NOVEMBER 25, 1910 The Commoner. 13 quiet along the Mexican border, and the Texas authorities are taking the proper measures to obviate any pos sibility of clashes between citizens of Mexico and the United States, ac cording to a telegram received today by the state department by Governor Campbell of Texas. Governor Camp bell said he had no news of trouble in Uvalde, where a disturbance be tween Americans and Mexicans was reported." The Arizona constitutional con vention adopted a provision prohib iting the incarceration of juvenilo offenders with adults in jails and prisons. In an opinion handed down by Justice Williams the state supreme court of Oklahoma held that the gross revenue tax law is valid and constitutioLal. Henry M. Hoyt, councellor for the department of state, died at his home in Washington City. State Senator Eugene M. Travis of Brooklyn testified before a New York legislative committee that he was offered $100,000 for his vote against the anti-race track bill in 1908. Governor Brown of Georgia has appointed former Governor G. M. Terrell as United States senator to succeed the late Senator Clay. He will serve until the legislature meets in June, 1911. One hundred persons were reported- killed as a result of a riot at Euebla, Mexico, "A Mexican revolu tion is declared to be inevitable. Indiana's population is 2,700,876, an increase of 7.3 per cent. The Montana legislature is demo cratic and this will insure the defeat of Senator ThomaB H. Carter, republican. Demand for tariff revision will be made to the coming session of con gress by the Knights of Labor. Joel Francis Freeman, aged 74, formerly secretary of the Standard Oil company, died at his home in v Orange, N J. Four American blue jackets were waylaid and robbed by a gang of waterside roughs at Brest, France. The National Woman's Christian Temperance Union met at Baltimore and unanimously re-elected to the office of president, Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens, of Portland, Me. Ralph Johnstone, holder of the world's altitude record for aero planes, fell five hundred feet at Denver, and was instantly killed. The four newspaper editors who were charged with inciting riots in Nicaragua were expelled from that country by President Estrada. Mayor Gaynor has given the New .York police force a severe shaking up and more than six hundred detec tives will now be required to devote their attention to Tunning down cHminals. Will M. Maupin, editor of the Lincoln (Neb.) Wageworker, was chosen secretary-treasurer of the In ternational Labor Press Association session at St. Louis. The officers of the association are as follows: President, Charles W. Fear, Joplln, Mo.; vice presidents, Edward Hirsch, Baltimore; R. G. Stewart, CedaT Rapids, la.; P, D. Drain, Evansville, Ind.; Jerome Jones, Atlanta, Ga.; Ollie JS. Wilson, Oklahoma City; Sam J)e Nedry, Washington; W. J. Kelly, 4M WU:mU Sure! "It is tho unexected that always happens." "That's right. I always know it is going to happen to me." Tho Grouch "I have noticed," growled the chronic grouch who doesn't own an auto, "that the man who owns an auto usually has a family whose fe male members need something to at tract attention away from their faces." Why? "Why do you women wear a lot of jute in your hair?" "Probably for tho same reason that you men wear vests with a big show of fine cloth in front and a concealment of cheap sateen ' in the back." Explained Satisfactorily "Lobk here, Bilkins; did you call me a liar?" "Certainly not, Mr. Blufferly. My only reference to you was to say that you were so careful of the truth that you handled it with extreme caution and moderation." "That's all right, old man. I didn't believd It when I was told that you had attacked my Veracity." As Usual "I think," exclaimed Blufferly with fine scorn, "that pblitics is a. dirty business: - I'll havtf nond df it. The candidates are all rotten, the gang controls everything, and principle is lost sight of in the pursuit of office." "Did you vote at the recent pri mary?" I asked. "No, I didn't. I had to fix my coalbin on primary day." "Did you register?" Forgot it. I was pretty busy all day the last registration day, and In the evening I attended a whist party and didn't think of registering until it was too late." This made it plain to me why Blufferly holds the opinions he does of politics and the political situation. Doubtless "The man who marries my daugh ter, sir, must be able to give her as good a homo as I have given her. Can you do that?" "Well, I don't know," replied Jack Bluffington, who stood In better with the mater than with tho pater, "but I know from what I have heard around this house that I can give her a bettor homo than tho one you gavo tho daughter of tho man you had to interview before marriage." Plenty of It "Is there any money in holding elective office?" "That deponds," replied Senator Graball. "The men upon whom I de pend for continuance In offico seem to prosper fairly well." Just Like a Man "O, hurry up there!" growled tho waiting husband. "My dear," replied tho wife, wav ing her curling Iron in tho air to cool it a bit, "you must give mo time for this. You know a 'woman's crown ing glory is her hair. " "Rats!" muttered her husband. Brain Leaks Ho" who never doubts, never thinks. Everybody loves a considerate winner. There Is no key to tho door of opportunity. Push! Speaking of "easy money" isn't it all easy to let go of? A lot of men are putting too much trust in a faulty equllibrator. Political dopesters usually become woozy on their own concoctions. Prayers may proraoto better works, but it takes votes to win elections. All the world loves a lover because the world enjoys an oppprtunlty to laugh. Many people who are in favor of good laws are opposed to their en forcement. Tho man who bites at another man's game shouldn't complain If tho taste is bad. Some men are credited with politi cal sagacity who are merely posses sors of political cunning. A lot of people lose interest in re forms when the opportunity to grat ify appetite is threatened. At any rate Philadelphia woke up long enough to mako Chicago take the dust from Quaker heels. "I know a man who is unhappy," writes Winifred Black. Why con tinue the acquaintance, then? The man who is always looking for the bright side may often strain his eyesight, but never his con science. Tho employer who takes an inter est in tho welfare of his employes is usually tho employer mogt likely to have employes who take an interest in his business. Pittsburg; secretary-treasurer, Will M. Maupin, Lincoln, Neb. The offi cers constitute tho executive committee. At the opening of the Canadian parliament, Earl Grey emphasized tho desirability of more equitable tariff arrangements between the United States and Canada. Edward M. Shepard is put forth as the democratic candidate for senator from New York to succeed' Depow, by Mayor Gaynor. Harry E. Burnam, city attorney of Omaha, died of typhoid fever. He was an ardent democrat. The Oklahoma supreme court has decided against Oklahoma' City and In favor of Guthrie as the state capi tal. Governor Haskell announces that he will call a special session of the legislature for December to locate the capital permanently. National banks of the far west are preparing to follow the lead of tho east in the organization of emer gency currency associations. Senator Oliver, republican, of Pennsylvania, announces that he will be a candidate for re-election in January. DOMT PAY TWO PRICES-i rOR STOVES A RAWdES YoUfcTeliOtO&MO Hoosier Ranges Heaters Whynot tiny the txstwhea yoa can bay than At tucu loir, unheard-of ITactory Prices, lfooslerfttave ana lUncet ere delivered for you to ue in wot " own horn M ri frwi before Toa buy. A written guarantee wltli ru stars backed by ft Million Dollars, Our new 1M1 lmimvo menu on iUith absolutely surpaM anything ever produced. fi4pUlteayforfratttoff ,M MOOSIER STOVE FACTORY " State Street. Marie, ! wkjPf9RStL JHMH KSTTfcJ'Bl IHiEI sFHoosiefHteei' "PLAIN TALKS ON FLORIDA" By I. I. Moody, ono of tho utato'fl curly settlers. From theo talku you will learn many Important thlnKfl about Florida and Florida mndB- fuctH for you to remember when you Invent. All about arto wlan water, clay-BUbHoll, potato landn, celery landH. etc. TIioho talks aro worth 1.00, but they will bo Bent froo for tho asking". Write for them. BUNNELL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Jluniiull, Florida THE GUARANTY STATE BANK has depositors In every stato of th union In tho Intorcstu of sound and safe banking you should be one of them. In tho Interests of your self and dependents your money should bo placed where It Is secured. Wo sharo our success with our customers. Among our assets are strength, conservatism and liber" allty. three Important factors to consider. Scad for Hooklef. M. G. HASKELL, V. P. MUHKOGICI3, OKLA. I0NEY.hT We fell you howt and ay btil nrkt prloet. ttiU tor tttiaci and wklr price Hit. H. SABEL & SONS. L0U8TILLK, KT. TJtaltn la I'urt. Mitt. WmL KtUUblMd 18M. ffffiSFJIlM EfijJ3Jm roi TPikwu I'ura I will pay all oxprcm and lftfti - ' eat market prlco for Rir from all sec tions; end for prlcm and taw, my returns will please you. Jos. McClamroch, Mocksvllle, K. C T)sirne No Fee until allowed. Free Hook ruuzJllc laxutK a fuller, waALi , v. c. PATENTS Wmtmen E. Ce.Iewa.Hj Patent .Lawyer, Washington, D.V. Advice and books free. Sates reasonable? Htebeet reference. Seat services. A SIIiENT PARTNER "So you and Meyer have set up a marriage agency? "What capital have you?" "I put two hundred dollarg in the business and Meyor his six unmairried daughters." Meggen'dorfer Blaetter. Choice Virginia Farms I'er Acre and tip. Alone tho C. fc O. Railroad, through tho heart or Virginia. Rich soil. Mild Winters, flood Markets. For Handsomo Hooklet and iow Excursion Rates, address . Il WALL, Ileal Kstata A tout, C. fc O Railway, Uox. XV, Richmond, Virginia. , MW Pure Blood m Ilia ia.l ..- .- 1,.1.. n . know that common red clover Womomt, when K0arty creparaJ, possess mar VKIWM rU.M.,.0 . wyl C WU P tlCTltrlf (Vt!T-n nnrlfvln.tli .tJtmj Clover Is a Tonln Lxatlve-fceepe bowels nkn4M4 taa bealthy condition removes Imparities. Neetih&m's Extract Re Govt centals no alcohol and is not a patesi nedldae. It fm 4iaplyapareextractorcl4e clover blossoms, mttu fedatftMithartfjh time and prepared la aaelmrtlW MMHwr. If yot auffer from constipation, heodacbesL fAcla! eruptions, ecceca, salt rheum. cncer, rVtmaia tlsm or any blood disease, you staoskl lean all bet bl wonderful remedy. Ask your druggist tot jtst4 Mat's Extract. Head coupon for free booklet. 1. 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