of good apple vine gar add one pound of red pepper and two pounds of salt; with this mix- HBALTH AND INCOME Both Kept Up on Scientific Food - Good sturdy health helps one a lot to make money. With the loss of health one's in come is liable to shrink, if not en tirely dwindle away. "When a young lady has to make her own living, good health is her best asset. "I am alone in the world," writes a Chicago girl, "dependent on my own efforts for my living. I am a clerk, and about two years ago through close application to work and a boarding-house diet, I became a nervous invalid, and got so bad off It was almost impossible for me to stay in the office a half day at a time. "A friend suggested to me the idea of trying Grape-Nuts food which I did, making it a1 large part of at least two meals a day. "Today, I am free from brain-tire, dyspepsia, and all the ills of an over worked and Improperly nourished brain and body. To Grape-Nuts I owe tho recovery of my health, -and the ability to retain my position and income." Read "The Road to Wellvllle," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. ture, after standing several days, wet flannel cloths and wrap tho affected parts of tho body with tho cloths as hot as can bo borne; if tho part can not bo wrapped, apply the hot, wet cloths to tho parts and cover closely with several thicknesses of flannel, keeping tho heat in as long as may be, and rewetting tho cloths in the hot vinegar If not soon relieved. Keep the bowels open with mild laxatives (not purgatives or ca thartics), and drink abundantly of water, either hot or cool, as best suits tho taste. "I'll Take What Father Takes" There is a story told of a father who took his little boy ono morning into tho city where ho transacted his business. When noon came ho took his boy to a restaurant whore he often had lunch. Tho waiter on re ceiving the order, knowing that it was the father's custom to have a bottle of wine, asked tho boy what ho would take to drink. The boy replied, "I'll take what father takes," The father, realizing the seriousness of the. situation, quietly beckoned tho waiter and countermanded the order. Cracklin' Bread In a divorce case at Mexico tho plaintiff criticised hi3 wife's cooking and complained that shb put "crack lin' bread" before him to eat. His lawyer was laying great stress upon this point, and was particularly se vere with tho wife for serving this homely yet savory bread, which is peculiarly palatable to native Mis sourians, when Judge Barnett inter rupted him with tho question: "Mr. Attorney, did you ever cat cracklin' bread?" "No, sir," came the prompt and somewhat emphatic reply. "I thought not," said the judge, and there was a ripple of laughter all over tho court-room, which showed that cracklin' bread was.not "foreign to tho appetites of those pres ent, including the court. Homo Made Candles For the candy season now begin ning, it is much better that the sweets be made at home. A recent decision is that the child who buys chocolate on the streets buys germs, and moreover, he does not get choco late, but only burnt umber flavored with- chocolate. This may not be strictly true, but it furnishes food for discussion, and it is true that very much of the cheap candies on sale at this season are adulterations not fit for the child to put into its stomach. We give some tried recipes: Sea-Foam Candy Put one cupful of boiling water and- three of coffee C sugar into a porcelain-lined or alu minum sauce-pan, and stir over tho fire until tho sugar is dissolved; then stop stirring and let cook until it threads or spins when a little is lift ed. Lift the pan from the fire and let it stop bubbling, then add gradu ally the stiffly-beaten whites of two eggs; use a wire whip and continue to stir until the inaiss will hot spread, but is creamy and will stand alone. A cupful of pecan nuts chopped fine may be beaten into the "foam," and when" the mixture will hold its shape, drop in sniall, rough balls on but tered paper and let harden. Uncooked Fondant Mix the whites of two eggs and their bulk of water in a large bowl, beating vigor ously; then add a dessert spoonful of vanilla and about two pounds of "XXX" confectioner's sugar (finest grade of powdered sugar), well-sifted; beat well, and tho paste is ready. Nuts of any kind may be made up by using the nut-kernels for the founda tion and make into little balls with the paste, leaving on buttered paper to harden. All kinds of fruit creams may be made, fig candy, chocolate creams, otc. There Is no cooking to bo done, and tho work is oasy and clean; a dollar's worth of all tho in gredients together will mako many pounds of tho finest kinds of candy. Tho cooked fondant is also very fine, but requires more work. For tho Sonnish'cHB In sewing laco edging on hems or ruffles, first crease tho hem, which may bd dono by running tho goods through tho hemmer without stitch ing, or in any preferred way; thon smooth out tho goods and stitch tho laco flat along tho creano for tho bot tom of the hem. Then refold tho hem and stitch it down. Tho hem mer may bo used for tho creasing by removing the machlno needle, or leaving It unthreaded. For cleaning old lace. If stalnod or greasy, put Into sweet oil and lot it stand for several hours; fill a big bottle with water; sew tho laco to some muslin, being sure to tack every little point In placo and wrap the muslin around tho bottle carefully so as not to crease. If the laco Is very fine, cover it with thin muslin or net on tho outside. Hang tho bottle In a perfectly clean porcelain-lined kettle, pour over it cold crfstile soap suds, bring to a boil and boll until tho lace Is clean. Then take out and rinse without removing it from tho muslin and dry in tho sun. Press over a cloth dipped in sweetened wa ter to stiffen tho Incc. If n creamy lint is wanted, dip in water In which onion skins have been boiled, or In cold coffoo, or stir a llttlo yellow ochro Jn tho wator to tho desired tint. Cleaning Crocheted Article For tho washable ones, mako a suds of warm (not hot) water and a good white soap; put tho nrtlclo to bo washed in tho suds and squeeze (don't rub), unjtll It looks clean, pat ting it with tho hand, and sousing it about In the water; thon rlnso thor oughly In tho water, which should be warm, until there is no soap left In tho article, using several waters If necessary; squeeze tho wator out; but do not wrlug or twist; shako gently, put into a cheeso cloth bag and hang to dry In a draft; shako and beat whilo drying. Crocheted or knit articles may bo perfectly e'eaned by rubbing through qulto hot flour or corn meal, taking row flour or meal as It gets soiled. Or put tho article in a hag with tho mca' or flour, and rub and toss about. KINDNESS TO ANIMALS "Remove tho sting of a wasp or bee with a watch key, pressing tho place with it; then rub the sting with a slice of raw onion, moist tobacco, or a damp blue bag." Dally Mirror. Press gently dry, dust with boracic powder, and return it to the beo(or wasp). Punch. Latest Fashions for Readers of The Commoner 1 1 JisJy Inlft a iu 8035 BOY'S SUIT SIzqs: 2, 4 and 6 years. Requlros three and one-half yards of 27-inch material for tho 4-year size. 8021 GIRIS DRESS Sizes: 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Requires three and 'one-half yards of 36-inch material for the 8-year size. 8010 LADIES' APRON Sizes: Small, medium and large. Requires threo and three-eighths yards of 36-inch material for the medium size. 6&1 8005 IADIES' HOUSE DRESS Sizes: 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches, bust measure. Requires six yards of 36-inch material for tho 36-inch size. Vr Ik iM fan-mi r ! diii ii fi n iil ll I II , I I k I II " ' ' 1 I iFritl I ( I 11 J I 1 I I fill tl I I L 11 II It ii-v'Til 'ctI'.-' -"'M-p- TnE COMMONER will supply Its readers with perfect fitting, seam allowing patterns from tho latest Paris and New York styles. The de signs aro practical and adapted to the homo dressmaker. Full direc tions how to cut and how to mako tho garments with each pattern Tho price of these patterns 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our large catalogue containing tho illustrations and descriptions of over 400 sea sonable styles for ladies, misses and children, as well as lessons in homo dress-making, full of helpful and practical suggestions in the making of your wardrobe mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents. In ordering patterns give us your name, address, pattern number and sizo desired. Address TATE COMMONER, Pattern Dept, Lincoln Neb. ' ,n 4 Mit M .i.fi.l. 11 J iUa.Mtt JL U j. fe tUU . .fr.-''TV r!Tiri m WJtMrtAifct 'J iV M- .ja-Hi-rfViEfrj $j&