fffFWWW' The Commoner VOLUME 10, NUMBER 4f K'i.' . r , The Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY Entered at the Postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as Bocond-claHS matter. William J. Uhyan Ciiaui.es W. Biiyan Kdltor nml Proprietor Publisher Riciiaiid I Wrtcalpb Fdltorlnl nooinB and HtiKlnesa i,oclnto Editor Ofllco 324-330 South I2th Street One Year $1.00 Six Month .GO In Clubs of Flvo or inoro, per year... ,7B Three Month .25 Single C py 05 Sample Copies Free. Foreign Post. 6c Extra. SUnsORIl'TIONS can bo sent direct to The Com moner. They can also be sent thnug' newspapers tvhich have advertised a clubbing rato, or through local agents, where sub-agents have been appoint ed. All remittances should be sent by postofllco money order, express order, or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send individual checks, stamps or money. 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Address all communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb, Alabama 1909, August; 10 by voluntary party regulations. Arkansas 1901, April ,'25; by voluntary iarty regulations. "California 1908, April 10; directly through primary. Colorado 1901, April 1. Connecticut (See table B.) Delaware Florida Directly (law of 1901). j Georgia By voluntary party regulations. Idaho 1901, February 21; directly through primary. Illinois 1903, April 9; directly (law of 1908). r Indiana 1908, March -19; directly. Iowa 1907, March 12; directly (law of 1907). Kansas 1909, March. 1; directly (law of 1908). Kentucky 1902, February 10; voluntary party regulation used in 1907, Louisiana 1907, November 25; directly (law of 1906). Maine (See Table B.) Maryland Directly by voluntary party reg ulations. - ' '"J Massachusetts (See Table B.) Michigan 1908, March 11; directly, Minnesota 1901, February 9. Mississippi Directly (law of 1902). Missouri 1907, March 6; directly (law of 1907). Montana 1907, February 21; directly (law of 1905). Nebraska 1903, March 25; directly (law of 1907). Nevada 1903; directly. New Hampshire (See Table B.) New Jersey 1907, May 28 'r directly (law 'of 1908). New York (See Table B.) North Carolina 1907, March 11. North Dakota Directly (law of 1907). Ohio Directly advise. (See Table B.) Oklahoma 1908, January 9; directly (law of 1908). Oregon 1908, March 12; directly (law of 1904). Pennsylvania 1901, February 6. Rhode Island (See Table B.) South Carolina By voluntary party regula tions. South Dakota 1908, March 18; directly (law of 1907). Tennessee 1905, March 14; act of 1908 for direct nomination was later held invalid. Texas 1901, April 17; directly (law of 1907). Utah 1903, March 12. " Vermont 1903, March 7; (See Table B) Virginia By voluntary party regulations. Washington 1903, March 7; directly (law of 1907). West Virginia Wisconsin 1908, March. 11; directly (law of 1903). Wyoming 1895, February 16. TABLE B States That Have Not Yet Passed Resolutions and Applications, But Showing tho Real Endorsement of Popular Sentiment Connecticut Democratic platform of 1910 demands popular election of senators. Delaware Florida People directly nominate senators under law of 1901. Georgia People by party regulation, through primary, instruct their legislature. 'Maine Democratic platform of 1910 demands popular election of senators. Maryland People directly nominate by vol untary party regulation. Massachusetts On May 11, 1910, the lower branch of the legislature passed a resolution favoring election of United States senators by direct vote of the people, but this was defeated by tho state senate. Democratic platform of 1910 demands populaT election of senators. Mississippi People directly nominate under law of 1902. New Hampshire Democratic platform of 1910 demands popular election of senators. New York Democratic platform of 1910 de-j mands popular election of senators. North Dakota People directly nominate un der law of 1907. Ohio People directly advise as to United States senators. The state permits under the law of 1908 direct nomination of senators by primary. Democratic platform of 1910 demands popular election of senators. Rhode Island Democratic platform-of 1910 demands popular election of senators. , ,' , South Carolina People nominate by volun tary party regulations. , " ' ', Vermont Democratic platform of 1910 de mands popular election of senators. Virginia People nominate by voluntary regulations. West Virginia TABLE O States That Seem to Have Disqualified Through Some Failure in Detail in Their Reso- lntions or Their Applications "Alabama Application was made specifically to the Sixty-first congress. As this congress expires on March 4, 1911, there will probably be no time for it to act, so their application will be thrown, out. It is further said that nothing on the subject from this legislature Is on the flies of .congress. Arkansas Did not send its application to congress, but to the president to be presented by him to the congress. California Did not make application to con gress, but its joint resolution read "that our senators be instructed and our representatives be requested to vote for the submission of an amendment, etc." Kansas Did not send its application to con gress, but to the vice president of the United States and to the speaker. Kentucky Though its application seems properly made out to be sent to the president of the senate and to the speaker, it is said that the application is not on the files of congress. As this resolution was passed in 1902, over eight years ago, the application, If Buch were made, is probably lost. Missouri The joint 'resolution of the state legislature did not mention any application to congress in any form whatever. Montana Did not present its resolution and application to congress, but to the president of the United States, to the speaker of tho houso and to its representatives in congress. Nevada In sending its resolution and appli cation ignored the senate and applied to the president of the United States, the speaker and the stato representatives in the congress. North Carolina Did not send its applica tion to ttie president of the senate, but to the vice president of the United States (a technical 'error which the senate would not overlook), to the speaker and to the state's representatives In congress. Oklahoma Resolution and application does not state directly and specifically that its legis lature desires a constitutional amendment on popular election of United States senators, but it "wishes to join with other states for a con stitutional convention, and that at such con vention Oklahoma will propose among other amendments the one on direct election, etc." Whether this technicality will pass the senate Is, at least it seems, doubtful. It makes its application to both houses, not to the president of the senate and to the speaker of the houso of representatives. Pennsylvania While the application seems addressed in proper form, it is said that no application is on file in congress. Perhaps as this was made nine years ago, it has been lost or mislaid. Tennessee Like Nevada, ignored the senate and sent its application to tho president of the United States, the speaker and to its represent atives in congress. Texas Seems to have its resolution and ap plication in proper form,Jnit it is said that no application is on file in congress. After a lapse of nine years it is probably lost. Utah Ignored the senate and sent its ap plication to the president of the United States and to the speaker of the house. Washington Failed, lik'e Missouri, to make any provision in "its resolution to br.ipg it before congress, but merely urged other state legisla tures to pass a similar resolution. Wyoming Did not apply 40 either senate or house in any form, but merely to its senators and representatives to bring it to the1 attention of congress. . Q ' LAFOLLETTE'S WARNING . Senator Robert M. LaFollette gives his views of the significance of the elec- tion results and incidentally provides the democrats with a warning in this way: -"The result of the 'fall electidn is -a declaration in plain terms that the peo- pie of this country will -have no more senate and house committees in the American congress dictated in Morgan's private office, and no more bills drawn by his attorneys in New York, Philadel- phia and Boston. It serves notice that laws shall be enacted and government administered in the public interest, or the men and the party responsible will be driven out of power. "It was not a democratic victory in the states where democracy won. It - was a republican defeat. It condemns the Taft administration Ballinger, Wickersham, Hitchcock and their like. It is a repudiation of Aldrichism in the senate and Cannonism in the house. It is a stern warning to the republican party to renounce, in executive and legis- lative departments of government the leadership of administrative officers, senators and representatives who are, in fact, the petty servants of the Mor- gan system. "The election was otherwise deeply significant. Where insurgency was strong, where there was real pro- gressive leadership, loyal and un- faltering, it won loyal and unfaltering support. No progressive leader, how- ever popular, was able to make the pro- gressive ,vote subservient to any party. Wherever attempted, thousands of pro- gressives withheld their votes in disgust or cast them for democrats as a rebuke and a warning against any attempts to compromise the progressive cause for a party advantage. t "In the final analysis, the real signifi- cance of the November election is that the American people did their best to express their approval of progress and their disapproval of reaction and com- promise." 0 A live, energetic young democratic attorney desires to locate in a new, growing town in the southwest, Oklahoma preferred. .Kindly send information as to desirable opening to Departr ment L, Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.