The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 25, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
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It cost Eugono N. Fobs $37,000 to
bo olocted governor of Massachu
sotts. Governor Draper, whom Foss
defeated, spoilt $17,000.
During his visit to Panama, Presi
dent aft wag told that tho canal
would bo completed by Decomhor 1,
1913, and that tho work would bo
accomplished within the three hun
drod and seventy-five million dollars
already appropriated.
J. T. Harrahan will, on January 12,
rotiro as president of tho Illinois
Contral railway.
A Washington correspondent says:
"One of tho most interesting situa
tions in a senatorial way in tho en
tire country is procipitated in Massa
chusetts. Tho republicans there con-
tlnuo to control tho legislature, at
tho same timo tho democrats think
thoy can get enough republican help
to defeat Senator Lodge. The re
publican margin of control in tho
legislature has been much cut down,
and Senator Lodgo's friends are
powerfully pestered. Tho democrats
aro trying to solidify the anti-Lodge
forces and while Lodge probably will
bo returned, yet he is very much
worried over tho situation."
A news dispatch carried by the As
sociated Press says: "Interest on
doposits in postal savings banks will
be paid only once a year. The boaTd
of trustees, which is composed of
Postmaster General Hitchcock, At
torney Genoral Wickersham and Sec
retary MacVeagh, decided on that in
terpretation of the law at a' confer
ence today. Tho interest will be
computed only from the first day of
tho month following tho dato of de
posit and interest on an original de
posit will not bo payable until the
first twelve months have elapsed."
The Press club of Des Moines, la.,
gave Senator Lafayette Young a
banquet. Senator Cummins and
Governor Carroll attended and the
lion arid tho lamb rested comfortably
The Louisiana legislature met in
special session November 21, for the
purpose of electing a successor to
the late United States Senator Mc-Enery.
The attorney general of Tennes
see has dismissed the case against
Jlobin Cooper, charged with the mur
der of former Senator E. C. Carmack.
The elder Cooper-was pardoned after
being sent to state's prison, by Gov
ernor Patterson.
The directors of the Canadian Pa
cific railroad, declared a dividend of
2 per cent on the common stock for
the quarter ended September 30, be-
Buy a Farm in Eastern Oklahoma
In the Agricultural Garden Spot of America, Formerly the Famous Indian Territory
1 1
U. S. Government Removes All Restrictions From the
Finest Farm Lands Left in the Great Corn Belt
Tho opportunity for which tho pooplo of this coun
try have waited for years Is now here! At last they
aro to bo given tho chanco to ontor tho FamouH ludlna
Territory of 15 Hater h Oklahoma tho ric'i agricultural
paradise sot asldo by a beneficent government for the
solo use and benefit of tho American Indians.
At last tho white man Is permitted to ocoupy the
rich lands that tho U, S. government selected from
all Its vast domains as tho choicest territory It could
And for a suitable homo for tho rod man. For years
past these lands havo been known to everyone for
their wonderful richness. For years they havo been
looked Upon and coveted by tho white man. All that
has been lacking was. a. chanco to own thorn: Tkat
opportunity Is bow here.
. At last tho government has recognized tho frult
lossnoss of trying to mako farmers of tho red man
and allow this rich t.nd beautiful country to remain
soils aro rich and thoro is an abundant annual rain
fall of 40 inches. Tho water is good. and. tho climate
is tho best in tho United States outsldo of California.
Located within easy shipping distance of greatest
market centers, with ample railroad facilities.
Our proposition Is, without doubt, the best to be
found anywhere ia tho United States. Our lands are
open to the fullest investigation you desire to make.
Wo aro now selling these high-grade farms at very
low prices and easy terms, we furnish abstracts and
guarantee titles to be perfect. We invito your Inspec
tion beforo you buy. Excursion rates on all railroads
the first and third Tuesdays of each month to our
lands. "We want agents In every county In Iowa, Ne
braska, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri and South
Dakota. Write for our liberal offer and terms.
Como to Eastern Oklahoma, whore you can realize
quickly on your Investment; whore the last great
The Last Great Opportunity for Komeseeker or Investor
practically undeveloped and uncultivated. At last tho
government has realized tho folly of withholding
this magnificent empire of agriculture, oil and min
eral wealth from development.
A recent act of congross, romovlng all restrictions
from our landu la Eastern Oklahoma, throws down
the bars and opens a now field of untold wealth to
tho advance of civilization and progress. Our lands,
comprising a largo number of tho finest farms over
offered for sale, are in tho very heart of tho finest
section of this new territory now oporiod to the poo
plo of this country for tho first time,
Tho chance to own one of these choice farms is
now offered to you. Thoso farms, equal in ovory re
spect to tho high-priced lands in tho older states now
soiling for $100 to $150 per acre, present tho greatest
opportunity today to tho homesccker or Investor for
a safe and profitable investment in high-class farm
ing lands.
Romembor, this is the last great section of terri
tory, located strictly in tho groat rala and cor hclt,
to be placed on tho market. We provo by results
that these farms aro. equal if not better in producing
capacity than tho" high-priced farming lands An the
older states and they may yet be purchased at one
fourth to one-third tho money.
Our lands are now under cultivation, producing suc
cessfully COrn. Wheat. OatS. COttnn. alffllfn. nnrl nlnvai
and are unsurpassed for fruit and vegetables. The
opportunity to got into the choice farming bolt yet
remains. Oklahoma is tho fastest growing state in
tho union. Thousands of hopeful, onergotlc, ambi
tion Americans are flocking to this new land of
promise and multitudes aro getting ready to go.
Remember, the opportunity to secure such high
grade farms at low prices is fast passing away.
Never again will you havo tho chanco that wo pre
sont to you. If you .hayo failed to take advantage
of opportunities In the pas.t do not let this one pass by
and havo sometalng to regret tho rest of your life.
Cut out and mall us coupon TODAY for full Infor
mation. Address.
305 Fraternity Building, Lincoln, Neb.
Cut Out and Mail Coupon
Today for Full Information
365 Fraternity Building, Lincoln, Nob.
Gentlemen: Without incurring any expense or ob
ligation to mo, please send mo full information about
your Eastern Oklahoma Lands.
State !-....., R,. F, D,
ing at the rate of 7 per cent per year
from revenue and 1 per cent from
Interest on proceeds from land sales.
The democrats will control both
houses of the new Oklahoma legislature.
Prince Victor Napoleon Bonaparto
cousin of King Victor Emanuel of
Italy, and pretender to the throne of
France, and Princess Clementine,
daughter of the late King Leopold
of Belgium, were married at Mon
callri, Italy.
Captain Thomas Mason, who was
Admiral Farragut's flag lieutenant at
the battle of Mobile bay, died at
Orange, N. J.
A Washington dispatch carried by
tho Associated Press says: "Finan
ciers who have returned from the na
tional monetary commission's con
ference, held in New York last week,
expressed the belief today that Sen
ator Aldrlch would attempt to ac
complish at the coming short ses
sion of congress the enactment of a
currency reform bill and that the
central bank Idea would be one of
its features. Such a bill, it was said,
is now in course of preparation,
though its details still are incom
plete. A subject of much specula
tion here is the question of what
disposition of the $15,000,000 of 2
per cent 'bonds now held by national
banks will be proposed as the basis
of note circulation in a central .bank
scheme. The market value of these
bonds is now much below their pur
chase price. While one plan of car
ing for these securities suggested has
been to take them nn with the ,nnstal
jsavings; as is allowed by the-postal
ered that such a purpose might be
too slow."
London cablegrams say that King
George has taken sides with the
house of lords, and that resignation
of the cabinet is probable.
Congressman Maguire, democrat;
of the First Nebraska' district, has
made a public statement in which
he says that Tie is In favor of revi
sion, of the rules in the democratic
house, just as he struggled for it in
the republican house.
Joseph Brooks & Co., an English
woolen firm, operating a branch
house In New York City, was at
tached by the United States govern
ment in an action to recover two
hundred thousand dollars damages.
The firm Is charged with evading
tariff duties.
The price of oil In Oklahoma has
gone up to 42 cents a barrel and It
is claimed by oil men that this is
due to the federal investigtion as to
the existence of a combine -of pipe
line owners. ,
Robert F. Wilson of Chicago, re
cently re-elected to the legislature,
was again indicted by a grand jury.
He Is charged with perjury In con
nection with the Lorlmer affair.
The first world's Christian
ference met at Philadelphia.
All contests for the patenting of
lands "in the oil country of .Califor
nia are being held up by the government.
It is officially announced. that the
king and queen of England" hope to
visit India and. hold- a coronation
dubar at Delhi January 1, 1-912.- -
It is plain that an organized effort
is being made to stir up trouble be
tween the United States and Mexico.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Washington says: "Everything I
1 1